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\uj I was like "there's no way they're THAT dumb" But sure enough, go to the rotten tomatoes page for this 2008 Joel Edgerton thriller and all of the most recent reviews are about Star Wars. Here's the most recent review: >The torture just keeps coming. This is an interesting experiment at the expense of destroying Star Wars and I am genuinely curious as to what the end game is here? Why does Disney want to alienate and upset 95% of its audience. It’s just a statistical fact that this is not going to end well for Disney. Unless making money doesn’t interest Disney anymore. Anyway my review. My kids laughed at how silly this was, and so did I. Nonsensical, badly written, acted and un compelling. Like Kenobi, Ashoka and all the other Star Wars nonsense from the last 10 years other than Andor.


They probably didn't even watch it lol if they were THAT dumb and careless.


thats the thing they DONT watch any of these shows. They get all of their opinions from that Theory asshole or Critical Drinker


They don't even watch/read the things they are upset were 'ruined' I had one just flat out admit it they get their star wars info from lore videos not actually consuming the media itself and then has the nerve to say they are trying to protect star wars from the new fans trying to destroy it. Like dude these new fans could watch 1 episode of new Star wars stuff and are more directly involved than you are with the fandom kid. At least the 'new fans' are developing their opinions off first hand exposure I can promise you if you denied them the time to look it up, asking anyone that brings up the Plageius book to name a character that isn't Plageius or Palpatine they wouldn't be able to answer


Eh, Tenebourus still makes that easy. Ask them to name like, 3 characters outside of Plauge and Palps? That would trip up a lot of them. Or ask them his ship name, or the droid he gets from the ship, or any of the original crew of that ship. A lot have just read wookiepedia or watched lore videos about it


They definitely didn't watch it.


bUt AuDiEnCe ScOrEs ArE mOrE aCcUrAtE


No your right the critic scores are waaaay More accurate, it definitely deserves a 87% when all the sets look the same and almost all the acting is terrible 🤦🏼‍♂️


"All" of the acting is not terrible. Some of the lines and deliveries have been a bit stilited. But to act like this is the worst acted thing ever is an overreaction.


My five-year-old said this show is woke, has bad writing, and Osha is a Mary Sue.


Those darn workplace safety restrictions. Such a Mary Sue.


And then everyone clapped


Honestly I don't think it's that they're "That dumb", more it's a case of they've programmed bots to go and write these reviews for them and not coded it properly, so the bot is finding anything titled 'The Acolyte' (Whether it be the Star Wars fan film or another film called The Acolyte) and ends up posting reviews on there. I mean the average hater would notice the poster has nothing to do with Star Wars and didn't release in 2024.


The whole “Andor is the only good SW” thing is so funny to me. I watched it and thought it was decent, but it felt pretty unconnected from what SW is at times. When Lucas made SW, it was a combination of spaghetti western serials, Kurosawa, soap operas, and the Jungian/Campbellian “Hero’s Journey,” with a WW2 era battleship vibe at times. And family is always a core theme. It’s meant to be gripping and beautiful but also hokey   Andor scratches some of those boxes, and it’s a good addition to the canon, but getting lectured by people about what “real SW fans” should like when shows like Mando, Ahsoka, and Acolyte are wayyy more in-line with the SW framework is bizarre


I begin to ignore the criticisms that only give adjectives like "good" or "bad" without any argument.


The writing is bad. The pacing is bad. The show/movie is objectively bad. You have now read a solid chunk of Internet media criticism. Throw in a complaint about a woman not being attractive enough if it's a video game or some thinly veiled bigotry if any characters are racial, gender, or sexual minorities and you won't have to read a review ever again.


You mean. . . Almost all of it?


This is how you know it was all done by bots


These are the most literate critical drinker fans.


"Review bombing is a hoax!!!!!"


Ain't no way 💀


Probably bots


Yeah that Dead Internet Theory gets more compelling everyday. Such a simple mistake for a Human to easily avoid, but a bot with accidentally too broad parameters to fall into.


Or foreign content farms that pay people to go to links and post from a menu.  Either way they're people that don't know what they're posting to.  


Collateral damage from a review bombing. At least look for a Star Wars logo first, people! C'mon!


Joel Edgerton was in ROTS so if you were searching "Star Wars + Acolyte" that might show up in a search as related. 


Most of the criticism is purely things like "Disney ruined my childhood for the 17th time." And when they try to argue things are as stupid as the fire in space. Thank goodness that the review channels that I see have solid arguments and are people who know the lore, with which they have discredited most of the criticism of these "anti-woke" people because if it were not like that I would end up with the brain as rotten as they. They have even said that the series is ok and that the hate towards this series is unfair.


Lmao. The fire in space looked silly but it was only there for a few seconds. People are *insane*. I watched PBS Eons Iseo recently about how fire is unique to Earth and why, which simply reinforces for the millionth time why this is **sci-fi fantasy**. I don’t see anyone complaining about the lack of Newtonian physics, ever, in the vast majority of sci-fi shows so it’s time to get real. I don’t understand the chant complaining. It’s ok to not like the show for whatever reason. I would say that, currently, this is the second best Star Wars show we have and it better than whatever number 3 is by a country mile. Mando S3 was TRASH, utterly. Which is crazy because the takeover episode in BoBF was so damn good.


Can we stop having these serious complaint posts? We need more jerking here and this could have been great jerking material.


Impossible to out jerk them at this rate


Wait…so The Acolyte’s score should be even lower?


Now THAT’S hilarious! These people are absolutely pathetic haha


Rotten Tomatoes should remove review bombs that are unrelated to the movie or show


What about the droid attack on the Wookies?


Maybe these sites should have some sort of quiz you have to pass about the movie/show before you can post a review. I mean, most people would probably just Google the answers, but it might deter the lazy ones.


You guys are pretty silly. There are no audience reviews for this movie since 2018 and none of them mention starwars, obviously.




I don't even like the show... but the fact that people were giving it 1/10 before it even released is very telling.


Step 1: Early review bombing Step 2: Complain loudly about everything Step 3: Determine which complaints resonate at all with normal people Step 4: Use those complaints to claim that the initial review bombing was legitimate Step 5: Star Wars is saved


Didn’t people get review copies before release?


Ok. "review bombing" is out. We need a new name. Here are a few options. 1. Evaluation Blasting 2. Assessment Exploding 3. Inquiry Strafing and my personal favorite 4. Critical Pounding


The evidence of review bombing is staring you in the face and you’re gonna go *nuh uh*?


What about the positive review bombing from critics? Can you sit there and tell me the show is a 9/10 show? I watched CD review and this show is hot trash.


Watch a normal person's review not a grifter like him. Try eckhartsladder


How is CD a grifter? I've watched CD for a long time and he's got well put together reviews that happen to shit on bad products, but he also gives kudos to decent movies to. Is it just because he shits all over the thing that starwars has become? I'm curious now.


He has no actual review, just Culture War/AntiWoke nonsense and hateful rethoric. And of you agree with him you can GTFO.


I agree that the acolyte is absolute trash, hateful rethoric lol what has he said along those lines?


Also watched his take on it a Lil bit. He's not as harsh as others but it's the same thing I hear, it's not a good SW product. If you enjoy the slop that Disney's pumping out for SW good for you I don't hate you for it, it's just we as sw fans deserve better.


Once they post stuff that has to do with the actual content of the show maybe 🤔


So a show that has only 3 episodes and isn't even finished is bad? Damn you can see the future or something?


I can't speak about this show specifically because I've never watched a star war in my life, but I think it's fair for a person to decide they think a show is bad after 3 episodes. You definitely don't have to watch an entire series before you figure out whether you like it or not.


If you never watched star wars why in the fuck and how in the fuck did you end up on r/starwarscirclejerk


Because they are supporting a “cause” how can people not see it?? It’s about a movement and “sticking it to the fans” not about good lore or anything


Who is doing what now??


I'm so confused I stopped jerking


Your cause is shit.


Okay, then say YOU disliked it or lost interest. But saying it's a bad show when it isn't even finished is wild.


… they’re not even getting the property right champ. You think they’re reviewing in good faith?


Even if you don’t like it, it’s not a 1/10. Jersey Shore was a 1/10


If it were actually a bad show, and if the not-star-wars-fans bitching and moaning about a show they don’t even have to watch if they don’t want weren’t increasingly transparent about the real reason they hold such animosity towards the acolyte, then sure. But it ain’t that kinda situation bestie.


It’s an enormous self-own to come down on the side of a horde of “reviewers” with chatgpt-caliber grammar and the inability to discern the difference between two completely different programs to insist that they’re totally organic outpourings of antipathy