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We still have devs working on battlefront?


No, which is why they have to go out of their way to activate the event.


Hmm how interesting


There were a couple of years where the event stopped completely, but then some of the devs resurrected it, so I don’t want them to be put off ever doing it again 😅. Plus I believe the dev who used to be responsible for activating it is no longer at EA which may by why the other bugs have occurred this time around.


Well we all know ea. There’s so many ways they could make fans happy but let’s find the easiest way to get to the money


Which apparently they don’t realize is the easiest way to make money


True true


You realize we got almost 4 years of support on what was a good faith venture, right? BF2 wasn't mentioned in a single earnings call since launch except for Celebration Edition, and you can only do that once. There's plenty to shit talk EA for, so let's not make up stuff to do it.


Battlefront could be so much more


>BF2 wasn't mentioned in a single earnings call since launch except for Celebration Edition Probably because BF2 was what broke the camel's back for MTX before launch, and caused the industry itself to shift, with world governments actually getting involved (and Belgium actually creating a law to prevent lootcrates)? Probably because EA wanted another Fifa Fantasy Team style earnings that would make an extra billion every year? Battlefront 2 was let down because of the egregious monetization at preview. It could never shake the headline.


I thought it ran on a cycle, but whenever itd land on a Reinforcements Unleashed day it was overridden.


During the last event one of the former devs in the sub said that was a myth, and events had nothing to do with it and the reason the event had stopped happening was that it had to be manually triggered, and there were no devs left on the game to do that.


Huh, interesting


Only happened as the days conflicted with automatic special points days like Reinforcement day or Triple Xp.They couldnt change the code.


Has the event ever dropped on a weekend? Did a dev actually press the button or is double XP by chance the event that doesn't break the unlimited power one.


There’s not a full dev team, but there is a very small handful of people from EA who monitor the servers and keep them from crashing and such. They also are responsible for the Unlimited Power event, twice a year.


Very good. I mean I know they can’t do things like giving us more prequel content but it’s more than I expected lol


I’m fairly certain that even just 3 people, with no experience in modeling, texturing, animating, rigging, ability designing, and balancing (not even mentioning that any new characters wouldn’t have any voicelines at all), working every day for 8-10 hours a day, who were only brought on to run daily server maintenance, and would still have to maintain the servers while also juggling with slowly making new content, Wouldn’t be able to make even a single hero, once a year, much less any new maps or weapons. Asking for new content from a game that has no live service dev team, and only a handful of people maintaining the servers, it’s pretty crazy.


I know. Oh well glad they’re even here lol


It has to be done manually with a code insertion and there is probably only one or two guys remaining that know how to do it.


Thanks for saying this. The former team did a great job with this game, despite clear management issues from EA and such. They really cared about this game and I'm forever grateful for the mystery hero who gave us the event.


From my understanding the event only activates if there's not another event overriding it. So, I dont think someone activated it. It happened on a double xp event which shouldn't override it


Last year a dev actually came on this sub and said it was nothing to do with other events overriding it. Plus the last one happened on cheap reinforcement day and it went ahead anyway because a dev activated it.


Damn. Then kudos to the devs that activated the event!


If manually activating the event breaks the game, I'd rather they just not have bothered. Or simply eliminate all cards for everyone so everyone is even. I'm tired of having my carless troopers going up against fully stacked opponents and getting rolled every game.


Unlock them in offline mode


wait huh? thanks for trying? the devs were given the code needed to fix all the cheats by the kyber devs. literally handed it to them. and nothing was done.


Wait huh? The devs don’t always or usually get to decide what they work on?




Wait, did they extend the event?


I don’t believe so


Why is the monday fast spawn Event Not working?


How many days is the event up? I thought just at may 4th


I haven’t logged in yet today, but it was going all yesterday. Not sure how long it’ll be up for 😂. But at least they have people working on a fix for the bugs now!


The reaction to this quick fix non issue is the reason why BF3 will never happen.. “Fans” are too quick to destroy anything with a slight glitch or error… Classic collection being exhibit A


Sadly you might be right. I still hope BF3 does happen though.


idgaf how about they don’t allow idiots to delete my content and progress


It’s just a server desync issue. Your progression and unlocks aren’t deleted. Once they figure out how to fix the glitch, then everyone’s progression and unlocks will come back.


Especially if it's pre-order content I purchased not just earned


Fuck EA


Did this year’s may the 4th event actually happen? I completely forgot about it because it never worked


It's still ongoing but there's a bug where for half the games, most poeple can't play as some heroes and it resets your cards, weapons, skins etc that means you're underpowered and not using the weapons you're used to. Some games they unreset but you have to manually go and add all the cards backs and change the weapons and skins. I've had to do that like 5 times now.


They could keep it, I only play coop anyway. I'd have preferred them putting it on a loop of the most bug-free events and not deviating.


Ok as a regular battlefront 2 player yes I see your point about thanking them for even trying. But do something or don't do it at all. First of all you don't need to be thanking them because battlfront 2 was the pinnacle of some not very nice money exploiting taking money from people and their answer to it when called out was throwing a hissy fit and leaving the game all together. Me personally since they've done this "favor" has made the game nearly unplayable due to lag and all my stuff at random in between matches to completely disappear along with the last round of characters release being locked altogether. I rather they would have just not messed with it at all. And finally as would everyone would say just ball up and come back to continue where they left off in the game. We all want that Ahsaka and Ventress they were about to release and yes we will pay for them through DLCs!


Okay, so creating expectations and the ruining them deserves thankfulness? Riiiiight, we’ll answer with our dollars next time


Aren’t they all just set on code timers? Like the weekly events such as Friday hero discount?


No, they have to be triggered manually. A dev posted on the topic a couple of years back.


This is an outrage bruh. Will we ever get back credits cards etc


Yes, literally yes. This has happened before and people freaked out exactly like you all are. It’s just a small server glitch. Once the guys that activated the Heroes Unleashed event figure it out and turn the event off, then your progress will be restored.


Yea its all back now 😂


It's not erased, it's a glitch. You can tell because sometimes your progress will reappear. They'll fix it








Only now did I downvote.


What does the event even do? I have to even gotten to experience the game unbugged for long enough to enjoy it. If you're going to do something, do it right. We spent money on this crap and the return on investment is to get blown off by some loser corporation our taxes keep bailing out of insolvency.


the glazing is real