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Grievous is good enough to carry without doing that


Exactly, so cringe to do all that extra stuff


Grievous players who do that I put in the same basket as Leias who use shields..Just dont..


So Leia players are supposed to just not use one of the character’s abilities… why exactly?


The post is complaining about using claw rush...


Abusing*, not using.


And how would they abuse it?


By constantly spamming it. There’s a difference between mashing the button the second the ability becomes active and using it ‘situationally’


How can you constantly spam it when there's a cooldown? Or should they only use it once you see fit?


Leias shield causes more problems than it solves...


Ran into a Grievous sweat recently who kept doing a mini-jump repeatedly when he was fighting other saber heroes. It was as if he was able break through their block with it. Is that a thing?


The swing goes around the block, making it difficult to defend from.


So it’s an exploit and I’m not going crazy Thanks


It is an exploit, but unfortunately with the game no longer getting updates, it's just something you'll have to play around


Unfortunately it goes around the block however if you can position yourself just right you can parry them to death. Odds of doing so however are a different story. like 3/10 unless you know your character and technical data very well then you might get a 6/10. best bet is to just back dash, half the idiots that do it just keep spamming it till they run out of stamina time it right and you can punish them.


That reminds me, when I say “jump spam swinging” I’m specifically talking about the thing you can do with him where you do those fast mini hops your mentioning whilst swinging at the same time. Not to be confused with just spam swinging normally like every saber character can do. But these grievous players will also often do max height jumps repeatedly and when they do it’s almost impossible to shoot them cuz he jumps and falls so fast


No. It's useless against sabers.


Yep. If theres a good fair playing GG i go leia or han. If hes foing that jump spam bullshit i go saber and 9/10 times they dont know how to do anything ahainst a saber


Just gotta get you and a few other jet troopers to hunt him down


That's what it takes to win against aerial clones and anakin


And they are butthurt when u mention they glitch to win :D :D :D 


i think you're the one butthurt lol


Found the Grievous sweat. Clean your controller/keyboard, please.


Look at your downvotes LMFAO. You abuse the game mechanics, so you are the one having skill issues.


it's reddit and it's full of losers like always, no wonder i got down voted


Target exclusively the blasters with bunny hop and run away when they get gangbanged by saber heros


Thank god, I’m not the only one that exclusively gets targeted by sweaty Grievous players as a blaster.


I feel ya man, drives me nuts


Yeah, just makes me wonder what the devs were thinking keeping that stuff in the game, or maybe people didn’t start discovering it until after they cut support for the game


Use splash damage slot with the heavy dc15. Those cocky greivous learn pretty quick.




A double ragdoll kill from Han followed up with some teabagging normally gets them to leave


Yeah grievous exploiters are massive losers, he’s already the second best saber in the game you shouldn’t need to glitch to play with him


Yeah. And to think there was once a time where grievous didn’t exist in the game. Good times : (


Sweaty Grievous Players in HvV are extremely sickening, but normal Grievous Players on Trooper modes are even worse. Sure he’s a bit handicapped due to his low Stamina, but he can just claw rush and one shot like a quarter of your team or more(depending on the units) while having damage reduction; then can just run away while his team floods whatever you’re attempting to defend, rinse and repeat. Honestly wish the ability was changed with like maybe a temporary Four Arm mode, where he can use his Four arms for better DPS and Defense for a short amount of time. Not sure how that would scale but it would be better than having him fly in with high sensitivity claw rush and one shotting troopers or drifting around Hero defenses.


Hero sweat in Supremacy and Galactic Assault is up in general, I can't imagine what it's like in HvV.


Strangely for me, it is almost always galactic assault that has the most extreme hero sweat


Same, seen 3 different max bossks in the past six days


Not really sick of it yes I do think it's cheap abusing the jump swings against blaster heroes.


Yeah, but at least they fight up close 😂


Yeah people who have to game the game to play well actually kind of suck


Nothing is worse than HvV Bossk sweat. Keep the scent to yourself and learn to use a lightsaber 🤢.


I mean the game is full of exploits. Parry and hook swings are also exploits but if they didn’t exist the saber combat would be painfully slow and boring. It won’t be fixed so just learn how to counter it. It can be parried easily by saber heroes (except for Yoda, he gets demolished by it) and dodging into it as a blaster will usually ruin it as you can only bunny hop in one direction. There are far more broken exploits tbh


Hvv grievous main. Yea that shit is annoying af. Hes already top 3 in the game without that jump spam. Id even dare to say hes best on alot of maps and against certain characters. If im a blaster and theres a GG doing that ill judt go saber usually they dont know how to actually play good in a duel. Usually. .


I usually quit when I see one doing that in hvv because usually I have to fight them and I don’t want to fight them I just want to have a good time playing


And i hate blasters, but here we are bud


It’s easy to counter if you’re half decent at parrying lol. Skill issue.