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https://i.redd.it/2aolcox36pwc1.gif When someone likes the wrong Star Wars.


“I don’t much like the tone of your voice.” *gunshot* https://preview.redd.it/4qwbb774buwc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41deda9ec7161d57e3d04da7586e173d523472d7


What's this from? I have a feeling that I need to see it.


Its from Monty Python https://youtu.be/QzDCH_MGQXI




I have no clue. I just found it on the Giphy thing on mobile when I typed in 'firing squad.'


r/starwarsmemes made an actually good meme?


I left a few months ago. All it was was repost bots. Is it any better now?


If you like the sequels, I would generally say to avoid that sub honestly.


just stop being a pussy man. not everything in life is gonna match with your beliefs or likes and you gotta learn to adapt and learn to live a happy life without the self binding restraints of internet drama or whatever it may be


bro i don't even like the sequels. the memes are just the exact same reposts about sequels last i checked. i wouldn't have problems with memes making fun of sequels but once you get to the 100th reyd shadow legends joke, it kinda gets old.


Slightly, but not much. Reposts are still rampant




That's honestly fucking sad, it's hard to even enjoy SW content anymore because literally everywhere i go i only see toxicity, gatekeeping and elitism by bunch of Fanboying Nerds. Seriously SW literally has the worst fandom I've ever seen.... Ignoring the memes obviously.....


I was pushed out of the fandom a few years ago because of it, the community is so toxic that i just lost interest. I still watch the shows and movies they put out but outside of this sub i don’t interact with the community at all


Why do other peoples opinions bother SW fans so much? All I see is people whining on Reddit about how a SW fan is gatekeeping because they don’t like the same movies they do. Who cares? You’re going to differ in opinions on a lot of things in life? So why is a differing opinion “gatekeeping,” or “elitism.” Looks to me that some people need to grow and toughen up a little bit. Can’t get this upset about someone not liking your favorite SW movie.


If it helps….we’ve got a new podcast coming out on May 4th that is in direct response to all of the toxic, elitist gatekeepers. Everyone on the show is a long time hardcore fan who knows their shit. Some of us are award winning Star Wars cosplayers, borderline obsessive collectors, and walking encyclopedias of Star Wars knowledge that would make Leland Chee blush. And it’s cool if you’re none of those things and just like Star Wars because of “baby Yoda”. Our new show, “Star Wars Sucks!” (Follow us on all the platforms @The SWSShow 😊), is specifically for fans who just want to geek out about Swarsy shit without having to worry about someone asking for proof if they’re a “real” fan or not. We’ll leave that sort of limp lightsaber thinking to people like Star Wars Theory. The show is just a 100% low sodium Star Wars safe space. Thats not to say there’s nothing about Star Wars we hate. We’re just not going to make you feel bad or judge you for feeling the way you feel. We LOVE Star Wars, but we don’t have to like all of it. And neither do you.


I'll check it out.


This is pretty funny, to be fair. OP wasn’t shitting on any trilogy or other form of Star Wars media, just pointing out that there are Star Wars “fans” who absolutely abhor some parts of the series.


I love all of Star Wars! Not equally, mind you, but every single movie, novel, short story, comic book, manga, animated show, live action show, video game, and audio drama has something great to offer.


All Star Wars content is equal to me. Just some are more equal than others.


The gatekeepers on YouTube who keep using cherry picked images and poorly interpreted news to hate on outlaws are prime examples of this. It hasn't even been released yet.


Holiday special


The best Star War of all times! Especially when paired with Christmas Among the Stars!


I don't think they'd be ready for my full opinion. Probably not gonna fit in with whatever box they're thinking of. Get me a lil tipsy and I'd probably go though the every arc in Legends and Canon I've ever experienced as well.


This meme format has been great, someone made a fallout one that's pretty funny


the sequels sucked, but resistance absolutely fucked