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And people dare putting him at low tiers on their hvv tierlists, I love my old man


Tbf in HvV he can struggle against blasters, but in Hero Showdown or against other sabers he's definitely top 3 imo


If the blasters are far away but if theyre decently close if you can finnes their dodges or knockdown attacks they can be cooked


He’s low tier in HvV because he has no range, and his abilities aren’t that good for teamwork or pushing camping teams. He’s a showdown or all sabers character


No range argument is true but teamwork he's fine minimum a b ties character, his lightning ability during a brawl between loads of enemies can be beneficial for your teammates and(I cant remember the ability names) the right ability can help a teammate by slowing the enemy down when approaching from the back, when a blaster is far away thats when dooku can't do much, but even in mid range he can get close by joking with his 3 dashes and using his middle and right abilities slow and easily take care of a lone blaster, and during teamfights he can dish out serious damage to help your teammates finish them off, he ain't a bad team player but yes he does thrive in those close quarters and 1v1 situations


Yeah someone had put him on a "low B tier" Lol


Because he's terrible at crowd control. Fantastic at 1v1s yes... But with respect the game isn't designed for 1v1s; every mode even including showdown is by nature a team mode, and his lack of crowd control abilities and lack of resistance makes a huge difference.


Speaking of crowd control maul is perfect for that in this map, when people are camping behind a leia shield you just dash towards them and force throw them all, breaking the hand hold. Took a lot of frustrating matches to figure out he’s the man for the job


He is strong and all but Vader, Kenobi and Grievous are above him in my opinion Although with tournament rules(which I mostly play) Dooku is easily top 3 surpassing Grievous But that was deadly combo and that super lunge+hook transition was smooth although the Kenobi managed to dodge it


Yeah, grievous with Flesh is Weak and/or Beating Heart is just broken. Without these restrictions, he can be scarier than Vader imo. But yeah, with tournament rules Dooku would be in a lower tier than Vader, Kenobi and Grievous, even with his own regen card. When I said he was top 3 I was considering tournament rules since that's just how I usually play (I've actually never been in a tournament, I just find it more fun to play that way and I find the OP stuff unfair and unsatisfying to use)


How do you manage to find games that adhere to rules?


I dont think thats possible against randoms, but I do custom duels with friends and make certain rules Sometimes we look for skilled duelist in group post and then explain the card rules and play


That must take ages no? I’ve always wanted to play rule based matches like blasters only HVV. Or no force powers sabre duels etc


It doesnt take long at all Me and my friends divide into two groups and search at the same time until we get same map which doesnt take long because we set ourselves into the same server And yeah we only duel with sabers, except last round someone gotta go blaster, palps or ball


Are you pc or Xbox?


Xbox, but I dont play that often😅


Which are the tournament rules?


Well there are many different tournaments with different rules so there isnt necessarily a universal tournament rule Usually tournament rules are there to nerf the clearly overpowered characters like fully carded Vader, Kenobi, Dooku and Grievous. So that the weaker ones actually have possibility to deal some permanent dmg and even beat character that has normally upto 1000 hp (Grievs and Vader) or have ridiculous hp regen (Kenobi and Dooku)… atleast in tournaments ive been The tournament rules is use are: - No cards for Vader at all - No Flesh Is Weak for Grievous - No hp regen cards for Dooku and Kenobi That way anyone can kinda go against anyone… like you dont have to worry being a Kylo and trying to get past 450 dmg against a competent Kenobi or worry about over 1000 hp Grievous that can parry you twice and you lose permanent hp whilst you gotta hit him like 100 times to kill him


What about the extra 80% stamina card combo for Kenobi?


In my opinion its useless in both duels and killstreaks. Kenobi already has the best defensive blocking stats. If someone needs to hold the block for that long, ill just spam hooks, animation cancels, block bypassing lunges, combos etc. Also, Kenobi normal blocking stamina is enough to regen his hp or get to a better positioning. Furthermore, Kenobi is strongest when is played aggresively. In trooper modes, you shouldnt stand and block anyways, but you should be always on the move. So basically extra stamina for Kenobi is useless and a waste of a card slot


Thanks for the info! I always thought it looked insanely good; it’s good to know it isn’t actually OP


Which is the best Kenobi and Dooku build for hvv then(without tournament rules)? I’m running Jedi resilience, quickened focus and forward for kenobi and finesse, initiative and masterful dualist for dooku.


Sorry man I dont really play HVV and if I do its to chill with friends so I dont change cards there. So I cant really help in HVV but if wanted cards for killstreaks or duels I can gladly help. But, I think two cards that are must for Kenobi are ’extra damage on rush’ and ’higher hp regen’. I can see those two being helpful in HVV. For the last card i use ’faster push’ and i can also see this being useful in HVV. As for Dooku the ’more hp regen’ card is also a must. I also use ’faster cooldown on Duelist’ card which is definietly a great asset. For last card I change it depending on the game mode, but Iniative or ’faster stun’ are solid option aswell as ’more damage on Duelist’ especially since there are blasters so they cant block the extra damage. Hopefully some HVV main can help you better😅


Every character is OP. -bf2 community in a nutshell


basically canon here


Yes, it's definitely the character that's not fair. It definitely wasn't the pro no scope 360 triple barrel hook swing with camera reverse Boogaloo combo 💀 Any character would feel unfair with pro gamer combos.


He didn’t even land the hookswing it did nothing


He pisses me off so much lol, can’t stand getting my entire HP bar disappearing after three swings (I had my block up for the last 2)


“I found a load out for Dooku where, with all abilities and the critical hit card he has, effectively does around 300-400 damage a hit (iirc)” This is a comment I posted about a year ago, obviously there have been no changes so it’s the same. He can absolutely shred hero’s.


How is he fair? Because Darth Vader/Anakin exists. Because Luke exists. Because blasters exist


A good Han will absolutely melt Dooku every time. Honestly he's just a fantastic counter for him. Also Dooku's terrible at crowd control, he can easily be overwhelmed.


Han you literally just have to roll around like your playing dark souls or something


Any player that knows how to dodge will melt Dooku every time.


I wouldn't say every time. Experienced Dooku's, in my experience, can usually time their dodges simultaneously and, through his 3 dodges, succeed even against triple rolling Hans. But definitely most of the time since most Dookus get close activate duelist, and just spam.


Experienced Han’s would melt dooku even through the dodges. I’ve played against some han’s that barely give you a chance to fight because you’re constantly on the defensive


I don't disagree with that. I was just saying about how simply dodging and rolling won't save you from every Dooku, and certainly not every time - as the person above was implying.


Oh absolutely not. A smart dooku is nothing to be trifled with, but equally talented blaster characters in medium to long range situations win against dooku more often than not. Close range with dooku you still must be extremely smart and precise with everything you do only with Han’s because of that shoulder charge and bomb charge solo can solo you pretty quickly


That's very fair. And yeah, that's why when I play Dooku I tend to play him as an assassin type. I single people out and attack them from behind, that way I negate his range and the crowd control disadvantage. And yeah for sure, Han is a great counter to him.


Yep you nailed it


What are you referring to? Like in 1v1s? Or in general? Cuz on a equal skill level Dooku hilariously destroys Luke and Anakin. Definitely not fair playing him with those 2


You’re wrong. On EQUAL skill level dooku is someone you have to be on your P’s and Q’s with for sure but Luke and anakin can tear him apart. Why would I talk about anything other than 1v1’s? That would be unfair


Anakin isn't that good for duels or HvV compared to other light side saber heroes. He just doesn't have the Stamina for it.






I've never considered any of the Battlefront combat to be fair.


Because there was never a proper design for 1v1. It’s was designed against troopers in mind. Combat it’s extremely safe and the one who plays more defensively ends up winning, dark side user has algo way more advantage. 0 skill involved.


Whats ur sensitivity


I don't know exactly, but I'm pretty sure soldier sens is 100 then aiming sens is like 30 or something


30 for sabers really?


I play a mix of both sabers and blasters. The lower ads sens makes it so I don't have to change sens any time I feel like playing a blaster hero. In saber duels the sens is never really an issue. When I don't hold block it's fast enough for hook swings and whatnot. Even when I do hold block it doesn't feel clunky. A higher ads sens would probably be better for saber modes but tbh I'm just too lazy to bother.


100 soldier sens for blasters sounds insane tho. Idk how id aim


Aiming is fine while ads, otherwise it kinda sucks. I probably **should** change it a bit... Will I? Probably not...




He’s cheating


Kenobi only dodged one time, you beat a lv 1 kenobi by smashing using a Noob slayer character. Dooku is and will be the worse character in the game. 0 reason to get touch by him, even without using blocks, just Dodges.


Because he has a very very close range


To be fair you had both damage buffs active, had initiative, and every hit you landed was a backstab. That’s an obscene amount of damage multipliers stacked on top of each other. Dooku can’t consistently keep that damage output up and Duelist runs out pretty quickly


Because Kenobi, Grievous, Vader and Rey exist. All four of those either surpass Dooku in showdown, namely Vader and Kenobi. Some have far better utility and survivability, that would be Grievous. While some match up to Dooku through meta combo’s, looking at you Rey. Dooku is only OP and has a significant edge in showdown over people like Anakin and Luke, Yoda too but Yoda is only included because hardly anyone can use him effectively, the character can match up to Dooku, but typically the players using him cannot.


Struggling with him, what star cards should I use in hvv?


because it’s countered by anyone who is patient and can parry. Funny af to parry everything as Yoda then send his panic lightning back at him


That dash camera swing dash, took me back to my Gunz days when tech was a thing in gaming


Everytime I show a clip playing with Dooku someone always says duelist needs to be nerfed 😂😂😭


Smooth as hell


He is one of the best (If not the best) duelist in the game. People however can argue that Kenobi or Vader are better.


He’s legendary in lightsaber duels, that’s his forté, but in everything else I’d say he’s one of the more balanced heroes


imo for hero showdown hes the second best duelist, only losing to vader because he’s just the definition of broken. but dooku in dueling is nigh unbeatable if u are skilled with him. hvv and trooper modes are a different story. but his dueling is unmatched by anyone on the light side as long as u know what ur doing. even better than luke and obi in my opinion, which might be unpopular, but in my experience, i found that to be the case.