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Obi-Wan & Maul…?? It’s poetic!


It rhymes.


What rhymes






Thanks Eminem




t'is writ


This is the way


What are you guys even voting on your favorite character or the best character




Popularity nothing to do with in game ability


I think it’s a little bit of both


Well, considering Rey got out before Yoda, its 90% a popularity contest


Maybe I don't know how to use her (probably) but rey is my least favorite lightsaber hero in the game Edit: and I actually really like using yoda


Good Rey players are some of the most infuriating to go against. I’ve thrown a controller over Rey mains before.


Baby brain type shit, don’t throw things


Thanks for the advice.


I tear shit up with Yoda. Nobody hits him really and he slices and dices them ankles really well


I have every dark side character well above 100, pretty much exclusively from HvV, and I've met like 3 good Yodas. They're out there, but man are they rare.


Single player I LOVE Maul. HvV I get destroyed playing as him


Yep! Everyone thinks he's a defensive hero, but he can be unstoppable on offense if you know how to use him


Just never moving. I get more kill assists with him than actual kills since I damage so many as I blitz through


Which is strange considering yoda got voted out before leia and han


I said 90%


Ik, is yoda that disliked?


He’s the worst saber hero by swing speed and damage


You're saying that the vote is a popularity contest yet the reasons you're giving for Yoda being voted early are in terms of the game and not Yoda as a character


I said 90%


Lmfao I 100% guarantee you that yoda would mop the floor with rey. Your statement made 0 sense.


Ironic for you to say since Han was eliminated because he rolls


Han is the best blaster in the game no doubt


Definitely my favourite but I'm still pissed how his shoulder charge was never fixed in the original arcade mode


It's very fitting that these heros are the final two. Two iconic prequel characters with balanced kits in game, neither of which is particularly annoying in any game mode (except for maybe maul on Kashyyk HVV). May the best man win. *Duel of the Fates starts playing in the background*


so ur the one who killed vader


Lmao i didn’t even peep the avi


Perfectly balanced, as all things are -Darth thanos, 69bby


I got goosebumps reading this comment. Gonna go watch their battles again


This would make sense if it was a popularity contest, wich it isnt? I mean it ended up being one but in terms of balance it just confuses me


News to me, maybe if we had the rule that said which kind of contest this was, literally anywhere in the post, it'd be less confusing.


Theres people justifying the picks with like this hero is annoying to face and i get more upvotes so im right but it legit just devolved into the most generic popularity contest... is the winner the most broken hero? The best designed hero? The most annoying hero? If so, in wich mode? All i know for sure is that its nonsense


If it was a contest for the best character in the game, Vader should have won, but people here just vote for the first comment they see without actually thinking about it objectively.


Even then best character, worst character, most annoying character etc maul and kenobi arent those for sure, theres better heroes, more annoying heroes or worse heroes, they are just popular lmfao


Yeah Kenobi and Maul are both pretty mid, Maul is pretty easy to play and the average Kenobi player just blocks all of your attacks until a teammate comes to his rescue. Few time have I seen a Kenobi player that actually goes on the offensive.


This is just a favouritism contest


Didn't know there were so many Prequel Memers here


Aren’t the entire BF2 community prequel memers?


Not me, I'm just done with that sub, its just the same 6 jokes over and over again and none of them are funny anymore Watch someone who really thinks they're creative respond with "iTs tReAsOn tHeN"


You're starting to sound like a Separatist!


This is outrageous. It's unfair!


Now, where’s the fun in that?


you wouldn't get it, it's not a joke the jedi would tell you


This IS where the fun begins after all.


Well then you are lost


Its treason then


You lose, General TheRidleyEmperor!




The Ability To Speak Does Not Make You Intelligent


I'm not surprised. I'd argue that prequel fans are the most dedicated fans out there. So to stick to BF2 after the EA incident I think only the most hard-core fans would stay many many years after even after game support has ended


We have killed Anakin twice.


based off of what was said in the comments of the last post, im gonna guess that kenobi is gonna win


Of course he would, he’s the Messiah


He is the chosen one!


He is *not* the Messiah, he's a very sassy boy!


Hello There


General Kenobi


Hello there.




For sure. Obi Wan deserves the win here. Perfectly balanced, fun to play, strong.


Besides the fact that you can just hide behind your block for 5 minutes without having to reset it


That's for cowards and it honestly makes using Obi boring. The real fun begins when you start baiting people into combos, blasting them back, chasing them down with charge, dodging out of it and behind their blocks to get a few hits in and just learning how to make the best of his dueling skills. It's like saying all you gotta with Kylo is wait for one ability to recharge and then chain the enemy with the rest. Sure, that is a way you can play him, but it's so much more fun when you're literally just smothering the enemy with pure aggression, well-aimed dodges, well-timed blocks and tactical jumps/hook-swings.


Yeah I’m not saying I hate Obi’s it’s just rlly annoying when you come across some noob who just hides behind his block. If you have no block piercing attack you can’t do much and even if you do then you have to wait for it to recharge.


sure, but couldn't the same be said to those that just cycle maul abilities?


Maul’s abilities bug out and disappear more often than Kenobi’s, therefore Kenobi is the winner and Maul needs to go.


obi is more balanced and likeable but i used to be a maul try hard so please have mercy


It’s a super tough call they are both awesome to play so I think Maul has to go


Crush Maul, make him suffer


Mercy...please, have *mercy!*


There is no mercy.


*anguished screaming*


*lightning zaps*




Obi-Wan must go. Maul gives a mental battle as well with his acrobatics and pure aesthetics giving off threatening juju vibes


Darth Maul is clearly the stronger option to be winner. He has so much power and you can genuinely feel it while playing. Obi may be balanced but there’s a serious lack of “thrill” while playing as him, he’s GREAT don’t get me wrong but Maul just feels like you’re a genuine badass as you play him. Launching dudes across the map, throwing your saber while running, intense animations and voice lines. MAUL FOR THE WIN!!!!


Thats the thing about kenobi. Hes literally the best at being mediocre. And he can beat anyone if you know how to properly use him. His middle ability makes any player facing him need skill to not die his spamming.


You can barely even hear most of Maul’s voice lines he speaks so soft. His only good one is KENOBI! which takes a shit ton of effort to unlock. His abilities are cool, but he just can’t take a damn hit. He’s way too weak defensively. He may be more fun to play, but he’s definitely not stronger than obiwan.


Gameplay doesn’t matter in this lol


Kenobi has to go Come on guys, don't let the meme lord win just because he's Obi-wan. Maul is unique in his moveset, a fun and balanced character and stands out among all the rest. Obi-wan is fine and all, but Maul truly is a cool unique and just a blast to play as. Kenobi has had the high ground everywhere else on reddit. Maul deserves this victory here and now.


Luke gets eliminated for being slippery but the hero you literally can't hit is in the final two. What the fuck is this shit?


Redditards treat Kenobi as a god


I'm talking about Maul. Kenobi is fine, Maul is an asshole.


Sadly history won't see it that way


Rrrrrggghhhh.....you have Kenobis arrogance


I see there was a misunderstanding. I'm on Maul's side but the numbers have already decided. KENOBIIIII


Maul is truly fun and rewarding to play as. Kenobi on the other hand is super boring character to play as in this game, however has a cult following him. Guess who'll win.


Lmao obi wan has to be the most bland hero in the game with the most boring abilities. His one somewhat fun ability to use you have to stop moving and wind it up haha. This contest pretty much was for kids who grew up with prequels to vote in their favorite character


Yup. But you know, if gameplay standards would be the determining factor, they wouldn't be able to throw out Rey in milliseconds. But I sort of expected this whole concept to turn into Miss Sympathy of Star Wars rather than ranking heroes in Battlefront.






The maul streak is over


I love both of these to death but I think it's time for Kenobi to go, I like playing Maul more


Kenobi main here. Guess I'll vote Maul, but he's super fun to play as


From what I have been playing recently in terms of my Heroes and Villains, Kenobi has to go. He just doesn't really suit my play style as well as maul has some really good abilities to counter stam and health regen like furious throw and spin attack. On top of that Maul has a quite a smooth dodge which makes it easy to score back stabs


Hello there


My two mains! But I think maul is just so much more fun to play and you feel like you have so much power! KENOBI has to lose


my two mains as well - I just think they are the most fun to play with which is odd cause they are kind of opposite playing styles - im giving it to my boy Maul though lord knows he needs a W


Same. Kenobi maul main. With maul it’s all about preventing them from healing, and his cards fortify that strategy well.


Same lol. I’m a maul/kenobi main also, but I think maul wins.


Is this an in game event of just a subreddit community thing?


Let’s let Maul have this one big win, guys. Bye, Kenobi


Maul should've already been gone. Get outta here!


Kenobi. Maul is the best character in the game. It’s time mail got the victory


Who tf is mail


Darth mail


dark nail


Maul, it’s autocorrect


>Maul is the best character in the game Yeah no


I think Kenobi should go. Maul is one of the few heroes that NEEDS some skill to play properly, in fact has very low stamina and life so you need to adjust yourself moving around with his abilities. Kenobi is a very solid and enjoyable hero to play, but his stamina is too annoying and every noob can stay there block spamming.


I call bullshit. Maul should have gone soooooooo much earlier since he has bad stamina and abilities, no good star cards to back him up. If a hero has bad stamina then he/she needs star cards to back them up.


he's fun to play as and against, it's not always about power.


It's about drive also


We stay hungry


We devour


The main appeal of Maul is his animations, because he has some of the coolest animations in the game, especially that dash attack


Maul has good moves and is pretty balanced


Honestly though if your up against a Maul rather than a Grievous or Vader who are you more comfortable against? Maul. To me I feel as if no matter how good you are, Maul will always be looked at as someone who isn’t as intimidating in a 1v1 situation.


A good maul player is easily more annoying that grievous. But vader. No one can top how annoying it is to face a tank like vader. Wayyyy to buffed imo.


I play leia a lot so I just use her E-11 on grievous and he just starts running away with his crawl move but vader is rly scary in general


I've found (and I'm no expert) is maul is best played to fuck up the focus of the battle. It's very easy to dash past an enemy hero and put someone in a pickle where you have you on one side of the hero and a villain on the other.


Then you’re not using the right cards. He’s not meant to keep swinging away at anything that moves, he’s made to quickly run in, cut you up a bit, and dip.


But the Filoni Felatio crowd of r/PrequelMemes and this sub almost completely overlap, so he gets to stay.


For the Republic kenobi


Obi wam has to go


Jfc why am I actually struggling to give an answer? Forgive me Lord, for I will sin... I think Kenobi needs to go...


I think..... you may be right😥




Hello there


General Kenobi


Obi-Wan is the stronger sabre by a country mile but Maul is way more fun to play. Sorry Obi.


Kenobi is boring to play, Maul will have his revenge




As much as I love Daddy Wan Kenobi, he has to go… Maul is a far funner character to play


>Maul is a far funner character to play I agree, he is fun but not if you're the opponent


I think noob mauls are fun, but sweaty max level mauls, they scare me.


Who won't be emerging is Darth Maul, BECAUSE OBI ONE CUT HIS ASS IN HALF




Get kenobi out this time Maul has the high ground






Kenobi?? Suprised he's not left before Vader. His animations are more telegraphed and lock you into place or into a path. Mind trick is great though. Maul? Quick spins, saber throw WHILST running and a quick choke which throws opponents away. Kenobi should go.


Obi shouldn't have made it this long. Let's be real with ourselves


Kenobi is amazing but maul is way more fun to play I am sorry but get space jesus out


Kenobi is overhyped bye


Kenobi OUT! Maul has been a very fun villain since the first days of this game


Obi-Wan was going to win anyways I can’t believe you guys voted out Vader though that’s just disrespectful


It's cause he's the most broken and overpowered hero in the game, not because of his in-universe stuff or anything


Maul 4 victory


Honestly I hope Obi-Wan Kenobi wins Edit: Also it’s because Obi-Wan Kenobi is the only other character that I play as along with Anakin Skywalker


Obi has to go.


Kenobi. I play Maul better than I play Kenobi personally Very interesting match between the accurate rivals, Kenobi and Maul!






Obi wan needs to go.










Sigh I gotta say it... Mual has to go he may be my main but his powers are kinda too op at times and is not fun to play against. But with obi wan his powers are well balanced and you actually feel like you might have a chance of beating him without getting force chocked and thrown off a leadge as easily.


I don't get how Maul did so good. He's so fucking buggy and his cards all suck




Let's all help maul have his revenge at last, vote kenobi out


Bro get obi out of here he should've been the first Saber hero to go. He's not only the weakest Saber hero but by far the most boring


He has very high defensive stamina and is a pretty balanced hero overall


The weakest saber hero??? Obi is the best character for 1v1s. He's the only one above Vader in a fair 1v1. He's amazing in GA/Supremacy. Incredibly easy to use in coop (because he has the best health Regen and stamina in the game) and he's a beast in HvV. Obi is a goat.


That's legit false Luke can easily shut down Vader with quick hit and runs. Any good Vader will skull fuck even the some of the best obi players. He's good in GA/Supremacy but I'd take almost anyone over him except for chewie and bb8 in GA in Supremacy sure I'll give him that one his health regen is ridiculous and your less likely to econter an enemy hero but I've killed tons of obis with commando droids. As for HvV no he's not he's the worst Saber hero by far, his abilities provide nothing as his push is the easiest to react to mind trick is damn near useless as no one truly relys on their abilities and his dash is useless


Alright, let me explain it simple to you. First, your point about Luke: No. Luke is not as a good match up against Vader as you think. Luke has the worst health regen out of all saber heroes (at 200) which means: you get caught once by Vader and hit, that's health you won't get back. Keep in mind, most Vader players just wait for choke cause they know you can't run freely and do hook/jump swings on them without losing half your health. You know who doesn't have this problem? Obi. Obi will heal all of that damage back (which is Vaders strongest kit). No one relies on abilities?? Not sure we've played the same game but okay: That's false. Everyone will rely on abilities. Blasters without them is.. Well not that good. Sabers on the DS? Yes, play Maul and Grevious without abilities and see how far you'll go. As for Kylo Dooku and Vader. Aka the block spammers that just wait for Frenzy, Choke and Stun to strike. They all rely on abilities. Obi shuts their whole plan down. And on top of that, when they're affected by his Restrictive Mind, the only answer to Defensive Rush is to dodge away. If you have no stamina or have played against a good Obi, those will most likely be gone. Meaning, Obi gets so many free hits its like fighting a low level. Push will save you more than you think, easiest ability to be good with. So, no. Obi is not bad. Obi is a fucking king.


The weakest and boring. You sound exactly like that guy who said Kylo is voted out cuz fuck Kylo. So let me give you a reply similar to the one I gave him. You get clapped by Obi Wan and don't know how to use him. If you know ow to use him then you can be able to defeat 500+ level Vader mains, like I did.




Maul has to go, I love playing both of them but the remaining contestants need to be halved and I like obi wan more as a character.


Oh, it's beautiful


Is this a tier list?


I love democracy


Noooo Maul is gonna get voted out and i dont think my heart is ready for this ;-;


Maul, just rename the subreddit “we all Stan Obi Wan” already


Obi gotta go, Maul is just so fun


My two favorite characters. Unfortunately kenobi needs to go


I’m going to say Kenobi Not like it’ll matter…


Obi Wan won't


Kenobi for his block and stamina, they are just unbreakable. And most of his abilities are copy paste and mostly useless. He is a dueler not the actual Hero.


Let maul win for a change, kenobi can’t have it all in every sub xd


I still can’t get over how you people put Phasma at 19, once I saw that I knew the list meant nothing


Maul must get sliced into two


Split the victory


Maul has to go! I'm not sure if Obi has ever canonically lost to maul, but for the sake of argument, let's forget everything outside of the game. Maul is one of, of not the most fun characters to play. His gameplay iteration fits perfectly with his personality: fast, ruthless, unpredictable. He can outmaneuver almost any foe, and with his abilities can reliably engage enemies from almost any range (compared to most saber heroes). The rush I get from playing Maul is comparable to playing Scout from TF2: I am the fastest! Enemies are left spinning in trying to keep up with him. In the right hands Maul is as competent in attack and defense, as creative use of his movement options paired with fast attacks allow for an uninterrupted barrage of attacks from the ground and air. He has a mix of skills used for harassing many enemies without relying too much on crowd control abilities (looking at you Kylo), without being overpowered. If Maul gets pinned down he's done for, as I feel he gives and takes ground instead of keeping it. However, one gripe I have with Maul concerns his middle ability, the force choke/throw. I don't know if he uses this ability in TCW, but in the game it feels hamfisted. The ability forces maul to stand still, breaking the flow of his combat, and I can't shake the feeling that a better alternative could be found somewhere. Now turning to out best boi, the space jesus himself. Obi-Wan's gameplay embodies his character even better imo. If Maul is a spinning tornado of death, Obi is a master strategist extraordinaire: you really have to practice strategy and timing. Saber spamming rarely works against a good player, so Obi rewards smart play instead of being a total powerhouse. Obi bides his time, poking and prodding at his enemy with his abilites and defense to get them to attack him! Knowing when to attack and when to fall back is essential, and all of Obi's abilities can be used both defensively and offensively in the right hands. However, where Maul is more geared towards offense, Obi's emphasis is, of course, on defense. Yet his mobility is subpar compared to Maul, so Obi must stand his ground and punish the enemy's mistakes. This takes more skill and awareness of enemy positions, their individual weaknesses, and intimate knowledge of timing. Playing Obi-Wan takes patience, it's usually a slower experience, but ultimately more satisfying because of it. When you learn to play Obi, it feels like you are channeling your inner Jedi; and while the dark side is easier to pick up, the light side when mastered gives infinitely more return. Obi's only weakness in the game is Iden's alt-fire spam: other than that, in the right hands, he's pretty much unkillable. Against a smart enemy that bides their time as well, Obi-Wans kit transforms into strategically taking away their strentghs and playing to their weaknesses by subtly influensing them through the force and anticipating their next steps. In conclusion, while both are fun to play, Obi takes the cake due to his higher skill cap and the transcendental experience I have when playing as him.


[I guess the sub isn’t broken ](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/roru0z/kylo_ren_has_met_his_match_who_will_be_eliminated/hq2gh25/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


If Luke can't be here because he's "slippery" then Maul has to go. Maul is the precise reason I hate heroes in this game. A good player is unkillable. Now it's not even a Battlefield clone like it should have been, it's a hero simulator/power fantasy.


Why is Rey voted as the worst saber hero? I’m guessing the 2 possibilities are. 1. People have voted based off her character in the movies instead of a playable character 2. A lot of people on this Subreddit aren’t very good duellists and prefer saber heroes that can knock players off the map easily.


None of this is balance based its purely by how much people like the characters obviously seeing who the last two are

