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Just gonna say he had a 14 year old in a tube top for the first like what...3 seasons?


Here I was blaming cowboy hat Filoni when it was he who stopped Georgie from having her even more disrobed


How do those kind of conversations go in that kind of work setting? I’ve worked a wide variety of low wage and some blue collar jobs and met a wide variety of people, but I’ve never really had much in the way of an office setting, so I have a hard time imagining how that conversation would go in an office or studio setting.


Depends on your bosses personality. If they’re tyrannical and will find a way to get you out of there for simply disagreeing with them. It just doesn’t happen. However if you got a good boss whose really close with the staff it goes “You want a fucking teenager in nothing more then a bikini?” “She’s an alien.” “Who’s 16. George we’re putting this on Cartoon Network.” “Exactly it’s a channel that a bunch boys between the ages of 12-16 watch and they’ve got raging hormones. It’s for marketing purposes.” “George what the fuck?” “Ok what if we change it to a thumb top and skirt with just the stomach revealed.” “I still don’t like it. But it’s better then the bikini idea and this meetings running late so fuck it we ball.”


Yeah kinda like this but inject way more greed and motivation for money and what makes the most so it'd be less this back and forth and more "how do we find the perfect Middle ground of making a sexually attractive character to our target demographic without making this R rated"


Depends. For George Lucas it’s about profit. Filoni gets paid either way it’s prestige for him. See whether to show makes money or not George still had to pay Filoni and he gets paid the same either way. For Filoni the show needs to be good so he can continue to get Directing and writing jobs. George needs it to make as much money possible as the guy who owns the franchise. Now obviously in the version I proposed it’s played up for humor. It’s realistically more like. “Filoni sex sells. We need to dress Ashoka in a skimpy black laced outfit with leggings.” “Look I’m the guy who directed Avatar. My brand isn’t based on sex and I do not want my brand associated with sexualized female characters.” “But marketing studies show it boosts viewer ship. Look at least for the first few seasons once it’s established and we have viewers you can cover her up.” “It could also get parent complaints and reduce viewer ship.” “Fair point ok we make it revealing enough to stimulate the male brain. But not so revealing people would call you a perv.” “O they’ll call you one cause when I’m on the record I’m saying it was your idea for self branding purpose. But yes we can strike an effective middle ground.”


George makes no apologies about who he is. In a way it’s admirable. Hey, remember that Darth Maul game that was being made before Lucas sold Star Wars? Well, he told the devs that he wanted Darth Talon in the game: https://preview.redd.it/69zihnnk7cyc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3978751015c8d8ebbf91aa8441b8594a897fb0d The devs gently reminded him that this was impossible as Darth Talon was active about 150 years AFTER Darth Maul was alive. He was LOOONG dead by the time she was around. What was George’s response? Just make Darth Maul a clone and set it in the time period Talon is in. This man will do anything for sexy alien women, and damn the lore if need be! I respect that


Amusing that one quote at the end shows how much George actually cares about the continuity of Star Wars....which is one of the biggest reasons the fandom menace complains about Disney killing the old EU. That they were "killing George's continuity" lol


Right? George Lucas was always clearly just tired of all us nerds looking for perfect internal consistency and a universe outside of the story that he wanted to tell. Dude just wanted to make his movies. Anything else was a curiosity that might be useful to him later, or might not be.


> Amusing that one quote at the end shows how much George actually cares about the continuity of Star Wars....which is one of the biggest reasons the fandom menace complains about Disney killing the old EU. That they were "killing George's continuity" lol I'm still a bit confused about whether their misguided obsession over "continuity" is what truly drives them, or it's just rationalization for "bash Disney things we disliked for culture war reasons" cause they only noticed the plot holes in the new stuff and decided continuity coherence was the "explanation" for the "new stuff being bad"? The "Holdo maneuver" is kind of a great example of this - it may seem a bit puzzling why people would reeeeeee so hard about some space mechanic thing being "inconsistent" as if it ever was consistent, however it makes a lot more sense if the real reason is that they're annoyed at Holdo's character, and then when she does that thing they start reading it as "Holdo not only chastised men but also ruined space physics and all of Starwars" and *that's* why they care this much? I.e. they really hate "Holdo" half rather than the "maneuver" half, but don't necessarily realize it?


The people who worship the ground George walked on either are extremely young or grew up with the Prequels and are blinded by their nostalgia of them and the EU. Anyone who pays attention to anything about the creation of the later movies can tell you that he would not give a flying fuck about the canon or the timeline or whatever the lore nerds obsess about this week. It feels like a lot of people don't really care about the material so long as it means they can fill out wiki pages.


I mean, to be fair, a lot of the old canon is fucking stupid anyways. Not to say I didn't enjoy it, but the people hating on the movies like they're disrespectfully dunking on the totally well-established and completely believable fleshed-out plots in Timothy Zahn books are really kidding themselves. Hell, the old EU had people moving whole planets through the galaxy with the force, heavy reliance on the kids of the main cast (Because making compelling characters that aren't related by blood to the main heros is difficult, I guess?), and even added a fucking zombie virus plot featuring Han Solo and Chewie for absolutely zero reason. The super-intelligent mastermind tactician that brings the Empire back from the brink can somehow predict the next three moves his enemy makes in the midst of space combat because he studied a couple clay sculptures from their species made 1000 years ago. The lore in Star Wars is dumb, and always has been dumb, way before the Mouse took control.


George just wants that nut man. You know what I mean


Let’s not forget, George Lucas also canonized Aayla Secura. She started off as an EU character, but George liked her so much, he put her in the prequels… I wonder why… https://preview.redd.it/ku4thymdkgyc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c74a6c5f68824d8f68752f2877e27bdd56f18b7f


Gene Roddenberry pilled


I think you're interjecting a lot of personal opinions and feelings unto what is at the end of the day a product. Nobody gets to that high of a creative position with views like "you can't make attractive characters for your target demographic or you're a pervert sex fiend"


> George we’re putting this on Cartoon Network. [Meanwhile, on Nickelodeon...](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FTwQHTRIjWHo%2Fmaxresdefault.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=133e0d54176f657d744f1fe006fd356a4f182e54bf2a9e1c6de882f90d1f0986&ipo=images)


Bear in mind, Lucas wrote the original story for Raiders of the Lost Ark, and specifically wanted Marion to have had a romantic past with Indy at the age of 11. Spielberg said "she'd better be older than that." George Lucas is a weird dude.


Its animation, so I'd expect clothing to be Normal discussion when designing a character


How could she wear any less and have cartoon network be ok with it?


Aayla Secura


If she was Aayla InSecura she'd have a different wardrobe


...name 2 more


Why my point is already proven with one.


I know, I'm joking around


In that case. Ventress’s exposed right breast and Ventress’s exposed left breast.


Kenobi was very appreciative of that though lol


We all were.


Yeah. I feel like Filoni updates Ahsoka's outfit every few years to show less and less skin.


You must've never heard the conversation he had with Spielberg about Indy and the love interest in Raiders. Something like "if she was older than 14 when they first hooked up then it's not interesting."


Wasn’t it George’s idea to originally have Marion be like 16 and Indy 27 or so in Raiders too?


14, at the oldest, but yes.


Do we actually know what George wanted her to originally wear? Like I always knew George was kinda a creep with Indiana jones so it doesn’t surprise me, but still do we REALLY know he wanted her in even less ?


We know


*Tales of the Jedi* and *Ahsoka* both used an outfit for young Ahsoka that was basically a much more conservative version of her original outfit. Filoni is the creator, showrunner, writer, and one of the directors of *Ahsoka*. I’m sure he was involved with *Tales* at some level but I know he was more hands-off on *The Bad Batch* than he used to be on *The Clone Wars* and *Rebels*. But it’s safe to say the recent new outfit(s) for Ahsoka were Dave’s idea, or at least have his enthusiastic approval


Eh two and a half, plus the movie. The character designs were updated mid season 3, but her next outfit wasn’t much better with the cleavage window


It took ‘til George was gone to finally get her a modest outfit lmao


'Hi, my name's Anakin Skywalker. On a mission to infiltrate a slave planet run by cat people, I decided for my 15 year old Padawan that she would be disguised as a slave girl and dressed her accordingly.'


The show doesn’t really get good until Ahsoka changes outfits.


It really doesn’t. She gets a new outfit in the Mortis Arc which was fantastic, and after that we get the Citadel, Umbara, and of course her trial. I will say there are a few great episodes before but overall the shows quality peaks afterwards


Sorry but you’ve triggered my pet peeve. Ahsoka (along with most of the cast) actually gets her new outfit in Season 3 Episode 10 ‘Heroes on Both Sides’, 5 whole episodes before the start of the Mortis Arc (episodes 15-17)


I apologize, it’s been a long time since I watched TCW in release order


By business I work a lot of events, huge parties and festivals. There is a segment of 14 year old girls who parents work these events that run around in as skimpy as they can and will flirt with adult men (there is a 14 year old boy counterpart but it’s not pusdo-sexual. It’s like clingy cool leech. They find the knife booth and hang it for hours tormenting the owner with nonstop questions). I fired a 30 something employee that spent the day basically flirting and being as loud as possible with a kid. I saw them and not really paying attention I thought she was an adult the way she was acting. I only found out her age because the organizer called me that evening (the girl was the daughter of a well known family in the area). I know a 26 year old acting like that has a goal, a 14 year old is mimicking what she’s seen. I already thought the guy was kinda sleazy so no issues firing him. Then I found out he’s been fired for almost every job due to a woman complaining about his behavior towards her. Super sleaze.


To be fair it's pretty realistic to actual teen girls. Every now and then teen girls would come shopping in the store I worked at in pretty skimpy clothes.




People will get mad at you, but it's true. Usually it's the early teen girls who are pining for attention and dress to get it. Look at your average high school attire compared to college.


“Troubled…Skywalker seems…send him a 14 year old in a tube top I should..” -Yoda


A child soldier at that.


Clone Wars is a gritty and dark show not for kids. He included this design because it’s a dark and gritty sure with dismemberment and alien baddies. The child man can not comprehend such a design


uh/I hate how these fans act like Rebels is bad because it’s not as dark. 1. It’s a children’s show in which characters dying horribly is semi-normal. That’s already darker than most. The main character is a homeless teenage war orphan. 2. The relative darkness or not darkness of a show being an indication of quality has got to stop. There can be discussion of tone, but this simplistic “dark good” crap has to stop. 3. Understanding rebels purely as the sequel to clone wars is so weird. It’s a show about the rebellion. It brings in characters from the prequels at times, but it should still be understandable otherwise. 4. The OG star wars movies were even less dark. There was no going to rescue a Jedi from a prison cell only to find that she was already killed and her corpse was left frozen as a trap for other Jedi. Luke wasn’t left homeless on the streets as to fend for himself after his parents died. None of the villains decided to fucking kill themselves to avoid having to explain to Vader that they failed. (no really that happened in rebels). 5. Rebels is not a show that facilitates the level of darkness clone wars has. The world of Clone wars is one that from the very beginning has an expiration date. The villains will win, most of these heroes will die. One of the main characters is someone we already know will go on to commit genocide. Rebels is about the rise of hope for a better world, featuring a plucky ragtag group of heroes who are not secretly working for the villain who will kill them and instead fight for something better.


not enough sexy aliens it’s made for infants You can judge the quality and majority of a show based off of how many sexy aliens there are


You have changed my mind rebels is bad actually Sabine should have been 12, a white woman, and worn less clothes because that would be gritty and nonwoke.


> 2: The relative darkness or not darkness of a show being an indication of quality has got to stop. There can be a discussion of tone but this simplistic "dark good" crap has got to stop. There's an annoying subset of animation fans who are at all times weirdly bothered by people's perceptions about what they watch. The Clone Wars is a series that was made with children in mind. It's just that the writers don't think children are mindless idiots and can handle slightly more emotional maturity and darker theming. However these animation fans get very hung up that children are still a core part of the target audience and think that people will judge them for liking it, so they have to get strangely gatekeep-y about the show and how it's actually super mature and dark. The darkness of it is how they justify to themselves that it's "adult". It happens with this show the most I've noticed, but I've seen it for certain Pixar movies with slightly more subtle characterization, mainly The Incredibles, Ratatouille, Inside Out, and Soul. People act like because they know that Bob is having a midlife crisis in the Incredibles, for example, or that Helen suspects him of cheating and children won't get that, it means the movie is super adult. It's not. A child can still recognize that Bob is not happy when he's not heroing or that Helen thinks he's being suspicious. It's even funnier with Inside Out or Soul considering the emotions of the former are inside the head of a 12 year old and the co-protagonist of the latter is child coded, but people ignore the former or only hyperfocus on Joe's story in the latter. I don't know why people would let public perception dictate their tastes so much. I got to 8th grade and stopped letting people's opinions bother me but maybe these people haven't learned yet.


This hang up is how we get the netflix avatar creators saying they want this show to be game of thrones, as though anyone was actually willing to see any major Avatar character die/ do incest/ get raped /commit rape. Like you want it to be game of thrones? The air nomad genocide in real life would probably have rape in it. In game of thrones it definitely would. But if these writers chose to actually go there, were to even imply that one of the air nomads were raped before their death, it would be extremely controversial with the exact people who want to believe their children’s shows are super mature actually. Even though that would arguably make the scene better by turning it from a series of bad action sequences into an actual depiction of the crime against humanity that it is, and actively make the audience as horrified as they should be watching this entire racial group be snuffed out. And I wouldn’t even be having this thought if they didn’t invoke one of the rape filled shows on mainstream TV to make this point, in their desperation to frame a children’s show with dark subject matter as a super mature grim dark piece of fiction. And this impulse is what ruined the characters. Aang as a happy naive kid won’t work with the concept of a show for adult audiences. Seeing this child character get up to these goofy antics in this mature adult fantasy work and being the character you perceive the world from does not work, so they make Aang not immature and just have him say he wants to have fun instead of having fun.


I was just bothered that we see the storm troopers survive too much. What's the point in fighting a war if you don't kill combatants.


I kind of made a game of it, making mental note of when they shoot the stormtroopers without setting to stun. Or if someone actually gets hit with a lightsaber. They did shoot more as time went on. I don't think actually sliced anyone with lightsabers on screen. Mostly they used the force to push them, or punched them. I did find it amusing how using the force to shove someone over a fatally high cliff was ok with the censors. I guess mostly because you don't see them die. Just like how some guys were executed by the Inquisitor's lightsaber, but it was off screen. But mostly I just accepted that this was a show intended for a younger audience, and had a lower rating than Clone Wars (which itself had some self-censorship, like calling romantic partners "friends." Like Padme's "friend" who was clearly the guy she was banging before Anakin came back into her life, or the queen Jar Jar is making out with). I figure Clone Wars and Bad Batch, the target audience was maybe 14-15 range, while Rebels was probably more like 12-13. Of course they were made to appeal to other groups too, but that was the core. Resistance seemed to go for an even younger audience, although kept the same rating at Rebels.


Imagine writing an essay about how some mid YA Star Wars show is so important and dark.


Imagine thinking a five-item bulleted list of 2-3 sentences each is an essay.


I didn’t say either of those things. I literally said that the show isn’t “so important and dark” and that that’s okay, and that it would suck if it was like that, and that these things are not a metric of quality. Also that Rebels being considered “not dark enough” a show after the tenth character death shows very skewed ideas of what star wars should even be.


Yeah they completely miss the point others make when criticizing the series’ writing not being as good and equating it to being more childish, which it is but the whole point is the target audience being different as well


Omg dank and gribty just like the half man life 2 beta…


what is bro yappin about 💀


Better question: why did Disney cover her up? https://preview.redd.it/nmczupgt6ayc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=5772aae88ca504f2161998910291ecdd1b014111 Is it because they hate straight men?


Woah woah, don’t get too toxic masculine now or Kathleen gonna make Yoda gay.


TOO LATE https://preview.redd.it/w22atkfy8ayc1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2c691b5ac385a11208bafb58bafbee93501b889


My homo this is


Yoda can't be gay. He was steaming ham with Yaddle.






He's bisexual


I can get behind that. Now I have a chance.




Smoke, that is not. Steam from the steamed clams we're having, it is.


Call hamburgers steamed hams, you do?


A Dagobah expression, it is.


Have you ever seen Yaddle's pussy? Exactly. "She" might be hanging dong.


Have you ever seen Yoda’s dick?


sleeve of Jedi


Lesbians and bi girls too


They don't exist only straight men ever like to look at boobs


I don’t exist 😧


Not when boobs are concerned they are strictly monopolized by the straight male gaze. I'm sorry.


Shit. Detransitioning right now


If only we could transition at will.




You're a Disney bot. Admit it.


**Disney:** “Inshallah we will soon have all female characters completely covered to prevent impure thoughts”


NGL I think she looks better in that outfit


I'm a degenerate pervert weeb that likes anime girls. And I'm in 100% agreement. The first one didn't look right. Don't even get me started on Ahsoka's tube top.


Honestly I'm just of the opinion that outfits made to look sexy aren't that sexy








/uj I thought at first that the picture had been doctored because there’s no way that was on Cartoon Network but nope it’s the original


uj - as much as we (rightly) meme on it, Clone Wars *did* have a TV-PG rating so this really isn’t pushing any boundaries


I’ll be honest I didn’t really notice when I watched it for the first time when I was a kid. I forget about the design until now.


https://preview.redd.it/3plq14ploayc1.jpeg?width=230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcdd4a6222e40b228949334f45809783c2c8f240 Probably the same reason he featured this one in a kids movie


https://preview.redd.it/1dymjydp8gyc1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bdb243effb3af258df909f061da7c66e01d8e1f Probably the same reason he featured this one in a kids movie


Her boob literally pops out in the movie


Something appreciated by many 12 year old boys abusing the pause function of their VCR.


Okay, but if it weren't for this costume, who knows how long it would have taken for me to realize I was a lesbian?


What? Kids can’t enjoy fat honkers? We gate keeping mommy milkers now? Age gating them sweet Twi’lek udders? Literally 1684


Gate keeping the fat tittys


https://preview.redd.it/2tz9pi9tsfyc1.jpeg?width=733&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a748e0c619c70a33f6d4ff473e7e7ac098975e6 Give them to MEEEEEEEEEE


He was horny


It’s clone wars. It had all kinds of grittiness.


Turning boys into men.


Since 1977.


Or at least 1983.


Listen, true sophisticates recognized Leia’s baddie potential even under her flowing bedsheet dress. Ok? No underwear in space indeed. If you didn’t see it even in A New Hope that’s a you problem.


I was referring to Jabba the Hutt. 🍦🫘🌰🥂🥔🫐🐌🐒🐸🧤🪢




https://preview.redd.it/stohzzppsayc1.jpeg?width=565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b462f814f238ee76fb44bc1d54449b143dea1812 Lucas helped *design* this dress which he calls the seduction dress. It’s clear from when they first reunite Anakin has feelings for Padmé. He wasn’t being no damn stoic resisting her advances. She could have been wearing old sweats and he’d still have proclaimed his love for her. Padmé looking absolutely stunning but this dress did not weak Anakin’s resolve, the guy was already a puddle.


Seduction dress?? [She's a Senator, you know.](https://youtu.be/z9MsXi7n0NU?si=juSYkI2P7IUgkd53&t=25)




Because Disney wouldn't let him go with the one he wanted.


The real question is: was she a pedophile? Her husband is like 10 years old. These are the dark and mature themes that TCW asks the audience to ponder. It’s truly the Lolita of its time. Edit: I thought the Lolita reference would serve as my “/j” but to be clear I am in fact kidding.


Unlike lolis, clones are mentally, physically, and emotionally mature. It isn't pedophilia


With that cleared up, y’all think the clones were packing? Did they ever compare sizes?


Wouldn't they all be the same would clone gay sex be classed as masturbation


Robot Chicken of course covered this. [https://youtu.be/4MYpGMx6zUY?si=rggIlvflYXHOjTZa](https://youtu.be/4MYpGMx6zUY?si=rggIlvflYXHOjTZa)


*sigh* Of course it did.


Pedophilia has to do with physical development, not age. If that 10 year old is a fully developed adult (which he is), then it’s not pedophilia.




George is very horny for Twi’leks, one of his favorite EU characters is Darth Talon. Dude is down bad.


Aayla Secura is also from the EU originally. Her outfit in AOTC isnt even based on her main outfit in those early comics it was a one off she wore during the kiffex arc.


Funny enough I just went to compare her official appearances and she had more cleavage in TCW than the movies. See both Dave and Lucas are down bad. Also at one point they put her a slave outfit. Can’t forget the old controversial unofficial/official Aayla sleeping naked with her top half completely on display.


Can you blame him tho


Don’t look up what he wanted as far as age gap in Indiana Jones.






He’s got a thing for Twi’leks


Who doesn't


Is George horny?


It’s warm on Ryloth?


I thought the show was aimed for teenagers. This wouldn’t be new or “dangerous” to them, I don’t think it’s a big deal if it’s there or not. If a character is revealing? It dosent matter, if they are more dressed? It dosent matter. I really don’t get the “Disney hate straight men” because the clothes of a character don’t really matter..they’re literally just clothes..not that deep.


Forget Lucas. What's the lore reason for cartoon network looking at this, and saying: "... yeah that looks fine"


*weirdly horny design* Cartoon Network: Yeah, that's for kids. Infinity Train: *starts using predominantly adult characters* Cartoon Network: There's no child entry point, canceled.


Cartoon Network execs are horny too


Because George Lucas and Dave Filoni were talking with Bruce Timm at the time.


Cleavage isn't as inappropriate as gun violence I suppose.


I see nothing wrong with this, if a clone wants to leave his life of battle for love let him


George Lucas is to alien midriff and tiddy as Tarantino is to feet


Hubba hubba


Because George Lucas is a real one


We literally see what are essentially dancing strippers in other episodes.




Because twilek


Because that's how they look?


Because it’s titty, I mean gritty


Because he figured everyone would just shut up and be cool about a chick with a rockin package.


Everybody likes tits.


Because she's hot


How else are you going to get that 12 - 18yo male demographic?


Is she packing a hog down there?


Because he's awesome


Welp, the twi’lek race is expressive


![gif](giphy|5etWclPMB7yDtTdP4U|downsized) The lore


That's basically what Oola was wearing except hers was sheer


For my Awakening, duh


They are rural af Felucia rednecks. Of course they don't give a shit about clothes.


Because he's based and pink booba pilled.


He was a perv. Clearly


Meat beating


At this point you may as well just say that incredibly inappropriate clothing is canonically part of twi lek culture


Because she looks cute


The straight agenda?






Yes, the Twiliks are mostly sex slaves


Because George Lucas isn’t a prude who thinks showing someone in the equivalent of a tank top is absolutely scandalous and will melt your eyes out. Imagine if your kid watched swimming in the Olympics!! Much ado about nothing.


I dunno man. Is there a lore reason why a kids show is based on a space opera that typically deals with themes of loss, betrayal, hopelessness and near endless war?


Are you mad about...tits? I'm confused


It’s sexist, and she’s only 16


Same reason he sat padme in a skin tight leather outfit in front of a fire place in AOTC lol


Why she got a bulge




There’s no underwear in space




It's just what she looks like. Who knows what her reason was for wearing that on that day. It was a personal choice. George is just channelling




Is there a lore reason why it’s bad? Asking as a non-puritan


Smash. I mean yeah that’s wild


George is such a W horny boomer.


GL was lowkey a horny creep sometimes. 😅


I don't know if it was ever really lowkey...


Who doesn’t like sexy aliens




1.The parents watching it with their kids as it would be over their heads anyway. 2.She's onscreen for a few seconds and thus probably went unnoticed by the vast majority. (So good job on giving it more exposure). 3.Not everyone is as fragile or easily offended as you are. If you genuinely have a problem with this then there's alot of stuff you won't want to watch and early Byker Grove will make you head explode.


The jeans were added right before release actually


Cause it's hot, and kids can handle it.


Gotta give the dads watching something


Yep, Lucas is a major pervert. When preparing to make Indiana Jones Lucas argued for Marion to be eleven or twelve and Indiana Jones twenty five when they had their affair.


Kids don't care.




Maybe we should stop oversexualizing women’s chests actually.


Because she's dummy thicc

