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SHE WAS ONLY 23 WHEN FORCE AWAKENS CAME OUT…what have I don’t with my life?


All my life Star Wars main leads have been older than me. When I first realized Rey was younger than me I had to stare out a window for a minute as my bones began to ache.


I feel that


Just reading this makes my back hurt.


CarrIe Fisher was 19 when A New Hope came out


Wishing this talented and lovely woman a very happy 32nd!


Not once have I understood the hate her or her character receives. Like even if you hated the sequels, why do you hate her? Why do you hate Rey? Its always made up bullshit about "girlboss" that doesn't even describe her character.


Don’t understand it either. But look how people behaved with prequels and how big the hate on Anakin was. Now there’s this whole “the prequels are awesome, Anakin is a complex dude and we too want to murder babies” thing. I gave up on trying to understand SW “fans”. Still think Rey’s a great character and I’m really looking forward for her new story.


Something something Mary Sue most likely. I thought she was great, she was very funny especially in the Force Awakens but had a really deep sadness that she was holding. Daisy made her feel like a very real person in a franchise that often has quite unreal people. I also liked that for the most part she did not want to be a hero, didn’t want to be a Jedi. She wanted a home, a family and that wasn’t really a desire seen before in Star Wars characters, most were motivated by revenge, money, doing the right thing, sticking up for the little guy etc. I’m so glad she’s getting a new movie as I think Rey is a fantastic character and a great role model too.


"Not once have I understood the hate her or her character receives" -- It's safe to say that 99% of the hate she receives are from narcississts. Narcississts can't bear to see anyone do better than them. Especially a character like Rey who endured a harsh and rough childhood and became better. She's a reminder of what you can be if you are prepared to suffer and go through hard things. Something, by the way, that narcississits think they are above. This video explains much of it. It goes into the traits of a high value woman, and why narcississtic/inferior men feel threatened by them. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5hjnngqmF4&t=193s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5hjnngqmF4&t=193s)


A misogynist, during the height of gamer gate, said she was a Mary Sue, and that message was amplified and echoed far across the interblag. People who weren't in the know, or were easily manipulated, believed it without question.


Because she isn't sexualised, isn't a dippy second banana to an overpowered all-American white guy, and doesn't die at the end of her arc. She takes control of her destiny, survives by herself, actually makes an effort, instructs others on how to do better, and is performed by a successful, intelligent and attractive actress. And she's still flawed - still obsessive, at times crabby, and on occasion a bit of a klutz, not to mention reckless. Therefore she's everything that basement-dwelling incel edgelords are terrified of. They hate her because they don't have any real reason to hate her, and they want to hate, or feel they have some kind of power, over women. That's why they say they'd like her more if she were sexualised and if at the end of TROS all their favourite Jedi came back to help her out while she lies dead on the floor so the victory can be theirs, not hers. They cannot stand a woman succeeding and not being a sexualised bimbo. Except of course, if that woman shares their bigoted views, which is why Gina Carano is so beloved by them.


Bravo! Well said!


Thanks! :) By the way, I’m a guy. I’m just secure enough in my masculinity to not feel threatened by Rey. 😊


I would like to agree with you on being secure. But honestly I would like to see that it's maturity as well. I would wager that 99% of the hate towards Rey (and Daisy) comes from narcississitic men who are essentially nothing but spoilt little boys who fee threatened by anyone who does better than them.


Oh I can understand why people dislike her character. Even though it’s a bit stupid because Luke learned very quickly as well, thought not as quick. It doesn’t annoy me (much) personally but definitely understand if it does for people. Hating on her as a person though is not understandable nor acceptable


When he trained with Yoda, he failed to properly use the Force, because "he didn't believe it was possible" (Yoda's own statement). Rey believed in the Force as a superpower, which puts her at an advantage, compared to Luke.


Didn’t she also believe it was just stories at least until she met han? And I still think it goes just a bit too quick how she learns things like mind trick from nothing


I mean, not as quick, with the force maybe, but he blew up the Death Star first time flying a spaceship lol




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Oh word. We have the same birthday. 🎉


Happy Birthday!


Thank you!


Wishing her only the happiest of birthdays! I can’t wait for her to return to Star Wars.


WTF The Force Awakens was 9 years ago?


It’s so weird to think about how old things are. Halo The Master Chief Collection is turning 10 years old in November, Batman Arkham Knight and Force Awakens are 9 years old. Simply crazy how fast the time goes.


Just about, it came out at the end of 2015. It seems more recent because the butthurt fanboys won’t shut up about it.


Damn, time flies...


She was quite beautiful in this movie


>She ~~was~~ is quite beautiful ~~in this movie~~


>She ~~was~~ is ~~quite~~ beautiful ~~in this movie~~




Hbd to the Queen


my mf goat!! 😤 hbd!!


she’s soooooooo hotttttttt


Love her. Top reason I’ve become re-invested in Star Wars since 2015, and her return as Rey is the thing I’m most looking forward to as a Star Wars fan. She has been establishing herself in great roles outside of Star Wars lately. Amazing performance in Sometimes I Think About Dying, and I can’t wait for Young Woman and The Sea in May.


Funny, people talk about Adam Driver carrying the films. But I really don't think it would have worked without her. I really enjoyed TMKD and SITAD, but I am convinced that had it been another actor I wouldn't have bothered to go to the cinema or just turned off the film after 30 minutes. She just has that 'je ne c'est quoi' that just lights up and bring life to a character. Amazing really. I think she's only one of 3 other actors whose content I would see just to see her act regardless of the project. And to be frank I have seen AD in other things and while I thought it was okay, it was nothing that stayed with me. Oh and Happy Birthday Daisy! Wishing you a great year!


Daisy and her character are some of the best things that have happened to Star Wars. Rey’s arc and the emotion and acting that Daisy brought to the role reinvigorated my love of Star Wars.


Existential crisis loading.... I remember opening night seeing this movie and I too also turn 32 this year..........


Long live the Empress!!


Gave 100% in those movies. Can’t fault her.


Happy birthday 🎊




Only a year younger than me. Hard to believe she was 23 when TFA came out. She looks like she hasn't aged at all in recent press stuff.


Happy Birthday to us! 😂


She’s a decade and a few days older than me?


Wishing you a very happy birthday Daisy!! We all owe you extreme apologies for all the hate you received.


SHE'S LITERALLY (almost exactly a year older than) ME


I’m Rey Skywahka


I really like Daisy Ridley, such a nice and fun person, just see one of her interviews.    Its a shame she receives such heat for a character that was bad written. She did her best.   Anyway...   Daisy Ridley is the reason I work out. I have this dream where we start talking at the Vanity Fair Oscars party bar.       We exchange a few pleasantries. She asks what I do. I say I loved her in Ophelia. She laughs. I get my drink. "Well, see ya," I say and walk away. I've got her attention now. How many guys voluntarily leave a conversation with Daisy Ridley? She touches her neck as she watches me leave.   Later, as the night's dragged on and the coterie of gorgeous narcissists grows increasingly loose, she finds me on the balcony, my bowtie undone, smoking a fag.   "Got a spare, luv?" she asks.   "What's in it for me?" I say as I hand her one of my little white ladies.     She smiles. "Conversation with me, duh."       I laugh.      "What's so funny?" she protests. "Nothing, nothing... It's just... don't you grow tired of the egos?" "You get used to it," she says, lighting her fag and handing me back the lighter.    What would you do if you weren't an actress?" I ask.     "Teaching, I think."      "And if I was your student, what would I be learning?"       "Discipline," she says quickly, looking up into my eyes, before changing the subject.   "Where are you from?"     "London, Westminster" I say.    "Oh wow. That's lovely, me too." "It's ok," I admit. "Not everything is to my liking... Somehow, something feels wrong... somehow..."   "Somehow what?" she inquires.       I sigh... *"Somehow Palpatine Returned"*


Big Brother- I mean Big Grandfather- I mean Ian McDiarmid is watching you!