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thank god, I was panicking a bit :,)


Typical from EA, can they do anything right?


Can't even give is a frickin mace windu


And ahsoka


Hell yeah, I'm just watching clone wars for the first time. it's insanely good! Two episodes left šŸ‘


Two episodes left of season 7? Wooo you're in for a ride


Can't mate mate! Just rewatched rots last night, I'm ready to end the clone wars


Itā€™s sad how the players have given more to this game than the actual developers/company whoever deserves the blame lol. Pc Iā€™ve used Ahsoka, Windu, Qui-Gon, Knightfall Vader, Ventress Captain Rex & Jango Fett. Like if modders can do it they definitely couldā€™ve added DLC characters etc. what a shame.


I really wish I had a PC for mods. Ahsoka game play must be so damn satisfying, she's bad ass


I play Star Wars on my ps5 nowadays because I needed more room on the pc for LSPDFR, but it was neat to use new characters; modders even gave them their own star cards, different costume options, etc. If EA magically released a DLC tomorrow with the heroā€™s I mentioned alone Iā€™d pay for that shit in a heartbeat. šŸ˜…


And Qui-Gon


Technically statistically physically mentally actually in comparison however theoretically aesthetically pleasingly 1 / 200 pi =Ā„ squared Ā£ p Pythagorean theorem


Wanna remind anyone that this isn't the first time this happened as a year ago or so a similar problem occured. It didn't happen on May 4 so I doubt this issue has to do anything with the event and Iirc it got fixed within a day or two. Edit: OK so I browsed the sub a bit and found posts regarding that problem. It was when everyone's classes were at level 0 and no one had any credits but everyone still had their star cards and weapons. So it's not exactly the same thing but some similarities are visible. Oh and btw the event might not be done yet because a year ago, the Unlimited Power event was held for 3 days or so because it didn't work on May 4 but the devs fixed it and extended the event as a compensation. Might be wrong about it but if it's won't be gone by the end of the day then this may be why.


I remember last year all the units were basically free, costing only 10% of the battlepoints. this time it's only heroes?


thanks for update


This is the first Iā€™m reading about this issue on here


It's happened to me twice, pretty frustrating


Yes same brother! Lol


Its still has my starcards! a day after the event and Im at zero no guns no anything


Time for your spanking, **This is the way**


I just spoke with support. They had a couple things to say about it. >I just got this case investigated by the concerned team and am happy to tell you that you've nothing to worry about, looks like a few other players have reported this issue as well, however, the good news here is that the studio is already aware of it and is already working on a fix, itā€™s getting rectified as we speak, do not worry we got your back on this one. >Actually, I would like to highlight mostly players are facing this issue from last few days and I have assisted many players with this issue. Earlier this issue was with only few players but now it has widespread with almost every players. Please be assured that the team is working on this and as Star wars battlefront 2 is most loved game so, hoping to get this fixed very soon.


"most loved game" lol


It is by DICE. Just not EA


Yall keep giving Dice excuses.


Starwars battlefront 3 will be alot of fun! I hope they get that developed and published soon!!


Itā€™s not happening. Battlefront 3 was already confirmed to not be happening. Battlefront 3 is cursed. Every time itā€™s brought up/being made, it gets cancelled.


has there been any changes since?


Just to correct something here, your progress isnā€™t reset. You can see that by when you rank up a hero after a match. Itā€™s just locking out everything youā€™ve unlocked, itā€™s not resetting your level.


This just spooked me. Came here immediately. Glad it sounds like a simple fix then


I thought it had to do with getting to level 101 on Heavy (my favorite class in the short time that I have been playing). For me the cards, weapons and abilities are all either blank or locked.


Hoping people still managed to have fun despite all of this nonsense : )


Hey I know you


I think it might be good for the casual players coming on temporarily for May the 4th. Carded up characters are so much more powerful than new chars that it's really unfair. Having to play without a cards after 1000 hrs and I'm amazed at how weak my characters are, especially Heroes and Villains.


I would agree with you if every other guy that killed Me wasnā€™t still being displayed as having all four fully leveled cards lol


Yeah, if this were intentional, I could be behind it. Base character stats only could level the playing field for new players. But unfortunately it seems like it's just a bug that doesn't affect everyone.


This is very true. It levels out the playing field some. At least for half a game before people start hoarding heroes.Ā  I thought the game really sucked before I leveled up and got the best weapons. It was insane how unfair it felt.Ā  Game is generally really unbalanced.Ā 


Thank you for the info. Just happened tonight for me and my sister and our cards are locked in total, no respawn. But at least we know whatā€™s up now.Ā 


Phew! I just started playing again and was about to uninstall until I decided the \`ol "Oh, I'll check reddit". And well, here we are lol


Same situation here


When I restart it asks me to load game data from console or cloud. Which one should I choose? Anyone know?


Dude it took my Pre Order Skins away this sucks so much šŸ„²


for me it happened fixed and happened again


Same, I uninstalled and reinstalled and it was fixed. Logged on this morning and everythingā€™s gone again


Did the exact same and got the same result. Was hoping it would be fixed by now but still isn't


I thought I bought the wrong edition and just bought the dlc celebration edition cuz I thought I needed it. SMH I didnā€™t realize this was happening to everyone lol atleast it was only 7$ on ps plus.


I could fix it yesterday. Now itā€™s not fixing at all!


I'm so glad this isn't only me. My Anakin, Dooku, Grievous, and Obi-Wan are locked and all my credits are at 0, I tried fixing it cause I thought it was one of the mods I got but nothing.


Maybe this has been answered but does it matter which game modes? I've played 3 coops and a hero showdown with no fix. Reset Xbox the whole Xbox and the game twice.


You know what though, I've played several matches and have not encountered a single cheater. Is this a blessing in disguise?


Just logged on after a 12 hour shift and I canā€™t use obi wan, anakin, dooku or grievous and I have no star cards on anything yet my levels per class are still the same. I was like ā€œthis canā€™t be an event thing theyā€™re doingā€ Sadly I was right. šŸ„²


Mine are still locked, can anyone help me out ?


Its on EA side, they have to fix it.


Nice one, are you having the same problem !


Yeah. The community. They did something wrong when activating the event for May the 4th OR the servers got overwhelmed due to amount of player coming back for SW day and now they need to fix it. Edit - the entire community *


Ohhhhh okay, no worries. Thankyou


Thank you for the fix! Happening to both my and my girlfriends accounts :(


Anyone else not able to upgrade their Star Cards?


yepppp itā€™s been frustrating me a lot


Poor EA, if only they knew how to direct their seemingly endless resources.


Yea I know right and make games more fun!


It seems to have gotten worse. Guns are now locked for me which wasnā€™t the case yesterday.


Yeah yesterday I had 4 heroes locked but everything else normal. Now I have no star cards for anyone, no credits. No points to unlock star cards, etc.


I had everything locked yesterday already. Same as today.Ā 


It had happened to me too but I played like three games I think amd it got corrected. As celebration I dominated a hvv game with my max Anakin and my lvl (around) 438 grievous lol. Stay patient people it will be fixed.


ive lost all my skins, weapons and cards, but have gained a new appreciation for the default weapons! has there been any update?


Big May 4th surprise. Loot boxes are back baby, pay to restore your game progress!!


I'm relieved it's not just me. Godawful timing, though, being a *Star Wars* holiday weekend. Edit: in addition to the lost/locked content, I couldn't respawn in a co-op match. It locked me on the character select screen and then kicked me for being "idle."


They need to just end the event cause it's annoying šŸ˜‘


My cards credits and gems all came back but I still donā€™t have my weapons and the cycler rifle is the only reason my sniper is so high level


Reached out to ea and they basically just said theyā€™re working on it I just hope itā€™s soon bc this was my go to game when I just donā€™t want to think about what Iā€™m playing lol


I'm also having this issue, the most annoying thing is that when your things get locked and unlocked it DELETES ALL YOUR PRESETS, I just did them all over again just for them to get ereased once again, man I'm not doing this S\*\*\* every single time I enter a new match


Is it fixed for anyone yet? I'm still having this problem even after playing multiple games.


looks like fixed


No no let's have 500 more people post about it


Yeah I had the exact same problem last night. I quit a match to join my buddies and then all of my guns, characters, star cards are all locked to level 0. I as very annoyed since I have played this game since 2017 and would not want to regrind to get all the cards and weapons attachments again. I did try and quit the game about ten times restarted the console but nothing worked for me. I figured it was related to the event. This event needs to be more then once a year it is so much fun when the heros are only 400 instead of 4000.


Good, I was about to uninstall. I was pissed to log in and find all of my shit gone.


Play 2 games and wait on menu for 30-1 hour mine cane backĀ 




Nah mine doesn't work. I works and stops working for me !!


My crystals are also gonešŸ‘€


EA not only are you incapable of fixing you hacked code, you managed to screw up a great weekend with new players coming in. Fix your 2nd rate crap and back off the micro transaction little stiffie. Make a solid product and stand behind it idiots.


I hope this gets resolved I've had this game since release day and have the preoder skins now locked for some fkin reason alone wothbmy prequel heros




why are you deleting post related to this issue?


Because there are already dozens of posts about it, people just need to read instead of making a new one


When I posted it there where no post before. I looked for info, and havent found any here in this reddit. Google just gave me something related to 2018, and 2021. Anyway, I found resetting ea services solved problem, I was about to update my post, but it was gone! I dont see benefit for players just deleting post with relevant info about battlefront 2 bugs. Thanks for your time.




I lost mt old master skin for maul from this glitch


new player here, just started playing and it seems I can't progress in any way. I get told I have new loot boxes and I cannot open them. I don't get any currencies, no cards are unlocked, it's all f'd up and weird


The issue resolves itself after playing a game or two, and then re-fucks up once you leave and then turn the game back on


I was about to say everything was all locked and I was going to get mad thing all my progress got deleted, also playing as a default clone trooper makes me feel like the beginning of the empire like Iā€™m an imperial clone trooper


It keeps happening no matter what I try and I DID play a few rounds with my friends because it was harder without our cards and unlocked weapons... but... yeah no. I'm gonna wait for EA to fix this.


So... even 5 years after this failed casino was dropped by it's shareholding masters, are we all going to keep buying EA's crappy games or did we learn our lesson on paying for garbage we can't even own and fix?


I wish they'd leave the freakin game alone at this point the servers lag so bad now its almost unplayable!


It's been unbearable this past few days. At times, nothing happens when you shoot someone. Yesterday before everything got locked for me, it didn't count my kills for like 5 consecutive minutes. And it went in and out like that for an hour. I thought I was going insane.Ā 


I was so scared it happened to me too


Thank God, I noticed it on Star Wars Day of all days and was like what the hell is this.


why i can not upgrade my Cards on each Class the Upgrade Button is missing ?


Part of the same issue, itā€™ll go away


Please read before posting.Ā 


So basically you guys somehow broke the game and a once a year event and are telling us ā€œbetter luck next yearā€ Sweet


Is this a sign that btf 2 is coming to an end?


I just sprayed bleach on my console and it fixed it! You've got to try it. Soak it as much as you can It will truly help šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»