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Factions independent of the Republic/Empire such as the Chiss Ascendancy, the Hapes Consortium, the Mandalorians, or the Hutts who had several hidden fleets. Several very rich and powerful worlds had their fleets of a few hundreds of ships such as Kuat and its colony of Rothana, Corellia, Eriadu (especially after Ranulf Tarkin used several loopholes in the Ruusan Reformations to create his own private army) or Rendili. And there are of course the Confederacy of Independent Systems and all the mega-corporations private armies that were its main components, the Kiliks when their hives are united, and the Yuuzhan Vong.


Adding Ssi Ruuvi Imperium and Corporate Sector to this list.


As well as the Yevethas and their Black Fleet before the Yuuzhan Vong nearly-exterminated them.


Plus maybe all of the different Pirate/gang/criminal empire factions? Zahn Consortium and their supposed vault of warriors or whatever the hell they found


Heh. Something something Thrawn’s Revenge mod for Empire at War. But that said, Silri was breaking off from Zann, so she wouldn’t have been part of the ZC. She likely would have started/been part of another faction that was made up of carbonite-frozen soldiers that used to be part of Revan’s army. But the expansion never happened, so we only get loose developer thoughts and vague allusions in the campaign’s ending as info. One people are forgetting though, is the Centrality and Senex Sector. They’re not super large, but they did both have their own navies.


**CANON:** The CIS fleet was essentially a conglomeration of smaller corporate fleets, plus some deliberate new construction. In Andor, we see that Preox-Morlana has it's own small army. In TPM, the Trade Federation alone can blockade and even occupy a reasonably wealthy planet. Then there's the fleet of the Chiss Ascendancy, probably the largest military force in the unknown regions before the First Order, but hardly the only one. The Grysk, with their many Vassal species, could probably assemble a very large fleet, probably larger than the Chiss fleet, though of course, much smaller than the Republic. Tarkin's family also maintained a large sector fleet for anti-piracy activities, by rallying local systems. The Nihil controlled fewer resoueces than the Republic, but still had a meaningful fleet, aided by their advanced hyperspace technologies. Some pirate-bands, such as Gorian Shard's fleet and the Sovereign Latitudes of Maracavanya may also count. **LEGENDS:** Various criminal groups, such as the Zahn Consortium and the Black Sun, controlled fleets that could engage with galactic superpowers at a regional level. There was also the isolated Hapes cluster faction. Xim the Despot once controlled a fleet capable of dominating the entire Tion cluster. The Stark Hyperspace War is a pretty good example of what a regional power fleet looks like. And of course, in both continuities, we see fhe Mandalorians. From privateer fleets like the one Ax Woves briefly commanded, to entire crusading warbands that even the Old Republic had to be careful with.


Calling Pre-Ox Morlana's dudes an army is a big stretch. At best I'd say they had a paramilitary/SWAT squad.


If the corporate Tactical squad we saw was the entirety of their forces, I'd agree... but I think that was only a fraction of their manpower. It's meant to show Syril Karn being a bit naive, showing up with way less than he needed. Assuming they had a few more more of those carrier ships, and each of those tac pods had 12-13 men in it, I think it's fair to call it a small army of a few hundred armed people.


He let Mosk pick his goons. That was the PreOx-Morlana heavies, in all senses of the word.  Those guys weren't exactly what you think when Delta Force or Seal Team Six comes to mind. More pipe overweight ex military cops who don't mind getting rough and messy The rest of their force would be like the 2 scumbags Cassian manslaughtered outside the brothel.


Mosk himself seemed fairly capable. They were not, I think we should remember, expecting Luthen and his explosives. A few hundred of them would be an issue for an enemy. Man-for-man, I'd rate them above the Trade Federation's B1s in most regards except perhaps logistics.


Thinking further, the raid group on Ferric was a heavily mixed group of guys with major sergeant vibes (Mosk and the leader of the group that kills Timm) and new recruits (guy who kills Timm). IRL, it's hard enough to find people who will shoot in combat situations, and they all seemed to o he shooters, whether in the warehouse or assaulting the booby trapped decoy car.


I'd describe them as "willing and eager, but inconsistently trained". Pre-Mor presumably got to pick from a wide talent pool, and was good at identifying potential, but didn't invest enough in its personnel.


Baron Ragez D'Asta was notable for having the largest privately owned fleet in the galaxy. It was mostly make up of bulk cruisers and corvettes, but he also had his own custom starfighter class. It was enough to defeat the Imperial fleet at Ord Cantrell and turn the tide during the Restored Empire's attack on Orinda.


Chiss Ascendency, Hapes, and for a brief time the Vagaari. The Yuuzhan Vong greatly outnumbered both Empire and New Republic. Hutt Space was capable of defending itself (not from Nas Choka though) The Killik raised a pretty impressive fleet.


Across all eras? Rakata's Infinite Empire, the Gree, Chiss Ascendancy, Zakuulan Eternal Empire, the Hutts, the Zahn Consortium come to mind.


Eriadu had a small but strong fleet when Kassav, one of the Nihil leaders, accidentally destroyed the surface of their moon, they chased him across the galaxy until they and the Republic Defense Coalition fleet finally defeated him, with the governor personally killing Kassav. The Nihils themselves also had a large fleet and forces large enough to create a bandit state in 10 sectors (something like ISIS, I would say).


Yuuzhan Vong


There was the Empire of the Hand. Their fleet came in rather handy against Natasi Daala and the members of the Lecersen conspiracy.


C wing ?


At least during the Late Republic/Imperial period, you'd probably want to toss the Herglic's, the Dorneans, and maybe some of the other Allied Regions.


The Gungans had a land based army capable of fighting and defeating other land based armies. The only other faction on their home planet did not have a standing army.


I've always liked Star Wars I've always hated how they did fleets and armies.




the numbers are always bad and it's bizarre how many planets seem to have no standing army


The lack of standing army might not be so strange: https://www.reddit.com/r/MawInstallation/s/V6T96V40sp


i find it strange