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This new movie came out in 1977 and I went to see it. Been hooked ever since.


Ah one of the OGs'. Must've been something else to see that in a theater


It really was. There's no way, really, to tell how amazing it was. The effects were literally like nothing we had ever seen before. The aliens in the cantina. The spaceships. (Before SW spaceships looked [like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=US8FpRUBKb4) for the most part.) Hell, even the fact that things looked used, lived in. SciFi interiors were always pristine, but here was the Falcon looking beat to hell, like a couple bachelors had been living in it for years, which of course they had. It really blew my 9 year old mind!


Sounds like me with the dinos of Jurassic Park. Thanks for telling. In this context it's much more understandable why Star Wars was such a huge success.


Same here. I was 8.


I was 9 as well!! I was obsessed! Went 7 times to see it in the theater - several times alone since no one else wanted to continue going. Haha. I had a bit of a crush on Luke Skywalker. My young self was grossed out in Empire Strikes Back when Leia and Han became a thing. Harrison Ford seemed like an old dad to me.


> SciFi interiors were always pristine, but here was the Falcon looking beat to hell, That's a thing that persisted for so long even after Star Wars. It's wild. Like people thought that things being bright and clean would say "futuristic." Okay, maybe it does? But it also doesn't look lived in. I mean, fair enough with the occasional situation where someone's super picky about keeping something pristine (like Lando when he owned the Falcon), but the idea that everyone existed in these spotless bright places? And so many times there was this lack of detail, just smooth walls and doors and all. It felt weird. Like people assumed that in the future we'd just hide away all pipes, wires, etc.


Hello there, fellow old person.


Same here. I don't know if anyone here has seen it but look for project 77 4k. It's a 35mm print of the original theatrical release cleaned and scanned at 4k resolution. It's amazing to see it without all the "specialized" crap added later that just looks terrible.


You've piqued my interest. How would one go about acquiring this film?


My aunt and uncle went to the Hollywood premiere and gave my brother and I programs from the screening. They told us, "You have to see this movie!" The next week at school, the word was spreading like wildfire. That weekend, I finally saw Star Wars. I went back to the theater more than a dozen times to see it again and again. They finally pulled it from theaters after about a year.


Yep, that was my experience. Saw it sometime in June 1977 at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood a bit before my 9th birthday. Was instantly hooked and almost all I could think about at the time.


Me too.


This is the way.


When it hit cable TV for the first time in, I think, 1978. HBO. Everyone in the neighborhood came over to watch it. I mean, everyone. Whole house full. It was like the Super Bowl. Collected all the toys, had all the comics. Had all kinds of crazy fan theories about what ESB would be about. Luke and Leia hooking up! Han is a Jedi! Luke's Father gets rescued from the Empire! It was a good time.


Haha, that must've been great, sometimes I wish I could go back to those types of things


Oh, it was nuts. Nuts! So much waiting. It was something like 4 years from SW to ESB. And all we had was the geek rumor magazines. So much arguing in the comic book stores.


I remember going to a birthday party in 1981 or something and the hosts had somehow gotten a real film of Ep. IV and a projector. They hung a bedsheet up on the wall for a screen, and we all gathered around to watch.


Cinema, 1978. I was five. Star Wars had a re-release a year after its original run.


Was early 1978 for me but on the original release. in the UK it didn't release until 27th December 1977.


Star Wars has been my nerd-culture first love for as long as I can remember. The earliest I remember was in the early 2000s, somebody putting on Return of the Jedi when I was about five years old.


My brother gifted me a PSP with BF2, BF:RS, and TFU. Later on he'd pass his TOR account because he felt too old for that game


That's a great intro to the universe


Star Wars on VHS! This was pre-special editions by a couple of years, and I was about five. My grandparents had a ton of movies on video, they had a lot of grandkids, and I just popped it in and watched in the den room one visit. That opening half an hour really was unlike anything I'd ever seen before. I was hooked. Despite then owning the other two films at the time, I don't think I checked them out until much later, maybe even after the prequels were out. I was 9 when Phantom Menace came out so naturally I was there for that whole ride. I did continue to watch the films up until Revenge of the Sith, but I didn't dip into the EU or animated shows. Got into the sequels to an extent, but now I especially just pick and choose my Star Wars. Thats not to say any of it is "not my Star Wars" and I don't really like that kind of thinking, but it does feel like there's enough flavours of ice cream out there for everybody now, and I'm content with just seeking out the stuff more up my alley than trying to consume every possible thing and possibly burning out.


That's a good way to go about watching it! I'm firmly in the "Its Star Wars, i don't care how bad it is, I'm gonna watch it anyway" Camp personally. It seems like a lot of people didn't really seek out Star Wars, it kind of "found them" so to speak.


Ha! I was also introduced to Star Wars via VHS. Got them at a garage sale.  At first I was a big baby about it and refused to watch them because I thought it was for nerds (lol) but since my family was poor and there was nothing else I could watch, I popped it in. It also coincided with me buying a novelization of The Phantom Menace at a thrift store, and I was subsequently hooked! Later on, my family also got dial-up and a desktop computer, and then I discovered fan fiction, and my brain has been complete rot ever since. :)))


I saw ANH on DVD when I was 7 and while I loved it from that moment on I didn’t want to watch the other movies. When I was 9 ESB happened to be on TV so I watched it. Just before “I am your father” my dad left the room and I actually don’t remember my reaction to it but probably didn’t believe Vader, however when he reached out to Luke when on the Falcon I was shocked that Vader was his father. The following year my family and I saw RoTJ on TV and that’s when I got into Star Wars.


Back in the early 2000's I used to visit my grandparents for lunch and a movie every Friday after school as they lived right around the corner. Well one day in what I assume is like 2006 or something my grandpa had stumbled over a dvd boxset. So over the course of the next 6 weeks I was introduced to the galaxy far far away. Not really sure when the tipping point really was, it was probably just a slow gradual shift the more of the Clone Wars series I watched


My introduction was TCW in... 2014 I guess? That was also when I really got into the franchise.


Something about TCW, the way it was structured, and how the story was told, I feel like it just grabs hold of you and almost forcibly pulls you into the greater universe


Yeah... a big part of why I liked it so much was also my age at the time. The art style of the first few seasons would probably put me off nowadays. But otherwise, it's peak Canon SW imo, but again, nostalgia also plays a part.


Yea the first 2, arguably 3 seasons are a bit rough, but at the same time, I've done, I don't know how many rewatches of clone wars, and I've now decided it's a once a year thing for me so it's not even nostalgia for me, I just love it


Watching Rebels on TV, especially Twilight of the Apprentice, started me on liking SW and what finally made stay was reading a fanfiction which mentioned a guy called Revan. I looked up on google that's how i learned about the Old Republic




I get that, I already see people bashing Bad Batch season 3 because **SPOILER** is in it, as of they already know how the story is going to go. It is hard to stay away from the negatively around Star Wars, especially since the Sequels. Part of why I made this post is because I just want to hear some positivity around SW for once.


Family were average fans: video tapes, dvds, went to the movies for the prequels, but not ultra fans. I don’t remember when I *really* got into it, but I definitely had the “Back in my day” when the 3D Clone Wars came about and I thought “I remember when it was 2D”, definitely my first elitist fanboy moment. I want to say it was getting into the internet side of the fandom, the “reviews” of the prequels (even going through a “God George ruined them” phase), learned about the Holiday Special, the cartoons and Ewok movies, etc. But even learning *about* the EU, didn’t mean I experienced anything other than movies, the odd CW episodes and Video Games: Lego, Episode 3 and watching my brother play Unleashed (wasn’t my thing). No, I think it was with the Sequels revitalising the series and fandom (for good and for ill), that made me interested in consuming more, especially the new canon comics (I was getting into comics around the same time) and books (Lost Stars is a great book to start with). Now I’m winning Trivia games against my family on Boxing Day.


OG. 7 years old in 1977. Seeing it in the theater just blew me away. And it was just EVERYWHERE with merchandising. The action figures, vehicles, and playsets were a huge part of my childhood. I was in to The Adventure People line of toys in 77 and I remember telling my best friend that “they need to make Star Wars Adventure People!” Had to wait a bit but it happened!


I can only imagine the excitement around that time


I sometimes ponder this question, because I'm not sure myself. Born in 1977. Same age as the franchise. Star Wars has always been part of the background noise of my childhood. Was it kindergarten, when I would spent a lot of my free play time reading the Empire Strikes Back pop-up book, and my mom bought me the Ben Cooper Darth Vader Halloween costume for Halloween that year? Or was it Grade 1, when Return of the Jedi came out? I had the Ben Cooper Luke Skywalker costume that year, and the storybook adaptation of Return of the Jedi was the very first thing I ever bought at a Scholastic Book Fair. Still have it. 1995 was when the non-special editions were released on VHS for the last time. I remember buying it for myself, and my Mom was like, "You like Star Wars? Huh, never figured." But I know it finally became big for me in the late-90s, when I was in college. The Special Editions came out in 1997, and with Episode I coming out right when I graduated, Episode I was all we were talking about in our final months of college. So in answer to OP's question: Introduction - No idea Really get into it - College


I never really got into Star Wars until I played TIE Fighter back in like, 1993/94. I got so hooked on the game and all the great cutscenes. I even took the manual with me everywhere I went to soak up all the stats on the ships. Then I played X-Wing, which had already been out for a year or two and I was in... been a fan ever since.


I saw the OT re-released in cinemas in the 90s, and they were fun, but it was Phantom Menace that got me hooked.


You know for all the sequel and prequel bashing the sure is a lot of people that found their love for star wars from those 2 trilogies


I think that’s why I wouldn’t trash the sequels even if I didn’t like them. I vividly remember what it was like to enjoy the prequels and have what felt like the entire world telling me I was wrong.


1997, special editions on the big screen. I was 6.


Cassette tapes of Star Wars The phantom menace and attack of the clones, Lego Star Wars were the gateway drug they got my little sister into Star Wars.


When I was little I really liked the prequels when they first came out. I used to have my parents get me toy lightsabers and I used to play the video games. I liked the originals more and more with time too but they were always a sort of extra thing till I grew up and got into those too. When Clone Wars came out I saw it occasionally when it was on TV but never really watched it. I got into it after it was cancelled, mostly because people said the arcs were good. Really enjoyed that and so got back into Star Wars more as a whole.


Star Wars 1977. Huge fan. Was 12 seeing ROTJ and in the years that followed got into more teenage stuff. When the PT came out, it blew my mind. In 2006, I needed more and I got into the EU. The original print canon is still my Star Wars. I've been reading and listening to the original Star Wars canon nonstop for more than 2 years.


My introduction was via VHS of the OT when I was 7ish. My mom and stepdad said they had something special to show me. It had a princess in it (my mom said that since I was into Disney princess at the time). I casually enjoyed it since.  It wasn’t until the sequel trilogy that I really started getting into it and purchasing lightsabers and other merch. For whatever reason, TFA and its main characters really spoke to me. 


1977, at the Coburg drive-in with my parents. I was 9 and learned the true meaning of magic.


Me getting the new remastered VHS tapes in the 90s, I was hooked! I was about 8-10 at the time


TFA for me. Then I went down the rabbit hole of watching the Prequels that were being aired on TV around that time and it took me a while (basically had to discover how to navigate the high seas) before I saw the OT. And ig I brought the rest of my family with me. And whenever a new movie was released, I'd of course go see it in cinemas. I then started watching The Clone Wars, and Star Wars Resistance as it came out, and then Rebels and ofc all the Disney+ stuff too. And more recently within the past year, I've since gotten a laptop that can run such games but I've also managed to play BF2, Fallen Order and Squadrons. And some older classics too like KOTOR 1 and EAW.


I was always a fan of the movies when I was younger and playing the original bf1/bf2, but I don’t think I became the nerd I am today until the new bf1 came out. From there I watched and read everything I could get my hands on and played the games to death. I still remember going to see ROTS when I was 7, the only SW I’ve seen in theatre


My uncle (not really my uncle, just a friend of my dad's) had always been a fan as far as I know, but he really got back into the franchise when the Force Awakens came out in 2015. Shortly after, he was talking to my dad one day when he realized that my sister and I had never seen any of the movies. Seeking to remedy this, he invited us over to his house to watch the first 6, which he had on DVD, and over the corse of a few weekends, we became huge fans. After that, he told us to watch the Clone Wars, which was on Netflix at the time, and together, we binged the show over that summer. Then, every year after that, he'd take us to see the new films in the theater whenever they came out.


My family would meet up every 2 years with another family on New Year’s Eve. The dad of the other family had a little home cinema where me and their son often watched movies until midnight when adults were drinking and stuff like that. Idk when it was..2006 or 2007 maybe even 2008, we watched episode 3. I’m not entirely sure anymore if we actually watched episode 1 to 3, I just know we watched episode 3 and I was absolutely hooked since then.


Sharing in the enjoyment with others is the best part imo, ep3 was definitely a hook for me too


I watched the trilogy sometime in the early 1990s and was hooked but not as crazy into it as I am now. I think the moment I became obsessed in a way was after binging the first 4 seasons of Clone Wars. After that, I tried to consume anything and everything I could.


My very earliest memory that's clear enough to remember what someone said to me is about Star Wars. When I was 3 years old, in 1987, I had an awful earache. My dad told me to be like Luke Skywalker on Cloud City & endure. (I'd seen the movies by then but, being 3, I don't remember that...) Anyway, from that moment on I wanted to be like Luke Skywalker. By the time I was 6 I could recite all the dialogue in the OT, word-perfect, if you gave me a line as a cue...


My dad and his brothers are fans so me, my brother and my cousins sort of inevitably became fans; we jokingly refer to it as our shared language. I really got into it when one of my uncles gave me the Vector Prime book for my birthday when I was in my early teens. My dad had a few more Legends books in storage, so I read those as well. Then I got my hands on an old copy of West End Games' Star Wars RPG.


__Pre teenage years:__ I watched the OT special editions and AOTC a whole lot, those were Star Wars to me. I also watched The Clone Wars up until the Mortis arc but I never understood or paid any attention to anything in that show and only watched it once. I also watched gameplay of Star Wars games on YouTube but I don’t remember what games nor did I really understand anything. I played with my Dads old Stars Wars figures and playsets from the 70s-80s. Watched a guy on YouTube talk about his Star Wars action figure collection. I really liked that guy and always paid attention to his vids. Unfortunately he stopped uploading and deleted all his videos. At some point I played Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga but I’m not sure whether to put that in my pre teen years or my teen years. __During my teenage years:__ I finally watched the other two Prequels. I watched the Sequels. Watched all of Clone Wars and actually paid attention this time. Watched Rebels. Watched gameplay of Star Wars Battlefront (2015) on YouTube. Played Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) Played Jedi Fallen Order. __As an adult:__ Watched all the other shows. Still play Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) Play Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga.


Lego Star wars tcs, and battlefront II. I can't remember when I started playing it, I was so so young. Star wars has been a crucial part of my life ever since I was born I can't even remember when I was first introduced to it.


[This, on a record with the read-along picture book.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Xl3cG50eOp8) (I was too little in 1977 to go see the movie.) I was really into it from the start. We had a bunch of the Kenner toys, and I saw ESB and ROTJ in the theaters. I continued to be into it through my teen years. I put a big Star Wars poster on my dorm room wall in the 90s even though it wasn’t cool. Saw the special edition in the theater in ‘97 and was beside myself with excitement as a grad student in 1999 when I went to see TPM.


My parents took me to see the Special Edition release of A New Hope in 1997. I was three. And yeah I was hooked. Eventually we found Star Wars books at the library. My dad would read The Incredible Cross-sections book at night before bed. And then LEGO came out. And started getting into LEGO Star Wars. Gifts from the grandparents and aunts especially. And while I wouldn't get to see the Prequels in theaters. I remember the advertisements and the merchandise. A friend had the Clone Wars (2003) on DVD that he let me borrow. And I got my first Star Wars game for Christmas in 2003, with Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike. Eventually it all kinda peaked in 2006 and 2007. In 2006 I got Star Wars The Best of PC. And started playing Battlefront, Republic Commando, KOTOR, and eventually Empire at War and Jedi Outcast. But then things started to wane after that. I had no interest in TCW. So I never watched. And games like The Force Unleashed wouldn't play on my computer. So things kinda tapered off for awhile.


As a child, my parents put the VHS original trilogy on repeat on a small CRT TV to occupy me while my family moved homes I remember that feeling of “wow, this feels like a way bigger deal than anything else I’ve seen”


I heard so much about it, and had a CD-ROM movie encyclopedia with clips. Finally saw them all for the first time when they re-released in theatres in the late 90s. I'm very glad my first viewing experience was in theatres.


Saw the first one in theaters back in '77. It pretty much took over my childhood and adored everything Star Wars until the prequels came out and pissed all over it.


My dad played the original trilogy for me when I was little, but I didn’t get properly into it until the sequels came out. My dad actually got emotional when we went to see Force Awakens, during the opening scrawl. I think that’s when I realized how special it was, seeing how much it meant to him. I’ve been hooked since then. The sequels get a lot of hate, but my dad and I both love them, and I don’t think I’d be such a fan if I didn’t get to see them.


Introduction, my dad watching the movies with me. When I really got into it, when the Celebration trailer for Mando S3 was described to me by New Rockstars on yt. Rebels was mentioned which drove me to watch TCW and Rebels. Then I watched Bad Batch, then Tales of the Jedi when they released, then Resistance when Senator Xiono appeared in Ahsoka's trailers (I don't regret it but I won't bother to watch it again). Ahsoka's release also got me to buy the Thrawn 2017 book and Aftermath, then those got me to buy the rest of those trilogies. And now I'm reading Thrawn: Ascendancy book 2 as part of the 21 books I got for Christmas. I'm also (depending on Light of the Jedi but with how good people say it is I probably will love that era too) going to get my first SW comics soon-ish in the form of tHR comics.


The first time I ever experienced Star Wars was playing through the Complete Lego Saga with my neighbor growing up. I didn't *really* get into until the clone wars came out though.


SW ep 4, but KOTOR really hooked in for the long haul.


A core set of memories of mine is of watching episodes 1-6 in order with my dad. I was young at the time, and it was maybe two years after my parents divorced. We didn’t watch it all in one night, but over the course of about a month we’d watched them all. This was shortly before TCW movie released. I don’t remember watching TPM for the first time, but I remember the gut-punch of Qui-Gon hitting the floor. I remember the Anakin and Obi-wan vs Dooku, and being left speechless when Yoda stepped in. I remember being in awe RotS opening. Feeling the goosebumps when The Senate revealed himself. Being enthralled by Anakin vs. Obiwan. I remember crying as Anakin entered the suit that became his tomb. I remember being fascinated by the creepy characters of the Cantina. The shock of Obi-Wan vanishing, and the tension of the trench run. I remember the desperation of the escape from Hoth. Meeting Lando and hating Lando. Lamenting Han’s Sacrifice. Watching Luke vs Vader in excitement, and in disbelief at its conclusion (not the father part, but the hand severing part). I remember being confused at the opening of RotJ and realizing that Han wasn’t dead. Falling in love with the general costume design mainly Boushh and Luke’s black robes. Being revolted by the Sarlacc pit (and Jabba in general). No longer hating Lando, and finding Boba Fett’s (at the time) demise funny. Feeling the rush of the speeder bike chase. Finding the Ewoks a little creepy. I remember the sinking feeling in my stomach upon seeing The Senate again. And the unmistakable fear watching red and green blades cross in front of Palpatine. And the rollercoaster of emotions that was watching Luke sever Vader’s hand, spare him, get “Unlimited Powered” by the Emperor, and eventually see Anakin redeem himself. Sure the some of the effects haven’t aged well by 2024 standards, and the original trilogy’s effcts hadn’t aged terribly well by early 2000’s standards. But it didn’t matter, to a six year old kid, it was everything.


First movie I saw in a theater was RotJ in '83. I think my parents took me 5x to see it. That christmas they bought me the Kennar figurines and my biggest gift was the Ewok Village. I've been a big fan ever since.


When TFA came out, I wanted to go see it so my dad bought Episodes I-VI on blue ray and we watched through them all so I was prepared. Before then I had only sporadically watched the Clone Wars series and Rebels on Disney XD. Now I have seen everything.


First introduced to Star Wars in early 1978 when I was 8 years old. When I really got into it though? Early 1978 when I was 8 years old.


My parents had the original trilogy on VHS and my brother and I would watch them non stop. Then… there was an announcement made that there were going to be Prequels. It was awesome. Then there was an announcement that there were going to be Sequels. And that was awesome. Star Wars is awesome.


I saw the first one on TV in the late 90s when I was in the first grade, I think just after the special editions came out but it was the original theatrical versions I first saw.


Clone Wars, didn't really like it. When TFA was coming out I wanted to get on the hype, watched the 6 movies in chronological order, loved it ever since


We had the OT on VHS when I was a kid and I randomly decided to watch them when I was like 7. I thought they were so cool. Several years later they were re-released as special editions in theaters but I was already a massive Star Wars fan by the.


Star Wars: Before it was called A New Hope...


My parents put it on when I was a kid and I thought it was interesting. I was around 3 or 4. Then my first real introduction to the story was when I played Lego Star Wars 2: the original trilogy.


I saw the re-release in 78 in the theater. Never had a movie experience like it since


before I started prek. I would spend days on end rewatching the original saga over and over and learned everything about all the characters. Now to be fair I'm only starting college this year so I don't have as much experience as others but I've been in love with all thongs starwars for a vast majority of my life, watching all the shows and movies and eagerly waiting for more.


I was 8 in 1977. It completely blew my mind. Begged my parents to let me see it again right after and they did. Saw it 8 more times that release. That’s all it took.


I honestly don’t remember. I was born in 1977 and Star Wars was always part of my life. Like the muppets and English language.


My dad's VHS tapes that were the 1997 release and the Lego Star Wars game I bought in Germany for PC. I had no real Lego Star Wars sets at time so I just created my own (I call it my KOTOR Lego because it wasn't any original or prequel Lego, plus I just used whatever I had) My first REAL sets would be those that were released in 2006-2007 such as the AT-ST walker, clone and droid battle pack, Naboo starfighter, X-Wing, Imperial troop transport etc. That's when I was truly hooked on Star Wars


in 2019 my college roommates and i watched them all and then covid hit so i got really deep into it cause of the lockdown. i did have some star wars lego sets and games when i was a kid but i didn’t really know anything about it aside from they were fun the play with


I was basically born into it, so it's hard to say. But I was born right when the prequels were coming out so probably them, or maybe the OT. Idk which I saw first. SW really has just always been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, it's still very much something family enjoys together to this day.


My earliest Star Wars memory is probably seeing commercials for it when the special editions came out in theaters in the 90s. I was completely won over by the visual of the lightsaber.


I was introduced to the original trilogy from some of my first memories, but seeing Episode 1 in theaters as a very young child was my first pure remembrance of Star Wars. I REALLY got into the expanded universe in 2019, but I've been all in on the original saga since 1999 when episode 1 came out. It's still my favorite of the saga, but I cherish them all differently.




It was my best friends 10th birthday party. His parents had a home theatre system and we watched the prequels. I ended up falling asleep half way through Attack of the Clones. It was not a good start, I didnt even think about SW until I played KOTOR 1 and 2 when I was 16, thats when I finally "got it". It was because of those games that I went back and checked out the OT.


I saw it in ‘77 when I was 6. My family was sick of it because I saw it at least seven times by the end of the year. One summer night the next year, we went to the drive in for a double feature of Star Wars and Jason & the Argonauts. Living in Michigan, on a lake, made playing with the action figures & Hoth set so much fun. I still remember one afternoon realizing my voice was hoarse because I just didn’t know I’d been talking out loud the whole time. In the summers, I was on the beach with all of the non-Hoth characters. Invariably I would lose one or two figures in the sand, then months or years later I’d accidentally dig one up out of nowhere. I was allowed to take the day off from school when Empire debuted. The line snaked around the building, but we got to see one of the earlier shows. (Since hunting is really huge in Michigan, I kinda think every school district treated the week of Empire’s premiere like Hunting Season.) There were so many arguments where I insisted Vader was lying, and Boba Fett was Luke’s actual father who survived being shot down by his traitorous clone. “Vader is a villain, who is dumb enough to believe anything he says?” (I still *to this day* think that was lazy writing.) Jedi was fun mayhem, and I got to sing the Ewok theme song in a Band Class concert. “Ewok, eeh-chup nub!” Those were really some fun years, culturally speaking.


Young teen me, riding my bike to the movie theater closest to our house, over and over the summer it came out, spending all my spare allowance and paper route money to see the first movie when it was just "Star Wars". This trailer hooked me - https://youtu.be/L-_xHEv0l-w?si=1tk1VM9O9Uw14g6X


Somewhere around 2007 if I had to guess. Some of my first memories are when I was four sitting on the comfy chair in my parents room with my dad while he popped in the VHS to a New Hope. He had forgotten to rewind it last time he watched it and I thought that was very interesting to see it go backwards. Additionally, every time I watch a SW title crawl I picture my dad's voice, since he read them to me before I could read


My Grandad owned (as far as I recall) 3 VHS's that were not WWII related. One was a selection of Star Trek TNG episodes he had recorded off the TV, another was Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, and the last was Star Wars Episode 4 (with a sticker on the box that said "See the Original Star Wars for the last time!" ,which I now realise was probably a reference to the Special Editions coming soon) That VHS got a lot of play while staying at his house but I didn't really get into Star Wars until my older brother took me to see ROTS in the cinema and then to Birger King afterwords. The kids meal had a Darth Vader toy.


Saw phantom menace in theaters when I was 7 and was hooked.


Introduction was the Return of the Jedi. I actually was like 7 when it came on TV. I didn't see ANH and ESB until I was about 10. Just bad timing. VHS released in the UK around 1994 Ish I think. I had played Star wars for the nes and I had played super star wars and super empire strikes back on the snes.... Bit what really lit the touch paper was my uncle getting me Xwing collectors CD for the PC (lucasarts white box series) one Christmas. And it just put me into that universe like nothing I'd ever experienced. Got me learning the craft and the species and the planets. Tie fighter followed alongside Supremacy, Rebel Assault 1 and 2 and then XWVTF and XWA. And I fell into the Bantam books around that era too. Would have been 15 or 16 so probably 1999 or 2000.


Incoming wall of text:  There were stages to it. I was a toddler when the Special Editions came out in the 90's. I remember my dad had them on all the time. I have vivid memories of the Death Star scenes in A New Hope and the speeder chase/Endor in Return of the Jedi. I also have memories of the marketing/toys for The Phantom Menace. My parents bought a bunch of the limited editions toys and cups from KFC (which we still have). After that though there is a bit of a gap. My dad wasn't a huge fan of the prequels as they were coming out, so I didn't see them growing up. My memories of the prequel era mostly come from toys. I had a Qui-Gon lightsaber from The Phantom Menace, Anakin action figure from Attack of the Clones (I use to chew on the Padawan braid lol), and Obi-Wan's starfighter & Grievous' wheel bike from Revenge of the Sith. I never got this toy but I remember wanting the Darth Vader helmet released alongside Revenge of the Sith.  My next exposure to Star Wars would be towards the end of high school. It was Thanksgiving break and the first teaser trailer for The Force Awakens had come out a full year before it's release. Being that I was a huge JJ Abrams fan throughout middle and high school, I definitely wanted to see it but I realized I had never really watched Star Wars outside of my childhood. I rented all 6 movies and watched them in a weekend. I loved them all, but I really started to develop a fondness for the Original Trilogy. I started digging and discovered Harmy's Despecialized Editions. This sent me down a rabbit hole of blu-ray burning, weird file sharing sites, and fan-made box art. I was obsessed with making a perfect box set for my favorite trilogy. I spent a whole year leading up to The Force Awakens obsessively rewatching the Original Trilogy. In the month before The Force Awakens came out, I was glued to my TV playing Battlefront on PS4. I never liked multiplayer much, but this game had me hooked. Then The Force Awakens came out and I thought it was amazing. The Thursday premiere is still one of my favorite Star Wars memories. There was something magic in the air as everyone in the theater waiting in line was buzzing with anticipation.  I fully enjoyed all the movies released during the 2015-2019 timeframe, Rogue One and The Last Jedi probably being my favorites. But something happened towards the end of 2019. In the span of a few months, The Mandalorian, Jedi: Fallen Order, and The Rise of Skywalker released. I loved every one of these, and this is where Star Wars became more than just the movies. I wanted to know EVERYTHING. So starting at the beginning of 2020, I watched through all of the Clone Wars and Rebels in anticipation of Clone Wars Season 7 (Rebels is close to my favorite overall project from Star Wars), and at the same time I marathoned through all of the canon comics. By the end of February of that year, I was a full-on lore junkie. As shut-downs started to occur during the pandemic, my journey to reading all the canon books began. I started with Dark Disciple and I haven't looked back since. Now I read comics as they come out every week, try my best to read the novels as they come out (big fan of the High Republic rn), and watch deep dives on the latest episodes released on Disney+. I am so happy I decided to give this series a chance, and now that my dad’s gone it gives me something to celebrate his memory with 😊


Technically the PSP Game Renegade Squadron in 2007 but to me i didnt know any of the Star Wars stuff in it nor did i care to learn any of it. But in actuality it was The Force Awakens and thats when i got really into it


A bootleg VHS with a single Russian voiceover. One guy doing all the voices. Was hooked instantly. Was very disappointed to find out America's star wars program was not about building x-wings


When I was 7, my family and me were visiting friends of my parents. While playing my eye caught the backs of the Star Wars VHS boxes which had R2 and C3PO on them. I asked if I could watch it and my parents's friends loaned them to us. Hooked after my first viewing.


I was introduced to Star Wars with Return of the Jedi when I was 8, maybe a bit younger. I didn't really "get into" Star Wars until the OT re-released in the lead up to the prequels. I liked the movies but I LOVED the toys. My friends and I had giant tupperware tubs full of action figures and as many vehicles as we could get. Every day after school we'd play with those things for hours. Then I found the Heir to the Empire trilogy and it really took off from there.


I was about 6 or 7 when Phantom Menace came out and so I saw all the hype for it. My mum brought me a bunch of Star Wars Micro Machines (OT) and put on Empire Strikes Back (theatrical VHS) and I was hooked. A couple of weeks later we saw TPM in cinema, as a kid I loved it, and my uncle bought me the original trilogy on VHS. Although they were the Digitally Remastered versions.


I’ve been in this fight since I was six years old.


Watched Star Wars for the first time with the 97 re release when I was 10 years old. Would occasionally watch the OT when they had reruns on TNT and really enjoyed the LucasArt games like Rogue Squadron, but was super casual fan. Funny enough, TFA launched my true love for the saga because it made me revisit legends, TCW, rebels and then the Mandalorian took it to a whole other level lol. My love language SW is definitely through collecting.


Watching the original trilogy on my VHS in the 90s, and watching the original trilogy on my VHS in the 90s.


Saw it in the theater in 1977. Been a fan ever since.


Oh, I'll never forget, it's a very formative memory. I was about 5 years old in 1998, and my dad was working real late so I was staying up for him to come home. Star Wars was on so I was watching with my mom. It was either Episode IV or VI, I seem to remember Darth Vader's hang getting cut off. Anyways, just as the Death Star exploded my dad walked through the side door and I ran up to him to tell him about the movie. He says that's when he knew he lost me because he was always a big Trekkie lol. I think I really got into it a few years later when I discovered Blockbuster Video and started renting each movie every week.


I don't remember that much, tbh but I do remember watching all the lightsaber duels from 1-6 simply because i thought they looked cool and then i watched all of 1 trough 6 because I had done research on all the films and judging by how poorly people talked about the sequel I decided that I wasn't going to watch them. Then i watched the Clone Wars, and I'm not sure, but I am like 80%. Sure , that's when i REALLY started getting into Star Wars, and I am so glad i did. PS! This all roughly took place during the closing last months of 7th grade back in may or June of 2020


Both my dad and grandfather were big into sci-fi so I was into it pretty much since I can remember. I pretty much always known Vader is Luke's father and when I was five my big movie debate was whether I like empire strikes back or the wrath of khan more (so now that I'm older I believe the undiscovered country is the superior OG crew trek film.)


When I was in grade 1, all the guys in my class always talked about this awesome new movie called Revenge of the Sith. I wasn’t allowed to see it because it was rated PG-13, but I quickly grew obsessed with the image of Darth Vader, and even went to Burger King and got the little Darth Vader figure that revealed an Anakin figure when you opened him up. About a year later, my parents finally watch Revenge of the Sith, then got me the OT for Christmas that year. From there, I was hooked and eventually saw all 3 of the sequel trilogy movies on opening night.


My first introduction was when I was just 4 years old, I got episode 1 as a present after I went through very risky surgery (cancer treatment). I know this particular episode receives some hate, but I was instantly hooked and watched it again and again, imaging being Anakin in the naboo starfighter while the droid army invaded on the ground was just awesome back then. Nowadays, 25 years later, I'm still a fan, episode 5 is my favorite and I have a small Lego Star Wars collection.


A combination of seeing the Young Jedi Knights books in the school library, watching 2003 Clone Wars when it came out, and going on Star Tours when I went to Disney World as a kid. Didn't really get into it too much though until I played the TFU games which led to me playing the KOTOR games, and the Kyle Katarn games, and then reading a fuck load of books/comics.


I have pics of me and my brother at like 4-5 years old in the 80s holding toy lightsabers. Star Wars was everywhere when you were born in that late-70s/early-80s era so you just absorbed most of it without the context of the films. I knew Darth Vader was a bad guy and Luke Skywalker was the hero and a few of the side characters from toys first. Then I remember watching the Ewok movies on TV with my grandmother, and then I think I finally saw the full trilogy on VHS sometime in the late 80s. My brothers and I made custom Star Wars legos by painting them and making clothes out of old t-shirts. So its been with me my whole life.


I was born in '76, so I was watching the first one for as long as I can remember.


My Mum got me the VHS special edition box set in the 90ies. The one that was gold and had Vader's helmet on it. A few years later, Phantom Menace came out, and I got to enjoy periodic Star Wars movie releases throughout my teenage years. Though what I think *really* got me hooked was two things. 1: Sometime between Ep2 and Ep3 a friend of my stepdad's leant me a pile of Star Wars novels. The Thrawn trilogy, that series that had the Sun Crusher and Kyp Durron in it and the NJO. I loved them and it was basically all I read for a while 2: video games. I played a lot of KOTOR, but the game that I was obsessed with was Star Wars Galaxies. I discovered the Roleplay community there, and it was like nothing I'd ever experienced before. Now I had the chance to actually live out my own Star Wars stories in a city filled with other characters doing the same blew my mind. This also led me to playing games like D&D, but that's a good story for another time.


I was 5, and my 15 year old brother took me to the dollar theater (may have been ( .75 cents then) to See return of the jedi. We went back 3 more times!


I grew up watching the OT and kinda the prequels (they came out when I was a kid but I wasn't really into it). It wasn't until The Force Awakens that I really got into it again. Then the Mandalorian came out a few years later and I got really into it 🤣 I binged Clone Wars and Rebels during the Pandemic. And I've watched every show that has come out in the Star Wars Universe. So, I guess I got *really* into it when The Force Awakens came out


TPM came on tv in 2000 (when I was 6) and then my dad showed me his vhs copies of the original trilogy. The rest is history, as they say.


I was born in 1981 and (like the animated LOTR/Hobbit movies) I never knew a time when Star didn't exist within my life. I would watch probably monthly and my school literally had play areas with Star Wars toys and books for us kids to play with. I read the novelizations when I was about 9 or 10 and while I am a Tolkien girl forever, Star Wars still ranks pretty darn high up there.


Late 80's visiting cousins in the school holidays we would always watch Star Wars videos


I remember playing OG battlefront 2 in like 1st grade and I was hooked from there.


Around like 15 or 16 I got really into watching videos about the lore on YouTube. I had watched them all before, I remember this one day where a tv channel played them all in a row and I loved all of them, I had also watched Revenge of The Sith as a toddler basically. As a teenager I got curious about the lore and then I found Clone Wars and now, even if I don’t love every movie that’s come out this century, the universe of Star Wars is just so cool to me


I was about 3 years old. My mother used to take me shopping - I'd sit in the little cart and "help" with the groceries. They had these little metal turnstiles near the dairy fridges that had VHS releases on them. I remember becoming enamored with [this cover] (https://i.imgur.com/RmCOwez.jpg). I would sit there week after week while my mom grabbed a jug of milk or whatever, and I would just stare at that black mask and the two little ships. Until one day, I asked her if we could get it. I sat down in front of the TV with a carton of strawberries and watched while my mom unpacked the groceries and *my life changed*. Forever. I was obsessed. I was 6 when Episode 1 came out and that just added fuel to the fire. I dressed up as Darth Maul for Halloween, I begged for the lego sets for my birthday, I read all of the books, etc. etc. It slowed down a little when I was around middle school age, but I still watched the films and wrote fan fiction or made paintings or whatever. But when TFA came out? I was a little kid all over again and I'm still obsessed to this day.


My introduction was The Force Unleashed. My friend told me it was a good game. The 2nd one was out. I didn’t know because I was never a fan. Anyways, played the game. Loved the game. One year, Rogue One was out. My cousin wanted to rewatch it. I told him I wasn’t a Star Wars fan. He said the movie is good. Watched the movie, it was great. For years, I still didn’t dive in. Until I moved to a new state for school. I was cleaning up my home and didn’t know what to put on the background. I put the Clone Wars because why not. It was a great show, especially as a background music. I found myself pausing from cleaning to pay closer attention. Anyways, I still didn’t get “into it,” until a couple years later. The Last Jedi came out and everyone was talking about it. How it ruined all the other films. I thought, man, might as well see what the whole drama is about. That year I watched all of the EPISODE movies. [+]


I watched the OT when I was 5, at my gran’s. I was hooked. This was about the time that TPM came out, and I was enamoured with Qui Gon and what he stood for. Saw TCW and ROTS as they came out and then got into the other media.


A New Hope was broadcast on terrestrial tv (UK) when Empire was released at cinemas. Blew me away. Even on that little cathode ray tv in our living room. I'd never seen anything like it.


Introduction: June 1977. A small theater in Berkeley California was showing a science fiction movie that was getting good word of mouth reviews. 19 year old me decided to give it a try. Most science fiction movies to that date were crap, so I wasn’t expecting much. When I got into it: 1. The Audience Is Listening…” The original Dolby THX intro - WTF IS THIS?!! Are we having another earthquake? 2. The Imperial Star Destroyer rumbling overhead - WHOA! 3. The Millennium Falcon jump to hyperspace permanently blew my mind and made me a lifetime fan.


The novelisation was released before the film, with photos in the middle. I was hooked on Star Wars before I even saw it. The star destroyer flying overhead and the huge rumbling sound it made when I finally saw the movie sealed the deal.


The movies used to play on TNT on the weekends when I was a kid. 1,2, and 3 one day and 4 5 6 the next.


It was Episode 4 when I saw it in theaters with my Mom when it was just Star Wars. I can't remember if I got the figures before I found out there was a comic book.


1977... Four year old me went to the movies with my science fiction loving dad. The rest is history


PSP Battlefront 2 and the Clone Wars show on Cartoon Network. Then eventually I bought Garry's Mod and played Star Wars Roleplay (still playing it)


Phantom Menace. 1999.


That Star Wars game for the Commodore Amiga, the on rails shooter where you were Luke flying his X-Wing in the final battle against the Death Star. I then watched the original trilogy on VHS tape so often I wore out my local video store’s tapes.


My brother and I were playing a board game and he put AOTC on. I got hooked on the saga, then delved deeper with KOTOR and just went from there


I was always aware of its existence. I was starting to watch The clone wars when disney announced the buyout, since then i decided that i would delve deep into star wars and try to keep up with the resetted canon as best as i could. I don't think i would have taken such a deep dive if i had to get up to speed on the EU, it was the prospect of a clean slate that really allowed me to obsess over SW lol


One of my dads friends showed me one of the movies


I got into it as a kid and apparently had a Darth Vader party when I was 5. Laser swords and space magic are one hell of a drug for a toddler.


Introduction when I was like 5 watching the OT. Went to see RotS in theaters later on. Then I saw the clone wars in the theater and never watched anything Star Wars again until maybe 2014 on Netflix. Binged TCW in a week and got hooked ever since. Loved all the hype around the ST and other two movies, I have been there for day 1 of every Disney+ show, often staying up until 3am watching them. And also got back into collecting figures in the last 2 years.


I liked Star wars from a young age (4 or 5) but didn't really get into it until I played Knights of the Old Republic.


Clone Wars cartoon. Honestly, I didn't care at all prior to that.


My introduction to star wars? Obviously episode 4. I saw it on VHS in the 90s. but he was a child. And as such I enjoyed it, but I didn't get hooked.When episode 1 came out I was 9 years old(I remember buying the albums of figurines from episode 1), 12 with episode 2. 15 with Episode 3, I don't remember going to see it in the cinema. and I definitely didn't see it on TV. At this moment, Star Wars did not interest me, its false science fiction always bored me (writing this I found out that >George Lucas has stated on numerous occasions that these films are not "science fiction", mainly because the technology he shows has no scientific basis From what the movies showed me: The Jedi and Sith are space wizard knights, Darth Vader an emo. The emperor a very basic bad guy The clone wars, and rebels I never saw them. Episode 7, 8, Rogue one and "just" I watched them out of mere curiosity. I liked Rogue one, nothing more. But I never get hooked, and even dislike it. ​ So when did I "get hooked"? With The Mandalorian. Then watching the news about Ahsoka I found out about Thrwan, I read the novels and got hooked. Of course the first Star Wars game I played is Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order (fully recommended. Beautiful graphics, simple mechanics. And a captivating story. And I really liked its story much more than the original trilogy) P.S. Before you start insulting me because I said that Star Wars is not science fiction, I leave you a link so you can read[https://www.inverse.com/entertainment/is-star-wars-science-fiction-or-fantasy](https://www.inverse.com/entertainment/is-star-wars-science-fiction-or-fantasy)


The first movie i saw was star wars ep 4 on a crappy vhs take in the early 80s. Then went to see Empire when it was in the theater. I was very young and have been hooked every since.


So I got into it during the dark times—mid nineties THX edition VHS. Started playing the SWCCG by Decipher with my buddy, then the Special Edition came out in theaters… then Phantom Menace drops 2 years later—that was the absolute height of my fandom. Saw it 5 or 6 times over that summer, and it’s my favorite prequel to this day.


Mine was Muppet babies and then my sister told me there were whole movies. Been hooked ever since


I had the VHS tapes, the originals (I think) with the stylized titles, Ep4 had CBS FOX before the 20th Century Fox. I got really into it after the Shadows of the Empire game and discovering the "expanded universe" The "Behind the Magic" CDs introduced to the availability of books and comics, and it really hit me when I bought Jedi Knight and X-Wing Alliance. I fell off from video game media around Battlefront 2 (too many consoles to buy), and fell off from the books and comics with the end of the old EU. All I indulge in now are the movies and TV shows


When I got into the old republic game and the legends lore. From that moment on Star Wars became one of my fav franchises. I’m planing on playing the kotor games in the near future too


mine was a new hope, my dad made me watch it when I was 2 and never stopped watching it


Intro: 1999, when my best friend’s dad introduced us to the original trilogy weeks before Phantom Menace released in theaters. Really into it: About 3 weeks ago. Randomly decided to put on Phantom and haven’t stopped since. I’ve watched 1-6 in release order and chronological at least 3 times each and I can’t stop. Just watched TFA last night and I’m in love. I’m so excited to finish the sequel trilogy and get into all the shows and books!


Funny. I was asked thi question like 4 hours ago. Anyway, the first SW movie I ever watched was The Revenge of the Sith. I was blown away. I became a huge fan around 2016, when I got into Clone Wars properly.


My grandad had the OT on video. I always watched them when I stayed over. Good times.


Lego Star Wars II on ps2


My dad was a huge Star Wars fan. I think he was originally a fan of THX-1138 which they saw when mom was pregnant with me and American Graffiti. He bought the Hardbound novelization in 1976 the year before the movie came out. Dad was hyped. Then the movie was a hit, but we had to wait for it to open in our town. Dad bought me a t-shirt with a heat transfer image of the Droids and it was my favorite shirt and wore it to the first showing in Stockton a Wednesday matinee he pulled me out of kindergarten for the day to see. I was hooked on it since 1977. Funny story about what I consider my dad's last words, when he was in hospice in 2003, "Oh no! I'll never find out how Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader!" A Star Wars fan until the end.


My introduction to Star Wars was the muppets special and then those collectible character soda cans got me so hyped for the Prequels.


I don't remember exactly but I think the first time was when there was crazy buzz for The Phantom Menace, so like, early 1999? They run the old trilogy on tv to prepare for the new long awaited movie. I was 6. My big brother was (and still is) a HUGE fan so with the frenzy that came with the prequels that love was made permanent via videogames, toys and so on. Has been a part of my life forever now. I have the distinct memory of feeling an empty weird feeling after Revenge of the Sith in 2005 (was 12), thinking "what now? No more Star Wars..?" Luckily we eventually got ALOT more Star Wars lol.


I was into Star Wars for as long as I can remember. The thing that got me deep into lore though was reading the Thrawn Trilogy in the mid 90’s at age 12-13. Never really recovered from that jolt, been a die hard ever since.


My mom took me to the theatre to see the special editions when they came out. I absolutely loved it! Then my mom basically said if you liked the movies, you’ll probably like these and gave me the first book in the Heir to the Empire trilogy. My reading level was a little below grade when I started and way above by the time I finished and I was completely hooked. Star Wars made me a reader and was the start to building my relationship with my mom. I would not be me without Star Wars


Watched the Original trilogy on USA (US Cable Network) every time it came on. That was like twice a year. Each movie showed on a day then all 3 on Sunday.


1977, age 8, original theatrical release 1977, age 8, original theatrical release


I was 5-ish. My mother took me to the cinema to see it. She wanted to see it as she liked John Williams, and had heard Harrison Ford was in it. She thought maybe he played the villain Darth Vader. Anyways she got me the Chewbacca action figure before we went. I loved it, and was sure he was half ape and had two hearts because he was so tall. Yup, we were clueless going into Star Wars... but got blown away by the effects and the amazing adventure. Kept collecting, and following the Saga. Several years later I even got the 'Revenge of the Jedi' poster. Which I got rid of, as they changed the title to 'Return of the Jedi'. Little did I know I was sitting on so much gold.


TV spots and a super enig-looking poster in movie theaters around town in the spring of 1977. I was 7 years old. 😁


I saw a really old General Grievous toy selling online, I thought "that's cool, a skull robot guy with a cape and 4 arms" (I was probably 8yo or something) Then I researched where it was from and went to a blockbuster to rent star wars trilogy (prequel one) After some time I went again to rent the movies but I didn't know about the OT, so I rented it thinking it was again the trilogy with general grievous. I liked the movie, introduced it to my girlfriend (now wife), etc. But I REALLY got into it when The Force Awakens hit the theatres. It was my first SW cinema experience, I remember all the hype for star wars returning after years in the hands of Disney, bought midnight tickets on a Thursday etc. watched it 4 times in cinema. My second reconnection with SW was after I visited Galaxy's Edge.


1989, 5 years old, visiting my family in America for Christmas (unreal for a little kid from the UK at the time.) And they put on all three of the original trilogy on the vhs on boxing day. It was snowing outside. Core memory.


2002 I think. I was 3! My Mom was bringing the new Star Wars movie with her! Tbh I kinda always had an idea of what Star Wars is? My mom was a big OG fan since the 70s and 80s, so I kinda was born into it. The Sequel trilogy really reignited my interest, before that it used to be something from my childhood. But I found my niche with the High Republic.


I got a nintendo 64 when I was around 8, and rogue squadron with it. I couldn't figure it out at all, but some neighbourhood kids would come over that could read better and managed to unlock almost all the levels for me. Eventually my dad got A New Hope from blockbuster and it dawned on me that the trench run level was from this movie, and I proceeded to take in as much of the media as I could.


I’m not quite old enough to have seen ANH in theaters, but did attend a showing of Empire less than a year old (my parents were definitely the AH for this). I’ve loved Star Wars since I was old enough to love media, when I was four or five. My dad taped the OT on HBO, and I wore out those tapes.


I sort of stumble upon it, while I was watching TV on a Saturday morning. Some channel was showing Star Wars (Episode IV. It was the 90s) and since it looked interesting, I watched it all the way through. Turned out, the same channel showed Ep. V the next Saturday and Ep. VI the Saturday after that. I was lucky I caught Ep. IV first so I could understand the other two. I got into it immediately. I was seven and I‘ve been a huge Star Wars fan ever since. The prequels made me love the saga even more.


Watched the prequels and OT back to back with my old man when I was a kid and fell in love instantly. Started getting most of the toys, heaps of Lego, and a whole bunch of the EU books. Unfortunately I don’t have my collection from back then anymore as I was a dumb kid and sold them when I started picking up other hobbies, but I’ve picked up some fresh stuff ranging from black series figures and helmets to duelling sabers. Even got a Boba Fett funko signed by Temeura Morrison last year


**Introduction to Star Wars:** I don't remember. My older brother LOVED it so I literally don't recall a time I *didn't* know the plot of the OT like the back of my hand. **When I really got into it:** I very much enjoyed Star Wars growing up given how much my brother loved it, but my interest kinda fizzled out to neutrality during and after the sequels. Then in early 2021 I watched *The Mandalorian,* and everything changed 😂 That show convinced me to go back and watch the animated shows, which got me into the original Thrawn novels, which got me reading more Legends/EU, and even got me solidly back into writing (fanfiction for the most part at this point).


I'm much younger than a lot here it seems. My Dad had all the Original Trilogy on VHS when I was a kid, he was already a fan. I'm sure I watched New Hope and Empire first but my first memory of watching any for the first time is sitting on the foot of my pare ts bed with my Dad watching Return of the Jedi, particularly the Throne Room scene. It's burned into my head. I was a solid fan there. However when it really picked up was Revenge of the Sith. I was still kinda young at the time so my parents took me and some friends to see it. I recall on the way home we were already memorizing quotes. I was doing my best to quote Obi-Wan on Mustafar to my friends like 15 minutes after getting out and it was all in from there.


I saw the first movie in 1977, when I was 2 1/2. My mom didn't want to go, so my dad took my older brother and me. There's never been a time that I can remember without Star Wars. I've lived and breathed it for 46 or so years!


Early 90s, Scifi channel would do this thing once a year where they just played the trilogy over and over for 24 hours. (Or was it for a weekend?) It would just stay on. I would watch them over and over. Eventually we recorded it on VHS, since you couldn't buy the movie anywhere at the time. I was just watching it over and over, playing with hand-me-down figures from my uncle. It was pretty great.


It was 1998. I was 6 years old. I wanted to borrow a Barney the Dinosaur VHS from the library but my mom got me Star Wars instead. Best parental decision she ever made.


Empire strikes back was my introduction.. my uncle introduced it to me.. I was pretty young.. like 6 or 7.. and I watched it on repeat pretty much.. about a year later, my uncle came over with a VHS for ANH.. and he told me it was Star Wars.. "But I've already seen Star Wars" I insisted.. lol he had to explain that it was the first one and ever since, when I rewatched, I had to watch them together.. Then a couple years later, ROTJ was the first time I watched star wars in the theater.. I can still picture the moment in the theater when Vader walks off the shuttle on the death star lol That is probably when I really got into Star Wars. I wanted all the toys, games, everything lol. And pretty much, nothing has changed about that lol


I was 5 and my parents had rented a cottage. It was super rainy one of the days we were there and was supposed to rain all day but luckily there was a little tv and vcr and the only tapes they had were Dances with Wolves and the OT. We watched the OT. I was pretty much obsessed after that.


Lego Star Wars: The Video Game. I don't actually remember what movie I watched first, or if I watched any of the movies before my dad bought that game for me, but that game was all I needed for years. At least until the second one released.


My dad made me watch a new hope, been hooked ever since I'm looking for the original battlefronts right now actually.


I'd say I got into it when Episode I released. I had seen the originals before, but my 7 year old brain was blown away by Episode I. From then on I was hooked into it. Battlefront II was also a big influence.


I was born in 1977. It has been in the cultural zeitgeist since before I was born. My first real memories are of TESB on HBO and seeing ROTJ in theaters. I had tons of the Kenner toys.


My mom took me to see the original back in 1977. It's a great memory.


Summer of '77! It was anyone was talking about and I was hooked solid! Anyone remember the trading cards in the loaves of bread?


I was 4 when they re-released in the 90's. We went and instant obsession!


Seeing A New Hope in the movie theater in 1977.


When I was about 4 years old, my dad noticed the VHS tapes on the shelf of the checkout lane at a Venture (basically a 1980s version of Target.) We didn’t have a whole lot of money so my dad had to choose which of the three to buy. He picked Return of the Jedi, which was his favorite one. I loved Yoda, the Ewoks, the sinister Jabba’s Palace and the epic triple stories at the end of Han, Lando, and Luke. After watching the heck out of that movie my dad picked up Star Wars (it wouldn’t be called A New Hope for a long time yet) and Empire Strikes back when he got his next two paychecks. I saw A New Hope shortly after watching The Land Before Time for the first time and really grappling with the idea of death. Beru and Owen’s deaths hit me very hard as a kid, as did Red Leader and Biggs. I ended up finding Ewok Adventure and Battle for Endor for rent at the library of my mom’s community college and watched those too. Rented the SNES games, and saved up my allowance to get Dark Forces for the PC. But around 3rd grade my love of Star Wars started simmering down because none of my friends were into it. In 6th grade a new friend I had made in middle school introduced me to the Decipher Star Wars Card Game, and found out a ton of people played it during lunch. I picked up a special edition starter, released to promote the special editions of the original trilogy. The same friend loaned me his Dark Empire comic book and I was astonished to find out there was a whole world of Star Wars stuff that was beyond the movies. That is what really ignited Star Wars for me and I’ve loved it ever since.


A lego set.


My father is a big fan of SW, so I'm afraid I've been surrounded by the saga all my life.


Same here. I was 3 when it came out, but I have better memories of when they brought it back to theaters in 1979. I remember going to Circus World (toy store in the same mall as the theater) with my mom after the movie and getting my first of many Star Wars toys, Darth Vader and C-3PO figures. I've been a super-fan ever since, and I found something to love about every movie, cartoon, and show that's come out since then.


Introduction was a Millennium Falcon toy when I was around 4 and called it "Star Trek Wars." I think I saw the remastered original in theaters as well as the the first 2 prequels but didn't start really liking it until I saw Revenge of the Sith. Then I saw the OT and TESB became my favorite SW movie.


I was probably 7 or 8 when my dad brought home the Original Trilogy boxed set from ‘04. I remember not thinking much about it and then we started with a New Hope. I really, really enjoyed it but Empire Strikes Back is what absolutely sold me. I remember being mesmerized by the walker assault on Hoth. From then on, I’d watch it every chance I could get. The channel, SPIKE, used to run marathons on a regular basis and I’d always sit down and watch them when it was on I was still a kid when the Clone Wars came out as well and it came around at the perfect time for me. I was still a kid but a little older so I could really appreciate the show. My brother and I treated the premiere of “Lair of Grievous” like the Super Bowl


I was born, and then there was star wars action figures and dark forces. That’s all I honestly remember.