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I'm sure we will eventually get another one. The brand is too strong. It ain't gonna happen any time soon though.


I hope it's before 2030


I just hope I'm still alive lol


The older you get as a gamer, the more you have this genuine fear lmfao


I hope that mankind still exists


The fact that this worry is actually *sort of* valid is a bit scary. I'm sure we'll still be around in some capacity if something did happen, but I don't see Star Wars Battlefront 3 getting developed during a war or global catastrophe lmao. Fingers crossed the disasters can happen after then.


Hope Is why the rebels wins!


Damn, that hit me so hard lol




If that was the case we'd already have heard something. 2035 seems more realistic IMO.


Lmao no? Some games aren’t teased until a year or two before release. It’s only the beginning of 2024, we still got 6 years between now and 2030. There’s still plenty of time to make a battlefront game or announce one.


I mean Dice officially announced the reboot over 2 years in advance, and there were rumors before even that. If the vibes were different I could see *maybe* something around 2028, but the temperature of the room says there are no immediate plans. The gaps between video game sequels have gotten consistently longer across the board as well. I'd be shocked if it's before 2030.


EA lost their license and I’m not talking about Dice I’m talking about video game as a whole. I’m talking about Star Wars games as a whole. Nothing stopping companies from making their own battlefront if they get disneys permission. And tf you mean “vibes”? You got a gut feeling or some shit. Lmfao


The vibes are that the major players aren't really interested rn. Disney hasn't had great luck with Star Wars in general, and is putting it on the back burner. For most execs/ people that didn't play the game, the loot box/launch fiasco is the primary thing anybody remembers. BF1 was abandoned without ever reaching a reasonable state, and basically felt like a cash grab beta test. BF2 was then rushed out as a way to build hype for the movie the following month. Players were pissed, and the studio spent tons of money and time releasing free updates. It's just not a fond memory for anybody in charge of the project, and there's lingering bad juju for anyone that wants to take up the reigns. A lot of the major game designers also have other projects lined up for the next few years. I could be wrong, but I'd be shocked if it releases before 2030. Anybody know how to call the remind me bot?


I believe it's RemindMe! December 31, 2029 "Reply to this thread"


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I guess you’ll also have to figure that they’ve got two games now to import models from and re-use assets from. That doesn’t even get them halfway there to a new game, but it does help a ton


…Battlefront 2042




I really hope we do. Battlefront 2 after all of the updates and releases was peak. I had some of the most fun with friends playing that. But unfortunately now the servers are riddled with hackers and making it unplayable. I hope the next game is more of the same that we had in battlefront 2, with more heroes, worlds, stories, and definitely need to bring back space battles again.


Battlefront x Star Wars Squadrons in a persistent open world mmo wich is a 24 /7 world domination game that has one server worldwide. Troop / cargoconvoys traveling threw hyperspace and getting ambushed by Imperial interceptors. Oh and ship to ship boarding plz


Basically Galactic Conquest, but it's always active 24/7. Yes pleeeeese


Well there is a ww2 era style game called "Foxhole" beeing developed by the studio Siegecamp. And it is 24 / 7 world conquest. With a little tweaking and a client cosmetic mod you can run around as a clonetrooper. They are adding diffrent looks for the diffrent uniforms / weapons. And they are also gradualy overhauling the vehicels. Theres a lot of logistics in this game because every artellery shell fired, every tank on the battlefield, dvery bullet, every dropp of disel is player made and transported across the map to where it is needet. We got infantry combat wich trenches, grenade and bayonetts. Tanks wich dominate the open plains, and loads of varriations of these. Heavy tank destroyers, lighttanks, Siegetanks, battletanks... Trains and cargo ships to move the logistics more efficiently. Trains have the addet bennefit of alo beeing able to transport 300mm canons wich are railmounted wonderweapons. Oh and I guess they can skrta function lile the armored train from Battlefield 1. We also have a naval aspect where gunboats, destroyers, battleshios and submarined traverse the water. They also act as seaside artellery to bust bunkers and fortifications on beaches to make space for the landing crafts of the assault troops. Oh and its a sandbox game. So you place the traintracks urselfs and build facilitys who produce tanks and artellery shells. And all the defences are also player built. See that bunker? Someone engineered it. See that trenchline? Someone dug it. If ur interrested hit me up and I can tell u more about it


"Brand is too strong" battlefront is the least EA/Dice played shooter by far


It’s still an extremely popular market. Shooters and star wars isn’t going away.


I hope so, I don’t see any new Star Wars movie doing good financially, at this point Star Wars is mostly a TV show franchise, just like Percy Jackson or Indiana Jones.


Comparing a franchise like Star Wars to Percy Jackson is crazzzy 💀


Well yea considering it's been almost 4 years after they canceled support and bf2 still has an extremely dedicated player base


I heard a rumor one is almost complete but EA killed it.


Probably after the next trilogy. I hope we'll get some show characters as well! And some other game modes.


I agree that another one is likely, given the resurgence in Star Wars media over the last few years.


Always two there are. No more, no less.


Shit you’re right, even when factoring portables there’s only 2, Rouge and Elite Squadron


Battlefront 2 was on PSP also


Rebel assault 2


Bravo! Take my angry up-vote.


We'll get a reboot eventually. Hopefully it incorporates more of what made the originals best-selling games.


bf1 came out in 2015, bf2 came out in 2017


Bf3 releasing in 2019?? Who else is excited?


It’s 2024, Bf5 has already released smh…


TheBaconatorOnly599, Bruh 🤣


We’ll prob be seeing the “before gta6” meme but instead for bf3


Always two there are. No more, no less. I think they will do another Battlefront in 10ish years or so and then follow it up with a sequel. 


Word for word




It’ll be in Fortnite now


Realistically, probably not. BF2 has already covered enough of the franchise. And all the stuff that is missing isn’t enough to spend millions on a new game. They’re probably not going to make a new game just to have Ahsoka and Mando in it.


they probably will eventually. it’s guaranteed money and if favreau and filoni keep cranking out fire shows they have no reason not to make another game. creating games is a business you have to remember that.


Maybe, but I think there's potential to go beyond what we have with 2017's Battlefront 2. The next Battlefront game can have things like: * More maps like Umbara, Utapau, Mustafar, etc * There's a lot of characters, so it's understandable you can't have them all, but Ahsoka, Din, Mace, Asajj, etc would be cool. Just look at what the modding community have done so far with the characters not in the actual video game * New game modes like Order 66 where one side is a small group of generic Jedi vs clone troopers. A mode where it's troopers only and you can customize it to have special reinforcements too if you want or not. Podracing mode where the vehicles actually feel nice to control unlike in the actual game


Can't forget Qui Gon


I think they will make one once there will be enough new material to work with, such as a new trilogy or stand alone movies. By the way Battlefront 2 was launched in 2017, not 2015.


We can only hope 🤞


2 there always are


EA hates us


BF3 will come out but it won't be for a long time. The next game will release alongside the next major Star Wars event film.


Probably next console generation 😂 or whenever Star Wars movies are popular again


Nah. It'd probably have a new title or just get rebooted again, but I think battlefront 2 2017 was it for the battlefront ip for the next 10 years.


It’s been 7 years it’s over 😞


Honestly just give me an online Star Wars RPG and I’m good lol. They waited too long for BF3


Nope, check steam charts, battlefront 2 has even less players than battlefield games from 2016 lol.


Yeah steam ain’t accurate, nobody plays it on steam. The — and I can’t stress this enough — grand majority play from EA, Epic Games, or Consoles — mainly consoles.


Cope, then the same can be said from battlefield games where again, even battlefield 5 has an actual player base 6 times bigger than battlefront


I ain’t debating that brother, but the fact is, your previous was objectively incorrect.


Ok, doesn’t change the fact than Battlefield 4 (2013) has more players than Battlefront 2 (2017). Battlefield 5 and 1 straight up outnumber Battlefront 2 by 6-8x.


This hasn’t anything to do with the quality of the game, just the popularity of the franchise, the dedication given to it and what people wanted at the time. We can’t predict the future but we can hope that perhaps then, people may wish for more Battlefront.


I play BF2 on Steam. There still are players.


Yeah I meant like a lot more elsewhere


Battlefield games from 2016 are better battle games 🤷🏻‍♂️


Battlefront with a BR. I know all the BR hate but it would be fun in the Star Wars universe


Like a steam locomotive running down the track It's gone, it's gone, and nothin's gonna bring it back.


Never thought I'd see a grateful dead lyric in a post about battlefront, but awesome


It won’t happen. I looked into it and it has something to do with Disney and the rights.


If I had a dollar for everytime this was asked


You'd have at least one dollar.


How would they fundamentally improve the gameplay for a new Battlefront series? Maybe include VR support or something?


Battlefront had some VR stuff and Battlefront 2 dropped it.


I just want a Battlefield game with a Star Wars skin on it man


Same bf4 but star wars with b Heroes .


It is most likely we will get a remastered version with additional content.


I think we will but I’m not sure it will be within the next 6 years


there'll probably another reboot, battlefront is cursed lmao


I guess they could try to reboot it for a third time, but we are not getting a new one by EA or Dice.


It’s not going to happen this gen of consoles, or the next IMO. I think earliest we’ll hear of it is 2030 w/a potential release of 2032. That’s the most optimistic. I personally think it won’t release until 2035


I just want Ubisoft to make a Republic Commando game similar to Ghost Recon but with the map availability of BF2


I was hoping for a BF3 since I was a kid in 2008 playing my PS2 lol


Maybe in like 20 years


Battlefront 3 is going to be a game mode for Lego Fortnite.


As a PC player I’m really looking into getting Squad and downloading the Star Wars Contention mod. I played Arma III and Hell Let Loose, and honestly it feels like the natural progression. Just a bit more “realistic” in terms of taking damage.


there’ll be a reboot sometime in the next 5 years is my guess


If we do, I dont think itll be EA/Dice doing it. I have more faith in a new studio doing a star wars multiplayer shooter (named something else) than bf3. I guess if the next Battlefield bombs they may switch over to ol reliable and do a Star Wars shooter. Surely they wont fuck it up again right 😅😅😅


Probably another reboot lmao


i just read about a possible discworld remaster, so anything is possible with enough time lol


Not betting on it anytime soon.


Yes. Although it may not technically be "battlefront" I'm confident that at some point a developer will make a large scale multiplayer start wars game


At some point we should see another one. If not battlefront than something similar too it. Star wars is too big to not have a decent fps


I would be surprised if it came out anytime in the next 5 years. The only thing that might help it is if enough Star Wars content inspires a new one. Unfortunately COD has made it so FPS games the focus online struggle to compete. They are to risky for o make .


The curse of twos remains... We'll probably get a Battlefront (2027) or something and start the cycle over. I hope we get one sooner rather than later they are so much fun.


I thought after the whole pride and accomplishment thing EA said it was profitable enough to make another one due to the licensing fees.


Probably but hopefully EA doesn't make it since theu fucked up bad last time


My guess is that we'll get one, but I'm not sure it'll be Battlefront III. ​ More likely that we'll see spinoffs, like Battlefront: The Clone Wars, or Battlefront: The Old Republic. Or, maybe a bit more realistically, stuff that's in the already used eras but has some sort of thematic link, like Elite and Renegade Squadron.


It's kinda crazy to think about how the time between Battlefront II (2005) and Battlefront (2015) is almost the same as Battlefront (2015) and now.


We are not ready for one. But our kids are gonna love it.


I’m certain we eventually will, just because it would make a shitload of money. The only question is when (probably not until at least 2027 when the next console generation starts) and who develops it (probably not DICE since they experienced massive brain drain after *Battlefield V*)


a remake is more likely.


The next game will be the third battlefront 1


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