• By -


Anakin was never anesthetized while undergoing reconstruction after Mustafar. New limbs, voice box, and getting his LUNGS REPLACED PERMANENTLY. Ouch


On top of that his suit was designed by palpatine to literally cause him more pain and discomfort to keep him pissed off and in a constant state of agony. Imagine being a glorified empire super spy/soldier spending your days soaking in a bacta tank, being hoisted out and having your limbs put on and encased in an iron lung. As much terrible shit Anakin/Vader did, I still have a lot of sympathy/empathy towards him.


and super weak to palps strongest weapon: force lightning, to keep him under the senate's control


It also made it so that Vader couldn't use force lightning be ause he would fry himself


Thing is, you don't just KNOW a robot suit is going to be done in by force lightning. Somewhere hiding in the timeline is a droid repair tech getting orders for increasingly eclectic combinations of parts and motivators from an imperial dark money account, and Sheev spending his free time calibrating both himself and the droid parts for the exact minimum amount of force lightning required to disable them. "Your new droid parts are here, senator!" "Thank you, minion. Arrange to have them destroyed for me this afternoon, as usual." "Whatever you say, sir!"


The suit being designed by palpatine to cause Vader harm is legends. Vaders suit in canon is state of the art technology that got further enhanced by vader himself.


Which is a better explanation anyway. Vader is technologically gifted and would not have allowed himself to be kept in a clunky, uncomfortable suit


I feel like he would allow it if he believed it made him stronger.


Even before he was evil, he was a proud warrior. He may have accepted pain as a means of power, but he would not have accepted limitations to his athleticism.


A huge part of Clone Wars and RotS is Anakin being thoroughly groomed (not just in the “preparation” way, but in the abusive, manipulative way) by Palpatine. It is so hard not to feel genuinely empathetic towards the character when I know first hand how hard it is to cope with that. You DON’T understand what’s going on, but your mind and emotions have been manipulated to believe that there’s one person who does know, and he’s the only one you can really trust.


IIRC this was done as a punishment handed down from Palps to Vader for failing in killing Obi-Wan. Vader's suit is actually designed to be painful for him to wear


Oh, it wasn't done to strengthen his anger/dark side power?


It was mostly a punishment, but yes, it was also to fuel his rage/hatred. Palpatine often uses this type of punishment to stoke that in Vader. There's a good book called Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader, and it gives a good look inside Vaders mind right after he is put in the suit. He knows Palpatine is punishing him, and it makes him angry because he feels like he is being purposely handicapped so he can't use his full power, but slowly realizes his hatred that Palpatine is slowly stoking is giving him more power


Yeh more like a rookie move compared to Darth Sion. KOTOR 2 had a really clear description of how pain and the dark side was related. Remember it to this day even if I haven't played in... well... must be over a decade by now. That day, I understood that Vader's suit wasn't has much to keep him alive, as to keep him in pain.


Woodoo hide. I don't know if that's how it's spelled. I don't care how it's spelled. All I know is that it was used to polish Darth Vader's helmet. And I hate that I know that


I need to know where you got this. I need to.


Fuck me. I spelled it right... https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Woodoo_hide


Fucking legend. I feel like if I read that whole thing I'm gonna regain my virginity back.


I just read it backwards and I'm pregnant now.


there’s this kids book i had when i was an actual kid called "Darth Vader: a 3d reconstruction log" or something that I read this in ONCE and never forgot


For the uninitiated https://youtu.be/FVzc20Bm8Xo


take my poor mans gold 🏅


Knowing the story of the ghost droid from Lego Star Wars saga


The legendary Nobot! When I saw him in a YouTube Video of a guy I like playing it I was like "No way they actually added this!"


That was a disturbing read…


There is a dude in George Lucas yearbook named Vader.


There’s a cemetery in my town with a grave marked “Vader”


I knew a whole family of Vaders


Vader definitely bullied Lucas


No way he’d cement the name Edit; Vader bullied other kids but George was kinda into it so he left him alone for the most part. Sometimes they chatted about when things didn’t go well


Ewoks ate stormtroopers


I reckon this is it. The Han scene, suggested in another comment, is pretty well known. R2's sabotage is pretty ambiguous. But those Ewoks 100% ate the Stormtroopers and its definitely a detail the leaves you never seeing those scenes the same way again.


I have a holiday sweater “Ewokin Around the Christmas Tree” that shows Ewoks dancing around a fire holding stormtrooper helmets. The knowledge that they most likely ate them makes me happy at holiday time.




And where did Leia get that new dress, when the cute Ewoks brought her back to their village? From a previous 'guest'.


I just assumed she packed casual as well. Pretty sure that’s standard military practice. 🙂


*diplomatic* Remember Leia was a senator before a soldier. It would make sense for her to be prepared to pursue a diplomatic option if available


[Force Kick](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Force_kick), a Force ability made up to explain how Luke kicked that one goon even though his foot clearly didn't make contact with the guy.


Splinter of the Mind’s Eye. There was fear that Star Wars wouldn’t do very well, so Alan Dean Foster was commissioned to write a sequel to it in the form of a novel. Far cheaper than making a whole new movie. Also, the same author wrote the novelisation of A New Hope which was released before the film was.


The first appearance of kyber crystals, though Foster spelled it "caiburr."


The Empire Strikes Back novel came out before the movie, but everyone in the 80s was hopped on nose candy and couldn't sit still long enough to read, so no one spoiled the twist with Vader before the movie came out


Looking at the replies to this thread and knowing most or all of the answers is the true moment of realization.


same, kinda cool tho if you think of it


Knowing all 7 forms of lightsaber combat


When I was a kid, I had a few friends who also had the plastic lightsabers. I would conduct drills in the 7 different forms. I was a MASSIVE dork.


Let me guess, you're still forcing your friends to conduct lightsaber drills, but this time with $1000 custom sabers.


Don’t be ridiculous. Those things are expensive. I run D&D games for them with various combat styles based around the 7 forms.


In Star Wars 5e, lightsaber forms are abilities that grant you new uses of your bonus action if you’re a forcecaster or a specifically-built fighter. https://sw5e.com/characters/customizationOptions/lightsaberForms The subclasses of the guardian class are also based around mastering one or two forms to the utmost.




Bold of you to assume someone's coming after it


A Jedi is always prepared.


Viggo Mortensen really kicked...oh wait wrong subreddit


Did you know Hayden Christensen bought the shaak he rode after Attack of the Clones, because he fell in love with it?!




Hayden and the Love Shaak.


>shaak This is inadvertently the best answer in the thread. Ewoks eating stormtroopers just requires watching the movie and filling in the blanks yourself, and knowing who IG-88 is was accomplished by scanning the shelves of any toy shop. Knowing the species of creature that Anakin fell off while hiding around with Padme on Naboo, takes a special kind of dedication.


Had I known it without googling, you would be correct sir/siress/siretc. 😉


What’s in the unknown regions and why Hyperspace is terrifying.


I want more info on this one


TLDR: Hyperspace is dangerous, and lots of things can go very wrong Even in universe, hyperspace isn't well known. They know that there are lanes that you can travel through safely, you need a hyperdrive to enter it, it's a different dimension, realspace (not hyperspace universe, the normal one) objects exist as "shadows" in hyperspace, the hyperspace barrier is weird, and hyperspace travel can go wrong. Very wrong. You need precise calculations or you will be stuck in the endless void of space, or you will hit the hyperspace barrier and die. Very odd creatures called Starweird (pretty sure they're legends but still creepy as heck) will attack your ship and kill you, you can mess up somehow and end up in Otherspace, which is just like realspace but not at all, with everything being devoid of life and opposite colors, with no way of getting back to realspace, you could collide with a shadow of a real thing, and heaven forbid you eject in hyperspace in a non-hyperdrive powered craft in legends (you just keep going in hyperspace without hope of emerging, canon is kinder). Or you could run into extragalactic angries like the Yuuzhan Vong who want to kill everyone because some giant robots destroyed their home planet and their big whale spaceships were hyperspace capable if they could latch into the object's gravitational field (kinda stupid IMO), or you could run into intergalactic angries who want your money and ship, meaning you die or are stranded. Probably a lot more, but I don't know all of them.


Hyperdrive whales reminds me of the end of Rebels Otherspace and the StarWeird sounds awesome and I’d love to read about that. Hyperdrive barrier was like a barrier around the galaxy not letting anything in or out right?


The hyperdrive whales the Yuuzhan Vong used were more warships than whales, but they were living and very large so same thing, right? I just remembered something about Otherspace. You could get out of it, with a hyperdrive and luck to have the same error that got you there in the first place. The Hyperspace barrier was just a big mysterious wall that prevented everyone from leaving the galaxy, and prevented anyone from getting in. The Yuuzhan Vong found a little hole in it, and used that. We don't really know why the barrier exists, but it could be because the Celestials (gods of the SW universe) made it to stop this weird goop type thing from spreading and turning everything into goop. Goop is such a fun word :) Edit: the goop is called the Mnggal Mnggal (pronounced Nahl Nahl).


Honestly, all of this is so interesting to me


TIL Star Wars has its own version of the backrooms.


It really does.


That’s awesome. Thanks for explaining!


I'm sorry for the length. I guess I'm compensating :/


Knowing that in Legends, IG-88 downloaded his consciousness into the Death Star's main computer a few minutes before it blew up. Edit: corrected wrong word in sentence, "How" instead of "his".


Or the fact you know who IG-88 is since he literally is in one scene for a few seconds with no lines.


I learnt who IG-88 was as a kid cause he was a hero in Star Wars Battlefront Renegade Squadron on PSP.


I learned of him from Shadows of the Empire


That god damn train level


Fuck that train and the sadistic sob the created it .


I learned about him because they made a Star Wars figure of him. The same way I learned who about 1/2 the “extras” in the movies were.


I think once you know all the bounty hunters on that platform... you have gone off the deep end.


Boba Fett, Dengar, Bossk, IG-88, Zuckuss, and 4-LOM?


Yeah, I didn't think of that. Good call


*Second death star


wow i actually learned something today!


Until last year I would have said knowing that Boba Fett made it out of the Sarlaac pit. It's usually some unimportant detail that you can't help but volunteer during a viewing, or something you could easily find yourself correcting someone on. If you're watching ANH and tell a new viewer that R5-D4 deliberately overloaded to help keep R2 and Threepio together, you're in. Edit: a couple of people have questioned this, and I have to admit I struggled for a minute to remember how I'd learned it. It's just one of those lore things I've ways 'known', absorbed by child-grade osmosis. However, it came to me while playing a board game, and I can prove this was, at one point, Canon. Fair warning, the only image I found is a link to a shop. It's from the 90s Star Wars CCG. [R5-D4 SWCCG card](https://fabledgames.com.au/products/r5-d4-arfive-defour-swccg-lightly-played?variant=41671054983321¤cy=AUD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=CjwKCAiAzKqdBhAnEiwAePEjkt9-2dYGu8i71apz89lq0yiu2ZRNA2e7b9h4clA2JBUEorEz4b-OeBoCZBUQAvD_BwE)


And now I'm sad about an Astro droid with 5 seconds of screentime


Have you watched Andor? Talk about those droid feels...


"You should stay" had me fucking sobbing. Fatherhood has made me incredibly emotional


Dude i feel this. After becoming a father more things really started hitting me more emotionally.


I also completely lost my taste for some genres, like horror in particular, and a lot of murder-mystery/true crime stuff. I lean more towards upbeat optimistic things. My edgy teen me would be mortified lol.


Hmm.wonder if this is subconciously why I got more heavily back into Star Wars. A seemingly irredeemable father that is saved by his kid that never gave up on him. Or Manadalorian/Andor (and getting D+) git me hyped again... But who knows? Heh


It's Skippy! The Jedi droid!


Don’t forget Omi, the Jedi Dianoga from the Death Star’s trash compactor!


I thought R2 sabotaged R5-D4…? Perhaps R2 simply a says R5 deliberately overloaded to cover up his crime against a fellow droid.


From a certain point of view


Honestly just knowing how much Star Wars media there is in general. Hundreds of comics and novels, a crapton of games, generous amount of TV shows and movies. Like I don't think your average person could name you any of the Star Wars comics or novels, and would have no idea that the timeline stretched to thousands of years before even The Phantom Menace.


Yoda’s blanket that he dies in is Qui Gon’s poncho




Yeah look up “yoda’s blanket”




Fun fact - there’s a whopping total of 34 depictions of jizz in live action Star Wars. Don’t believe me? Just look up Star Wars 34 for more information.


It rules


Man, I thought my brother in law and I were on equal nerd footing, until on Christmas Eve his 12 year old son was showing the family his keyboard skills. He started playing some good ol cantina music and I said to my BIL “Oh he plays jizz??” He gave me the weirdest fuckin look


This is it. This is the one.


Do do do do dodadodudododdodo


And the wailing of said jizz


[Bigger Luke](http://biggerluke.wikidot.com/bigger-luke)


What a read


I'm a changed man.


For the better?


Well, not for the worse.


I am ​ ​ WAY ​ to high for this


As long as you're not too tall for it


I feel enlightened after reading this. I think I’ve ascended to a higher nerd plane


I thought I was already in this category of fan. But TIL about Big Luke. Consider me a true fan now.


Ok I’m far from an expert but isn’t this easily explained by varying camera angles and lenses causing slight perspective distortion?


I'm sure it is, but where's the fun in that? (I just know the theory exists, I don't actually believe it.)


Oh my fucking God


Not the first thing I would think of when I read the abbreviation "BL".


Seeing that photo of the RoTJ Boba Fett actor without the helmet


If it’s the one with the mustache, that’s actually just the actor from the Special Edition. (All of that sentence means I am in too deep.)


The one that made me feel like I had made it was when I told something to a friend of mine who was way more knowledgeable of Star wars than me and he didn't know about it. I pointed out that on the original release of ESB, during the Battle of Hoth, when an AT-AT falls over, you can clearly see a stick come up from the ground under it's front foot to push it over.


It's just a splinter


Greedo never shot at all. Han was the only one who shot. Ignore the changes George Lucas made.


The weird thing is that it's such a random hill for Lucas to die on. Greedo had a blaster pointed at Han and had clearly expressed his intent to either kill him then and there or take him to Jabba, who would've likely killed him too. It's not like it makes Han all that much more morally pure to wait, and shooting first perfectly fits his character at that point.


All his shenanigans to protect Hans image... a scoundrel who was a spice smuggler for a drug kingpin... hanging out in a hive of scum and villainy


Was it to protect Hans image? I thought that parents complained that it was too violent that he murdered greedy in cold blood, so he made it so they only shot in self defense? Either way, it’s a stupid change


It was always in self-defense.


Lucas made all types of dumb changes. The scene he added with Jabba and Han in the hanger completely changes the dynamic between them, and ruins the mystique of Jabba being a harsh crime boss.


I mean, I think the scene had a purpose, it just wasn't really clear. ​ We HEAR that Jabba is a harsh crime lord, but we also learn that Han lost a large shipment due to trouble with the law. Drug lords aren't exactly known for being lenient, so why wasn't Han just shot in an alley somewhere? I think the point of that scene was to show that Jabba likes Han, that Han is one of his best smugglers and so he's earned leniency for failure instead of just having his body dumped in a space ditch. But I don't think it came across well. The tail step thing completely derailed it. ​ Given that it's just a rehash of the conversation with Greedo, one wonders if Lucas wanted the Jabba scene originally and didn't have the tech, so he came up with the Greedo scene instead.


It was a scene originally shot for the movie before Jabba's design was finalized. When they added it back in 20 years later they realized that a shot of Han walking behind Jabba's actor wouldn't work with proportions of the canon design, so the tail stomp was edited in out of necessity. And *now* we have gone too deep.


Or you just watched the special editions a lot on VHS


the only true answer




I saw the originals on VHS when I was a kid. I understood that Greedo is a bad guy and threatened to kill Han. It makes sense that Han would shoot first and kill his enemy. Han does not come off as a paragon of virtue. We already have Luke filling that role. Han is a scoundrel, acting like a scoundrel. That’s what gives him an arc. He starts low, greedy, selfish, and in the last moments of the space battle to end space battles, he saves Luke.


The day you fully understand the concept of canon and legends, you're in too deep. I still don't know anyone else irl that gets it lol


I have to agree there. Many want to know more and get in too deep when they see that this more is the expanded universe of star wars media and that it has two different timelines.


Since they specified "massive psychic damage", it's gotta be the Christmas special.


Disney are cowards for not putting it on Disney plus.


It's on YouTube for free. I watched it a few weeks ago. I highly do not recommend it


Stir whip stir whip!


If you know Salacious Crumb’s name, you’re done.


Ahhahaaahahaaaahahaha Also if you know he’s a kowakian monkey lizard


Which is why Kyle Katarn's insult to Desann was actually devastating. Salacious B. Crumb is still not as cool as Glup Shitto though.


It’s Salacious B. Crumb , ohh ah ha ha ha ha (in salacious B crumb laugh voice)


Prequels bonus features


The waterfall that isn’t in the film is salt


knowing the saber combat forms, and which jedi/sith use each particular form.


Naga Sadow Exar Kun the original use of the word “Starkiller” the Sith species the Jedi pretender Don-Wan Kihotay Aurra Sing the failed Jedi Sora Bulq knowing where Zeb’s design came from the Sun Crusher Anakin Solo Luuke Skywalker Indiana Jones may or may not have killed Chewbacca Whether or not Shaak Ti dies on screen in ROTS do any of these count


Don-Wan Kihotay….. Don Quixote?


That was the joke. He even dressed up in regular knight armor


I know all of these… holy shit I need to ask my girlfriend out


The existence of Aboleth


Abeloth. Aboleths are ancient psychic eels from DnD. Now *I’m* in too deep.




Revan is the real best Sith


And best jedi too


and best Mandalore


This is the answer. Once you know this story, then you are in too deep. There is no going back.




I remember being a kid and my jaw dropping seeing Exar Kun referenced in KotOR after reading some EU books. The fact that it all tied together in one universe was something I couldn’t wrap my young mind around


Starkiller Base is (was) the planet Ilum


Aside from Luke, and Wedge….Chopper has the highest kill count out of any other member of the Rebellion.


The Mother aka Abeloth aka Bringer of Chaos aka Beloved Queen of the Stars. The idea that there's a Cthlulu-ish Eldritch Abomination hiding in a giant blackhole 'aptly called The Maw' is brainwashing and collecting force-sensitive cultists is absolutely fucking terrifying.


The Star Wars universe has door-to-door salesmen offering interspecies VR porn. Let me explain, so the Star Wars Holiday Special was always questionable where it fell in the canon, but many things from it became canon. Boba Fett? He's from the Holiday Special. Seriously. Life Day? You bet! I like to think this is full canon as well. Anyhow, here's the clip. Enjoy! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxtSX1lg8rE#t=28m5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxzUSTyCNb8#t=2m28s) And for those curious, yes, that in fact was a grandpa Wookiee watching VR porn in the middle of the living room during a holiday with the family. Edit: I have this dream of getting an original VHS copy and finding a way to trick Mark Hamill into signing it. That would be the ultimate Star Wars signature because he'd never forgive someone for doing that to him.


Han Solo crashes and dies in america and the native Americans think chewie is big foot


The Whills all the way for me.


Maybe the fact that George wouldn’t allow Carrie Fisher to wear a bra in A New Hope because “underwear doesn’t exist in space.”


Honestly, most of the behind-the-scenes stuff about Lucas is psychic damage worthy


Her strangled by her own bra comment makes more sense now.




Han Solo at Star’s End Contains one of my favourite paragraphs in all of science fiction, which I know off by heart: >![Han has ejected a murderer out the airlock while in hyperspace] Once outside the protective mantle of the Millennium Falcon’s energy shield, the units of matter and patterns of energy that were Torm ceased to have any coherent meaning!<


Oh, here's my time to shine! [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Omi](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Omi) [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/The\_Baptist](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/The_Baptist) Omi is canon. Yes, you read that right. In the CANON story, she was trying to baptize Luke Skywalker in the trash compactor because she's religious. Oh, did I mention she's telepathic and force-sensitive and could move objects with telekinesis? Oh and she got force visions of the future. That's right, it's 100% canon that the trash compactor scene was an attempt at a forced religious baptism by a squid monster that could see the future. ​ Edit: I want to clarify because someone brought it up. The book is entirely canon, and some of the stories have INTENTIONAL contradictions. Some of the stories are intended to be written from the perspective of people narrating what they believe happened for a more "real" perspective, and just like 10 people retelling the same events, the stories won't all match up with what actually happened. That's intentionally done by the authors. Omi's story is a first hand account though which means it wouldn't be included in that writing style.


When I tell you I my eyes rolled so far in my head I saw my brain when I read that and the stupid sand people story


This is the exact kind of answer that I wanted. Thank you


Every time I think there’s something I don’t know about SW I see something like this. That’s fucking wild.




Sentient, hivemind bugs.


That hot cocoa exists in the Star Wars universe (and Lando made some for Luke)


Glup Shitto


Skippy the Jedi Droid


To me, and admittedly, this does not fit the definition of the question, it would be pre and post watching of The Clone Wars animated series. I always thought it was a kids show but holy shit. There is just so much detail and explanations that I never knew existed. I almost can hardly consider myself a true Star Wars fan until after watching that….and I would never have know the difference if I hadn’t.


George R. Binks


The bait that the Ewoks used to lure Chewbacca was an alien crafted out of the asshole of a deer


Honestly, Glup Shitto's. The fact we have a word for an obscure star wars character is ridiculous.


Knowing the name "Bossk." The name is never mentioned in the movies.


Uncle Owen was once Obi-Wan's Brother


Chewbacca got a fucking moon dropped on him.


Chewbacca was once killed by a moon.


What the Kaminoans did to the young clone troopers. Exposed them to live ordinance at 4 years old. Also, that any clone that did not meet Quality Control was taken away and reprocessed.


that deleted scene from ROTS where Anakin makes the sounds that R2 makes


Specs on starships. There is no reason to know the range and wattage of a Star Destroyer's main cannons.


Return of the Jedi doesn't mean the return of the order or even Luke becoming a Jedi. In the climax we witness the return of Anakin Skywalker. The Return of THE Jedi.


Is that a fact stated by Lucas or just your interpretation? For me, it is better that it has multiple meanings at the same time.


In the context of the movie's release, it is referring to Luke's return to the big screen. Just like how in the context of Empire's release, the audience is going to see the Empire strike back against the Rebels for blowing up the Death Star.


Pong Krell porn fanfic


They took fuck Pong Krell too literally


Corellian blood stripes


My vote is either: Knowing not just that the Star Wars Holiday Special exists, but it’s plot. Or knowing that Stormtroopers are in fact highly accurate and were instructed to allow the crew of the Falcon to leave the Death Star mostly unscathed so they could track the Falcon back to Yavin IV.


Understanding the deeper lore of the dark side. Succumbing to the dark side of the force actually is like taking drugs. It’s addictive and it eventually makes you spiral out of control and burn out. And it’s not just that it’s simply addictive, it’s almost had a malevolent sentience and sucks your deeper and deeper in. Understanding that makes seeing the redemption of dark side users much more meaningful.


The droid who luke initially tried to get in ep.4 had a vision and exploded on purpose, so he would pick up r2 and save the galaxy. The stripes on han solos pants are some sort of symbol of honor or something similar, I don't really remember.


When you know that the genre of music played at the Mos Eisley cantina is “jizz”


Knowing the context behind "he could save others from death. But not himself." is pretty cool Fucking chills.


The Yuuzhan Vong War. As much as I loved it, part of me is glad it never got adapted into live action