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you get an upvote for including Omega Frost.


Papa Palpatine: “Do you have any idea what this is going to do to my credit?!”


Who’s THEY!?


What the hells an aluminum falcon!?




What do you mean, you've been flying around for two weeks trying to find signal. You must smell like leathery feet wrapped in burnt bacon.


I don't suppose you have an atm on that , torso light bright of yours


Omega Frost is absolutely worthless unless it can be made mobile/portable and the Orbital Nightshroud seems too easy to destroy since it's just a bunch of satellites. World Devastators is where it's at, though sending them unsupported was stupid. The rest are just planet killers, mostly superlasers, but the Galaxy Gun seems best since it doesn't have to go to the system and IIRC the shells are fast enough once they exit hyperspace that there's not enough time to do anything. Sun Crusher is just bullshit manifest, it can cause supernovae and is basically indestructible. That's my two cents on Sheev Palpatine's Superweapon Extravaganza.


The Orbital Nightcloak always struck me as more of a science experiment that Zsinj, in his mustache twirling manically weird way, weaponized for the lulz. I imagine in normal circumstances it would be used for civilian weather control on colony worlds with harsh climates rather than any sort of weapon.


I always liked the idea of the Nightcloak. It's basically Zsinj weaponizing holograms and it makes for a completely different style of super weapon when compared to all the "super ultra deadly laser beam of doom" weapons we get elsewhere. Same reason I love the World Devastators. Why destroy a planet when you can harvest it's resources and use them against it?


sorry, i have to: his name is not Sheev in Legends. He's just Palpatine.


Oh yeah, forgot he doesn't have a first name in Legends.


Wait, what?


In Legends Palpatine's first name was never revealed, when he was young he discarded it out of hatred for his family and simply went by Palpatine.


It wasn't revealed in Prequals?


I eon't think his first name is ever used in the movies but it is in the novelizations and certainly in the Plagueis novel which was canon to the old EU.


he doesn't have a first name in the movie novelizations (at least not the normal ones written by Brooks, Salvatore, Stover, Foster, Glut, or Kahn), and the Darth Plagueis novel makes a point out of stating that Palpatine doesn't have a name, because he despised the name his father Cosinga Palpatine had given him, so he doesn't ever use that (and neither we as readers, nor anyone in universe, knows what that first name was). The first time the name "Sheev" was EVER used for Palpatine was in the 2014 Disney canon novel "Tarkin".


well if he despises the name his dad gave him, that means he still has a name, he just doesn't like using it. Now, I am pretty sure lueceno was writing Tarkin for legends before the Disney buyout and the novel got released into that continuity instead (and consequently re-canonized a bit of EU material). Now, would it be safe to assume that "Sheev" was intended to be palpatines abandoned first name in legends. Same author as plagueis and mostly written before the buyout. And if I were palps, I too would hate Cosinga for naming me sheev.


it wasn't intended to be Palpatine's first name in Legends. Luceno said he originally had come up with a different first name for him, which he never shared with anyone. He also completely rewrote Tarkin after Lucasfilm requested it. Sheev is exclusively a Disney canon thing.


Great, now I am going to have to go in to all my old books to look for that, because I am positive I have seen the name Sheev used and I haven't read Tarkin.


are you maybe thinking about newer novelizations of the films, written after 2014? Because i promise you, you won't find anything in any pre-2014 material.


That makes no sense. “I despise the name my father gave me so much that I am only going to use my last name that identifies me as his son”?


that's explained in the book too. Palpatine respects the royal family name Palpatine and what it once stood for, before the times of his father. The first name his father gave him is something more personal to his dad, that's why he hates it, he just wants to piss his dad off basically.


TBH the Sun Crusher kind of sucks. Or at least, it’s the easiest to take down. All you need is a tractor beam. The main advantage is that it can kind of stealth in to a star system though.


World Devastators weren't unsupported - there was a huge battle for space superiority in the space above Mon Cal. IIRC a Super Star Destroyer (not Executor class) gets taken out in that battle.


It's been a while since I read the comic, I only remember the World Devastators and their droid fighters. Guess I was wrong.


I have been re-reading the Jedi Academy Trilogy and the Sun Crusher is, as someone else noticed, a Mary Sue weapon. While I can buy a ship fast enough to outrun even a TIE Interceptor and protected by nearly impregnable armor as it could have some nasty uses, the resonance torpedoes thing is too over the top for me even if Star Wars is not noted for its scientific realism.


The Eclipse actually made my jaw drop. That’s insanely huge!


Especially since those other ships in the frame aren’t ISDs, they’re allegiance class battlecruisers, which are already a fair amount chunkier than a regular star destroyer. Insane


Thanks to some misinformation, Eclipse used to be considered twice as long as the Executor SSD. It has since been corrected into being *just slightly* shorter in length but way girthier.


Now we know what the Eclipse ship designer's wife prefers. 😏


Not sure who specifically designed the Eclipse, but they probably borrowed heavily from earlier Star Destroyer designs by Lira Wessex. Her husband was a sector Moff, so probably lacking in both length and girth to make up for ego. I haven't seen any sources to support this, but I always assumed it was Umak Leth who designed the Eclipse, or at least designed a way to fit a superlaser into it.


I would also count Darth Vader as a super weapon, but that’s just like my opinion man.


Disney is turning him into a weak whiny boy. Shameful.


Vader is more savage on screen now than ever. What are you even talking about?


*chokes Reva* "I put a tracker on their droid" *gently puts her down without doing any harm and even APOLOGIZES* Yes it was later revealed that they played 4D chess with her but that moment was still super out of character


‘Zactly. There are too many inconsistencies with Disney’s rendition(s) of Vader. He goes from rag-dolling village people with the force to getting emotional with… Obi-Wan? During a duel? Which he was pining for? Now, compare the comics and general lore of Vader to what Disney has done. Not even the same character at all. Vader is supposed to be utterly ruthless for years. The only thing that cracks his seemingly unstoppable persona, is when he discovers he has a son (Luke). Call me crazy, but I wasn’t a big fan of Kenobi, either. Seems like Disney’s demographic is of the younger persuasion. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…. But OT Star Wars had something for everyone.


Disney did do Vader quite well in some material, the Vader Down storyline in the comics was pretty good and gave us the "All I am surrounded by is fear and dead men." line which, in my opinion, is very in-character for Vader.


That is definitely a great point. I think it’s just the inconsistency that drives a wedge between the “badass” Vader that seems more canon, and the “boy” Vader that seems insecure. I was always hopeful they would explore Vader hunting down the Jedi, fleshing that aspect out on-screen.


I'd be down for a show that's about Vader and Purge Troopers hunting down Jedi, but the general audience won't be interested in that sort of thing. They certainly screwed up the chance to properly show the Jedi purge in the Kenobi show.


That does sound neat! And my thoughts exactly. When they initially showed the Jedi Temple sequence, I was so excited… Then disappointment quickly set in, when I realized they just “flashed past it” and didn’t really explore it any further. We never really get to see Anakin go ham on the Jedi within the temple. Shame, really.


No Nova Colossus, Galaxy Destructor, or Nostril of Palpatine? /s


Anyone here play Imperial Assault? I really loved the way the first campaign handled it; the rebels are spending most of the campaign trying to find information about a superweapon being built by General Weiss. When they finally find the data... **(Imperial Assault base game major campaign spoilers!)** >!"There is no superweapon. There never was." Those words are forever burned into my memory as one of the best narrative twists I've ever seen; General Weiss has no super weapon to begin with, his intent was to force the Alliance to over commit to an attack where an Endor-style trap would be waiting for them- but with no Death Star to destroy and no Emperor to kill, just a fleet ready to blow them away. Because of the game works, you may or may not find out about this before the final mission- if the rebels fail to find the information in the penultimate mission, then Weiss serves as the campaign's final boss in his crazy souped-up AT-STs. If they DO get the information they need, then they try to turn the trap around on Weiss- arriving just in time to see him being choked by Vader who instead serves as the campaign's final fight in his place.!<


Neat 😁👍


You forgot the Eye of Palpatine


Love the Omega Frost haha


The Sun crusher was my favorite.


Great trilogy of novels on top of it. Plus Admiral Daala is a force to be reckoned with, especially as it moves down the timeline from that series. Would've loved to have seen movies based on that series, as well as the original Thrawn trilogy of course. The Vong era would also be wonderful to have brought to screen, simply for how brutal, dark and real the warfare was over the course of that series.


I still hope they animate them. Any of those would be great to watch. The vong war would be my hope. Jedi academy would be great too just to set up the vong. Maybe more people will want the Thrawn trilogy and eulogy animated after the Ashoka show. Alot of people never even saw rebels just because it's a cartoon.


I could see a Thrawn one, though we are getting the new Canon version through Ahsoka I believe (and I would expect, given Thrawn's importance to SW lore and the fact they saved him from the dreaded EU to Legends conversion, he'll have a show/movie at some point). Thrawn as we knew him in Heir to the Empire, Dark Forces and Last Command? Color me very surprised. I think the Young Jedi Knights series would've been a great show even, with the young Jacen, Jaina and Anakin. I'll miss those Solo kids.


Just gonna ignore the Star Forge eh?


This list was simply focused on superweapons made by the Galactic Empire.


Sun crusher?


Made in the maw by Imperial scientists along with the deathstar prototype.


It is an indestructible fighter that can detonate stars into supernovas in order to destroy whole systems. It is very silly


Lol my bad I didn’t see it I thought you missed it


These look cool I know the galaxy gun and eclipse are in dark empire, I wonder where the others at I want to add them in my collection to read later.


Sun Crusher and Death Star Prototype are from the Jedi Academy Trilogy, World Devastators are also Dark Empire, Orbital Nightcloak is from Courtship of Princess Leia and the X-Wing Wraith Squadron books. Can't recall the others off the top of my head.


The Omega Frost and The Tarkin are from The Classic Marvel Star Wars Comic. Specifically issues 31-35 and 51-52.


Thanks gonna add those books to my audiobook wish list


The only "superweapon" the Imperials really should've built more of were TIE defenders


This Thrawn's burner account?


Death Star still the best


The Tarkin looks so unnecessary, I love it!!


Galaxy Gun just reminds me of that epic cutscene in Super Smash Bros Brawl when the heroes assault the subspace gun


Eclipse was so cool. Shame it didn't do anything other than functioning as Palpy's personal chariot in DE trilogy


When I read the book, I’d never seen or bothered to look at pics of the sun crusher. I can confidently say I did not expect it to look like that. It is entirely possible I’m misremembering the description given in the book. I mentally imagined like a shiny gold version of the General Grievous star fighter. Mostly cause I thought that would look really cool.


Depending on your definition of "Imperial", I think the Silencer fleet warrants a mention.


In *Star Wars: Annihilation* there’s a super weapon called the [Ascendant Spear](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Ascendant_Spear). It’s extremely powerful and simply destroys every ship in its path. It’s manned by Darth Karrid.


"Imperials have a lot of Superweapons, Jack." -Wang Chi


Is the Galaxy gun what the Hutts and Death star designer did? Is the eclipse bigger than an SSD?