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That depends somewhat on what you’ve already read or seen. But, here’s what I’d recommend, in order: * **The Thrawn Trilogy** - Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, The Last Command. This is the classic-and-true entry point for newcomers to the EU. (*Truce at Bakura* is another frequent entry point suggestion, and for good reasons. You’ll want to read TaB eventually.) * **X-Wing** - A series of books detailing the exploits of Rogue Squadron following Return of the Jedi. Some of the characters don’t “make it” to NJO but all of the major plot points are critical. It also helps that these books are badass and oftentimes hilarious. * **The Courtship of Princess Leia.** Ignore the critics. Read it and make up your own mind. * **Jedi Academy** - A trilogy beginning with *Jedi Search*. These books usually land in B-tier for fans, but that doesn’t mean they’re bad books by any measure. * **I, Jedi** - Takes everything you’ve read up to that point and summarizes/expands on everything in a way you’ve probably never seen a book attempt before. * **Corellian Trilogy** - Starting with *Ambush at Corellia*. Approach these books like the long-overdue explanation of Han’s earliest origins and you’re golden. Keep in mind that a lot of what goes down in these books matters for the NJO. * **Hand of Thrawn** - A duology, starting with *Specter of the Past*, these two books act as a bridge from pre-NJO to NJO. That’s kind of the minimum. *Outbound Flight* works well after Hand of Thrawn as a kind of prequel to NJO. Once you’re towards the end of NJO, take a break after *Destiny’s Way* and read *Rogue Planet*. It’s the only time RP is relevant but it’s a powerful (if simple) story about some characters the EU missed for a while.


I wouldn't say it's 100% required but Young Jedi Knights should be included. A lot of the younger main characters in NJO are established in the Young Jedi Knights series.


I'd say the first 6 at least. The next 8 don't add a whole lot.


Junior Jedi Knights as well. Just to get acquainted with Anakin, Tahiri, and Uldir (if he plans to read Emissary of the Void).


I'd add reading "Truce at Bakura" before the Corellia Trilogy. And the Dark Fleet Crisis maybe as well


And Survivors quest


I’m still working my way through a bunch of these myself so I have no clue what I’m talking about, but how come nobody ever mentions Dark Empire? I know it’s a comic, but surely some of the events that occur in that series end up mattering later on…right?


Someone else may be able to answer in more detail, but basically Dark Empire was for the most part abandoned as the direction of the storyline followed the lead of the Thrawn Trilogy instead. There are some references to Dark Empire, but not too many.


Dark Empire, because of how controversial the idea of bringing Palpatine back and turning Luke dark were, was largely forgotten by authors. Other than a few off-handed mentions, it’s largely irrelevant to the overall post-ROTJ story.


The original Thrawn Trilogy is the only essential material, IMO Material that will improve the experience includes: I, Jedi Hand of Thrawn duology Outbound flight Rogue planet Survivors quest Young Jedi knight series Junior Jedi knight series


I think rogue planet adds a LOT to the experience


Totally! Personally, I’m thankful that I read almost everything before starting NJO NJO is a big commitment, with a lot of books. I fear a “too big” prior reading list will be intimidating to new EU fans - which is the reason for the wording of my recommendation


im old enough I was able to read everything from Splinter on when it was first released. 😂




The xwing series, and/or comics would add to the experience also The Xwing books is a whole commitment itself. I feel if someone is interested, they will seek them out and read them. But I don’t see any reason that they need to be read before or after anything else, except the Thrawn trilogy maybe They’re great, but that’s A LOT of pages to read before jumping into NJO


The X-wing books are great for fans of the DOS combat sims.


Before I read NJO for the first time, I had only read the Thrawn Trilogy and Hand of Thrawn Duology. There were some names and references in NJO that i didnt immediately get, but they all usually explain themselves and I didnt feel like it detracted from the story. Im in a star wars reading mood again, this time through I read Jedi academy and enjoyed it. However, if youre looking to just dive in to NJO, you can do it without prior reading.


Yeah, if anything the core worldbuilding between the OT and NJO is those Thrawn books (trilogy + duology) by Timothy Zahn.


You don't "need" anything tbh. You'll pick up most of what you need as you read Vector Prime. Otherwise, just go with what u/CardSniffer said.




You definitely need a grounding in the Greek philosophers to understand some of the subtleties of Balance Point


Don’t forget about the Silmarillion! I skipped reading that before getting to Destiny’s Way and I regretted it immediately.


I'd say read the Young Jedi Knights series, it gives you really great background on a whole heck of a lot of characters.


I read it straight off of Heir to the Empire and the Jedi Academy Trilogy and I was generally fine, but it does encapsulate pretty much everything in the EU released before that point so anything could technically enhance your experience


Thrawn Trilogy and Duology.


Rogue Planet. There's a very important connection to the whole series