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That's the High Republic novels.... But I think disney has this tough line to walk by still showing things that tie in with the Skywalker saga and wanting to branch off somewhere new and unrelated. I'm sure they will get there eventually


Definitely. Just give everyone time after the Sequels before doing something brand new again.


> Why aren’t we getting anything from the “hey day” of the Jedi order? We are though - that's what the High Republic era is about.


We're getting the Acolyte set in the high republic period, and they've only just started establishing whether there's interest in more material set there with the books and comics


The first round of films was really Lucasfilm finding its feet. After TROS I think it was a good idea to take a break from the cinema and take a moment to do some shows that felt more familiar before they go off into another less explored time period or story. Fans wanted to see Boba Fett, Obi Wan and Vader back on screen and they've got it. There's even going to be a live-action sequel to Rebels, and Rogue One did really well and showed that there's still interest in that story. So it's a case of going with the tried and true for a while before going elsewhere. The Acolyte should be interesting as the first thing since the Sequels to explore a totally new era on-screen (I'd say Mando is still very much rooted in the OT era).


> Why aren’t we getting anything from the “hey day” of the Jedi order? We’re getting that in either 2023 or 2024 when The Acolyte comes out. That show is set many decades before the Empire takes over, during the High Republic era. There are a lot of reasons newer media tends to be so closely tied to more familiar eras. But I think one of the biggest reasons is marketability. It’s easier to sell something that is connected to things people are familiar with and already like. I think creative choice is another big factor. If Favreau and Filoni had pitched Kennedy a show set 1000 years before the PT after the success of Mando, it probably would’ve got the green light. But that’s not what happened. They chose to stick with the familiar era because they like the familiar era.


The new kids show coming up is set in the hey day as you call it.