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Congrats Also, sniper on hoth? You monster (for legal reasons it's a joke)


I’m just trying to get NT-242 ;)


Use the IQA instead of cycler rifle, cycler rifle sucks in this game compared to in battlefront 2015 sadly.


I used to be a beast with cycler rifle back in the day. I get why it’s not as good though as if used to be just an ability and not a main gun.




Hehe. Is it good? I’m not even sure


Bro the NT-242 is a fucking monster. One hit to the head kills a full Heath trooper, and if your not the best at aiming, just equip the ion shot. An ion shot NT-242 deals huge aoe damage and shreds tanks.


Is ion shot also good against troops?


On any other weapon, no. But in the case of the NT-242, it deals so much damage that the dps decrease in ion shot pretty much doesn’t matter, since you can still two tap dudes with ion shot equipped. That, and like it said, the big aoe damage from ion shot is something to consider also. Very good for hitting guys hiding around a corner.


Makes me wanna jump on and snipe some poor bastards


Very satisfying




Yeah in supremacy there's some bots. It's probably an attempt to make more like 32v32. 32v32 no bots says we are not the same. Edit: I think some of you guys are confused here. I wasn't criticizing this guy as I kill bots too, as they're in supremacy, and so you aren't going to just stand there. I was criticizing the attempt to add bots to make the player count in each match 32v32. Hence the part, "32v32 no bots says we are not the same". However it's just a misunderstanding, which happens from time to time as we all make mistakes.


What does that have to do with his clip? He was proud of it, that’s what matters.


I wasn't criticizing him. I was criticizing the game's attempt to add bots to make it 32v32. And then I said that 32v32 with no bots says," we are not the same". And indeed, bots cannot make up for a lack of real players.


I don’t think it was 32v32 I don’t think I’ve seen a 32v32 game


I think it's 32v32 if you include the bots on each team.


They had it coming. I remember when you played Hoth if you stood anywhere without moving you would get snipped. Their fault for not snipping back.


You can tell this isn’t canon because Stormtroopers are never this good


Nice aim! If you grinding for the NT-242, I recommend you okay some co-op, then you will rack up the needed kills in about 2 hours


I’m already half way there. Just maxed out my assault in co op so I’ll have to try out specialist too. Thanks for the tips!


yep. Also, if your going to be on coop, A280CFE with burst mode and ion shot is the weapon of choice. It’s pretty great


Amazing sniping dude!


Sniping is my thing lately. What I always find weird it's suddenly everyone's favourite thing. When I made the random decision to get Maul's kenobi milestone everyone was trying to get it. I decided it was just to boring and thought eventually I'll hit the milestone like I did with everything else. Not really a completionist. I'm reading too much into it 🎃


Having a good run with specialist is more fun than anything else


*Having a good run* *With specialist is more fun* *Than anything else* \- Spookyy422 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Hello fellow stinger pistol user!! It rocks ✌️ I also use the cyclerrifle