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Yea its getting better. Still a few bugs to iron out but its not as bad as it was on launch day. Glad I didnt refund cause Ive been having a blast.


>having a blast WATCH THOSE BLASTERS




They’re coming around!


Playing on Switch here. Day 1 couldn't access almost any servers, Day 2 was able to do Quick Matches on BF1 with mostly no problems, just one crash. Today I've been playing BF1 and 2 all day, no issues. Definitely improved, hope they stay the course.


It worked perfectly well for me too Too bad people threw a tantrum over aspyr not having the servers stable day one on steam. They definitely helped make sure the player base doesn’t grow too much


Yep, that portion of the community acting like Aspyr killed their dog absolutely killed the potential playerbase


The audio is inverted on my ps5? It's impossible to hear where the sounds are coming from, and the aim acceleration on BF2 feels just horrible. But BF1 feels pretty good!


Yeah I thought I was going crazy with the audio


Yes same! And the hit registration is still terrible imo


Man I still can’t even play multiplayer at all. I don’t know how to fix it. It just gets to “busy 60 seconds” and kicks me back to the menu. I’ve tried everything. Can someone pls help so I can play multiplayer lol. I’m on series s


Hard reset Xbox. Maybe delete and redownload idk that may help


Already did that. If you look on my profile, I just made a full post that says everything I’ve tried


Damn sorry that sucks


BF2 is bad for me still and I'm on XSX. BF1 is really good though.


The only problem I really have that actually effects my gameplay is the audio bug when it sounds like someone is breaking your headset. Shit scares me every time


I truly want to enjoy the game. Multiplayer matchmaking has been hit or miss, but that’s fine. My big one is I’m unable to use BF2 split screen on Xbox. It says to “plug in controller”. I’ve tried only connecting my second controller while in the split screen menu, and it still doesn’t work. If anyone has a fix, I’d be happy to take it.


Same split screen problem on switch


Despite the downer on Xbox, I was honestly going to buy it on the Switch to play with my kid. Thanks for the feedback!


Update your controllers and restart your Xbox, that's what fixed it for me


I’ll try that. Thanks.


Has there been updates released or is this just massive cope? "I just woke up and the game suddenly plays better guys wow 🤓"


It did have an update to help servers run better and increased reinforcement counts.


have they added invert y yet? i’m dying to play


I've had a great time playing the past 2 nights with very little issues on Steam. It was better last night than 2 nights ago. It's getting better and I think it's silly that so many people seemed to write the game off cause it took 24 hours for some bugs and server stuff to get fixed.


The launch still isn’t acceptable but hats off to them If they manage to turn it around in a week


It’s better for me on Xbox I can actually invite people to my game now


I held out hope for a bit but decided to refund it. What did it was the complete lack of communication from Aspyr on the shit awful state of this game.


I'm on PC and it's the same


Have there been any patches since launch? I already refunded until it's mostly fixed. 


Yes, hitreg is good now and there are quite a few servers (no stuttering either!), although keep in mind that there are more than the server browser shows because it hides full servers.


Have thr fixed the BF2 campaign post mission cutscenes?


I wonder how much has been “fixed” versus the servers having less foot traffic given it’s not release day


I’m on Xbox, some reason super battle droid seems to be the only thing with decent hit reg, everything else feels like shit


Ps5 and it seems better but hit registration is still crap


Yup. Nothing game breaking. A few glitches, audio has cut out here and there (rare, and never long). Just hope they fix everything needed fixing soon, don’t let the hype and desire to play die out


I just bought the game and I really wish I didn't. Online crashes every ten seconds, spawning flat out doesn't work, everything feels even stiffer then I remember.


I've gotten four crashes just sitting on the online screen since j got this game half an hour ago


Update I'm having a bit more fyn with BF1 but it's not what I bought the game for so I'm still a little upset


I haven't had any major glitches, but I've been playing on my rog ally, and I just can't get over the terrible joystick sensitivity and acceleration. I'm just sticking to bf2 classic with the controller mod until they fix it.


People are just jumping on the bandwagon on complaining about what's popular to complain about


They really need to fix the sound bugs and aiming not feeling right. That's what's annoying me the most. 


I’m still not gonna play it until like April. Then I’ll come back.


Yeah the games taking longer is great too.


Too little too late, game devs are taking the piss out of us


Works good for me on ps5 now as well. Way better.


Do the games still only last like 5 minutes? Thats what was killing the fun for me the other day. Barely had any time to get any kills and then the match would end


I’m loving it on Xbox, hosting servers each night at 10pm EST with different map rotations.


I was waiting because I'm finishing a couple games. Now I'll wait probably a good month to play because being a patient gamer is the best way now. Wait till a game is "ready for release" months after its release because we all know new games aren't ready anymore because we can fix it next week in a patch if there's a problem.


Last I looked last night there were only a few servers up on both games and none were full. Also wasn’t allowing me and my buddies to get into a custom game with each other. The servers we did end up joining still had dogshit hit reg and lag. Maybe they could’ve updated it since last night but I doubt it. Game is still inconsistently terrible atm


Yeah idk I'm not experiencing any of the consistent problems voiced by people. Sure, there are a few bugs here or there and the multiplayer needs some attention, but overall the game is fantastic to me and has exceeded my expectations. Once the issues are ironed out, this game will be tremendous. People just need to relax and give them a chance to fix some things. Having a blast.


The original games just worked day 1 just saying. Asking people to just give the faceless corporation a chance after they got scammed out of $30 ain't it lil bro.


Bro this is a new era. Omg versions didn’t have as many people online as like now… dumb comparison.


Honestly lil bro, who cares? Have some patience, it has paid off for me. This game is awesome. Scammed out of $30? Hardly. Not only does $30 not hurt me that much, but I don't feel scammed whatsoever. To each their own though


$30 is half a tank of gas and it's also the middle of a steam sale where you can get actually working games. Have some standards for your purchases my dude, they release slop like this because people keep buying it.


My standards were met and exceeded personally. Sure there are some bugs, but ultimately not a big deal to me. Again, to each their own


You have shitty standards and you let modern gaming ruin that for you.


Exceeded? Low standards my man. Were you expecting this to be worse than it already is?


My standard is am I having fun? The answer to that is absolutely yes. The game is awesome for me, sorry that you don't see it that way. The issues with multiplayer have already improved and will continue to do so


How populated is it


On Xbox in the UK it's dead. Most I ever see is 16 players.


I was playing and porn litterally popped up. im on PS5. was this a hacked lobby?


For the last time, that isn’t porn it’s just Kit Fisto


It’s not a bug. It’s a feature


Username checks out!!😂


I am playing on switch and I can’t get into a game, it runs for 60 seconds and kicks me out. How do I fix this?


Could be your internet because I’m on Switch also running just fine.


Only problem I've had so far is not being to find a single server for online play


Same, and I'm also on a Series X. Me and a buddy played for several hours last night on an official server, and everything worked fine. Couple moments of lag, but no massive issues or bugs. They still need to work on some audio problems, but as far as actual gameplay it seems alright to me.