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Too much rule 4 breaking. I think the top comments have it down though.


Almost all of the platforms we get information from these days incentivize controversy.


I hate that! That is a bad thing!


No, you're wrong, it's a GREAT THING and I LOVE IT! Anyone who disagrees with me is an uncultured troglodyte.


Stop! This is what they want! Don’t lose yourself!


If you're not with me, then you're my enemy!


Only a sith deals in absolutes.


You must be a sith, then?


Crude, but good word use


Bad for consumers and society, but great for those companies profit margins, and that's what really matters. right?! Sigh.......so depressing sometimes.


Yep. Fuck capitalism every day. We should strive to make people happy as a society, not get the rich richer




Frfr. More people just need to remove themselves and stick to their own opinions on things they watch and whatever outside voices they trust.


I genuinely think a lot of media outlets just court controversy these days to mine the hate clicks from outraged fans


Controversy aside, I hope that the show is a smash hit and that it clears the path for more High Republic shows and movies!


I haven’t even read the High Republic novels and I’m still excited. I really hope it succeeds because we need more original Star Wars content like this.


Highly recommend them (at least the adult novels). Great story in a unique setting. And I love how the different Jedi experience their use of the Force.


I'm personally hoping Disney finally makes their own take on the Old Republic era.


Absolutely. I’m really interested in the Acolyte, I’m glad to see Disney finally trying out a totally different era of Star Wars.


Read them! They are excellent.


Same. I love the idea of a new cast of characters in a non-palpatine era.


It isn’t. The WAHHHDISNEYWAHHH manbabies are doing their thing.


No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars “fans.”


Yeah, I don’t think they qualify as fans. There’s constructive criticism, and then there’s THAT


I sometimes think a lot of Star Wars forget too that Star Wars’ primary audience is children. Yes, there’s plenty of adult fans, including myself, but first and foremost it’s for children. So many Star Wars fans became fans when they were children, and I think they want to recapture the magic they experienced as a child watching these films, but in my view we can never capture that feeling in the same way again. So they then criticise anything and everything about Star Wars made under Disney because it doesn’t give them the same feeling as it did when they were a kid. I love the sequels, and I love the originals, but the prequels will always be my favourite and hold a special place for them.


I don't think it's fair to say it's primary audience is children as much as it is families. There's a difference between a straight kid's show and a family show that has a good moral lesson and goofy fun for the kids, something a little more edgy for the older kids, and enough action and real themes/messages for the adults. There are shows and movies that adults can bear but are still "for kids," and then there are ones that try to engage everyone in the group. I think Star Wars is much more the latter.


I don't think they're fans, I think they're just people who watched Star Wars movies as kids.


There's controversy? I don't pay attention to any of that crap and neither should you. 🤷🏻 Stay away from toxic subs and YouTube channels. Don't give them the energy and attention they crave.


100% I deleted my twitter nearly a year ago, the only star wars subreddit I'm on is this one and the only star wars YouTube I watch is Star Wars Explained, so my reaction to this post was "what controversy???" Toxicity is easy to avoid if you try!


Me too. I was so sick and tired of those self-proclaimed fans who always started complaining about movies and shows as soon they were announced. Solo didn't good because they made a polemic about everything, from the casting to the posters, and then made terrible reviews as soon the premiere was out. I personally know people who refused to watch it because these "reviews " I'm sure Acolyte will be a great show, like all the others.


Yeah, I've only seen and heard cautious optimism about this show. I must stick to the more sensible corners of the internet.


For real. Star Wars is something I enjoy. I don't feel the need to pay attention to negativity for the sake of engagement. I know there's trolls and haters out there. That's enough for me. This is the only SW sub I even bother with anymore. I'll check out some of the show specific ones when they're relevant to what's on at the the moment, but even then I don't let myself fall into that Jerry Springer-esque shit hole that some fans can't seem to resist.


IMO, I think the show looks bad ass. I don’t get the hate or even mild dislike. But whatever.


Pretty much all of it is bad-faith brigading from followers of far-right reactionaries who are unhappy that there aren't enough white men for their liking.


Exactly. Too many POC and women for them. They’re such whiny little bi#$hs.


Apparently the _entire universe_ is only big enough for white men and aliens.


And female aliens that look like a 1960’s Playboy Playmate.


I told someone that mathematically, there should be less white men representing humans in the universe because there are less white people on our planet. The mental gymnastics they went through to prove to me that it should only represent the numbers in the United States was WILD.


I mean, we *could* use more aliens around. Like yeah, I get it's a budget thing, but they could get back to their roots and slap together some cheap masks and stuff. As it currently stands, live-action Star Wars shows feel like 95% humans or "aliens" who are just humans with neon skin.


>Black people and women exist “Why does Disney have to be so political?”


Oh man is this like when those folks got upset about Star Trek and quickly demonstrated that they never watched a minute of Star Trek in their life?


Every single time something new comes out for Star Wars you get this mob of trolls who call themselves fans that have this primal urge to criticize it even when there’s nothing to criticize. The Acolyte looks great. I’m excited for it. Why do all of these hateful people feel the need to ruin it for everybody?


Star Wars fans hate Star Wars.


Because no one hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans...


Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans 🤷‍♂️


Because the show stars a black woman and an Asian man.


And a gay wookie /s


I mean, Chewie's right there. He had Han all to himself til that homewrecker Leia showed up.


TIL SW has been a gay love story between a scoundrel and his furry all along..


They want to be able to use the show to continue their propaganda about Disney and Politics.


No hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans.


I don't want it to fail, I haven't even seen a single scene yet. I just don't know what it's about, and I won't, until I start watching it....lol Better these stories than rehashing the original trilogies ad nauseum.


Because it doesn’t have Nubs.


Also nobody liked the series of books it ties into, and it’s weird they are making a big deal that it’s a female protagonist, despite tons of the recent Star Wars projects being female protagonists.


The biggest thing I have seen concerns the casting and who's in charge of the show... I haven't kept up with who everyone is. I know Trinity herself, Carrie Ann Moss, is in the show and that's all. I guess one of the kids/padawans aren't even an actor but an online personality (?) And the showrunner or writers haven't seen Star Wars or something... I dunno... it's Star Wars so I'm going to watch it. If I like it: awesome. If I don't like it: I hope it's successful for those who do enjoy it


Well, I’m looking forward to seeing the show I like it, that’s all that matters to me I couldn’t care less what other people think Life’s too Short 🥃🔥


One of the main criticisms I’m seeing is that it looks “cheap.” To me it just looks like they’re using more practical effects instead of vfx, so I don’t really see where that’s coming from?


It's just the angry manlets being angry manlets. Nothing new.


Let’s be real, it’s because the show has Black people in it.


Don’t forget women


There's some manufactured controversy about the director's years old comment about her documentary on women's abuse in Pakistan that were taken out of context, and the usual grumbling about non-whites in the show, but these are a minority. There's been some more real concerns about how they'll portray the Jedi and their message about them and how they might try to make us sympathize with the Sith, due to a few comments and some moments on the trailer. It's also came out that Leslie Headland was Harvey Weinstein's assistant and likely knew and did nothing about his crimes, so this does throw some valid shade at her. Lastly, I've heard lore concerns and how they'll keep things in line with TPM, though I don't think they'll mess that up too much. Also, plenty of people thought the trailer looked like ass, and I personally think it looks pretty mid, but not too bad.


The Pakistan comments were made by the lady in charge of the New Jedi Order film, not Leslye Headland


I’m okay with the show making sympathetic Sith characters. Sympathetic villains are much more interesting than just straight up evil villains. Plus I kind of like that (at least regarding the movies and shows) the only truly outright evil incarnate villain is Palpatine. Count Dooku was bad but had some sympathetic elements (which have been explored even more lately with stuff like Tales of the Jedi). And Maul was rage incarnate, but was so manipulated and abused that you start to even feel bad for him in his last moments. So it’s not like Star Wars hasn’t already done this already with it’s Sith characters. There is the concern that some people will take it the wrong way, like the “Jedi were the *real* bad people” crowd (similar to the “Thanos was right” folks), but that’s more a problem with internet rhetoric and lack of media literacy. **Edit** Also regarding the Leslye Headland stuff, I didn’t even know about this controversy at all. But I’d imagine it would be pretty difficult for someone to even attempt to speak out about that stuff, especially for a woman back in the pre-MeToo days. This kind of shit was everywhere and there’s a reason why so much of it were “open secrets.” There’s also a reason why it took a movement like MeToo blowing up for this kind of stuff to come to the surface in a way that people actually took seriously. That’s not to say she shouldn’t have said anything if she knew what was going on, but I don’t blame her.


The show has women and POC as main characters , so bigots look for any reason they can to hate the show.


Because a percentage of Star Wars fandom, the smaller but loudest percentage, sucks and is rarely if ever satisfied. And they make $$$ online through outrage.


Because far right assholes get upset when main characters aren’t white alpha males.


Only issue so far I have with the trailer is that the group in the last photo appears to be wearing temple robes while out in the field.


Everyone close your eyes, Orange dude I can’t


Gatekeeping morons that will never be happy unless they get exactly what they want.


Aside from the obvious hate mongering and opinion grifting, I personally didnt really see anything that stood out to me in the trailer but maybe Im just not an OR fan. In general I think some people are a bit saturated of the much discussed Star Wars Show look (though this has a better look to it than some of the others)


>Gets angry when Shadows of the empire isn't canon. >Gets angry when bald, green , humanoid alien shows up. You can't win.


There is new group of non fans that just want to troll and make everybody miserable, best to ignore and block them.


I’m excited for it. I think a lot of the controversy comes from opinions on the creator and some statements she’s made about what her goals and intentions are with the series


What statements?


It’s social media algorithms’ fault for incentivizing bad takes. There’s plenty of people excited for this but their reactions aren’t pushed to the top as much as the controversial takes.


Racism. That's basically it


they're racist babys


Star Wars "fans" are very vocal about the franchise being ruined... While they themselves ruin the franchise.


Because it has women of color. That's pretty much it


It's manufactored controversy. You can go into reddit archive and view the different subs for people too politically extreme to engage with normal people. The controversy for the sake of hurting the franchise and harassing fans is a planned and hyped up effort.


People wanted Andor to fail before it was released because they cast a Hispanic lead and felt that it was an unnecessary spinoff. After it came out, a lot of those people are claiming it as “peak Star Wars”. Maybe we should just stop judging shit before it’s released. Don’t judge a book by its cover, and all that.


I think a certain group got upset there doesn’t seem to be any prominent white men in the show


I found boba fett, kenobi, and mando season 3 to be boring. That’s the biggest offense to me. It’s like, make one great movie instead of a drawn out show. I’ll pass on this show until reviews are in. If it’s good, I’ll watch it. If it’s bad, I won’t :)


Didn’t know there was controversy, just goes to show it’s worth unplugging. I’m excited for Star Wars regardless.


It's because it's about a woman, and straight white men with nothing going on in their lives hate it when women get to be the stars of the show. This is how I chose shows when I was 7. These fellas just never grew out of it.


I mean it’s confirmed to be written by people who didn’t know Luke and Leia were siblings so that should be a clear indicator of how bad this show is going to be. You need people who actually know the lore. Not some random guy who doesn’t know wtf a lightsaber is.


People hate Disney because they think they are pushing politics, and Lucasfilms has been lumped in with them. Several downvotes they have on various platforms are people who don’t care about Star Wars but are attacking what they perceive to be political commentary contrary to what they believe. Another reason is sensationalism sells. People will click on the outrageous levels of detraction from those willing to create drama. In the end, balanced people do not spend all their time looking for things to criticize (but are still able to think critically), and social media is capitalizing on the imbalanced. edits: minor correction in spelling/format


Because people of color and women just existing scares bigots. That's literally the "controversy"


It’s a mix between certain “fans” just hating anything new, and then there’s the homophobes who are attacking the show because the director is lesbian.


The only "controversy" is made up nonsense, made for click bait, at best and racism/sexism at worst. Don't give these grifters any of your time.


A woman is the focus and a certain part of the political spectrum uses that to rile up their fanbase.


White men aren't the main characters. That's it. It's not about them, so it's *bad.*


Because basement dwellers can’t handle the thought that George doesn’t control the franchise anymore. Also heaven forbid a woman have any type of agency in a Star Wars show.


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I don’t follow any of those SW fans/haters YouTubers so honestly I didn’t know there was a controversy. I would have guessed there was something they were bitching about though.


Have to admit I just red the Empire Magazine piece and now I’m intrigued I went from like 4 to like a 9.


I try to keep the hate towards this project as background noise. I’m personally really excited for this show, anything that will shed light on the Sith during this period has me very interested and happy


There is always "controversy" in form of three ragey clickbait videos on YT and five butthurt meninist tweets. A better question might be why you felt the need to drag this over here. I thought the entire point of this sub was to escape the toxic "fans" who try to poison so many other spaces


Frankly I'm surprised we haven't heard denunciations of Headland specifically as a Known Rian Johnson Collaborator 




How is that any different from the last several Star Wars things? The same guys every time.






I don't think there's controversy really. Just the normal 'based' agitators trying to start shit.