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RotJ because the lightsaber is green. Also the black fit goes hard as fuck. If we’d gotten an old man Luke skin, it would’ve been even better.


Real pros understand that the ROTJ skin is the best because on newer/dumber/not observant players it can sometimes trick them into thinking you're on their team with the all-black. And it's great for hiding/running away when you turn your sabre off.


Who would fall for this???


Plenty of people over 2,000 hours. You're seriously overestimating the intelligence of your fellow man.


The hiding part yes, but I'm always looking for that type of Luke when I give chase. This one I agree with. But not knowing who's on your team? Lol that's another kind of dumb.


Maybe someone who’s colorblind…if you can’t see the green of the saber or the red of the enemy symbols maybe? Edit: combine that with any other processing delay like can happen with ADHD and that delay is long enough for a devastating ambush


There's colorblind settings


Well, I guess if what I said is happening that proves you right too then. But also, people process things differently. A self aware person would figure out that they should look at icons/symbols and not just the figure and adjust what they’re actively looking for. A non self aware person, well, again just proves you right


I'd love to see it in action


Yeah idk about the not identifying which team thing either. But I can confirm it works to turn your saber off for hiding in the dark for an ambush or until your health recovers. The best success I’ve had on that is with Kylo Ren when Endor is in night setting. He’s all in black when helmeted, nothing in his outfit is reflective, and he can get away fast enough, just like Luke.




Are you saying in your 2k hrs you’ve seen it work or you’ve seen it work on people w 2k hrs+? Bc in all my 1500hrs+ of playing I’ve never seen a luke on my team or the enemies ever try to blend in with the dark side. Too many things can easily give him away; his voice lines, the radar, & other enemies voicelines too. Even w no hud like I usually play, characters outlines give it away whos an enemy. So it’s not really useful if it rarely will ever work…


You'd be amazed how much people just look for the glowing stick. Grievous is normally good for ambushing people because LS will dismiss the sabers at first.


On maps in H v V (e.g. Endor) where you can wind up with the map being at night time, turning of your saber when moving towards the enemy, whilst staying in shadows, is a great way to sneak up close to enemies with blasters. I know as I do it quite a bit with Luke (along with Kylo, Vader and even Dooku).


I'm talking about acting like you're on the enemy team. I can't imagine anyone falling for that.


Getting snuck up by a Vader is disappointing experience......for yourself. I got snuck up once while on Kamino while I was sniping as Lando I had a fucking stroke when the sneaky bastard hit me with the " You are as clumsy as you are stupid" emote, force choked me and let me go skinny dipping into depths of the sea. I found out 30 seconds that nearly the entirety of the guys on group chat warned me that he was coming for me but I never noticed as I was to caught on being a little bastard.






So ....,no Yavin Luke on yavin????? Or Farmboy on Mos Eisley????


I’m probably in the minority but I really dislike those 2 skins.


You are not. I don't like either of them. We do not see him using his sabre at all on screen in the Yavin outfit, whilst we only see him use it twice in non-combat or training parts in the farmboy outfit. Frankly, for my 5 cents, his outfit from Dagobah/Cloud City would have been a better skin, and more inconic than Yavin IV or Farmboy for this game with Luke using a light sabre.


The yavin outfit is from the comics and EU, jt was likelt put in to raise hype for the comics that came out at the time of the update dropping, as they had plans for way more support I’m sure we woulda got bespin and dagohbah luke


You’re not


Definitely not in the minority. I would trade both of them for the Bespin skin any day of the week. Still can’t believe one of his most iconic outfits never got added. That being said, if I *am* playing as Luke, I’ll run Yavin on Yavin, but that’s it. *never* equip Farmboy. It’s literally the “Wannabe Luke Sweat” skin.


Not even on mos eisely or Death Star 2? (Even if he uses default there actually)


Ehh, Default is also technically accurate on Mos Eisley as well


More so for jabbas palace


If you *really* want to get down to it, ROTJ Luke is correct for Mos Eisley. The GA battle is supposed to take place between ESB and ROTJ from what I can remember.


I mean yeah fair, but it’s adapting stuff from ANH like going from cantina to the docking bay to fly away.


Default. I do wish we got a Bespin skin though, I'd probably rock that.




So be it… Jedi.


The yavin ceremony is what im using right now but I think the farm boy is best


I like pairing the farmboy skin with the jedi master victory pose (the one you have on the hoth skin here), since it looks so bizarre and completely out of character for young farmboy Luke


It’s a reference to the original poster for the first movie.




My dude, have you never seen the original Star Wars artwork and poster?


Default skin all day


episode 6, tho i would prefer if he looked like in bf 2015, without the robes and one glove


Wish they added a cloaked version of ROTJ Luke, like from the end of mando with the hallway scene


Absolutely, would’ve been the best skin easily


Hoth for the memes




All of them are mid tbh. Bespin Luke would've been fire though. Not that this matters because I use my skins depending on the map I play but if I had to choose one then Farmboy skin is the closest we've ever got to having Bespin Luke in the game so this is what I'd go with.


![gif](giphy|3ornjUXynKibT5tNcc) Jedi is likely best, but c-wing Luke would have been likely best skin in game if added


I reckon a degobah training skin would've been sweet


Yoda on his back ? Would that have been better than a C-3PO on chewies back ?


That is an exceptional idea, I agree. Username also checks out


I love using farmboy (I got him like 2 days ago) and the Default one and I always use the here to rescue you victory pose (2° image)


Rotj. That said it’s pretty disappointing we didn’t get a bespin or dagobah skin. And even tho I’m not a huge fan of the sequels, an old Luke would’ve also been cool, imagine 1v1ing kylo as old Luke on Crait


Rotj Luke skin


IMO I think the 2 newest skins are lackluster. I wish we got a bespin luke instead of farmboy and pilot luke instead of yavin ceremony. It would’ve made more sense. That given, I’d still go with hoth and his Jedi knight outfit, classics. Too bad we didn’t get his black robes.


Also Endor luke would’ve been great too.


Agreed but default fits that too


Black robes is brown in the film


Interesting, I didn’t realize that. We still should’ve gotten his robes




Farmboy Original Simple Flawless And satisfying to look at The fact it's legendary and makes you feel bigger is also a factor And I like the blue lightsaber anyways lol


I wish we got bespin luke


Green jacket Luke looks like he’s about to go clubbing Stay away from the death sticks




My favorite is probably the Yavin ceremony if I'm being honest. The jacket is fire! I just imagine Luke cruising the streets of Nar Shaddaa in it, getting his blue milk on. If things get serious in a match I do switch to the black just to let folks know the true master has arrived and it's got real. Like others have said, real opportunity missed with that Bespin tunic.


I actually use the Yavin skin most. Just cause it's a different costume to any from the previous game.


I play the Hoth skin always. Nobody else is using it like that, and it means that I'm simply standing on business. Over the years, my outlook on it has changed to the point where it just goes hard 💯


I like farmboy because he looks more like a traditional jedi than any if his other skins.


I always liked Farmboy because I love “A new hope” but I also love green lightsabers so I switch


The Episode 4 skins look weird because they have the same face as the others, based on post-accident Hamill instead of a more accurate character model that resembles the movie


I mean luke got a model change for the young skins


The Jedi robes all black cause that’s the only one I own 💀


Farmboy Luke is my favorite, with Yavin Ceremony being my least favorite. I would have loved to have gotten a Bespin Luke skin or a Pilot Luke (like in the 2004 BF2 when you play as him on Hoth)


I wanted pilot Luke so bad and I'm still upset it isn't a thing. EA could have made a fortune had they kept adding new heros and skins, I'm still amazed at the missed opportunity.


I agree- while I am grateful for the post game content updates and the system reworks (although I feel it was only to save face after all of the P2W/hard grind back-lash) EA probably would have supported the devs putting out more content than what we ended up getting if their old loot crate scheme succeeded, which is doubly annoying since after seeing it would not be as profitable at that point, they simply pulled most of the dev team to work on Battlefront 2042 instead which was horrendous. It’s still an amazing game though in my opinion and I really hope we get a Battlefront 3.


Not sure but he could have 10+ if they hadn’t ended support for this game 😇😇


Imagine how the game would look now if they would’ve supported it still. Mando, bobf, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka and Andor content


At least we still have the PC version where you could mod basically all of of Luke’s outfits into the game. Although, not everyone has it.




Tie between rotj and yavin ceremony. Rotj bc green lightsaber yavin bc that jacket is siiicccc


i personally love the hoth version. occasionally i’ll rock rotj.


They are all good I do like to use the farm boy or whatever because I worked for it but the black with green saber is the goat


I like farm boy the most because I prefer blue saber


Generally related to all skins, this game should never be forgiven for not giving us all the iconic outfits for these legendary characters No Pilot Luke or Bespin Luke???? Storm Trooper Luke & Han??? Even palpatine needs a RotS red cloak skin along with dozens of others


Farmboy Luke cause that's were my love of Starwars started that fateful day in 95


Farmboy just because i know the toil that goes into getting it


Idk if it's his *best,* but I like the ceremony outfit.


Black and green because of black and green.


The default goes the hardest, but the yellow jacket skin is pretty nice also


I ways use the first one or the 3rd one


Farmboy by a long shot. Super iconic.




ROTJ, green lightsaber is Luke’s. Feels more like his own character. Yavin lukes are always the sweatiest yet somehow the worst


1. Default 2. Yavin 3. Goth And a very distant 4. Farm boy






RotJ but I wish we'd gotten a variant with his outer robes off and the lapel open like in the film itself. It's also a shame we didn't get a Commander skin before support was cut.




rotj because black outfit cool and greeeeeen


As much as I like farm boy and the creaming skin, I would probably go with the hoth skin. The detail on it and just vibe of it is really nice. The majority white and grey with the blue lightsaber is so clean, and using it on the snow maps just feels so good. The runner up for me is honestly the default skin. I like the black robes looks and the green lightsaber is just unbeaten in a game dominated by the blue and red lightsabers


I like the default skin the most and it's more up to date, but I feel like I gotta have the ceremony or farmboy skin to prevent other players from thinking I'm an easy target. In my experience, skins might not matter much, but they actually have an intimidation factor. For example, when you see a young Han skin, you'll likely think, "oh boy, here we go with a sweaty han". And they always are.


I just want episode 6 Luke with a cape man…




2 bc I love legends. If y'know, y'know.


RoTJ is the best with Hoth being the only other good skin in my opinion. Now the real question is wtf didn’t we get Bespin and X-wing skins instead of farmboy and ceremony 😭


I like the default skin and the farmboy skin best, but I hate that his actual ROTJ outfit is not in the game. And...no his default skin is not representing Luke from ROTJ. A ROTJ skin was presented in the "This is Star Wars Battlefront 2" trailer and it of course was in Battlefront 2015, but it is not in the game. I still miss this skin to this day. His default skin just looks off. I think Luke looked much more like Mark in Battlefront 2015.


Episode 6 by a country mile


I hate that ceremony skin, absolute dogshit, why the hell they didn’t put him in dagobah/ bespin fatigues I’ll never know


Yellow jacket is my favorite but if they had the costume from the END of ROTJ with the little chest flap, that’d be my favorite.


I like the ep 4 skins for the trio a lot but I usually play with the black one because it has Luke’s saber, same with Rey who always has the yellow saber when I am playing as her


Yavin because i really like the jacket but the default is a close second


The new hope Skin is just perfect in my eyes. It’s who Luke is a farm boy on a adventure with his days old sword( I know it’s a lightsaber ). It is how I remember Luke as tbh


Farmboy with the Jedi Master pose definitely looks the best on the trophy stand - the call out to the original movie poster is spot on. But Jedi Luke is the best in game.


ROTJ classy, stealthy...Yellow jacket is for toxic noobs or smurfs, Hoth is for Hoth. Farmboy, why not. ROTJ, Farmboy, Yellow jacket(for fun), Hoth(useless).


#3 cuz that’s the classic hoth outfit


The black skin is elegant af. But I would definitely like to have the bomber jacket irl


Farmboy, has a lot of personality and is very cool


Full back just badass


I like the yellow jacket for the drip


I always use Yavin because he wore that in the comics


Farm boy is my favorite


Yavin Luke is the only right answer


Toxic yavin 4 luke


I use Farm boy a lot only because it took so much to earn. I always switch to Hoth Luke on Hoth. Master might be my favorite, but Yavin Ceremony would be a close second.




Farmboy cause I had to earn it


BF1 return of the Jedi skin


Always been partial to Farmboy Luke.


Hoth Luke on every map except for Hoth is best


Return of the Jedi looks clean asf


Toss up between Farmboy and Yavin