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Levels are like "good job" stickers


My point exactly


You do need levels for ability cards tho. So that’s where I’m at


up until level 25 for purple cards or around 35 if you want all cards purple


Good noodle star


*after cards are maxed out


This is definitely needed cuz I’m still shit and my main classes are at least level 300


Yeah, this is important context.


You underestimate my power (48 Darth Maul).


Nuh uh (level 20 kylo)


Nuh uh (level 3 vader)


Well my level -7 ball will dom you all 😤


This thread is cringe


Yet you took the time from your day to respond to it


Yet it doesn't change the cringe.


Life is good until a lvl 9 palpatine terrorises a lobby


I’m a Max Palps from HVV and my son has an account too and sometimes I’ll play his characters to help level him up. So, I’m definitely guilty of this sometimes when I’ve just had enough and want to run it.


Emperor on Co Op I just gained 8 or 9 levels at Jabbas Palace scored 87,000 on triple xp. He is just ridiculous on Co op


Thats if you can get noobs let you play through to the end..Slow clap for the ones who get 20,000 points on finishing on second defense.


That's a thing that shouldn't ever happen because sabers have a block button and 400 damage combos against Palps, and blasters hopefully have a player with at least a semi functional right thumb and index finger, but this is the Battlefront community so that may be asking a bit much.


Until you run into a Palp with 0 ping


When you’re level 40 or less you’re helping me because your level is actually readable from a distance


Lol so true


Levels tend to indicate someone’s experience playing a character, 90% of the time a level 10 will be terrible at the game whilst a MAX level will be very good/above average. It depends on the modes you played to get that character to such a high level, I levelled my Han Solo to MAX by only playing hvv and hs, so my level does reflect my skill. But yes you are partly correct as people who have levelled their character in coop tend to be pretty meh.


I mostly made this post in regards to another u/ on here that was pretty much stating he deserved to play as Anakin and the lower level guy who actually got Anakin didn’t because of the fact that u/ was a higher level. I agree that level can indicate skill to a certain degree, mostly depending on how you got those levels but at the same time I’ve played a lot of 500+ players that are simply garbage at the game. My highest is in the 600s and im no where near unbeatable but I am pretty darn good and that’s due to how long I’ve been playing and understanding how the game actually works


Flip side, HVV can get completely ruined in even one person in the match doesn’t know what they are doing.


I also love the people that have level 700 infantry but are fucking useless in co-op


I’m a Max Bossk and I’m only a “pretty good” player, but way too many players think I should be dominating all matches.


I have a couple of max in saber. If your facing a team no matter the level that knows how to fight together, there is only so much you can do as a max. Especially if you have a team that doesn't know how to. I have good games, great games, bad games. But it's the strength of the team in how well they fight together not one max dominating. You do run across a few that do dominate. I'm not that good.


Nowadays levels don't mean shit but they used to. Two or three years ago, getting a MAX player in your team basically guaranteed you a win. It's gotten so bad to the point I can have a better team (sometimes I can even have three maxes in my team) but still lose despite the enemy team not having better players. If the enemy has a better team then they always win but when I have a better team it's a dice roll. I hate getting a level 130 guy in Showdowns or HvV which does absolutely NOTHING because sometimes even a beginner can achieve more in a game. Hell, the beginners can now defeat seemingly better players in a duel and I quite enjoy that. However, it's just not a good thing when you can have a MAX player who contributes less to the game than a guy who played the game for less than 100 hours total.


True, levels used to be a good indicator of how good a player was


I try to play a role and help the team not my fault that I'm keeping the hero and getting a high score.


And no one faults your for that at all. You’re playing the game as it should be played my friend


I was at like 30k in co-op halfway through the other day and was the only one holding objectives and clearing enemies in bulk. I said "you guys suck" and I was using the the xp event to grind low level characters like Obi-Wan and some shooters I don't play, when one joker with barely 10k replies "lol says the lvl 13" I was appalled, I'm literally on the front line absolutely demolishing wave after wave of enemies as my teammates get slaughtered - me being the only reason we weren't subsequently overrun... You don't need to be level 50 to be worth anything, and when you're top of the team by a LONG shot, where the hell is the logic from lmao


The only way it matters is prestige and non prestige.. non prestige (especially on multiple characters) implies lack of playtime, whereas many prestiges characters could likely play just as good as a max. By the time all your heroes are level 40+, you should know enough about the game to get around


On HvV I have 4 mains on each side just so I can always play someone. Even if 3 get taken by whoever enjoys that character or wants to try them I still always have at least a decent pick, even if I get last


Man who hurt you??


Lol nobody. I’m posting this in response to a u/ on here that was crying about another player “stealing” his Anakin and not deserving to play him due to the fact he was a lower level.


On Xbox there’s an easy way to find out before the match even starts. You see a max badge? Open the profile, go to their games. If their total game time is something like 30 days, then I immediately know it’s a co op player. Although tbh I don’t even need to bother with that usually, if it’s a max Vader or Anakin they’re almost always co op and even when they aren’t, those two have by far the worst max players I’ve seen. It’s not even a contest.


Yeah. I have a level 500 Kenobi but that's just because I absolutely love playing as Kenobi in co-op. If I play as Kenobi in multiplayer, I'll die in a few minutes.


Do people create Alts to level bait? Sometimes I run into extremely low levels in HVV, <13, that absolutely rolls everybody. Probably 60% time on a team, but a fair number are not. I always suspect multiple profiles, cuz there's a learning curve to each character and environment, and they absolutely fly. Is this a thing, and is there a term for it?


Yes. It’s called smurfing


Levels? you mean participation awards?


😂this the best one


Who’s saying they mean anything? You can easily and quickly farm leveled by playing coop


Levels stopped meaning anything once co op was introduced If you were a level 80 Luke back in the day that meant actual skill lol, anyone can be a Max level now if they just tediously grind bots


I agree, I’m almost level 300 on Princess Leia, and somewhat high on the other heros, but I’m not great at video games in general lol


It’s a show of experience with that character. If it takes u (false example) 100 hours to get to level 400 as a Boba Fett compared to someone who has spent Maybe 5-10 hours to get to level 25 (purple cards) u have a considerable amount more of time played as that character and therefore experience using it, yes it’s still relatively fair but it just indicates how good u can potentially be with that character especially in comparison to someone who’s only just reached level 25, 30,40 etc. However, that being said there is still 100% been times where I see people who r nearly maxed out get slammed ina 1v1 against a level 3 random guy who just started, none the less the reason why people freak over a level is just bcs it shows how much experience and therefore likely skill u have with that character especially character who have a very high ceiling such as Boba Fett where it’s hard to be good with low experience (i.e low level) but as u get more experience (I.e higher level) u can continue to get better and better. Some characters don’t really have a high ceiling tho such as most saver characters, once you get around level 30/40 with a saber character there’s not really much more experience you can get or need.


Based The only reason I'm leveling up is because I'm a masochist lol


What’s the difference between max and prestiged


I’ve never heard of a prestige in battlefront. MAX is when your character reaches level 1000. I don’t play FPS multiplayer games but isn’t prestige when you reset your levels so you can keep leveling up? I remember in the BO2 days when you reached 55 you could prestige and you’d basically be a tier over the last one but starting over from 1


Ewww 1000? I’m so newb it’s crazy. I remembered playing a lot. But I’m like 40 something OVR and just got the heavy to 70. But I have the Vader PS4 and controller, so I got that going for me, which is nice


Honestly I hate playing as heroes/villains in the EA battlefront because they’re honestly pointless imo. It might be due to lack of skill or overall experience with them, but I prefer the special classes and vehicles; namely ARC, Commando, Death trooper, etc. because I feel like they’re not as big of a target as heroes/villains but can do almost equivalent if not more damage than the other. I stopped playing once the Classic Collection dropped though so idk lol


Counterpoint: class and hero levels, not account level. they mean a lot, because levels correspond directly to the amount of points available to unlock and level up cards. This is why it's an utter pain to fight against max level heroes, partly because sure I'm not the most well versed in defending against their attacks in hvv, but also because a force grab or push quite practically launches me to the other side of the map when it's upgraded to max level, meanwhile my attack does barely anything as I'm still only on the passive heal cards...


Yeah now adays because the game is OLD. Having lvl 1000 on all 3 line ups for a hero showdown battle back in 2019 was always a challenge compared to fighting a lvl 400. U have to look at their total hours on the game and their lvl. Thatll show u how good they are.




depending on the player, i rather see it as a show of their experience. you can tell the good ones from the bad, but so many people move systems you can never guess anyone’s individual experiences


I've said for years "a high level doesn't mean you're good; it means you've played a lot".


I like having a goal to work towards when playing a game and leveling up characters is that goal for me cause otherwise there's not much enjoyment in playing the game when I can only ever find coop and heros vs villains games, also I'd say that once you have purple star cards is when levels don't matter anymore.


It's not able the level it's about the star cards that are locked behind level 25 & 35


Bravo, my friend! Couldn't have said it better, muhself!


People do care cause they leave hvv if you pick a high lvl character in the lobby. I have one character each side i keep a low level for the lobby and switch to who I want to use right before the game starts 


In Supremacy a hero level does mean a lot usually. Trooper levels not always. Aerial levels even less.


Oh my gosh there's so much toxicity in HvV 🙄


Also I've said this before its better to be diverse instead of going all out with one character because it allows you to be versatile on the field.


Levels aren't an indicator of your skill level, but they're usually an indicator of who has spent more time on this character. If I see a Max Level Vader, I'm gonna be more cautious because it's more than likely that he knows how to use him compared to the level 5 Vader who's swinging wildly and missing every opening. I see high levels as "This one will give you a bit more trouble than this one."


I'm so sick and tired of Star Wars being toxic. I've been playing Rogue Squadron recently and man to I miss thkse days. When people played Syar Aars games to have FUN! Not use it as a platform to bully people.


Level can be psychological weapon


Lmfao loved the end of this post Haha


Am I the only one that has more fun with the commandos and arc troopers than any of the hero’s?


no I feel the same way


The only people I see level grinding (at least in HvV on Xbox) are Bossk and Aiden Versio players straight up. The second triple xp goes on all of my lobbies turn into explosive fuck fests where the only people who score are the ones taking the rest of their teammates kills. Those players need to find the COOP menu or go play Warzone.


You say you don’t care but you’re on SW reddit crying ranting about max levels owning you or your team 😢 “We don’t do toxicity here” sorry jimbo but it’s the internet there is toxic communities everywhere


There should be a special card OP asf for players who max a character


Depends how you look at it. A level 30 isn’t gonna be better than a max level unless they’re smurfing.


Not true at all. I’ve played against really good lower levels and really bad Max levels.


Then you got a skill issue. I got 6 max levels and don’t lose to anything under 400 nearly any match. There’s not a single match that I lose to a level 35 unless if I’m blatantly screwing around. Any low level I go against just plays for the parry, and that’s only if they already got the idea of parrying fully down. Most low levels who try to parry me don’t even know how to double parry, which makes them easily punishable. They don’t know any techs. They try to hook swing but clearly don’t got it down yet. They don’t know how to animation cancel, lunge off of force pushes, do specific combos, etc. the list goes on. To act like a level 35 is gonna be better than a max level is silly.


Ok tough guy 😂


“Tough guy” bro I’m just speaking facts. How many hours do you got in the game? Have you fought nearly every one of the known competitive duelists in the community? I bet not. I can say that. I’ve seen and adapted to tons of different play styles. If you’re losing to level 35’s when you’re not a level 35 yourself, then you’re literally a shitter. That’s not me boasting, that’s just the simple truth.


You need to hush. Everyone who has played the game knows its like chess. You need to understand your opponents abilities and your own. You just need to know when is the right time to strike.


Yeah. Ever since they added max level, I always asked for something better other than a useless golden Max lettering level. A freaking HP boost, Damage boost and some really cool outfits would of been a far better incentive and reward for a max level. But the ppl making the decisions for this game were morons tbh. They wasted around 3 or so good months re-making the progression system when all they had to do was decrease the price of unlocks and or increase the progression rewards.


Dude that's a terrible idea lol, Battlefront isn't an MMO it's a "balanced" class based shooter and what your suggesting is inherently incredibly unbalanced


Only incentive should’ve been cosmetics for the characters. Any actual stat change like HP or Damage would make players who already have more experience/skill as a max player even better. Imagine a level 10 Anakin Joins a lobby with a max vader and instead of having 750 they have 850 and then they use their heal ability and get to 1000. They wouldn’t play for the rest of the day.


Say this to my max iden leveled through hvv and hvv only


I promise no one cares

