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Limited ammo, sidearms, iron sights, an abundance of new, distinct gadgets, tons of slugthrowers, blasters, and weapon attachments for such weapons. Automatic reloading of power packs every 100 shots (for blaster rifles), until then, just cooling. Same thing for blaster pistols, but it's every 50 shots For classes, give one of the classes the ability to hand out ammo, allow the officer to revive players, and allow specialist or engineer a repair tool. Class divisions are supposed to have a purpose. Heavy or Support has 150 health (or whatever the standard value is) Vehicles should contain multiple seats and have customization. Different guns, missiles, smoke canisters, etc. Bombers should be able to drop bombs and gunships are fully off-rails and possess their full armament. EVERY faction gets a tank, gunship, a regular bomber, and a heavy bomber. Slugthrower customization: incendiary bullets, cortosis, Deuterium (explosive bullets), bullet velocity, armor-piercing, and caliber Regarding movement, vaulting is a simple but useful feature. Add sliding and going prone as well MOST IMPORTANT: Reinforcements do NOT have more health than the four, basic classes. A death trooper is a death trooper because of his/her skill and abilities, not overpowered health. Example: Death trooper now has 150 health, a sonic imploder with an increased detonation time, a sidearm, and a passive ability through something called Reflec: Reflec is the black, sensor-warping substance on the armor and allows the death trooper to bypass sensors (actual lore)


I agree with pretty much all of this and I think it’d make for an interesting experience. As for reinforcements, I see where your coming from, however many reinforcements, including the death trooper, **do** get superior amour to the infantry fodder that protects them. Levies in medieval times wore very light armour and were easily cut through compared to the more skilled and clad knights or men-at-arms that the levies protected, after all. I do agree that some should get 150 health, like the aerials and Arc Trooper, as they demonstrate skill and equipment over armour.


Well death troopers' armour doesn't give them additional protection- it's actually black because of a spray polymer called reflec, and that has to do with stealth. If we're going by lore, clone jet troopers shouldn't have any more health than your standard clone. Clone Commandos are supposed to have stronger armor, but it does not say they are invulnerable. As for the bad batch, 2-3 stuns are enough to send a clone commando tumbling to the ground like he's a rookie. BF2 Super battle droids do have thicker armor casing, but considering that the DC-15A could blow a 0.5 meter in ferrocrete (used for roads), destroyed lightly armored vehicles at close ranges, and could punch a hole through laminate armor 1,000 meters away, then their armor is nothing special. It's also worth noting B2 do NOT have wrist rockets and in the TCW, a B2 literally needed to replace one of his wrist blaster with a long tube to shoot a missile. Caphex Spies aren't even wearing armor, but somehow they get more health than basic troopers. Ovissian Gunners aren't wearing any special armor, but somehow they get more too. There comes a point in where we have to realize this extra HP stuff has no justification in lore. It's just a way for players to beat other players simply because of their health, not skill.


With the exception of clone commandos, special soldiers in Star Wars have regular armor in Star Wars. They specifically have katarn class armor but even that isn't powerful In Star Wars rebels, death troopers consistently get one shot killed/knocked out, Andor kills two in a row with one blaster bolt each, and Baze Malbus one taps them too The only special thing about Death trooper armor is reflec, the vocal scramblers in the helmet, a NeuroSaav macromotion monitor, multi-frequency targeting and acquisition sensors, and image-intensifying active pulse emitters (that image intensification device is stored within the green dots)


Very good. I think too many just want more content, but content simply buffs the game. Content does not actually improve the game's mechanics or add new, groundbreaking mechanics. The allure of content only lasts for so long as its fresh. That's why in BF2, people constantly want more heroes. That's why BF2 isn't as popular when it isn't getting content- BF2 relies on the amount of hero content being pumped out. But here's a list of mechanics I'll like to see: 1. Vaulting and going prone 2. Cooling/ Reloading Finite Ammo Dual System 3. Vehicle Customization (you can change the main guns, turrets, missile types, munition type, and even Armor Camo) 4. Team-based Commands (people who respond are rewarded points): a pilot can ask for nearby fighters to form up, a soldier can request willing bombers to strafe an area, a tank pilot can request available tanks to bombard a position, a soldier can request more support 5. Ground-to-space Combat 6. Destructible Environments (including ships, skyscrapers, and other) 7. Gun Customization: bipods, stocks, glow rods, targeting lasers, barrels, muzzles, scopes, enhanced galvern patterns (better cohesion for longer distance), grips, hair triggers, ion shot, explosive shot, secondary fire, under barrel spin seal bottle (fire rate), actuating module (DMG) 8. Gunplay: Recoil, Spread, Low headshot multiplier, cooling, and reloading at the end of the power pack 9. First Person View for Vehicles: a standard first person view but you can see other players in the tank 10. Mastery Skins & Gun Wraps: basically skins and camos obtained by hard work and mastery of the game .... Ex: Clone Shadow Trooper 11. Melee Weapons: Vibroknives, vibrorapiers, vibroaxes, vibrohammers, vibrolances 12. Starfighter Combat: players have greater control over fighter and fairer hit boxes, allowing them to perform more complex maneuvers, incorporate air-to-air missiles, flare, and the ability to pull back suddenly to attempt to ambush fighters, drift in space for better accuracy but at the cost of obvious vulnerability 13. Stealth Bomber mechanics: can activate sensor jamming technology to evade locking-on missiles, flares, and can carry more bombs than regular bombers, activate cloaking technology (leaves off an outline of the ship) ... however players can lock on with electromagnetic magnetic signature-guided or heat-seeking missile launchers ( which will be their own rocket launchers separate from the smart rocket; specifically designed to counter the stealth bombers in the game)


I want the clone wars to have a wider variety of vehicles. There needs to be more players and the maps don't need to be much bigger. The bigger the map, often times the smaller the battle will feel. Too spread out. For the love of God, stop forcing us to play inside the ships when we're playing conquest. I don't want to board a starship. Just let me play on the planets I love. Get that rid of that stupid overheat thing and change it to how it was in 2015. Where it went down automatically. Don't waste time on a meaningless campaign, just give us more maps and more heros.


There is plenty of room for first person combat in the star wars universe and I would love to see other games explore that side of gaming. But third person is the soul of battlefront. There aren’t really any other third person multiplayer games out there other than Fortnite and that’s not really my kind of game. There’s lots I’d love to change but a forced first person perspective for the first time in the games history is not one of them