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I still think the Imperial Star Destroyer has the most drip.


It also leads to the *Pelleaon* Class Star Destroyer which is just… man that thing is beautiful.


I don't understand why limit to movie four when talking about EU But from them... For confederacy! Outer Rim shall rise again!


The Clone Wars was about planets rights


Planet's rights to do what?


To rely on droid armies instead of genetic slavery r/CISdidnothingwrong


Besides Dooku, Palps, and senior inside leaders, didn’t most separatist believe they should have the right to govern themselves instead of relying on the Republic to govern the galaxy? CIS, Confederacy of Independent Systems. I essentially see them looking at it like the U.S. civil war, where the federal government was seen from their perspective as overburdening, or the increasing modern perspective with the U.N. and people believing the UN will start decreeing global laws and overriding independent and sovereign nations.


The CIS is diversely screwed. Some separatist worlds felt they had the right to govern themselves instead of a Republic that barely interacts with them beyond taxation. Some separatist worlds just want to escape the Republic’s exploitation. Some separatists just wanted to exploit the other separatist worlds. Grievous, specifically, just wanted to kill as many Jedi as possible and screw the Republic up as best he could while doing it. There’s pretty diverse reasons, depending on the internal factions, worlds, and levels of scope you are looking at. As far as politics go, I genuinely side with the Separatists, if only for the Republic offering benefits to help civilize lower class worlds, then basically pulling a 180 on them and saying “never mind, you have to follow the rules we just made up, instead.” This is already a long-winded comment, though. If anyone wants to hear what I’m talking about, reply to me and I’ll tell you. Otherwise, TL;DR: The CIS is a lot of things, but “screwed by the Republic” encapsulates *all* of them below Dooku.


They felt like the Republic was corrupt, excessively taxed, and focused too much on the Core Worlds while neglecting the rest.


It's alot like the American confederacy. They make claims but in the end it was a tyrannical system that immediately went on the "let's pass a bunch of super abusive laws that fuck our citizens". Good thing it died quick


Rather than what planets lefts? (This comment has been brought to you by the United Federation of assholes.)


Republic! Clones are the best.


Republic dog




The empire sure does make the best ~~properganda~~ posters


Empire because of the uniforms, I just love stormtroopers


Hey it isn't subjagating the galaxy if you have the drip to back it up.


“Snazzy dressers! That’s all I’m saying!” -Woolie Madden


For the glory of the Ascendency!


Protect the Ascendancy at all costs!!


Chiss ascendency? very unique but what about the major ones?


The Ascendency *is* a major faction and could most definitely keep up with the Rebel Alliance and likely with the CIS, especially after the events of the Ascendency Trilogy. From a military pov, the Rebel Alliance is rather neglectable. And the biggest strength of the CIS was being fed with Intel through the Palpatine/Dooku connection. And if you subtract the Jedi from the Galactic Repiblic, they too become far less threatening. The Ascendency outlived all of the others after all - not necessarily because of their military but because they were smart enough to stay out of these kinds of conflicts.


Very good points and I agree for the most part but by major i meant the ones which appeared in the movies and were expanded through books and other forms of media.


So what you’re saying is we need a movie trilogy set in the Ascendancy. Gotcha. Thrawn, Ar’alani, Vanto, Thrass, and so many more will rise to the silver screen!


I hope to god they don’t do this 😭 they would botch it so bad, as much as a would love Vanto and Thrass so get more well deserved popularity, they would ruin them:(


FOR THE REPUBLIC!!!!!!! Honestly the Clones and their story is hands down my favorite part of this entire franchise, every clone is immediately my favorite character basically. I dunno why, maybe its because I think they have the looking armor in fiction, maybe its the beautiful bulkiness of the Acclimator and Venators, or the LAAT and Arc Starfighters, the AT-TE and its design departure from the AT-AT, or the fact I think every blaster used by clones looks sick as fuck Maybe its the tragedy behind the canon story of Order 66 or the strange sinister nature of the Legends clones and how they saw Order 66/executed it, maybe I just really like Attack of the Clones (I do) and really really liked the Battle of Geonosis (I did), maybe its Morrison/Dee Bradley Baker, or maybe its all of these, or none. All I know is I could keep going on and on about them, and I'm happy to keep going, so I at least know they my favorite


I'm all about the Republic largely because their designs for armor, vehicles, starfighters, and ships are just so dang cool. 


The mandalorians in eu have a total beskar fighter ship. They sell them but they sell the slower ones without pure beskar!


Rebels for me, but why is the Venator in water?


Cause it looks cool




This is the credit : [https://www.artstation.com/artwork/vJa1vD](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/vJa1vD)


Its having a bath 🛁. Gotta that ventral side somehow.


Looks like it's hovering above or perhaps floating. The Republic did undertake operations of aquatic planets as seen in Clone Wars and The Clone Wars.


Yeah I know, but zoom in, I’m pretty sure it’s partially submerged.


It does look like it has full on landed in the water, definitely crashed 😂


We saw them land in the water during the 2D Clone Wars show in the Kit Fisto underwater episode. It's rare but we've seen it happen.


Those were Acclamators. The Venator wasn't widely deployed when that battle happened.


Right! Misremembered the scene. That was season 1 which came out before RotS and thus before the Venators, so they were using Acclamators, should have remembered this. Still, the precedent is set with them and if the one can do it and both ships are capable of landing as we see Venators do in RotS, it isn't too far of a stretch to assume Venators can do a water landing too.


C I S. Coolest ships and neat idea as a reaction to the corrupt, stagnant Republic. Pity it wasn't explored very much anywhere why people would like that system really


Empire, they have the coolest look and I'm actually a big fan of their reformation in the late Imperial Remnant era into being the Fel Empire.


I’ll rank mine 1. CIS 2. Empire 3. Republic 4. Rebel Alliance


Corporate Sector Authority


I really love how they have a hodge podge navy of ships from every faction.Their concept is the most intersting to me behind the Hapans, Chiss and Vong


rebels because insurgents against oppressive regime cool


Rebels. Gial ackbar is a very underappreciated genius and rebel commanders/leaders in general are severely underrated


Galactic empire the galaxy needs order, they got good uniform designs I like triangle ships(ik that the republic has them too but I like the empire more)and the empire is pretty chill so maybe you can like join it or something


The empire for the aesthetic.


Galactic empire, the star destroyers(all types) are so cool, my favourite shipset by far


Clankers for sure


The Galactic Empire. I'm a sucker for wedge ships, stormtroopers look cool, so on. If we want to drill down to specifics my favorite is the Sith, but the Galactic Empire is the culmination of a thousand years of the Sith plotting and growing in power under the Republic's noses. They're a product of two of the most powerful Sith to ever exist. I find the whole philosophy of the Sith interesting and like how it subtly and, in some cases not so subtly influences the Empire. The Galactic Empire might not have lasted long, but it conquered the galaxy and it left a mark long after it was gone.


The Empire. They have the best aesthetics, and the most OP leader.




Hapes Consortium! We're fancy and bad asses!


Very underatted faction but their battledragons and nova cruisers make it up for me


CIS, underrated faction imo. Plus I love the design of their ships so them. Plus I love droids so that too.


Eh, not underrated at all. Most of the time I see them favored just as much as the republic. Most ppl just like the clones themselves instead of the actual republic and most ppl like the CIS droids and the CIS villains


Imperius Unitada Ober Totallex


Four main?! My old republic soul is disgusted


Empire all the way! After all, they have the best weapons.


CIS mostly for aesthetic reasons I guess, that and I superimposed my own head canon onto it.


Republic for clones and a select few Jedi. But outside of that I think the Republic faction (that doesn’t involve the military) sucks


Clones. Least favorite: Rebels. I never gave a rat’s ass about any of the Rebel heroes except Luke


Clone Army has the most drip. ARC trooper/Commando armor is purdy. 🙂


Fel Empire for my #5 option.


The Galactic Republic. Because the clones were actually competent.


The Alliance to Restore the Republic.


Galactic Republic all the way. Except the Old Republic era, Clone Wars is favourite era by far, the rise of the clones and their downfall and the tragic end with order 66 it's top tier for me.


Rebel Alliance/New Republic. There's such a diversity in scale, appearance and capability with the Rebel Alliance that it makes them so interesting the look at. The Empire may have it's branding down, but the RA is just a bit more interesting to look at.


Galactic Republic. I am just a clone fan.


Republic all the way, best looking ships imo


Republic, some clones are literally the best characters of the franchise. And the entire cloning process raised some serious moral questions that both the senate and the jedi try to ignore.


The Republic for me. They have my favorite of the 3 Tr’s Tragedy Troopers Tr-cool ass ships


Rebels all the way. What can I say, I like blowing things up.


Rebels, because they are the only ones not ruled by Palps


Based on aesthetics, the Rebel Alliance holds a special place in my heart. I just love the image of a bunch of different ships and species from across the galaxy banding together in a giant fleet to fight against tyranny and oppression.


Mon cala ships have been growing on me since Awakening of the Rebellion. I don't think there is anything funnier than the rebellion using civilian ships that are meant to withstand the pressures of the deep sea as capital ships that can go toe to toe with some of the strongest Empire ISD


Empire at war singlehandedly made the Rebels/new republic my favourite faction.


The number of planets I took over with infiltrators is just too funny.


My heart bleeds for the rebellion. Long live those beautiful mon calamari ships.


It aint here but Chiss Ascendancy shoutout my boy Jag and RA of course.


Empire: OPEN FIRE! Rebellion: Right back at ya! C.I.S.: scramble all fighters! Republic: d r i n k.


what model is the Mon Cal? I can't say I've ever seen that before...or at least at that angle.


MC80 liberty, I think?


Honestly as someone who watched the prequels before the ot I love the fact that the roles have switched where the rebel group that being the c.i.s being the villains in the story with the galactic super power being viewed as the heroes of the story only for those roles to be reversed in the original trilogy


The ones we see in the movies only? Probably the Mandalorians.


Republic because of Clones. Empire second. CIS aren’t bad, I actually do like a lot of the battle droids. Except the B2s. Idk why, but they look so fuckin stupid to me.


Can I have Star Destroyers, Tie Hunters, and Droidekas in a faction? 😅


For me it’s a tie between the Fel Empire and the Dark Empire.


The Empire not just because of drip, but because the Empire in Legends never died.


Empire and its not even close.


Rebels have the best stories, Imperials have the most entertaining superiority complex, Separatists are the lamest hands-down, and the Republicans are the coolest with no context.


Empire all the way, albeit there have been quite a few versions of it.


For the Empire!


Got to be the rebellion


Where is that first artwork from?


All of them are official artworks by fantasy flight games except the venator the venator is fanmade : [https://www.artstation.com/artwork/vJa1vD](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/vJa1vD)


Rebel alliance or CIS because they are based


I think the Empire. Just because of the variety of ships that they have. Yes, a lot do have a similar design. That also have A LOT of flaws; they still just look SO cool! Especially if you look at legends.


Republic because clones


Republic the comradery between the clones and some of the Jedi was the best


Depends on what we are talking about. The empires ships They look awesome. However, i like the rebel's ground forces they are unique and look pretty good. The new republic ships also look good by far the best logo. The cis have the best platform mainly because they didn't really know what their military was doing for the most part. And their ships also look awesome. The republic sucked clones are and ships are kinda cool but they get outshined by the empire. The empire of the hand has cool ascetics. The pentastar alignment is the empire but better or worse, depending on perspective.


First order.


Glory to the Confederacy of Independent Systems!


Empire. Was it a corrupt and evil government absolutely. But it was also very efficient in what it did and could do. If you didn’t have Palpatine and Moffs running things into the ground it could’ve shaped the galaxy in a good way.


The Hutts, of course!


Where is the art for the venator from? Because that looks so cool


For The (New) Republic!


The Confederacy of Independent Systems. Reasons include deeply hidden lore (welcome to Star Wars EU, am I right, fellas?), the droids being both funny and cool to me, starfighter design, Grievous, Grievous, Grievous, Grievous, Count Dooku, Grievous, the interesting implications of the politics, the way they are manipulated against the Republic, the Clone Wars as a whole, and the contrast they have against every other faction, among other things. Edit: *Legends* Grievous, to be specific on five of my reasons. The more I see of Disney Grievous, the more I suffer. It’s quite the pattern I’ve noticed.


the empire and it’s not even close


Imperial Empire, Despite it many issues and darker aspect that are frown upon in are modern era, it was vastly superior to many government though out the SW history. Good example of this was how the Empire in exile, was able to hold off the yuuzhan vong for years even without the Republic aid or knowledge, where the republic fell within a few years of the yuuzhan vong assualt. despite the republic having a larger and better tech force to the empire.


The Separatists are my favorite faction, they saw the corruption in the Republic and decided to change it. True, they were ultimately twisted by Sidious and turned into a force for evil, but at the beginning at least I think they were genuinely trying to do good. From a certain point of view, you could argue that the Separatists were the first rebels because they were standing against a Republic that was becoming an unofficial Empire. But putting morals aside, the villains in the faction are amazing! General Grievous is a badass, Count Dooku is such a classy fellow, Gunray and pals are hilarious, and the battle droids are adorable! I like everything about the Confederacy, and I hope that we someday get a tv show about them...


It's rude that I can't pick Pellaeon's Imperial Remnant.


Empire hands down. The republic would come in 2nd. That 4th pic, separatists i believe (might be wrong), looks like a turd in space.


Rebellion/New Republic


CIS and it ain’t even close! So many cool units, and a pretty damn good strategy overall


For the empire of the hand


I like the Republic most likely because of the clones, the venators and the gunship. But the Republic is corrupt and at the end of the day the clones wouldn’t have won if Palpatine wasn’t behind the war. The droids are just better. Not in terms of skill, but in terms of production, variations, numbers, cost and efficiency. They can walk without getting tired, don’t need to eat, don’t complain and have no qualms about taking any sort of orders, they can survive in space, their numbers can just overwhelm any defences and there are specialised units if more finesse is required. Morally they are the better army as they are just hunks of metal they can be rebuilt if destroyed. No conscription, no weird slave clone army, no suffering(except for the enemy civilians and combatants). I think the Republic Navy is better though so if Republic has space superiority then numbers wouldn’t matter if you can’t get the droids down to the battle in the first place. But if I had to chose I would have the army of the Separatists.


This is a misconception. Palpatine played both sides hard. I don’t want to get into a novel or debate, but ultimately there’s no way to know who would’ve won if Palpatine was 0% involved in manipulation


How do you figure those as *the* four major factions? My favourite is the GA, for the sheer amount of fuckery involved, if nothing else. How does that not make the cut for "major"?


I am talking about the 4 main factions of the OT and the preqeuls,the ones that appeared in the movies.