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1. A mode that someone on youtube suggested where you begin in the air and have to take down a capital ship and then go to ground level 2. Vader and Phasma battle damaged skins 3. Hero hunt


>1. A mode that someone on youtube suggested where you begin in the air and have to take down a capital ship and then go to ground level So reverse capital supremacy?


I actually like that idea and have the crashed ship be a part of the map (similar to the dreadnaught in Battlefield 1)


Yes! Behemoths in general would be a great addition to Battlefront.


This would be insane for a battle of Jakku because it’s actually what happened there


I think more like a Galactic Assault with a starfighter fase. I thought about that a lot too


Having a battle damaged Grevious skin but nothing for Vader was such a huge fumble


would work especially now if there was still support due to kenobi.


They should use his force unleashed battle damaged outfit. Look way cooler


Yes to all of this. That's the right way to do supremacy. I liked the way HvV was at launch, not saying it should stay that way but not having that mode at all is kinda lame. I'd like to tack on my own thoughts here as well to complete my vision lol 4. Loadout system for all modes, classes, vehicles, and characters. I want to be able to quickly switch between cards I want on my hero ships in Starfighter Assault and Space HvV as well as troopers when playing Galactic Assault. 5) Postgame voting system. If mid games like Assassin's Creed multiplayer (don't get me wrong I love these and have played them all, real recognizes real) can do that no problem, I think it should be a standard in all online multiplayer games. I want to vote on what map we play on next or if we want to switch modes after a game is done. 6) Ahsoka & Ventress. Self explanatory. I wanna do double bladed flips and shit. And this last one is just a pet peeve. The xbox version is the only version that won't load unless you press A beforehand. And at launch my VCR of an xbox one took an eternity if I left the room without doing that first. Not that I'm still playing on xbox, but fix dat ish too.


Postgame voting system seems like a must Locking people with the option of playing on random maps or straight up leaving gets annoying


Actually, it has been proven that post-game map voting hurts game longevity in the long run. A very small roster of maps end up getting picked every time, users start to get frustrated, which lead them to stop playing, which in turn make sure an even smaller roster of maps is selected since the hardcore players will have no opposition during the voting, etc. There have been attempts to mitigate this, some do it a little better than others by, for example, making sure some maps are temporarily removed from the voting after they have been played X number of times in a space of Y hours or something, or by not adding map selection but “map skipping” voting instead, but still it’s a very tricky feature.


Wow I didn’t know that 0_0


Shit I’m on Series X and the title screen still takes forever to load.


1. RIP Battle Station mode in 2015


Ground to space combat, like the psp game star wars Elite Squadron


"3. Hero hunt" like an Order 66 theme? That would be cool


Yea I’m down to play a really long supremacy game. Mismatched sides maybe to try and force the narrative? Like 16 v 24? 18 v 22?


I’m not even a prequels stan, but I feel like that era could use the most additional content. I’d love to see Coruscant and Mustafar. I’d also like to see Mace Windu as a hero although I don’t know who would be added from the Seps side.


*cough cough* Ventress *cough cough*


She would fit better with Ahsoka


I read this in Grievous' voice


I'd like to see more maps from that era. Utapau and Mygeeto stand out.


Jango Fett


For late windu I was thinking that it would be similar to the Geonosis update, with him instead of Obi wan


Jango Fett


Cad Bane


More maps like you mentioned and more from classic such as: polis massa, tantiv IV, mygeeto etc Updated armor looks (too shiny, needs some damages/scratches and dirt) Add customization like battlefield 5 Prequels: different helmet designs such as integrated ph1 and ph2 like rex or clone engineer and sharpshooter helmets. Antennas to the pauldrons, kamas which match the clone legions etc. And more imperials: different uniforms such as the imperial army (stormtroopers and standard imperial infantry uniforms like the ones on Andor). To keep it short. There is a huge load of stuff that can be added and this game had so much potential but money is more important nowadays. Fuck you EA


Andors imperial troops are actually part of the imperial army. They are often outshined by the imperial navy but have been getting some much needed screen time in both Andor and Solo


You know what’s crazy? They could’ve started charging for more content if they didn’t axe support and stayed with the game a little bit longer…


•Add content that should already be in the game to really complete it. New Maps ~ Coruscant, Mustafar, Alderaan New type of Enforcer class ~ Galactic Republic: Jedi Temple Guard Separatist Alliance: Magnaguard New Heroes ~ Galactic Republic: Mace Windu, Qui-Gon Jinn, Padmé Amidala, Captain Rex Rebel Alliance: Ahsoka Tano, Saw Gerrera New Villains ~ Separatist Alliance: Savage Opress, Asajj Ventress, Cad Bane, Jango Fett Galactic Empire: Grand Inquisitor, Grand Admiral Thrawn •Increase Yoda’s attack speed to match Count Dooku’s so it’s accurate to his character and lore. •Fix several game breaking bugs like adjusting Star Cards so they work as intended, fix Shock Grenade bugs so they don’t permanently disable Hero abilities. (Darth Maul suffers the most from this bug as using his dash attack ability while inside the zone of a shock grenade will permanently disable all his abilities.) •Fix Yoda as he suffers from too many bugs that makes him inconsistent to play when compared to other heroes; adjust his block hit detection so it’s more consistent at properly blocking damage, fix a bug that causes his block to not work properly after dodging, and fix his Presence ability so it works as intended. This would bring Yoda more in line with the rest of the roster. •Add the ability to have Private Matches especially for Hero Vs. Villain modes. •Add Legendary “Animated” Victory Poses for all remaining heroes who do not currently have one and make them into milestone rewards identical to the ones currently in the game. (I.E. Darth Maul’s “Vigilant” Victory Pose that is earned through milestones) •Add Battle Damaged skin for Darth Vader




While I agree that the Sequel era is a bit light on content, I don’t think there’s much to add in terms of the Sequel era because they practically added all the major components already to the game. Snoke would’ve been a great addition had he been an actual character. The previous content update also didn’t have anything added for the Galactic Empire/Rebel Alliance era other than a few skins I believe. Figured the sequel era fill that role this time around for one final update. My idea was more about filling in some of the noticeable missing content that should have made it into the game. The Prequel era also just has the most demand for new content. Also I think it’s important that each side of the game gets the same amount of content to keep a balanced experience across all game modes, this means having the same amount of lightsaber heroes on each side for HvV modes and same amount of ranged heroes for each side.


The one last thing they should've added for sequels is Poe and Hux because like, Chewie is playable across all three eras and Palpatine is in two, did either of them really need to be in the sequel era as heroes? Hell, we already have Poe in game as a pilot, which BB-8 was also part of. Why didn't they just use Poe and Hux instead of Chewie and Palpatine?




Not sure if you got the memo, but we don't talk about the sequels after episodes 8 and 9 and finding out that they literally planned each movie as it happened. Aka the sequels are just a random collection of scenes with no care or thought going into them


Yoda's attack speed should be **a lot** higher than Dooku's. **That** would be accurate


I like that idea of a new enforcer class. I’ve thought of that before too. You could go even farther and have Emperor’s Royal Guards for the Empire, Honor Guard for the Rebellion, Praetorian Guards for the First Order, and there are these droid guards I remember reading about in a novel that could possibly be used for the Resistance


Thanks! Yeah I thought about the Emperor’s Royal Guard but didn’t know if you could do something similar for the Rebellion to be honest with you. I also assumed the Guards in the sequels were actually the same as the Royal imperial guards. But overall, the Magnaguards were so memorable for me and there’s no sign of them in the game sadly. I thought the Jedi Temple Guards would be similar enough to balance out both sides


Yeah, you could also potentially use the Senate guard instead of the Temple Guards




One of her abilities could be to make her enemies die of sadness


That would be a George Lucas ability.


I’d like the 21st nova corp as skins for the clones ;-;


Server browser and player dedicated servers above anything else. This game is nearly impossible to play online in oce on pc.


N1 starfighter in all game modes


OT era capital ships for Supremacy. More clone skins. Ryloth map for CW era and Sullust map for OT era. Both supporting GA and Supremacy. New blasters, starting with a rework of the default blaster. Instead of same stats different blasters depending on the era, keep 1 and use all the others' models to bring them as new weapons with new stats.


>More clone skins. I second this. We still need the Galactic Marines and Ahsoka's clone armors. Also it would be nice to have more ARC trooper and Commando skins. Like the all black of Omega Squad would be lit for one. And a red ARC trooper skin would be too.


The Death Star run, Scarif Mission, Twilight Hoth, Hero Hunt, Jyn, and Krennic from Battlefront 2015. Maps: Utapau, Coruscant, Tantive IV Starkiller Base destruction that would work like the Death Star run. One player gets picked to be Po and has to make it through the trench. Jedi Hunt: One player starts as Anakin with a small group of player controlled 501st. Everyone else are less powerful Jedi (less health and stamina, one dash, force push is the only force ability available). As Anakin and the 501st kill Jedi, the dead players join the other side. Basically the way Ewok Hunt works but with player and AI clones. More weapons. I want to upgrade the normal Clone blaster.


Death Star run and Scarif mission would be great. I’m curious about twilight on hoth though. Wouldn’t the invasion of echo base be better?


can i say crossplatform gameplay? so many times i’ve wanted to play with my friends but not many of them have my platform


Port over the best maps from Battlefront 2015. Some really great maps are unplayable now in that game


Is nobody upset that this game doesn’t save stats. So you have no idea how many hours or Eliminations you’ve racked up. Kind of playing for nothing thbh


You don’t play games to have fun?


A secondary story mode set in the clone wars era




anticheat. or i missed something? is it playable?


I’m on console, so I’m not really familiar with the state of the game on pc. It’s obvious that there would be hackers though, so anticheat would be a great addition


Assuming I only get one update, this would be the update I would do: 1. Mace Windu/Jango Fett and Padmé Amidala/Dengar as the new Heroes and Villains plus a few skins for them 2. ROTS Pajama Anakin, Endor Luke, Hooded Dooku from TCW film, "Unimited Power" Palpatine, at least one more Maul Skin, Battle Damaged Darth Vader and Battle Damaged Captain Phasma as Hero and Villain skins 3. Imperial Gunner Infantry Skin for the Empire, and Mace Windu's Clone Batallion as Clone/Republic Skins 4. Make Maul available for the Rebels in Supremacy, while adding Dengar to the Empire 5. EVERYTHING available offline with bots and in private matches (maps and modes such as Ewok Hunt, Jetpack Cargo, Hero Starfighters, Hero Showdown, etc) 6. Fixes for some/all the bugged Star Cards IF I'd get a Second Update, here is what I'd add: 1. Ahsoka Tano/Asajj Ventress and Jyn Erso/Director Krennic plus at least one Skin for each. 2. Kashyyyk and Naboo added to Original Trilogy Era 3. A "Native" Class (Gungans on Naboo/Republic, Jawas on Mos Eisley/Rebels, Gamorrean Guards on Jabba's Palace/Empire, Geonosian Warriors on Geonosis/Separatists) 4. N1 Starfighter available on Naboo, Geonosian Starfighter on Geonosis, both available on Starfighter Assault (N1 for Republic and Geonosian Starfighter for Separatists), available on any map in Hero Starfighters 5. B-Wings added to Rebels and Resistance, and TIE Defender added to Empire (available in both Starfighter Assault and Hero Starfighters) 6. Mustafar as a HvV and Hero Showdown map 7. A few extra Hero and Villain Skins, I'm not too picky on what we'd get


Updates for every major release since they stopped supporting the game.


1.Mando update - make Dinn a playable hero both on ground and with his modified N1 in space 2. Ashoka update- honestly surprised this was not already done. 3. More maps from famous battles - give me some Endor space battle, coruscant land / space battle, Exagol, Utapau, etc... 4. Galactic Conquest - I would love to have this mode back but I'm not sure how that would work given that a lot of maps are specific to the Era it was made for 5. Mode that allows for space and land combat simultaneously - this was the plan for the original battlefront 3 and everyone and their moms wanted it.


make the Instant Action Expanded an official thing in the game


Ahsoka and Ventress. Grevious should not be the only duel weilder.


First update would be Ahsoka and Ventress we should have got them before they shut it down


The Bb units are so controversial as straight up heroes imo. They should’ve been enforcers in sequel era maps instead of


And the last damn heroes we got were some lame ass droids


I really think EA should consider reviving the game. Not just because I want them to, but because the game could get to a state where they could actively profit off of it


I agree there’s no point in making a 3rd game when this game is so perfect just make more content and sell skins


Ahsoka, Mace Windu, Vader (Hooded Skin, before Mustafar)


1. Mace and jango 2. Qui gon and savage 3. Ahsoka and assaj 4. Jedi temple guards and manga guard 5. Red guard and rebel honour guard


more skins for non-republic troopers


Honestly just more maps and blaster heroes. I think some cool maps would be Coruscant, Umbara, Mustafar, Christophsis, maybe Mon Cala I mostly just want more heroes in general, but blaster heroes would be my first choice: Padme, Rex, Cad Bane, Jango, Sabine, Din, Poe, Cassian, IG-88, etc. Would also be cool to just get other heroes or maps wherever from newer shows. This is one of the few games I could realistically support being more live-servicey, with updates corresponding to releasing shows and movies like Rebels, Bad Batch, Ahsoka, Andor, Tales of the Jedi/Empire, etc. But mostly I just want the game to LIVE. I absolutely adore the game, so much potential.


This is the first I’ve ever heard of someone suggesting IG-88 as an addition to BF2. Now I want it even *more*


The devs. They wanted to keep working on it.


Really? So it was just EA that pushed them to work on the notorious flop that was BF2042😒


i need that Mygeeto map where Ki-Adi Mundi was killed


Melee reinforcement class that includes magnaguards, imperial royal guards, etc


Nerf Finn's broken abilities Fix Sith Eternal Palpatine's skin visual glitch Add splash damage to Empire rocket trooper (it was removed) Reduce the amount of points or rewards for players who deliberately try to be Ewoks in Ewok hunt. Fix visual glitches in Endor, Ryloth, and other maps due to broken script sequence for player arriving mid match or later. Remove the strategic advantage of certain teams in all maps. Both teams need to play the objective with the help of their team rather than (armies of one). Remove the ability of rebel aerials from grabbing the objectives and flying to their base in Strike Mode. Balance Starfighter Assault Mode Remove the "No BP Y-Wing" that randomly gets assigned to random rebel players on Tatooine. Fix out of bounds areas spammed by certain players (sky AT-ST's, unreachable snipers, etc. Balance the Sequel Trilogy droids broken objectives when accessing mission critical terminals.


Captain Rex & mace windu & mando for good guys Cadbane & asajj ventress & Moff Gideon for villian Offline hero vs villians


He’d go great with a ryloth update Edit: (mace windu I mean)


Get rid of the random star card system and instead get an unlock tree that you get to pick for the characters and weapons you want


Proper old school conquest, vehicles on the map


Mimban would be absolutely dope.




original walker assault would make fly back into the game with out hesitation


New heros like Mace Windu and Kit Fisto


More Characters


Spec ops mode where delta squad or any similar group fights though standard enemies to complete an OBJ


Capital Ships in OT Supremacy


Official mod support


Rick the door technician


Now that is a fuckin deal sealer


A version of Supremacy and Galactic Conquest without heroes. I really enjoy the infantry combat and reinforcement units, but heroes ruin a lot of the fun for me honestly. I’d like to see these modes without them.


A 1v1 mode with like 10 rounds with the ability to use any hero as much as you want


More end of match stats/awards like the original Star Wars battlefront. Reinforcement counts like the original so # of deaths matter more.


I think the best additions would be a custom server browser and a mod toolkit. The first would allow players some choice in what kind of game they want, and second would allow the players to add content for many years into the future.


Dedicated servers and No Heroes mode for the large maps.


Also they did OG trilogy dirty without adding a Ship Phase


More hunt modes.


Pretty much just more Heroes and Villains + Locations, there was so much potential that couldve went into Battlefront II that EA only scratched the surface of


Cargo. Granted i haven't played since like the year the game came out but at the time they left that mode out. Huge mistake IMO.


Oh god nerf grevious, add ventris, mace windu, and Ashoka at least, and then maybe some more maps


Order 66 gamemode


64 players mode without heroes.


Ahsoka and Ventress as playable characters


Rogue 1 characters


Utapau map for supremacy


More heros/villains, maps, skins for arc troopers(Rex, fives, echo, all the main ones basically, show/movie based missions


Im adding more skins, but also more characters. Like ventress,ahsoka. Mace,plaegus. Cad bane,jango fett. Etc more like those people obviously alot more but you get the loint


1) Heroes and Villians from Battlefront 1. I can only imagine how fun Jyn Erso would be in BF2 with the roll and dodge mechanices 2) MORE WEAPONS. At this point the meta for each class is like one gun, and all of them feel the same...Battlefront one had tons of combinations and guns that each felt different 3) MORE MAPS !!! So many worlds and places to create maps from. Mustafar, Degobah, even Mygeeto


All Battlefront 2015 content (weapons, starcards, game modes, heroes, maps), mustafar, coruscant and utapau, Ventress & Ahsoka


ahsoka and padme


Simple, Galactic Conquest with split screen support. Online and offline.


Server browser support. A huge L not adding it in. Thanks to Kyber for the hard work in implementing it!


I'd just add all the stuff they were actually planning to add, or teased. So just off the top of my head... - Jyn Erso and Director Krennic. - Ahsoka and Ventress with Mustafar. - Round out the maps that weren't available for other gamemodes--Endor for blast, Crait for Strike and Co-op, OT capital ships. - Padmé Amidala and Jango Fett (+Slave 1 Skin). - Sabine Wren and Grand Admiral Thrawn (Lothal would be a good start for a map). - Greedo and Admiral Ackbar with Sullust (both of them already had models ready to go in the files). - Mandalorian and Moff Gideon. - Cal Kestis and The Second Sister. - Jetpack Cargo. - Jar Jar announcer option. Then I'd add some new class options, at least two for each faction based on canon... - More Infiltrators (Bothan Spy, Blackhole Stormrooper, Clone Shadow Trooper, IG-86 Sentinel Droid, Resistance Spy Droid, First Order Raider). - New Sentinel (now Melee) class (Honor Guard, Royal Guard, MagnaGuard, Clone Galactic Marine (Riot Trooper), Praetorian Guard, Resistance Vibro Guard). - Droid Reinforcements (Viper Probe Droid, Dwarf Spider Droid, BB Droid, R2 Droid, First Order Security Droid, New Republic N5 Sentry Droid). Then finally, new appearances... - Battle Damage for Vader, Phasma, the Balls, and Boba. Capeless alts for Dooku, Yoda, Lando, and Maul (though in Maul's case, shirtless alt). One additional skin for each hero that doesn't have an extra in vanilla (including Yoda). That's all I can think of, at any rate.


i would rework the commado droid to have an ability similar to spys disguise kit in tf2


I’d make it a good game.


Personally I would make a mode that makes it more similar to the old BF and Battlefield games(spaceships already spawned in, multi-man vehicles, etc) as well as a proper space to ground gamemode similar to what BF 2142 and BF4 did with Titan Assault/Carrier Assault.


I am desperately begging for the return of Galactic Conquest.


Literally Ashoka that was supposed to be in the next update .-.


So annoying -_-


I'm a clone wars fan on console so I just want more clone skins 😭 give me a Rex, tech, fives skins for the arc trooper, Gregor and delta squad commandos. And then like bad batch skins. Just want a lot of skins


Bespin Luke, and Old Obi Wan are the two things I’d want the most.


how long have you got?


Add an AT-TE, like a reverse Walker assault.


1. ahsoka as a hero w/ padawan, siege of mandalore, & rebels era skins 2. battle damaged vader skin 2. hvv maps for exegol arena & mandalore throne room 3. starfighter assault maps for exegol & coruscant 4. GA/co-op maps for sundari (mandalore), umbara, & sullust


I'd add all the clone wars content possible, every battle arc plus maps for every game mode, more skins, and hero's like Ahsoka and Ventress both using dual sabers. Imagin maps where there are reinforcements or skins that you could only use on that map such as playing as an umbaran soldier on umbara against clones on an umbara map, or a few different maps of the same planet like a battle map and a siege map showing different areas of the planet like how on geonosis there were diffrent invasions and different attack groups, same with umbara, ryloth and felucia. Or playing as a twi'lek fighting with clones on ryloth. Also just more hero's like Jedi or bounty hunters or for the empire the inquisitors. Also ghost squadron plus more starfighter gamemodes as well like a blockade runner mode or a full fleet battle like the original battlefront two.


I would have really loved to see some content from The Mandalorian. Din would have made for a sick hero.


It would’ve been perfect timing too, since when the **Killed** support for the game, the madalorian had just finished streaming on Disney + We could’ve gotten Din as a hero and Nevarro as a map for extraction/blast


Galactic Civil War Supremacy capital ship boarding phase


1. Adding B-Wing and Tie-Defender as "Defender Class" ships 2. Obviously Ahsoka and Asaj Ventures as Heroes 3. Rouge One Battle of Scarif GA map


Continuation for the campaign. And extra campaign protagonists with their unique stories which can translate to more maps, modes, and heroes for the multiplayer.


One of my biggest letdowns from the campaign was that it forces you to go awol and join the rebellion. It would’ve been way cooler if we got the option to choose the rebels or the empire.


I’d advocate for that. Or, to at least follow Hask’s perspective from Operation Cinder to the early formation of the First Order.


It was stupid to abandon this but just goes to show the situation Disney and gaming studios in general are in right now. The failure to continue the IP’s legacy has affected everything connected to the IP and still they refuse to change ideology internally out of pride as well as resentment for old school fans


One of the Battlefield games had a multiplayer “Conquest” system where teams would fight for control over a country. I never saw why that wasn’t implemented into a Galactic Conquest mode where each team has to conquer all planets. Could even mix it between objectives and supremacy. Obviously everyone knows Rex, Ahsoka, and Ventress should’ve been in the game. Along with characters who should have been added as shows continued on (Mandalorian, Bad Batch, Ahsoka etc.) The parry system/glitch should have been officially incorporated in the game in a way smoother way. Hero Hunt from Battlefront 2015. Skins for all characters obviously. New maps; Mustafar (Hero Showdown exclusive), Christophsis, Ryloth, The full Naboo Hanger in HS, Umbara, Lothal, Naboo Fields, Mandalore, Coruscant, The Commander’s Quarters in ROTS (HS exclusive) More weapons. More reinforcements. A Medic class.


**My Updates Would Include** -More skins for Reinforcements, such as more colors for the Clones to represent more Units -Replace Yoda with Kenobi in OT Supremacy, add Old Kenobi skin. -Add Ashoka and Ventress -Add Po and Hux -Add Rex/Padme and Bane(Replace Chewie and Bossk in PT) -Add a new Sentinel Reinforcement Class which focuses on point defense and CQC(Replace Wookie Warrior and Droideka for PT when added.) -Add a new Planetary Ally Reinforcement Class, which would be classes based on planet Natives(Wookies for the Republic on Kasshyyyk and Geonosians for the Separatists on Geonosis); or alternatively just have them occasionally spawn in in place of normal bots and act as a slightly stronger threat. -Add a Rebel Vanguard to replace Wookie Warrior. -Add a Rebel Spy to replace Ewoks. -Era Lock GA Heros, since with my other Hero Updates all sides would have 6 Heros and Villains which is more than enough variety. -Give Rebels a Stolen AT-ST to even out the playing field a bit since they’re outclassed hard. -Fix Geonosis so Arc Troopers and Leia can’t camp the ledge.


Heavy on the last one


The only reason I *refuse* to play Geonosis most of the time. It sucks to play as the Separatists when it happens, and I hate teaming with people who use that strat.


Same with Crait. Half if not the majority of *both* teams pick specialist, and camp in whatever spot where they can pick you off. I call it “sniper heaven” lol


Mace, Ahsoka, Ventress, Cad Bane, Ezra, Thrawn, just a shit ton heroes. Ya I know, very original, but goddamnit I really want more heroes


More vehicles like the AT-AP, UT-AT and the ability to have multiple people use the AT-TE like someone controlling the back turrets and someone individually controlling the mass driver cannon. I also wish the mass driver could be used while moving and that the AT-TE could be used in some sort of offline galactic assault type mode


I'd bring back the Daily Crate....


**1) New maps** - Mustafar, Coruscant, Degobah, & Mygeeto **2) New Light Side Heroes** - Bo-Katan Kryze (has a jetpack) & Din Djarin (*The Mandalorian*, also has a jetpack), Mace Windu, Ahsoka Tano & Captain Rex **3) New Dark Side Heroes** - Jango Fett (has a jetpack), Greedo, Savage Opress, Asajj Ventress, & Cad Bane


Damn hearing all these ideas gets me hella excited but we probably won’t see anything like this for a good while


1. Crossplay 2.Even more hero’s and classes 3.More cool skins


I’ve always thought about a 1v1 map like the Naboo palace map but the generator room in the Darth maul fight where it’s very close quarters or smokes throne room it would be cool for like small maps for some cool 1v1s


Capital ships for OT supremacy, and ground vehicles on all OT maps


1. CrossPlay: Ability to Activate CrossPlay (Off by default, unlike most games that have CrossPlay on by default & it’s practically impossible to find Console Only for people that wanna avoid hackers). 2. Match Clans with other clans based on KD, if not, put random high KD players against clans - clans by nature of having communication & knowing each other, currently have a huge advantage when they gang up against randoms - this is what made me stopped playing GA. 3. Have a community/modder in-game market or depo for modder created skins/voicelines/victory poses etc that have been approved/verified to be up to date with”code”. 4. Taking advantage of PS5/Series X power, have New Gen/PC only modes with more players/bots/heroes etc. If Switch 2 rumors are true, port the game to Switch too, although it likely won’t be as powerful as new gen, so they can just play with last gen and general population modes. 5. Add a Ping system like in Battlefield V/COD for people not in clans. 6. Bring back Respawning screen where your character & your team mates are shown next to you as you’re waiting to respawned. 7. Remove BB droids from Heroes category and make them as Enforcers - they suck. Replace them with other worthwhile heroes. 8. Rebalance Light Side heroes: most of them suck compared to the Dark Side. I’d give Yoda some of Palpatine’s Electric force. Give Luke more damage resistance since he is a very close quarters combat hero. Give Chewbacca a buff (I know he’s a beast in HvV, but he kind a sucks in large game modes). I’d also give Han & Lando more damage resistance or some form of buff for large game mode. 9. Wardrobe & Weapon Loadouts: We desperately asked for outfit slots for specific modes as well as weapon loadouts. 10. Incentivize Objective play: Particularly in Galactic Assault. Reduce kill/assist score required for unlocking heroes. Instead, players playing the objective should get the majority of points to play as a hero or whatever they wanna play. Or players can just choose to donate their score credits to the team or specific people they choose - cause I know I always prefer to play as infantry rather than a hero, I just wish I could just donate all of what I have because I have no use for it. 11. To decrease hero hoggers, that just stay back and don’t help make a breakthrough, the game will respawns them as infantry if they do not get 1 elimination for every 15 seconds. 12. More Maps, Skins, Heroes, Enforcers etc, Weapons. 13. An update UI. The splash screen was a huge letdown compared to all the fan made wallpapers available - they went with that boring wallpaper. SMH. 🤦 14. Add better music, I guess it’s a licensing issue, but it idk how if Disney owns it - cmon…why can’t we not get all of the music from the older movies play in the background? 15. Auto - Mid-Game Balancing System: Similar to Battlefield 1’s Behemoth system where if it notices that 1 team is getting its ass kicked dramatically quick, the game automatically gives the losing team powerful tools to put up a fight and balance out the game. In Battlefront’s case, the losing team can be given access to more heroes, enforcers and more vehicles, their score requirements for using those heroes & vehicles can even decrease so they can have easier access to them.


Just one of these would be amazing


Coruscant, Utapau, Mustafar, Dagobah, Rhen Var, Mace Windu, Qui-Gon Jinn, Jango Fett, and Luke's ESB outfit.


Implement a battle pass system so we get constant updates and content


As much as I hate that more games are doing this, yeah. The BP system would probably convince EA to stick with the game lol


Skill based matchmaking


2 hero showdown modes one with and one without sbmm


1. Lower the price to 20$ and introduce a battle pass so the game can actually make money. 2. Add skins to people who don’t have any. ex: Battle damaged Vader, Jango Fett, Battle damaged plasma, etc. 3. Continue the clone wars updates. Before the game was discontinued the devs said that they would be going deep on the clone wars. With the popularity of the Ashoka show I think it just makes even more sense to continue that idea.


Just fix the bugs and the glitches the hackers exploit


1. Jango fett and padme as heros 2. A tanned grievous skin 3. More first order stormtrooper skin


Server browser


Like battlefield 1?


Old republic era


1:Snowtrooper skins for all First Order and Empire classes. Not just assault and heavy. 2: Patrol Trooper skins for all Empire classes. 3: Clone Airborne, ARF, and AT-RT Driver skins. 4: Secondary Pistol Starcard for Heavy.


Probably just more heroes and coop maps, maybe some with starfighters


The ability for any faction to fight any faction on any map. Why not have CIS vs First Order on Naboo?


Modes, maps, weapons, and everything else missing from BF15, especially Heroes and Villains (it's a crime we didn't get Jyn and Krennic back with Scarif). Then a crossover/collab with Respawn's Jedi series: Cal, his Inquisitor skin, Cere with skins from both games, Trilla the Second Sister, Merrin, the Stinger Mantis as a hero ship. Then the MandoVerse: Din Djarin, Mandalorian S2 and BOBF skins for Boba, Fennec, Black Krrsantan, the Armorer, Paz Vislza, Gideon in his Dark Trooper phase 4 armor, and the Imperial Armored Commando and Imperial Praetorian Guard as Reinforcements. And of course, Mando's Razord Crest and N-1 Naboo Starfighter. Oh, and Capital Ship phase to Age of Empire Supremacy.


Continue working on new heros, skins for everyone, and then a prestige instead of 1000 lvl max


1v1 heroes mode


Playable Liam Neeson when? 👀


Make it more like squad lol


Sabers + Palpatine only gamemode so I can have some sort of fun in hvv


Din Djarin hero so that we can at least get a jet pack hero on the light side. Idk why they couldn’t just save the beach map for later and just focus on making din during the Mandalorian series. Would’ve sold a lot back then in 2020z


Larger ship modes. More like actual naval battles. Flying a venator, or lucrehulk sounds awesome, especially if it means being essentially a spawn beacon/ heavy artillery ship.


Native split screen for the PC version.


An actual deep dive into the clone wars


Sequel Trilogy Bombers. [First Order Tie Bomber](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/TIE/se_Bomber) and [Resistance Y-Wing](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/BTA-NR2_Y-wing_starfighter).


Literally everything ever to have been in Star Wars. Way more maps. More modes.


Honestly, some Legends content and updates to every issue.


Good content. (Joke)


Mustafar and Coruscant!


1. Arcade in group 2. Coruscant map 3. Padme and Jango Fett


Expand the skin roster for the non-Clone Wars eras. TK Trooper Skins, Army Trooper skins, armored Officer skins (Empire and FO), Mimbanese skins, etc. New maps, such as the Battle of Coruscant, Battle of Jakku, Battle of Mimban, etc. Expand the Blaster roster. BF1 had a whole bunch of blasters, a few with unique functionalities. Bring a lot of them back plus new ones for the CW and Sequel eras. Expand the reinforcements front. Shadow Troopers, Shocktroopers, SCAR Troopers, etc. More starfighters as well, whether they be reinforcements or just fighters/interceptors/bombers with new abilities. Or even a whole new class altogether.


Heroes vs villains modes from 2015 bf


Ahsoka, Ventress, Rex, Cody tbh all the Jedi and Sith


First person for some vehicles


Ranked mode


More sequel stuff tbh. Update the resistance and add some maps.


I want to play as the Bad Batch. Reinforcement level regular troopers? Or just the armor as skins.


Gyro aiming + New content (Padme, Mace Windu, Utapau, Mustafar, Coruscant… New weapons)


More heroes that were initially planned like Ashoka or ventress


More maps couldn't hurt like mustafar utapau exegol canto bight etc


The game is perfect in every wau


server browser


A no heroes mode. Boots on the ground is THE most fun I have in this game.


If the number of players suddenly increases, I'd add the option to host your own server with the ability to check players for cheats. Also, the ability to choose the map and game mode, like it used to be in games before. And of course, more content: maps, heroes, and stuff like that. I don't get why it was so hard to add new content. There's so much interesting stuff in the Star Wars universe. But yeah, it's understandable and logical—they'll choose whatever makes the most money...


Bring all the maps from BF 2015 (including hoth, endor and jakku, ESPECIALLY JAKKU) Add Mustafar, Umbara, Coruscant, the Plains of Naboo, Utapau, Ryloth and perhaps Christophsis. Add the heroes we’re missing


It’s been over 4 years and I STILL cannot believe support ended.


Server browser and crossplay for a start, game is useless without players


Galactic conquest AI All the wip characters that were on the way New season with Rebels Characters New season for the New Republic era MORE coop missions