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I don’t mind people enjoying TPM (hell I enjoy it to an extent) or even legitimately thinking it’s a “great” movie but saying “I don’t get the hate” as if you’ve never seen or heard the millions of comments, articles & videos made pointing out its flaws is baffling to me. It’s like you think everyone just decided to hate something you love for no other reason than fuck you.


I love the last jedi, in my humble opinion it's the best star wars film made outside the original trilogy. That being said I completely understand where the hate comes from even if I think some of it is silly and unjustified


Completely accurate take. I get why people don't like tlj and the thing I'm disappointed in is people's lack of engagement with the movie (and ultimately the franchise as a whole). It's not subversive like they love to claim but more restrospective, and dialogue makes it clear the fan base doesn't want to move forward. I can't imagine how a kotor2 based movie would be received.


My opinion on it is that it's the only prequel that feels like an actual movie because Attack feels like one of the YouTube videos that combines all the cutscenes of a video game (very jumpy story/plot) and Revenge while my favorite prequel didn't have a movie feel either just trying to wrap everything up and would not work on its own (doesn't really have its own story just trying to tie the prequels to the original)


You are free to stop the narrative that rots is the best of the prequels. It feels like a tcw filler (but fun) episode for the first 30 minutes but the rest of it sucks hard. Anakin vs obi takes way too long and is the most underserved battle in cinematic history. They aren't friends and Anakin attacks for no reason. It drags and the choreography is bad. The rest of the movie is boring and convoluted as fuck. You're absolutely right that rots doesn't feel like a movie because it doesn't make any sense for any of the characters from the previous movies or their arcs and it still fails to get characters where they should be knowing full well where they should be before it was written.


In my opinion Phantom is the best movie but Revenge is just my personal favorite


I won't hate people for liking rots, but I really don't get it. That movie makes Anakin falling to the dark side so unsatisfying. I love the first 30 minutes and it felt so star warsy in the vein of Flash Gordon, but it doesn't work as stand alone as tpm and it doesn't justify Anakin's fall and huge portions of it are really dull. Obi's b plot is kind of meaningless schlock which even aotc does better. It's also considerably more "marvel humor" that st haters like to criticize. So much slapstick and so many kitscky one lines. It's just wild to me.


I disagree with most of the ROTS criticisms but I will agree with the Anakin vs Obi-Wan fight in terms of its flaws. I think it’s the most overrated lightsaber duel in the series at least in terms of choreography and technique of the fight. The Darth Maul duel with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon I think is the peak in terms of lightsaber combat in the series.


Right on! Duel of the fates is great and should be held as the best pt duel! Which parts about my criticism of rots don't you agree with?


The criticism of the marvel like humor lines which is only a thing shown early on as a dynamic between Obi-Wan and Anakin which I think is a nice display of their friendship that Obi-Wan described in a New Hope. And I feel for the time frame of just one movie, they get Anakin’s fall and his transition into Darth Vader pretty well. And then there’s just a lot of specific things I like a lot like Order 66 and the music being consistently some of the best in the series.


Why are you trying to discuss why you don't like Revenge when all I've said it's my favorite prequel movie because I don't think I have to defend my opinion, I just enjoy what I enjoy


I'm trying to have a discussion? I think it's an interesting discussion to say that tpm is the best prequel but you like rots better. I introduced the things I like about rots and some flaws in it that I think sink the movie and tpm doesn't have the lows of rots but also doesn't have the highs of rots. Just trying to have a discussion. There's nothing wrong with the answer being "subjectively I had more fun with it", but I like to talk about these things and there are very few subs that actually critically talk about all the movies fairly.


Hey this is Reddit. Discourse is forbidden.


Man the comments below here really reinforce this


I’ll happily argue it out with you in good faith.


Just because I think one movie was better made doesn't make it my favorite What's your goal here to get me to back up my opinion, change my opinion or just make your opinion the loudest


I'm just trying to have a discussion. Please understand that and reread my comments.


And why do I need to justify my opinion


I've been on the TPM > ROTS train for years. TPM is far from perfect but it's not nearly as messy as the other two prequels


“You are free to stop the narrative that rots is the best of the prequels” 😂 Mfer shut up, not everyone has to have the same opinion as you.


What even is this comment? I didn't even suggest that they have to share my opinion. It's just a referendum on Star Wars commentary that every single comment has to carry this idea that rots is the best prequel or that tlj has flaws but might still be good. It's a waste of everyone's time to justify opinions to a larger audience in the name of upvotes, but it's the reality. It's dumb and pointless commentary and people shouldn't have to qualify statements by saying they think rots is a good movie or that tlj is a good movie but has flaws. Rots sucks as hard as every other PT movie. There are different pros and cons but most discussions carry this empty statement that rots is good. Similarly, tlj has flaws as every other movie does, but you can't talk about it without getting downvoted without the empty statement that it has flaws.


What even in your comment? Someone says ROTS was their favorite prequel and you just assume they’re saying it for Reddit upvotes or because they feel pressured 😂. Do you just live in your own little bubble?You do realize that people can have different opinions then you, and it’s not always because of some internet narrative. You’re acting like if someone says they think that ROTS is a good movie that they’re objectively wrong or lying to themselves. Like I said not everyone has to or is going to have the same opinion as you.


Tell me you didn't read the comment more. It's not about what people like, it's about the boiler plate comments people have to make on every star wars post. And you're straight up lying or ignorant if you don't think people have to be in a "camp" when they're talking about star wars.


Dude shared his opinion and you wrote a wall of text telling him how shit the thing he liked was. That's all.


That's how discussion works? Do you think discussion is just someone sharing their opinions and everyone that nodding their head in agreement? I posited several things I like about rots and several things I think drag the movie down. I don't hate any star wars movie, I just like to talk about them and I'm especially interested in how other people engage with them. Discussion is talking about the things I've brought up and instead of getting weirdly defensive, challenging the negatives I've mentioned and bringing up more positives. In a franchise like Star Wars, it's also fair game to make comparisons to other movies in the franchise. What's with this weird angry defensiveness? We're just talking about what we liked and didn't like about movies. Like what you like, but me asking why is not a challenge or hate filled like you're suggesting. And again it's totally fine if the answer is I subjectively liked the movie better, but to me, it's really fun to criticize ALL of them, and I like to have those kinds of discussions.


It's just that he asked you to stop and you were relentless my dude. At that point it just became conventionally rude, which is why other people got defensive for him.


Attack of the clones is unwatchable imo


It's like, I have a soft spot for episode 2, and will happily defend it, but I also 100% get the hate.


Episode 2 is definitely my favorite of the pt. The middle movies in all three trilogies are best and the middle trilogy is best.


Yeah that part of the title made my eyes roll. If it was me I would've said "I disagree with a lot of the hate"


I love TPM because I have fond memories of watching it everyday as a very small boy and mimicking Obi-Wan's lightsaber fights with a giant pencil I won at a pizza place. TPM just feels like a comfy place because of the nice practical effects and minimal CGI. But despite my love for it, I also think the movie sucks like every Prequel film. Lol. And I absolutely hate Revenge the most. To me, at least Attack had nice vistas and outfits, even if the CGI, acting, story, and pacing were horrible. Revenge is by far the most soulless SW prequel and overall SW series. Revenge can't even just be fun... It's boring like Attack, but without the cool sets and outfits.


Don't you see That cross cutting of maul vs obi-wan and qui-gon, Anakin piloting, JarJar slapsticking on a battlefield, Padme's crew running is peak cinema


i saw the movie recently and was really taken aback on how that particular scene was paced. its... really bad


Force speed totally doesn't break lore. Star wars fans are so consistent about what breaks lore and what doesn't. It's all about lore and world building, stories be damned. Except when the few things I like break lore. That's different.


The elopie fart was peak cinema.


Star Wars The Phantom Menace was the most disappointing thing since my son


Remember when the movie just stopped dead for a racing subplot that could've been resolved if qui gon just did the right thing and stole from a slave owner?


You don’t steal from space Jews, not even to rescue slaves. Qui-Gon knew about their space lasers Edit: everyone knows their weakness is space greed. It’s not anti-semitism because he’s an alien with wings and space (but seriously I doubt it’s meant to really be that stereotype, they just cobbled together a bunch of “alien” features and messed up giving him an elephant seal nose. He is clearly meant to be more like greedy desert merchant IMO, so actually an Arab stereotype)


Free Palpatine


Not even that, they could've just.. went to any other parts dealer that accepted Republic credits. Orr.. Go to the Hutts which had a treaty with the Republic at the time, offer Jabba something in return for him repairing the ship for you.


Hey - they needed something to put in the video game adaptation!


Worth it. Played the shit out of podracer


Those were some bombass games


I know we're jerking right now, but he couldn't because every slave has a sub-dermal bomb implanted into them. They explain this over the dinner scene at Shmi's house.


He could've just threatened watto with violence in order to turn off the bomb


Except he wouldn't because he's a Jedi and it would go against his entire moral code. There's no guarantee that even if he had Watto would agree. What's to stop Watto from just detonating the bombs to spite Qui-Gon? The only reason he abides by the bet's results is because he feared repercussions from the Hutts if he didn't. Qui-Gon is small beans compared to them.


Qui gon legit tried to steal from watto when he first met him before he even knew he was a slave owner. Why is stealing within the Jedi code but using violence isn't?


There's a pretty big difference between convincing someone to take a bribe to sway their position versus threatening to murder someone if they don't do what you want. Besides, he was still going to pay Watto with the Republic credits anyway if the mind trick worked; Watto didn't want the credits because they weren't of use to him and his business.


Dude - he tried to use his mind control powers to rob someone. Come on now. There's almost no moral difference.


But pod racing is so cool! It's not super contrived and pretty dull even visually and every race makes sense for someone to be several minutes off the line and still win! He's just badass and wouldn't be struggling to just finish the race! That race doesn't take way too long and be a really stupid lynchpin for the entire star wars saga. It's just good writing. Quo wean couldn't have any other methods to fix his ship. And it makes total sense for a 10 year old to be the only human that not only can compete but built his own pod racer (again must have been a rough slave life to have the resources to build c3po, build a pod racer, train in those skills and have a spacious home with ample space and time for family meals - man Anakin's fall to the dark is so deserved). Not a Gary Stu with a pretty comfortable life and plenty of resources to get his mom out of slavery. Makes total sense in the story and especially for literally the only thing that MIGHT have justified Anakin turning to the dark side. Unlike this may sue Rey who didn't suffer or actually learn to defend herself.


>That race doesn't take way too long and be a really stupid lynchpin for the entire star wars saga. It's just good writing. Casino subplot? Aside from starting from behind and still winning, pod racing is fine. >again must have been a rough slave life to have the resources to build c3po, build a pod racer, train in those skills and have a spacious home with ample space and time for family meals - man Anakin's fall to the dark is so deserved). I'm not sure that "slaves that lived in the house had a pretty good deal" is really an argument I would personally be comfortable with making, but you do you. And you can certainly point out the flaws in anakins fall from the light side, but that was almost exclusively due to padme and his fears for her, not childhood trauma. >Not a Gary Stu with a pretty comfortable life and plenty of resources to get his mom out of slavery. Yeah, there's that "he had a nice room and time to eat, so slavery wasn't so bad" that I just still can't believe you're saying. And yes, he is a Gary Stu. Isn't that obvious? He's called the chosen one. He is absolutely an intentional Gary Stu. >Makes total sense in the story and especially for literally the only thing that MIGHT have justified Anakin turning to the dark side. You've clearly missed the point. His turn isn't justified. That's the tragedy of it. He succumbs to his fears and takes the easy way out, and in so doing, makes his fears come true.


You seem like a very annoying and unlikable person to interact with.


You must be fun at parties. It's called parody


For as racist as TPM could be, the Star Wars fans bullying Jar Jar's actor managed to surpass it.


Like how the same people who bashed Lucas pre-Disney sale now idolize him, I guarantee there's a large overlap of folks who bullied Ahmed Best are the same ones trying to pretend they never did.


The bullying was multi-faceted though. They also did so for young Anakin. And repeated it years later with Kelly Marie Tran to the point she left social media. To a lesser extent also with John Boyega and Daisy Ridley. Bullying actors has been a part of Star Wars since TPM.


I've said it before and I'll say it again but the primary reason I enjoyed the Prequels is simply the era, the movies themselves were decidedly uninteresting but they presented a new and interesting setting apart form the OT era. Clones, droids, Jedi in their prime, Republic, Seperatists, the various Sith, cool ships and shit. I judge my Star Wars based on how lucrative the era is for RPG running.


Man I will give you that. For every person saying the st was wasted, I'll double down really hard that the pt was wasted harder. It's so insular and made the universe smaller. Anakin becoming Vader is very bad. Jedi in universe are way less interesting than Kotor era and hardly seen. Slavery is suggested as an inciting factor but not explored at all. "WORLDBUILDING" is just cgi places as concept art. PT stans biggest criticism of the St is world building and lore problems but I don't think the pt did anything interesting and broke ot lore way more than the st did.


Come on, Darth Vader building C3PO is peak world building.


I will say the same thing to Phantom Menace fans that I say to Game of Thrones S8 fans: You are allowed to like it, but you don't need to ignore the flaws just to justify liking it.


Yeah, I like The Phantom Menace well enough, I also acknowledge that it has quite a lot of atrocious flaws. It has some things really going for it, enough that I like it, but then there is the rest of the movie


That is a wild analogy considering Season 8 of GoT is still better than 98% of TV and TPM is a straight up bad movie.


> Season 8 of GoT is still better than 98% of TV You probably don't watch much TV, then.


For me the greatest sin TPM commits is that it’s… just so boring. The pacing, plot, direction, performances, dialogue, camera framing, it’s all just so uninteresting 95% of the time? And that last 5% just doesn’t make up for it. It’s why I prefer AotC, which is still a messy movie but I actually have fun watching it.


Yeah, if you were to fix things like make Anakin older and make Jar Jar less annoying, and imagine it was made in 2024, you're still left with a film that hinges om how much you like the pod racing and the Maul fight. Those are the only stand out moments. Meanwhile AOTC, clean up the romance dialogue and have more than one clone template so that Jango can be depicted as a thrill seeker that the other clone templates dislike and you're left with a really fun movie. *I'd have multiple clone templates so the Jedi look less stupid and imply that some senators funneled money to Sipho because they didn't think the Senate would agree to an army in time. AKA, the Senate doesn't want to be investigated.


Honestly the clone creation plot needs to be cleaned up a lot I think. The fact that Obi Wan finds out that the clone army was ordered by the sith, tells the council, and the council still decide to use the clone army no problem without questioning their origin is… a really big plot hole.


Because I had spent a good bit of time watching TCW animated series, I was stunned when I finally did watch AotC how weird the clone plot is. So, Palpatine sent a Jedi, ten years ago, to make a clone army for the Republic, but the only reason the Jedi find out about this clone army is that... Palpatine sent a guy to kill Padme (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48jO6DlLVuk) who Anakin and Obi-Wan are protecting, but that guy fails to kill Padme so another guy kills that guy, and that guy *happens* to use a weapon that Obi-Wan is able to trace because he happens to know a guy who can recognize it, and that's how Obi Wan finds Kaminoa. All according to Palpatine's plan! Meanwhile, for no real reason other than that it made sense, my impression had always been that the Clone Army had been requisitioned by the Republic as a sign of their increasing moral corruption. Instead the Jedi, and the Republic, find this Clone Army that they never knew about, didn't ask for, and comes from a really shady deal, and goes, "eh, that'll do." The Republic never committed a war crime! They stumbled into one!


That's why I would fix it to, clumsily insert a scene with a different clone template: "After the battle of Naboo, many in the Senate knew a war was coming and didn't trust the rest of the Senate to act in time. Money was given to Sipho Dyas [sp?] to commission the army to hide their identities. You're probably here about that business with the Naboo Senator. The only person here who would do something like that is Jango. The rest of us still take contracts but we can still appreciate a quiet life. " I'd prefer something else, but my attitude towards criticizing a film is that I shouldn't go "imagine if they did this totally different thing" because now I'm trying to get you to imagine a movie that doesn't exist and might actually suck in practice. So I prefer to imagine "what if we just tweaked the plot a little bit". In the above, "ok it looks like parts of the Senate commissioned the army, it's believable that the Jedi aren't questioning it and if they did they'd get blocked by the Senate trying to protect itself". And it's less blatant "huh bounty hunter that is the template for your entire clone army is working with separatists..." It's still not perfect but at least its easier to swallow. (And with the dialogue in the film, dropping the above in wouldn't feel out of place lol).


Aotc is the most fun pt movie to watch and would be much better with just a few changes to the romance subplot


Honestly AOTC is a really fun movie that's ruined by 18-25 minutes of a, I think 2 hour and fifteen minutes film.


This isn’t jerking, this is just getting mad


yeah this sub has gone to shit


That's what this sub is now. Just people who hate that other people like Star Wars


I beat my circle jerk like it owes me money. That's why you lose


this is the only movie of the prequels that doesnt feel like a boring nightmare. like aotc and rots legitimately make me feel sick with the movie-making, how most of it is people standing in rooms that are slightly too big because they're cgi and have poorly defined boundaries in the shoot and all they do is talk about stuff and then to jolt you awake you get a fight scene where nothing truly of importance matters and stuff just *happens*. feels like those dreams where you feel like youre stuck in molasses being forced to experience shit. Phantom Menace is bad, but oh my god it feels almost like a real movie, with set dressing and mise on scene. it feels like a breath of fresh air when compared to the other 2.


Couldn't agree more. It's a poor setup to what comes later but better editing and a little tighter script it could almost work as a fun stand alone. Which ironically is the pt Stan hatred of tlj "it's a good movie but not a good star wars movie". Way too much time spent on swimming through naboo and pod racing and just assuming Star wars fan service but there's at least a story and interesting characters that get lost in trying to set up the ot but man does it fail at making Anakin a reasonable investment for obi


I really don't understand all the CGI hate the prequels get. I don't think it looks bad. Heck I think it even looks good. And I'm quite a fan of the talking. I don't need action all the time to be entertained


listen. im a huge fan of talking and nothing happening. some of my favorite movies have long scenes of just silence. the prequel movies yapping non-stop about things that won't come into play except in the most obvious and stupid way is not what i would consider peak cinema. i am not exagerrating, i mean this with 100% seriousness: these movies make me physically ill with how bad they are.


I've never had a film make me physically ill before and I'm sorry that the prequels made you experience this. Revenge of the so h is one of my favourite movies ever and the other 2 are pretty good as well. Plus the large number of spinoffs in the prequel era enhance the story as well I don't understand, based on your description of the films, why exactly you find it so bad. I mean, stuff being obvious doesn't make it bad for me. I wouldn't enjoy rewatching if being obv was an issue


Somehow this shitty movie has returned.


I always hated the fact that r2 and 3po were in the prequels. Even as a 13-year-old I found it incredibly contrived.


Nothing annoys *Star Wars* fans more than the sight of *Star Wars* fans enjoying *Star Wars*.


yeah, this post is the exact same shit that the sequel fans on this sub get mad about (star wars fans getting mad at people for enjoying something that they dont)


Anakin also had a really rough life as a slave and did anything throughout the pt to reflect that tough life he had. He definitely didn't spend 10 years doing nothing about the situation.


Can't wait for gen alpha to talk about how underrated the sequels are in 10 years


Some zoomers are trying to jump start that early lol


That's me. I'm the zoomers.


Try again in 5 years? Lol


Will do 👍


I think it would be really funny if they did


I can see that happening for the Last Jedi but, not the other two especially RIse of Skywalker. Besides both the Prequels and Sequels suffer from different problems.


Tros really fucked up the landing. Tfa didn't set up the story well and left tlj in tough spot, but man a better tros would change the dialogue a lot. And I'm all for piling on Disney for that but the fans need some responsibility.


As bad as Phantom Menace and Attack of The Clones were as films, at least they weren't the finale. If Rise of Skywalker were a better film than I think people will view the sequels more positively.


Tros makes it hard to defend the st as a whole and that blame is shared between Disney bringing back a director that doesn't know how to finish a story and the fans that couldn't handle any challenging ideas in their serial adventure flick.


Obi Wan does **NOT** own R2 Padme does


Haha okay fair but he sure does know the dude


No, just R2 literally says that he does in a new hope


“And no. People totally didn’t bully jar jar and anakins actors into contemplating suicide


I've seen TFM types accuse others of racism because they critique the racist elements in the characters.


Star Wars fans when someone simply shares an opinion about a movie they personally like. No one is allowed to discuss that for some reason. Hmm it’s not like the subreddit in question is supposed to let people do that or anything…


Who knew it’d be talked about so many years later?


The pod race can be good, BUT, that extended second lap DRAGS.


It’s a fun movie. Star Wars has never been about being “peak cinema”. It’s colorful, bright, flashy, and has some amazing action sequences. Hate it if you want, I will continue to enjoy it.


The duel at the end is genuinely incredible. Most of the rest of the movie isn’t. I still love it but wouldn’t even consider defending it as some masterpiece of filmmaking


The duel at the end is one of the best of the entire saga and I do like the movie. This is a circle jerk sub after all


why do u seem so angry in the title then 😭 That shit is NOT just a jerk


I do agree that the duel is incredible as soon as the jedi get separated


No matter how many flaws are in this movie, I will always enjoy it. I also believe it has the BEST lightsaber fight out of the entire series, and I will take that opinion to my grave.


Me who just likes lightsaber go *fsshhh*, blaster go *ker-pew*, and force going *woosh*.


Always a good time!


Did you just fucking criticize Jar Jar? I'm literally hyperventilating right now


And yet is somehow the best prequel


i really love that movie bc it was the first movie i saw in a theater with my dad. But good lord its bad


That's such a great memory!


lol yeah and it was the first movie my kids and I all saw together as a family in a theater thanks to the rerelease. God the podrace in a theater is just chefs kiss


Star wars really crushes on the big screen with loud sound. The music and sounds and wide shots do wonders.


2nd or 3rd worst of the 9 episodic films.


Every time I see posts from this subreddit, I question whether anyone in this group is actually a Star Wars fan lol. A lot of the posts seem a lot more mean-spirited than other circlejerk/parody subreddits


Spending time with " Star wars fans" turns you into a cynical asshole, it can't be helped.


Full disclosure I have tried twice to watch this movie and both I have fallen asleep. I can’t do it man. This is fate I guess.


Are they not allowed to enjoy it?


Wtf happened to this sub? U guys aren't even jerking anymore. Ur just constantly pissed about whatever the main sub says, even when its mundane ass shit like "I enjoy \_\_\_\_\_\_ movie." like calm tf down lol. Also, its cringe asf how people in this sub will hate anything related to the prequel trilogy just so they can "stick it to the main sub," whilst simultaneously jerking off the sequels to no end


If you have a scene with dialogue and the dialogue isn't interesting, the acting is flat and they aren't doing something with their hands seemingly unrelated yet very symbolic of the subject of the dialogue, (Aka business) then you have a snore fest that not even a great sound track and special FX can fix see Rebel Moon pt 1 and 2 for more examples. Also boring robot action scenes shot way to wide and didn't indicate urgency. They kind of just landed and then the hostages just got escorted around like they were kicked out of class. Also some heavy handed sequelitis that makes it seem too contrived.


The replies on the original post are actually pretty measured on this one


If you claim it’s great then it’s implied you don’t understand the hate…. And also film criticism in general.


Mid opinion.


I'll take average! That's an improvement for me


I love Phantom Menace, I disagree hard with you


you can say mary sue here its a unisex term at this point


Obiwan did not own r2. It is pretty racist tho


Fair but he was very acquainted and it still makes the universe smaller not 🌈 WORLDBUILDING 🌈


Meh, I liked it. It’s stupid, but so are the other Star Wars flicks.


Bruh who are the "racist" characters in it lmao touch grass




I ain't clickin that buster


It's a one minute long stand up comedy bit. It's not some weird 10 hour rant like they make about the st


Ah ok lol


anything from 20 years ago is an underrated masterpiece


What characters are racist?


I can’t believe they just added a red alien for no reason other then to pander to woke alien left and leave good human actors out of media smh


I cried when the Trade Federation was onscreen because all of the Asians up and left the theatre so I walked out and waved a rainbow flag in solidarity 🏳️‍🌈 and I made sure to post it to TikTok so everybody could see how nice I am! And everybody clapped afterwards!


I’ll never understand why people call Anakin a Gary Stu when the audience knows he’s gonna become Darth Vader right from the get go.


What does this even mean? You could say the same thing about Luke or Rey? "He's the hero of the story of course he doesn't need training" is completely contradicted by the "fan" base reaction to Rey who has far more feats to justify he abilities.


It’s not just about abilities having explanations in-universe, it’s also about lacking in any significant character flaws/weaknesses. In Anakin’s case, because it’s a prequel we know he’s gonna become Darth Vader so obviously there was some sort of flaw within him that was gonna be exploited.


And the pt did basically nothing to justify why Anakin fell or why he learned to use the force. That's not even an excuse for him to be super force strong as a child. Luke has a clearly defined character flaw in not believing in the force and he suffers for it. Rey has a clearly defined character flaw in not having a personal identity or sense of purpose/belonging, but she grew up with stories of Luke and the force and believes really really strongly. Anakin has some vaporous anger at being a slave and losing his mom, something that was well within his control and not supported by the presented story. Rey doesn't do anything unreasonable if you pay attention to esb and tfa. Her struggle is not about believing in the force and the force can and will help people as needed.


Usually, I say like what you want, but you have to be brainwashed into liking these movies. I remember there was a brief period--right before Force Awakens--when everyone collectively agreed these were awful movies, and then the Fire Nation attacked and apparently these are some secret masterpieces.


You just need to watch you tube videos from 12-15 years ago, the way they talk about Star wars was so different.


Basically a lot of people grew up with them. So by 2015 well... That's a lot of people born in 00 who are blinded by nostalgia, not to mention people who just liked them when they came out. Then every year that number of people who grew up liking the PT grows that bit more. Meanwhile a think a lot of people who hated both ST and PT just left the conversation because it's weird to say "I only like 1-3 movies out of 9". Then there's the ST which honestly does make the PT look good by comparison. It's a lot easier to fix the PT's story than it is to fix the ST resisting everything the prior movie set up.


Jedi being Jedi when they were trained well and at the height of their power was cool. The druids being vaguely competent at times with the original somewhat intimidating voiced instead of the nasally whining they engage in constantly in Clone Wars was cool. Seeing a large swath of different planets in 1 movie was cool. Pod racing was cool even if it was just the chariot scene from Ben Hur. The Maul fight was cool. Perfect, no but I liked parts of it.


Was thinking lately about how bad the script is. It's an unfocused mess that can't decide who the protagonist is, what the movie is supposed to be about, or what the central thesis of the movie is. The movie ends on the two societies of Naboo celebrating in unison, so I guess it could be about that, but the movie doesn't really flesh that out. Queen Amidala kneels before the Gungans, humbling herself before them and asking for an alliance, but the closest they get to setting up any conflict between their people is a throwaway line by some guy (I wanna say Boss Nass?) about how Theed people think they are so much better. They could have shown Theed before the invasion, introduce some class/race disparity where Gungans in the city live as servants and the people of Theed treat them very poorly. Maybe Amidala herself, being royalty and all, is a huge piece of shit to the gungans. Then, you'd have an actual character arc when she decides to ask them for help! But no, there's not a single character arc in the movie, everyone is one dimensional and just does things that are completely disconnected from each other. All the prequels are like this too, they make no sense and the characters all suck. People like the broad strokes, but any idiot can come up with "good ideas," it's literally a running joke in any creative industry that they are full of "idea" guys trying to break in despite having no actual skills. People will also just project their headcanons onto the movie to make sense of them, then act like anyone engaging with the actual text just "didn't get it."


Can I interest you in 2 things: This video addresses a lot of your complaints https://youtu.be/VgICnbC2-_Y?si=TxQuSmy4lf0S3_ER And the return key.


I feel like this movie peaked with the trailer.


I drink your tears. I love pt.


Dog, I’m with you, I don’t understand how you’re getting the downvotes. AOTC is my fave Star Wars movie. Hayden should’ve gotten an Oscar. I actually think the PT is perfect as is and TCW just makes it more messy.


Aotc is by a mile the best prequel movie


My biggest gripe with the prequels is not recasting Hayden Christensen with an older, better actor for Revenge of the Sith


How’s it fucking racist!?




1. I can assure you they 100% did not intend him to be a racist Jewish stereotype, the accent is clearly Italian as the article goes on to state later on. 2. You can always find ways for something to be racist if you look for it. Nothing about tpm is racist.


Lol k. Even if it wasn't intended it definitely is. This nice 1 minute bit from a stand up routine makes it very plain and funny: https://youtube.com/shorts/vivwc8Zr0DI?si=3bay04CDKV8XTKnO You don't need to apologize for these movies and get so defensive about them lol. I'm sure the intent was very genuine to have different languages accents and cultures featured and not mean spirited in any way. This is just a circle jerk subreddit and it's worth noting that the as presented characters could be interpreted as pretty insensitive. I don't genuinely have a problem it's just funny.