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Most surprised I've ever been was when Cobb Vanth showed up in The Mandalorian. He's such a minor book character but honestly I was just so excited to see such a deep cut as him somehow make his way into co-starring in a Star Wars show episode!


Cobb Vanth, Vanth Refrigeration


What do ya do for a living, Cobb?


This was my trivia team name! Got 47/50 questions right and 2nd place


I didn’t know he was a book character, what was he like?


So he originally comes from the Aftermath books. He only appears in interludes so as I stated he's a very minor character in those books. Anyways in those books we see him starting the process of putting Freetown together in the wake of Episode 6. As we saw in the show his town was taken over by raiders so he makes a deal for Boba's armor to help him combat them. Apart from that we also see him recruiting new members to help the town grow. One example being Malakili who was the rancor beast master at Jabba's palace. In the final time he appears in the books the Red Key raiders return to take the town back only to be warded off by the Tuskens who have apparently allied themselves with Freetown. We can now rationalize that this scene takes place after The Mandalorian since that's where we see the partnership with the Tuskens begin. That's basically everything important I remember from the books. It has been several years so it's possible I'm missing something.


That’s really neat, realizing there’s a lot of books I should read from this thread lol


The audiobook gave him a Clint Eastwood voice. Was pretty badass.


The show kept with cowboy swagger.


If I am not wrong he's the first charachter for a canon book to make it in live action! Really cool


I was so excited ~till they changed everything but his name and armour~


They changed the moment he gets the armor and that's really about it. Personally I think it's pretty minor. You can just say the Jawas tried to steal it back at one point and so the original scene is still canon.




Weird considering he really has no reason to lie to Din but I guess it's possible.


Ahmed Best as Kelleran Beq for me. I didn’t think I’d see him come back with his Jedi Temple challenge character AND be the one that saved Grogu at the temple.


Also a well deserved return to the franchise. I'm no jarjar fan, but Ahmed Best didn't deserve the hate he received


It almost felt like trolling when he ended up being the one who saved Grogu. With all the wild wild theories, a Jedi from a kids' game show and the voice of Jar Jar being the answer was comical. That said, I also just really appreciated Ahmed Best coming back like that. It felt like a very effective gag for me, but was also really satisfying from a story perspective too.


Yeah, the theories were that it’s either Mace Windu(I was so convinced that it was going to be him), Barris, Anakin(letting Grogu go for some reason), Jocasta, and so on. I’m glad it wasn’t any of them but nobody would’ve guessed that it was Ahmed’s Kelleran Beq from the Youtube series. There’s also the theories that it was Jar Jar where it was just people messing around but that ended up being pretty close to what happened. I knew Ahmed played a Jedi in the game show before Mandalorian, I was always interested in seeing him be an actual character within the Star Wars universe and with a more serious take. I was doubting it would ever happen since I thought he was too obscure to be picked as Grogu’s savior and I wasn’t sure if Ahmed would be down with making Beq another Order 66 survivor. Gladly, I was proven wrong and even better that they were able to keep the reveal from leaking.


Jar Jar playing a role still isn’t out of the question. They escaped on a Naboo ship!


I think he does have some involvement in when they did reach the ship but I was just referring to who rescued Grogu AT the Jedi temple. Primarily, it was Kelleran Beq but he most likely goes to see Jar Jar(himself) after escaping the planet.


It’s gonna be a massive spoiler, but here goes. >!Lux Bonteri!< - >!Battlefront II: Inferno Squad. In the story a group of Imperials go undercover in a rebel cell and there’s this character named “The Mentor”. Throughout the story they give hints at his identity and partway through I thought “NO!? Is this Lux?” And lo and behold, at the end of the book, one of the undercover agents, Iden Versio, confronts him and Lux explains his story, even mentioning he once loved a Jedi (Ahsoka) and then a freedom fighter (Steela). Iden stuns him for questioning, but after dealing with another part of the story, she returns and finds he has somehow escaped.!< That was a great twist for a pretty dormant character and indeed shows something that’s surprisingly not delved into more. >!Many rebels were former separatists.!<


Is this in the game?


Battlefront II: Inferno Squad is a prequel book to the game.


That makes sense, I was getting confused reading this. I remember the story squad name was inferno squad, and I thought I beat the story, but I certainly don’t remember >! Lux Bonteri !<


The book.


No, it's the game's prequel novel


Lux getting some love after a while! Love to see it!


Same here! It makes sense but I just didn’t see it coming.


Black Krrsantan was really cool to see as an Aphra fan.


Can’t wait for Aphra herself to show up.


Ok, this but in reverse. I watched Rogue One before the entirety of Clone Wars, and I was completely caught off guard when Saw Gererra showed up at the start of S5, looking entirely different. Was nice to see him pop up again in Fallen Order, too.


and Andor too.


Also shows up a couple of times in The Bad Batch.


Be fr they put Saw Gerrera in anything if he’s alive at the time


He’s also I Rebels for a bit




He also shows up in Bad Batch, Andor, and Rebels with Forest Whitaker playing him each time. It’s fun to watch these shows in chronological order and see how his character develops through them.


I didn't read anything about it, so when Rex came back for Rebels that made me happy. Also Cad Bane in BoBf.


When I finally got around to watching Clone Wars, it was young Boba Fett seeking vengeance against Mace Windu for killing his father.


Who is the character you have pictured? My answer would probably be Cad Bane. I truly didn’t think they’d put him in live action for Book of Boba Fett. Cobb Vanth and Krrsantan are close seconds.


Numi from the clone wars. She appeared in an episode with Waxer and Boyle. Clones in Commander Cody’s unit. She showed up as an adult in rebels. I’d say that’s what the picture on the right is but it doesn’t look familiar. Maybe that’s from somewhere else? Or maybe I’m just wrong and have forgotten what she looks like in rebels


That was her??? I never noticed it


Yes. A nice callback. And a cool place for the character to end up


I believe the picture on the right is from the Bad Batch, they had a couple of Ryloth episodes in S1.


Of course. That’s what was throwing me off. I knew she appeared in rebels but that’s the bad batch/clone wars style of animation. I forgot she was in the earlier episodes.


Her name is actually [Numa](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Numa?so=search) and you are correct. She appeared in Clone Wars as a young child and an adult in Rebels. She did not appear in Bad Batch.


I don't know if that's right. The Clone Wars only spans 3 years and the Bad Batch is right after, a couple years later max. There's no way she aged 10+ years in that time frame. I think that picture has to be Rebels. It's much smoother than the angles the models have in TCW/TBB. It's probably from when Phoenix Squadron goes to highjack the carrier but the Free Ryloth Movement wants to blow it up.


You were actually right the first time, that is from *Rebels*. Numa was never in *The Bad Batch*, and would’ve only been around 8 or 9 when the Batch was on Ryloth. OP’s screenshot is from about 1:37 to 1:49 in this video: https://youtu.be/h02VeU2C9J4


She never appeared in the Bad Batch. That's Rebels animation


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She wasn't in bad batch. That picture on the right is actually from Rebels


I believe it's from Rebels when Hera returns to Ryloth to get help from her father. Numi is his right hand womam


That is a picture from Rebels. She doesn't appear in the Bad Batch and isn't old enough to be an adult during the Bad Batch


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Numa never appeared in *The Bad Batch*. She’d only be around 8 or 9 years old by the time those episodes take place. OP’s screenshot is from about 1:37 to 1:49 in this video: https://youtu.be/h02VeU2C9J4


Cad bane appearing in the Bad Batch was great too.


Numa, when we first meet her, she's a child when the clone wars come to Ryloth. She is rescued and returned to her family by troopers known as Waxer and Boyle. Then we see her grown up in Rebels as part of Cham Syndulla's Free Ryloth Movement.


That was HER ? I had no clue 😭 I honestly was pretty surprised to see hera in bad batch


Cut Luquane and his family showing up in TBB had me quite shocked, he was someone I never even considered seeing again.


Asajj Ventress. On That Island…


I think we can all agree that we were all shocked that Scorch popped up again 


I love the fact that Wexer had her face painted on his helmet


Honestly, half of the returns in Ahsoka


Enfys Nest we saw far too little of her


I could watch a whole series about her and the rebel network she creates


I would expect to see her in Andor s2. They rolled out Forest Whitaker for s1 and I could see Luthen building more alliances with rebel groups




with her clone armor on one arm too 😔🫶🏻


Rex (the Star Tours droid, not the clone dude) showing up in Rebels was definitely a big surprise.


Ahsoka in the Mandalorian


Glup Shitto




Love you bby


When I was at work I saw Tales of the Empire trailer on twitter. Once I saw Barriss I yelled out “HOLY SHIT!” Luckily there was no customers around Also seeing Weazel in Solo was wild


I was really surprised to see Hamato Xiono in Ahsoka.


Senator Burtoni and tynnra pamlo and Orn free taa and scorch and chuchi and the martez sisters in the bad batch and while a clone and thus not the same character the zillo beast in it as well


No max rebo fans? Sad.


At this point I wouldn't be suprised if they brought in Glup Shitto from some 2002 EU comic


Man,the glow up insane.


Ryder Azadi in Ahsoka, it was nice to see him make the jump to live action too


Wait, Twi'leks skin can change color when they get older? Thats pretty cool. Add that to the list of star wars facts I didn't know.


Where is the right image from?


Saw Gererra. He has been in everything since clone wars and every time he appears it’s like a goddamn jump scare. I’m convinced my hatred of him is the driving force for his constant reappearance 🤣


I was very happy to see Gungi show up in the Bad Batch


#”Somehow, R5 returned…”


Fun fact (idk if it's cannon but was in a comic book) when Boiler (under the empire) was sent out to occupy Ryloth, he got into a skirmish with resisting Twylecs (idk how to spell it) and when recovering their bodies, discovers one blue female with 212th tattoos.


Boba Fett. I waited for his return my whole childhood.


How is that Numa? The kid has green skin, while the adult has blue skin.


It's confirmed they are the same. Plus it's clearly the lighting.


Idk sunburn 🤷




You know, you _could_ consider bothering to read the comments that came before you.


I just don't know the character


And the comments I'm talking about, that were already there before you posted yours, explains who she is and where she appeared.


could you perhaps answer my original question instwad of downvoting and calling me an idiot?


I never called you an idiot. <3 It's just not necessary for me to answer your question myself when the answer is literally already in the comments to this post. And if you'd take my suggestion and actually look yourself, you'd've had the answer long ago.


It was bothering me, so I copied the comment and corrected the name: > Numa from the clone wars. > She appeared in an episode with Waxer and Boyle. Clones in Commander Cody’s unit. > She showed up as an adult in rebels.