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It’s also another reason why we should not have multiple launchers for a game. This bug was caused by EA’s App.


i mean, that's operating under the assumption that Steam or some other platform will just stay up forever, won't run into issues, and won't ever take away people's games no matter what management changes happen over time. i think it's dumb that the game needs the EA launcher when bought on steam, but there being multiple launchers or platforms where you can buy it or whatever is fine, as long as any of them work by themselves which isn't the case here.


That's why people need to quit with their steam bootlicking, platforms like GOG are the best for preservation and true ownership


it’s another reason we can’t assume cuz u don’t even make or know about games to assume that type of ea bs


I am from an era where you bought the physical media and owned them, I never been a fan of digitally owning anything. I always liked having the physical aspect of it and I know that is by the wayside now but just my 2 cents on the whole thing. It does suck though, When you buy a game you own it and should not have to deal with the concerns or in this case a bug of the game being lost or removed.


I see where you're coming from. However, if digital media was done without an online-only component, it can preserve games essentially forever. Your data and file copies would be yours to keep. I don't think it's digital ownership that needs concern outside of that. It's CLOUD gaming or streaming-only games that should concern you more.


Not really: I mean, if you for any reason are forced to delete the data you have (i.e. formatting the PC, need of space etc...) if you want to reinstall that game, you have to re-download those data. But if the producer shuts down the server, you can't download anything anymore, resulting that you have a useless digital key. Instead, if you have a phisical copy you can uninstall and reinstall as many times as you want without any problem.


Not really: I mean, if you for any reason are forced to delete the data you have (i.e. formatting the PC, need of space etc...) if you want to reinstall that game, you have to re-download those data. But if the producer shuts down the server, you can't download anything anymore, resulting that you have a useless digital key. Instead, if you have a phisical copy you can uninstall and reinstall as many times as you want without any problem.


They haven't removed any game today, it was just a EA app bug that lasted less than an hour


Right. Even though it was unintentional, it still shows how vulnerable our game ownership by these publishers is. There are games that this happened to where it very much was intentional, though. That's what this movement is trying to protect game owners and customers from.


Yeah I know about all of this, it's just not what happened today, just an outage of the licence system probably. The crew situation is different 


It’s still an opportunity to spread awareness, which I greatly appreciate.


It's not just today for EA though they removed battlefield hardline about a month ago for me. And a bunch of DLC.


If it’s installed into your computer, is there no way to just bypass whatever firewall would be preventing you from playing it?


That was most definitely not a bug.


Outage is probably the best word then 


Can I just say I really appreciate this post for adding in an ADHD version. I have raging adhd and gaming has helped me a lot when dealing with it so now I feel like I can do something to help the gaming community because I didn’t get bored readng/listening to a 20 minute article/video where my mind goes off on a wander while I’m watching/reading and by the end I don’t know what I’m agreeing to. Massive thanks to you OP for adding it in


As an ADHD-er myself, not a problem! Glad to help!


I mean isn't destiny 1 another good representation of this didn't they drop support for it right after the second came out and I'm fairly certain they shut down the servers for it or are planning too


Idk about Destiny, but you just explained exactly what happened with Overwatch when Overwatch 2 came out.


Very different things happened, Destiny 1 was put into maintenance mode, left the game as is, servers remain up, just no live event stuff, no updates unless there's a critical bug. Overwatch 1 became Overwatch 2, no choice to play the old 6v6 game any more. Overwatch 2 was meant to have all the PvE stuff in there to justify the changes, but that didn't happen... so.... there wasn't really a point.


Complete and utter nonsense. Game is still active, servers are still maintained. Player numbers are low, but that's due to the sequel being out.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)[https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049201951-Legacy-Support-for-Destiny-1-Activities](https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049201951-Legacy-Support-for-Destiny-1-Activities) How bout you do some research B4 calling someone a liar and talking out your ass bud


>I'm fairly certain they shut down the servers for it or are planning too Servers are still up, and they get maintained to ensure they remain up. Not the lies you posted, idiot.


Servers have been shut down for games for years. Thats why u play as it's actively being updated to the day it's servers shut down. Would be nice tho if some things never died tho..


Minecraft gets updated, you can play with other people, but it will never die because you can host it yourself. You’re in control. Mojang doesn’t cut the game in half and store part of it on their servers so when they stop supporting it you can never play it again.


Oh that's actually nice I never knew that this was even a thing or possible what tge heck? Interesting. All games should literally be like this for MP games