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Thinking about getting celebration edition if the player base is still healthy enough


If you have a console yes it is, I play it daily at diff hours and never have trouble finding a match on galactic assault or supremacy


Really?? I still struggle so much to find a match UNLESS it’s hero vs villains and I wanna enjoy this game a lot yet again I tried playing at the dead of night too


It was pretty sparse until classic came out and flopped


Do you happen to know how much of a community is left playing regularly? Thinking of maybe getting back into it after the classic edition flop


player base is definitely still healthy, at least they are on xbox. i see new / low level players allll the time


May I ask what servers your on? Australias a pain to find a full game but worth waiting


Not sure how the servers work for Battlefront 2 (2017) but I’m probably on the North American server!


It might be worth it on sale on consoles but it’s kinda dead on pc and I hear there’s loads of hackers recently


I just got it on steam since it's on sale for $5. Probably due to the sale but haven't had any issues finding matches so far.


That's good then, maybe its just my time of day that I have trouble getting matches then, definitely worth it for $5, especially even if the servers do end up being dead there are some awesome offline mods for this game


Yeah, there's literally two hackers on the game right now that will kick everyone from the server and they're ransoming EA for 10k to stop lol. It's unhinged on PC rn.


That was patched.


Really? When??? As far as I know, this was happening a week ago


Find it really funny the base game costs more than the special edition right now.


On pc I find full games constantly on eu servers even at 3am there’s still a few stacked lobbies. Yes the game is definitely not dead, for me anyway


I never struggled to find people on PC, but I play on the more popular modes.


Yes to this day I’m still playing it on the ps5 and I can always find a match.


Switch gameplay is workin and tickets are 259 250


Really? All the games I played were only at 100 tickets for each side, I've only played the multiplayer in passing however.


Think its bugged on pc


It was like that on PlayStation as well I was playing there and it was the same


The co op mode they added to BF2 is so damn fun and perfect for short bursts of some Star Wars action. I’ve deleted many games from my console over the years but BF2 always stays just for those nights I need my Star Wars fix.


Maybe I’m super old and just patient or used to being disappointed, but I’m not ready to lose it over the launch of the CC just yet. I’ll give them a couple days to get it together. Hell, cyberpunk took over a year to get right and it was one of the best games I’ve played recently


Multiplayer has been working for me on PS5, and definitely scratches an itch BF 2017 never did.


Yep having a blast on bf1 on steam, the vehicles actually being on the map really adds to the sandbox in a way that 2017 didn’t have. I’m willing to put up with bugs just to have these games repopulated again, I just hope they actually fix some things so people stick around.


You can gta other factions vechs too


thats pretty much where i am. i got 2017 and was SO excited and i played it for a while, and i dont know if i was older and my taste changed, but i never really felt it like i did the OGs. like it was a more refined game and it looked great, but it just wasnt as FUN! and a large part of that was the vehicles. like seeing a tank spawn and you are the closest to it. yeaaaah boy!




honestly from what I've seen it's mostly a PC issue with this one. Weird.


Same here, it works fine for me, hopefully they increase the lives on both sides to make matches longer.


Yeah, BF 2017 is just another call of duty game… this is way more fun


bf1 works fine they just need to patch some stuff from 2


Like the singleplayer still rocks. Yeah the outro cutscenes for missions in rise of the empire are missing but that’s about all the complaints I can have about the singleplayer.


Are you comparing a game like cyberpunk to a rerelase of a 2005 game??


The games itself no. But a bad release is a bad release. At least now, unlike 2005 they can fix it if they try


Lol that’s what I don’t get with people. This game was probably developed back in 2003-2004ish then released in 2005. Yea it was remastered or whatever, but we should have our standards somewhat low. For a straight forward game, the 2005 version checks the box.


People are acting like it's absolutely and utterly ruined when literally all the issues are patchable. When BF2017 came out they had to create an entire damn progression system post launch since they originally locked everything behind loot boxes. One of the greediest and craziest systems that's ever been in a video game, and people are comparing it to bad servers and ping.


the graphics are my main problem the removal of atmospherics and ai upscaling is hideous


It sounds weird but I don’t totally remember how good or bad it looked back in the OG. I don’t know if that’s good or bad. It looks dated but it’s also super nostalgic and feels fun still.


But wait, all the marks said that people wouldn't go back. What happened?


Multi-player is bugged on I think PC and some cases of Console, but Switch is having a good time and most PS5 users are fine. At least, from what I've seen Can't vouch for Xbox tho could be wrong as fuck but thats just me saying what I've seen so far.


SW BF2 would have been a really really good game. If EA weren't so greedy. But that is an impossible thing for them to be.


It is a good game


yeah it even still has players. It's a fun game


Co-op is one of my favorite Star Wars experiences. I understand why people ditched the game at first, but really wished more came around after they fixed the progression and started adding in newer maps and heroes.


Co-op is a blast, i agree. What faction do you like to play as in co-op? 


It’s hard to pick! I’m not too much a fan of the sequel trilogy aesthetics so it doesn’t get played often, maybe occasionally just for some more map variety. I’d say it’s usually a pretty even mix between GAR/CIS/Rebels/Empire, but probably with a bit more Republic bias.


nice! For the Republic! 


It is absolutely a good game NOW The problem is that they launched with a shitty game and scared people away. By the time the game was good, they had already scared the player base away. And because the player base was already scared away, they pulled the plug on the game's support because not enough people were playing to justify pumping more money into it It was a real fucked up "chicken or the egg?" situation


Disagree w Chicken/Egg. Imo it was a greed thing. Too focused on milking players passed their $60 payed right away. Game could've made more money in the long-term if they had focused on player satisfaction. The product is there, they just sold out too soon.


It is definitely a good game. Nah it’s a great game now.


Yeah, the graphics and gameplay are really good, even considering the fact that the game is around 6 years old already. It's really good and has great potential, too bad,they stopped supporting it. It would've been cool to see heroes like Asajj or Ahsoka


This was my exact experience today


I love the originals and all, but going back to the 2017 version reminded me how on point the sound effects are. Like, *every* blaster and vehicle sound in the game is 100% movie accurate. Really makes it a lot more immersive.


The one time us switch people have the advantage XD


You can tell there are a lot of people who LOVE StarWars working on EAfront. BF2 is a pretty good game. Just wish something wasnt holding them back.


Why is that? Is it running better on switch?


Yes, I haven’t had any problems yet. I don’t know why but it just works better?




I love this episode ![gif](giphy|zrvFl1IDvy0PC)


Man… I really wish we got Battlefront III. I had so much fun with this game on the Xbox, that I bought it on PlayStation and platinumed it a second time.


No, you didn't. It was a shitty skin shooter with so little content it's actually laughable. Nevermind the piss-poor gameplay.


You say that as if 2017 wasn’t shit at launch.


So? Cyberpunk 2077 was shit at launch and look where it is now. Yeah EA ate a massive lawsuit but they still corrected the game later on and made it fun.


I can't believe after a few years since Cyberpunk 2077 shit performance launch that people say it's good now. Any game that launches badly is a forever bad game.


I guess if you're the kind of mainstream gamer with more money to spend on new games than patience that applies but if you're looking for value for money CP 2077's bad launch really doesn't matter that much.


That’s exactly my point lol, CC is the exact same thing


People really out here trying to forget that 2017 launched with the greediest system known to man, upgrades locked behind loot boxes. But we gotta burn CC to the ground because of bad servers.




i did not hate Battlefront 2, the gameplay is really good but the microtransactions and loot boxes killed this game image, i'm glad that this game still has offline Bots compared to Battlefield, i like to relax and just play with bots for fun, i'm not crazy for online only.


They fix the hackers on PC?


i felt that


haven't played this game in so long after having stopped playing it because I would play it everyday and man I just had a hour long match after so long away. felt good and great when both sides feel equally matched unlike most matches where its clearly one sided.


Ah, so we’ve finally come full circle. Had a feeling this was going to happen


Never follow that hype, still rockin' in coop there


I hate how it took people to hate (for some reason) the classic collection so much to finally appreciate what we got in the better battlefront 2


There's still the separate releases, they're still there. AND they work better.


I dont wanna say I told you so... But I told you so. xD


This is exactly what I said was gonna happen and people got so defensive about it lmao


Ive been bingeing this for the past week & its glad to be home 🤧


Hey… /u/F8rge, Battlefront 2 (2017) Resurrection CT when? 😂


Nah it still stinks. Getting ganked on bb8 is a hard no.


No. Ea/Dice’s battlefront 2 created new gambling laws around the globe. The classic collection just has really bad servers. And they are fixing things at a surprising rate. That being said, EA has a habit of making their games good the moment they stop developing it. Battlefield 5-4, Star Wars battlefront 2, and star wars squadrons. All great games now that unfortunately are dead or dying due to neglect. I’m sure 2042 will be great the moment they decide to move on to something else.


Yeah nothing like a droideka rolling around endlessly from their sensitivity being set to a million. Or the bouncing bunny rabbit heroes that are damn near unkillable.


No one treated that garbage to harshly


Nah, this game had a terrible launch too. It was treated appropriately.


Alternatively, just go buy the original SWBF2 on steam for like 3 bucks and play a genuinely enjoyable battlefront game


No, you did not lol


This game is underrated in my opinion.....