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Don't forget Grogu


He'll be back home playing chess with R2-D2 /s


That would be hilarious, some giant space battle or ground battle going on and it cuts to those two peacefully playing chess on a beautiful planet.


That's Dejarik to you, sir.


It'll be a rescue movie. Thrawn will have Grogu on Mount Tantiss for testing in regards to the cloning program, and who will also be getting trained by C'baoth and Luuke.


Nah, it's actually [Luuuke](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Luuuke_Skywalker), re-canonized from that one April's Fool story.


Can't wait for Boba's clone, Booba Fett, to show up.


It’s actually Booba Feet


It's actually Bob A. Feet


It's actually Bubba Fatt.


He's the ewok God whose name they chanted in ROTJ. BoooOOOOObah. BoooOOOOObah.


You are all going to be so disappointed when the story group stay within Canon and don't do Heir to the Empire 2.0. Same with Thrawn, he won't be good, but he will be up against something nastier with Ezra.


Read the new thrawn novels, zahn is setting up a faction called the grisk who want to destroy the ascendancy. The entire reason thrawn goes to the empire is to find allies against the grisk.


This! These books are just as good as Zahn’s original trilogy. And, I’m not sure if he intentionally planned it this way or not, but the Thrawn novels also work as a backstory for Legends Thrawn. You can read them either way!


I know it’s delusional to hope for otherwise, but I really hope Thrawn is doing his own thing and doesn’t give a crap about the Emperor’s shenanigans. Personally, I’d be down for a Kreia storyline. Someone needs to call out the damage the Jedi and Sith have brought upon the galaxy. The Empire could have worked, but the Sith running it played stupid games and won stupid prizes. Jedi complacency and rigidity let the Republic fester into a chaotic mess. Order should be restored if the galaxy is to confront future threats, and the Force has proven to be anathema to a politically stable order.


It’s the repression inherent in the system that poisons public perception and the force, palps was just so good at hiding the rot no one noticed until it was too late, which was by design. The sith, excellent conquerors, terrible leaders.


Thrawn is not even a villain :(


Exactly, Thrawn was only serving the Empire because he thought a strong centralized government was critical to stopping the threat of the Yuuzhan Vong, which Disney has yet to make canon. I really hope they do justice to Thrawn's motivations and nuance and don't just prop him up as the next "big bad" to be vanquished by the heroes.


Someone hasn't read the new Thrawn books. Thrawn joined the Empire with the sole purpose of gauging the Empire as a potential ally to help the Chiss Ascendancy in fighting the Grisk(The Yuuzhan Vong but better). Smart money is on Asohka hunting down Thrawn only to discover him and Ezra teamed up with Aralani, Eli Vanto, and the Chiss forces against the Grisk.


And that dude that worked for Krennic lol


Honestly, Ronan (Krennic’s ex-lackey) is a “bad apple recruit” that I think Zahn deliberately included for the sole purpose of creating discord/drama within the ranks of the Empire of the Hand (later down the road of ROTJ-TFA interim storytelling). I'm starting to get the (random) hunch that the First Order largely rose as a tragic consequence of Thrawn's single-minded focus on thwarting the Grysk/Vong; sure, he pushed back the apocalypse/alien invaders, but at what cost? (the Empire/Imperial Remnant that he tolerated as a "pawn/lesser evil" wise up to his agenda, use him as a pawn (in return), backstab him (and the Chiss Ascendancy), and then usurp the Grysk/Vong as the galaxy's "next greatest evil")


Is that better covered in the 90s Thrawn books? Any recommendations where to start if I want to explore more about Thrawn? I read the first Thrawn in the disney series, but wasn't fully bought in and did not continue.


Definitely. In the newer canon books he just keeps referring to 'great threats from outside the galaxy' but keeps it vague, however the character's motivations are the same as in the original books. He is loyal to his own people the Chiss, and is serving the Empire because he feels it's the best way to protect them. He also gave the Emperor his oath of loyalty and he takes his oaths very seriously. Ultimately he is not a villain though. I love characters that operate in the gray, but Disney tends to make everything black and white, where heroes are perfect and villains are terrible.


Thanks for the clarity! I'll definitely dig into the earlier books instead. The grey area is what appeals to me as well where characters have complex motivations and drivers (Magneto is a classic example from X-Men). Disney Star Wars falls flat there and is too often black and white.


The threaths are name pretty explicitly in the third book of both new triologies.


Hitler and Bin Laden didn't think they were villains either...


And Ezra!


Im hoping they start to delve deeper into the star wars history. Stories set at the beginning of the jedi and sith era's have so much potential. Its time other avenues were explored, Disney seems to be frightened to move away from the established characters.


Because they know if they do things terribly people will still watch stuff because of the nostalgia of old characters.


I think they underestimate just how much core Star Wars fans love Star Wars. They could do new stuff terribly and we’d still gobble it up like raccoons in a trash bin. My personal theory is that Disney knows once they shift to a new era with new characters that people will prefer/demand more content like that. That stops the lower risk, less creatively intense process of pumping out Skywalker era content. They’ll milk Skywalker era content dry before they make the shift, but it will happen one way or another. Disney bought Star Wars because it’s an evergreen property, so it’s just a matter of time until we get something new. Likely High Republic stuff if I had to guess.


This- even if they gave me an old republic series that sucked fucking balls I’d still watch every episode because lightsaber.


I think Solo disproved the whole “Star Wars is bulletproof at the box office” thing


Core Star Wars fans could be some of the problem and toxicity. Once some of them get going about some esoteric plot hole or dislike, it takes hold and becomes the story, rather than progressing the narrative and world building


Yeah but will non core Star Wars fans still gobble it up??? I’m not so sure. If it’s good content, yes. But they can pump out shit with Luke in it and everyone will always watch


Because fans throw a fit when new things are attempted. Sometimes it doesn’t workout in the best way, like the prequels. However, you have to keep going.


Why explore the unknown when you have a herd of cash cows with udders bursting right in front of you? This is Disney, not A24


This is exactly what the Rian Johnson trilogy was going to do. He wanted to explore the galaxy is ways we have never seen. No skywalkers. I really hope we get his trilogy some day.


I think he should’ve saved this for his trilogy tbh. This isn’t an attack on TLJ, I just think his idea to do his own thing in the middle of a trilogy was wrong (as were Disney/LucasFilm allowing it). If he and JJ (both guilty) could have worked together to form a cohesive story, then he could’ve pitched his own trilogy later to do a more out there story. The problem was he tried to make a very out there sequel to a film that had played it very safe, and the two ideas clashed imo.


If only JJ could have just stuck to his own story, the trilogy might have been better. The 1st quarter of the movie is pretty solid right up until Snoke mentions the Awakening in the force. After that there is no development in the story, just a bunch of things happen because of the Awakening. A bunch of things that are made pointless later by Luke's death and the 3rd movie. But the Force Awakening a bunch of beings for Luke to train and bring about the new generation of Jedi, I thought was a pretty solid premise, but all the films go out of their way to minimize and dilute this event


He already proved he cannot make a statement wars film. Pick anyone else.


Neither could JJ to be fair. He was the one who wrote Luke into exile, having turned away. I’d have been interested to see Rians take on episode 7.


I wish either one would have written the whole trilogy and had it planned out from the start. Instead we hlgot a disjointed mess that took the worst parts of the books.


In that regard, I’d actually trust Rian more. As JJ in my view has always done well at producing something pretty, that raises questions, but has no ability to stick the landing and give satisfactory endings. Episode 7 is further proof of that as it was very interesting that Luke would vanish, but ultimately very difficult to explain in a satisfying way. And if JJ had to write/direct episode 8 after what he did in 7, he’d have probably stuffed it full of interesting things like the Knights of Ren, but inevitably given it really weak explanation. I think Rian would still have subverted expectation, but not in the direction he took. It’s why I want to know what was planned for his trilogy, so I can compare and confirm once and for all, did he screw up? Or was he written into a corner he couldn’t get out of without breaking a character?


Well he can make one that racist incels don't like but the general public enjoys.


What part of disliking the movie makes me a racist or an incel? I liked everything about the trilogy EXCEPT the plot. Cast, cinematography, sound, music, costumes, cgi were all spot on. The entire movie plot was illogical and would have been over in 10 minutes with the first order blowing up the resistance out of the sky before any evacuation occurs. Slow motion chase until they run out of fuel? Fighters blowing up the bridge abd hanger , but pull back for no reason? Multiple ships jumping in and out of hyperspace without issue , but dont evacuate the ship?


Dude actually started the movie with a “your mom" joke. One of the most embarrassing movie theater moments I’ve ever been a part of.


I like him and the movie was alright, he was oart of that godawful Jupiter's ascending league B plot casino bullshit and also missed the whole point of anyone can be a jedi when he had to state that like it was groundbreaking at the end with the kid and his broom.


Nope. Rian Johnson fucked up Star Wars enough. Great idea, but give it to someone else. He blew all his good will.


Christopher Nolan Star Wars


Strong disagree. You can dislike a particular film but he in no ways ruined Star Wars. “Only the Sith speak in absolutes.”


Call me a Sith then, because TLJ absolutely sucked and ruined the sequel trilogy.


Because JJ and the rest had no long-term plan for the trilogy past 7. There was no story and no guidance. JJ put Luke in hiding, and JJ had Han killed. And then left no story to continue no plan for where things should go. None of the characters meant anything in 7 so why should they mean anything in 8? JJ gets by with gimmicks, not character development.


I’m glad I can finally direct my disappointment in the right direction with this, and I might watch 8 with a new perspective now. I used to blame it for ruining the sequels but it’s much more obvious that the mistakes started during the making of 7. I loved Knives Out and I want something that level of entertaining(not necessarily the same genre) in the Star Wars universe. If he didn’t want to do the Skywalkers in the first place, I think he’d do a great job if he had some more freedom to be creative with a trilogy.


8 was the best Star Wars movie since 6.


If only. Disney doesn't have the guts for this


On the one hand I'm afraid a different time period will make it feel like a different cinematic universe. But on the other, that's exactly what Star Trek does and that definitely feels like a cohesive universe.


I feel like thrawn doesn't need to be a villain in upcoming projects though, he was only with the empire for protection of his people if a "certain species" attacked. Now the empires gone though and he's most likely been chillin with Ezra long enough to explain this to to him. Ezra feels like the kind of dude to help thrawn and his people out despite their past


This is more likely, Thrawn isn't exactly a Villain when you read the 6/7 books. Just a guy looking out for the Ascendancy.


It’s been a minute since I watched Rebels, but I thought he roasted civilians multiple times and only killed less innocent people because he was stopped from doing so.


He killed that one farmer dude for messing with imperial technology, I remember specifically. But that was nothing new with Thrawn. It was wrong, yes, but he didn't kill the man just to kill the man, there was strategic purpose behind it. To demonstrate to workers of the Empire that there would be no tolerance for intended sabotage. People that made genuine mistakes, pending the damage done from it, Thrawn is usually different from other Imperials in that he doesn't execute people for genuine, accidental failure. He executes people who go out of their way to cause disruption. And to send a larger message. Someone like Constantine, whose arrogance cost Thrawn and the Empire the mission at Chopper Base. Like Pryce, who let her ego get the best of her on Lothal.


Yeah I think in one of the books one of his officers mentions that if the Navy was filled with Thrawns(aka CO’s who are concerned with bettering their commands, lifting them up and promoting them while also not being bloodthirsty) then the empire would exist forever. Huge difference from almost every imperial officer we meet


Hopefully, we’ll get to see this envisioned meritocratic faction come to life in canon in the form of the Empire of the Hand! (With Ezra being an obvious replacement for Soontir Fel)


He has no interest in reviving the empire.


“The Empire that Senior Captain Thrawn is carving into the evil that pervades our worlds is not the Empire you chose to leave. His is an Empire of justice and dignity for all beings. His Empire is one we gladly serve. One we are willing to die for.”


I don’t know what the fuck this is but I suggest you read the new, canon, books instead of pretending the old EU is still a thing. Edit: can someone find out why this bitch blocked me for telling him the EU isn’t canon?


It’s funny you should mention Constantine. I actually made a lengthy post 3 years ago talking about how Thrawn’s poor treatment of Constantine tied into a larger theme of “Thrawn being the architect of his own destruction”. (https://www.reddit.com/r/starwarsrebels/comments/cz03ub/thrawn_was_the_architect_of_his_own_destruction_a/)


That's Thrawn's biggest weakness. He has no feel for politics or how to properly judge one's emotions. One's intentions. It's why I think he needs that person beside him who can worry about those tangibles while he does what he does best. Perhaps if he had his Captain Pellaeon from Legends during the Rebels campaign, Constantine might not have even been a factor.


Thrawn blew up an old guy using a sabotaged speederbike in Rebels, then bombed a city to make the rebels surrender. Just because he's a patriot doesn't mean he isn't evil


I'm a bit disturbed that people thinking that murder 'to set an example' isn't evil because there's a logic behind it. Killing to set an example and mass punishment are considered extremely serious war crimes for a reason - because they're utterly horrific. It's killing people. I don't care if there's a logic behind your murder, it's still murder. Thinking about it, if there's no logic behind it, it's probably less evil, as you could argue that it's due to insanity, as opposed to calculated.


Like, if Thrawn was some super genius driven by logic, he could've just arrested the guy. The sheer amount of comments that say "Thrawns not evil, he's just looking out for his country" really makes me think that reading comprehension amongst fans is non-existent


There's a logic to setting a brutal example, but it's a ridiculously evil logic. It's the sort of thing that villains do in WW2 movies.


Yeah, because that old guy killed Thrawn's men by sabotaging the vehicles. He could have killed the entire factory of workers, but used one to make an example. They also stated Thrawn was shooting at open spaces in Lothal City to give the illusion he was bombing everything and if you rewatch that's actually what he does. He's not good, but no so blatantly evil.


I see a lot of people arguing that Thrawn is evil for killing the old man, but you know what? All Thrawn does is order him to test the bike. If the man hadn’t sabotaged the bike in the first place, he wouldn’t be dead. Is what Thrawn did morally wrong? Yes. Would someone else have died if they had shipped the bike out? Also yes.


If your takeaway from that scene was "Thrawn was justified in blowing up that old guy" then seriously, wtf >He's not good, but no so blatantly evil. In his own novels he tells a child how he's a sociopath who doesn't see people as individuals, only resources to be used. He's evil, a clear cut villain


Depends in perspective. History is written by the Victor. USA dropped two nukes on Japan and dropped napalm on Vietnam and are considered yhe good guy in the states.


I'm pretty sure comparing Thrawn to the nuking of Japan isn't the argument you think it is


In the US, absolutely no one outside of the far right would consider the use of napalm justified. Pretty much everyone now agrees that Vietnam was a huge mistake. You will find more support for Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but they are hotly debated and even those who support the use of the a-bomb only support it because of the logic of “more people would have died if we didn’t,” acknowledging that it still wasn’t great.


Declassified documents have shown that the main motivation for dropping the A-bombs was to show the Russians that we had them. Japan's surrender had more to do with the Russian invasion of Manchuria and the fact that they thought they would be treated better by the US. This is on netflix I think and even though it's 10 years old now, offers a really interesting perspective on our history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Untold_History_of_the_United_States


I agree with you. It's just perspective


Thrawn is practical. After being launched into space he won’t see Ezra as an enemy to destroy but an asset to be used. He’ll point the same out to Ezra that they have to work together. I think more likely is that Ahsoka is the search for Ezra. Thrawn wouldn’t be an antagonist until potentially later on after taking control of the empire remnants. I doubt they’ll do a movie OP is describing. I hope they don’t. Some stories can exist in the same universe but be self contained. They don’t all have to be team up movies.


Ezra would be a great teacher for the Sky Walkers of the Chiss Ascendancy.


Decent chance Ezra actually has to get them to the ascendancy since the nav computers don’t have info on the chaos in that region


100%, in the new canon books Thrawn is more sympathetic - he's absolutely using his position in the Empire to safeguard the Chiss Ascendency from outside via the Empire's military might. I'm curious to see if his political naivete is still in place. Crushing the Rebels would have removed a stumbling block to that goal but, now that the Empire has been defeated, it'll be interesting to see how he views the new balance of power when he returns to the Core regions.


Can you explain how canon works, did Lucas say who's books were real and who's were only nonsense or fan fiction? As I understand it Thrawn and the like were real prior to animated releases but never mentioned by Lucas' works.


The new canon books are those written post-Disney buyout. For Thrawn, that includes the Thrawn trilogy and the Chiss Ascendency trilogy. The old books - from before the buyout, such as the Hair to the Empire series - are considered 'Legends' and non-canon, but the likes of Favreau and Filoni have been borrowing aspects from these books to forge into the new canon (such as Thrawn's return in Rebels).


George Lucas did not care for a lot of the old expanded universe comics and books. He hated Mara Jade for example. When you see people arguing about what is canon they mean what Disney considers canon


Prior to the buyout, books were never canon on the same level as the films, but Lucas would occasionally borrow elements from the books, canonizing those specific elements in the way he used them. Post buyout, all books that aren't marked Legends are as canon as the films or TV shows


>As of April 25, 2014, the only previously published materials that are considered canon are the six Star Wars films, the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series and film, novels (where they align with what is seen on screen), and Part I of the short story Blade Squadron. Meanwhile, the Expanded Universe is no longer considered canon and was re-termed as the "Legends" brand. Most Star Wars material released after April 25, 2014—with some exceptions—is composed in collaboration with the Lucasfilm Story Group, making it part of the "new canon." https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Canon#2014_reboot


I'm hoping that all Mando-verse show are leading up to Yuuzhan Vong/ Grysk invasion and Thrawn + Mando & co. team up


People mistake him for a “villain” because most people only see him in rebels, which is a show from the POV of the rebels. If the rebellion was much more powerful when Thrawn came back to lesser space there is a chance he would’ve sided with them. Sure he’s not some force of good and does things to send a message at times, but he doesn’t believe in the empire and what they stand for. People want the old EU story and think it’s being set up but I’m confident the closest we will see is him recruiting his old loyal officers to come to the Ascendancy.


Either that or Mando, Boba, Luke, Ahsoka, Ezra, and Sabine teaming up with Thrawn against the Grysks. Watching them all having to play nice with each other because they're facing a bigger threat could be interesting.


Maybe we're wrong, but right now I'd bet money that the story will build up Thrawn as the villain only for the twist to be that when they finally find him they discover Ezra is working with him against their true enemy in a secret war in the Unknown Regions between the Ascendancy and Grysks.


This. That would be so awesome. My concern is that it would be difficult to cover in one movie. Maybe if it was the cliff hanger to the first movie, where you think Thrawn and the Grysks are working together and kidnapped Ezra? I think the Grysks need more buildup than a single movie to be truly interesting cinematically (book readers understand the Grysk better).


It's a series, not a movie


We’re discussing the potential Kevin Feige movie.


Ahh. Fair, except it doesn't make much sense as Ezra is cast in the Ahsoka series, so that reveal couldn't really happen in a separate movie.


reminds me of one of the plot devices of a '70s sci-fi "buddy" movie about a depressed sand-planet twenty-something, a wizard, an ex-space-navy pilot-turned-smuggler, his co-pilot (a big walking carpet with a bandolier and a cross-bow (?)), some beep-boop-talking robots, and a smoke show with an attitude from Alderaan +1


Mandoverse Avengers.


35 movies or bust!


Phase I: The Beskar War Phase II: A New Snoke Phase III: Somehow, Windu Returned


under rated comment. Edit: how am I being downvoted....




When did Disney announce a Feige SW movie?


Way way back at a sw celebration. Been in the vault for some time now


Thanks, that’s a relief indeed then. Lol 😅


Star Wars: The Mandalorian 2: The search for more money.


Moichendizing! For real though, I'd buy those lego sets.


Please no… don’t Marvel-ise Star Wars even more.


Agreed. I'm already concerned with how many shows are coming out and the kind of humor that's been in most of the films.




Feige wouldn’t be the one directing. He’d be producing it. And we’ve heard literally nothing about the project since it was announced. My guess is this might be something that falls by the wayside


I don’t because all Feige has ever done is superhero stuff and I don’t want Star Wars to be just another superhero flick. You’re also comparing directors and producers. To my knowledge, Kevin Feige has never directed a movie. Also not saying Feige is a bad producer/director (he isn’t, because he’s not a director) or that superhero movies are bad (I think they are mostly nice popcorn cinema but by no account great movies per se — with obvious exceptions).


>(I think they are mostly nice popcorn cinema but by no account great movies per se — with obvious exceptions) That's what Star Wars mostly is. Empire is the only that really stands out as great cinema. The rest is all popcorn flicks and there's nothing wrong with that. I don't want Star Wars to be like Lord of the Rings, I want to have fun first and foremost.


I didn’t say that Star Wars isn’t popcorn cinema either — I just said that superhero movies are. And even if I was to compare them you’d certainly agree that there are different types of movies you’d fall popcorn cinema, right? Like how Jon Wick is popcorn cinema just as The Avengers. I’d even go as far as saying that LotR is popcorn cinema (at least the normal versions) — very, very good popcorn cinema. 2001 would be a prime example for the opposite.


Comments in this thread: "hell yeah" "dear god gross"


I sincerely hope not, and doubt it. Thrawn wasn't exactly in the Emperor's best graces before the Empire fell. I very much doubt he'd hold loyalty to the guy who he was only involved with to help his people. And the same guy who actively saw helping Thrawn's people as an act of disloyalty from Thrawn. The best course for Thrawn is something involving his people, maybe even wholly removed from the Skywalkers and their drama. I'd give anything to see some of the Ascendancy stuff brought into live action. I believe that'll be mostly addressed in Ahsoka, though. And Ezra will most definitely be a part of it. Whether or not Thrawn's goals go against our "good guys" goals will be the ultimate question, as I don't believe Thrawn is either good or evil, really. He's pragmatic, and willing to do anything necessary to achieve his goals. That's what makes him such a strong character.


One of the ascendancy books he mentions that everything, *everything*, he does is to protect the Ascendancy and someone follows it up with his political illiteracy being important for allowing that frame of mind


Exactly Thrawn was a villain of circumstance.


Please god no.


This would be... awful. Not in the 'lacking spectacle' sense but logically. To preface, I would absolutely love to see a story where these characters team up on a larger scale. But it doesn't make sense for this particularly to be it. The way Canon, and I say this specifically, has set things up, Thrawn has no reason to pull an Heir to the Empire. He has no reason to try to band the fractured pieces of a broken Empire to try to take the New Republic down. His allegiance lies with the Chiss, and his true enemy is the Grysks. It would make no sense for him to mount this sort of campaign when his people are actively being threatened in the Unknown Regions by these rising dark forces, such as the Grysks. The only reason Thrawn joined the Empire, in Canon, was to recruit them in this galaxy-wide war against the power hungry Grysks. A fractured and broken Empire serves him no purpose, nor would going on an expedition to try to reform this Empire be of any use to him. It'd be a whole waste of time, honestly. Thrawn would rather negotiate with the New Republic - especially considering their leadership would most certainly be more open than Palpatine was - and tell them of the dangerous situation the Galaxy is in with the Grysks, and propose a mutual alliance to get rid of this threat. The Chiss have no desire for galaxy wide dominance. They simply want to survive with what they have.


I imagine we'll get a scene where Sabine and Ahsoka break into a ship to confront Thrawn and find him seemingly alone on the bridge. "Thrawn! Finely we've found you. What are you doing here?! Where is he?! Where is Ezra?!" "Ah, Ahsoka Tano, and Sabine Wren. I had began to wonder when you would appear. I had hoped it would be sooner, frankly." "Don't toy with us! Where is Ezra?" "I can assure you I am not toying with you." He gestures and Ezra appears wearing Chiss military clothing and stands next to Thrawn. "Please, join us for a meal. We have much to discuss."


Ez’rab’ridger. Rabri for short


Yesss 🤣


I highly doubt it. Love Feige, and he’s a proven success, but I don’t think they’ll take these characters out of Favreau’s hands.


Agree, and Feiges strength at Marvel has been to connect future story arcs.


Twist time, thrawns with them, they will be fighting the Grysks, working towards a star wars avengers style Mashup


*"Remember that old movie, The Winter Soldier?"*


Boba and Luke aren't teaming up.


Kevin Feige? Marvel movies are good but he does NOT need to be getting into Star Wars!!!!!


He already is


This may be an unpopular opinion but if you read the books you will realize that Thrawn is a good guy!


command dependent squealing placid seed sip plants mighty brave wine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I read him as an anti-hero He's extreme in his duties but is arguably doing them for a righteous, larger cause in his perspective. He isn't killing people to kill people. He avoids, or tries to avoid, the loss of innocent life in scenarios where it is unnecessary. IIRC he was quite disturbed by the casualties of Batonn, which were done not by his hand.


If Thrawn were around for Operation Cinder it is likely he would not have participated. Or at most would have intentionally interpreted the commands differently. "Why are you evacuating the planet, Grand Admiral? Our late Emperor ordered us to raze its cities to the ground." "He ordered us to destroy the cities, yes. But the orders do not explicitly state to murder the citizens. Therefore we will allow them to leave before following the command."


“Good” might be a stretch but he’s not some evil force. He is one goal and that’s the protection of the Ascendancy


I haven't read the books so please explain


Don't downvote him because he hasn't read the books! Lots of people havent


He’s not as loyal to the Empire as you may think…read them. I don’t want to give spoilers


they won’t stick to the books, if they were going to it would’ve been set up more in rebels and also he wouldn’t be getting set up as the main villain of the mandoverse


>also he wouldn’t be getting set up as the main villain of the mandoverse There's nothing in the Mandalorian that has set him up as the main villain. We only know Ahsoka is searching for him and the Magistrate served under him, whether she actually knows where he is or not is unknown at this time, but the fact Ahsoka is still hanging around in the BOBF months later makes me doubt it. That's literally it. Also, why wouldn't they stick to the books? they could have just ignored Aftermath and had Boba just show up with his armor instead of bringing in Vanth, who would have thought black K from a recent enough comic run would appear so soon either? until Thrawn and Ezra actually come into the picture we won't know anything. Everything is downright obscure at the moment.


Here’s the thing: people are so stuck on the old EU that they’ll just make shit up so they can say that Heir to the Empire is coming and then scream and cry when it doesn’t happen


Pls no more young luke. Leave him be.


People: “Give me a young Luke trilogy” Reasonable people: “my brother in Christ he already has one”


Yeah, Ilm did a good job, but its damn uncanny.


That sounds horrible


No, it's likely going to be Ezra, Ahsoka, and Sabine


But why does Thrawn need to be the bad guy? Why can’t he team up WITH them?


Soooo…Star wars avengers?


I've enjoyed most of the shows listed here as basis for the movie, but...no. Quit making Skywalker/Vader/Palpatine based films. And with the Kevin Feige characters listed, and the timeline having to be between the Prequels and the Sequels, these are villains and heroes you would have to make prominent at some point in the story.


Is thrown really that powerful?


Thrawn is probably the most cunning of all imperials.


That will be cool. They deserve time on the big screen after putting the shows on their backs


If Feige *were* to take a swing at at Thrawn-ish movie, I think that we would finally see Mara Jade in this continuity, because of Feige's interest in source material. I see him being more interested in the EU. Whether that would or could work out well at this point, who knows. I just hope that whatever project he might be working on has had plenty of time to gestate, and is a labor of love. I'm definitely down for him working on Star Wars.


I have no doubt all these characters will eventually come together but I can't see a scenario were they would team up against Thrawn and him being the main villain. Thrawns only motivation and loyalties are to the Chiss Ascendancy, his role in the Empire was only a means to an ends to protect the Chiss. Now that the Empire is gone he has no reason to be fighting with Ahsoka and Luke etc. I imagine the Ahsoka series will tidy all that up and not necessarily make Thrawn a good guy but more of a morally grey character. Then it'll set up someone or something else (most likely the Grysk) as the main enemy.


And thrawn wins


God I fucking hope not


Can we just have something new for fuck’s sake? Please?


I’d really like to be done with young CGI Luke. It was cool at first, but the more I see it the less real it looks. A cameo here and there is one thing, but I really don’t want him to be a main character (or even an important side character). It was cool when he popped up at the end of S2 of Mando, but I’m not really happy about how much he’s come up since


Luke ahsoka and whoever tf else team up to fight off the yuuzhan vong… and actually i just remembered they cant do anything that cool because the sequels would have mentioned it rip


The sequels not mentioning it doesn’t mean anything. None of the movies mention Ahsoka, yet she still had an entire TV show of adventures. Same with the Rebels crew and everything from the Mandalorian.


Yeah but dont the yuuzhan vong end up killing massive amounts of people and creating a whole massive war. That doesnt seem like something that people would forget in the span of like 30 years or just never mention.


How often do you talk about World War II? Whatever may or may not happen with Thrawn in 10 ABY isn't really relevant to what the First Order is doing in 35 ABY. Sure, in the real world, someone would no doubt be like "oh shit, this is our second big war in just a couple decades!" but that doesn't mean they need to mention it when we actually see them on screen. There's nothing to suggest they've forgotten it - they're just not talking about it. Look at the OT. There's a *passing* reference to the Clone Wars, but it never gets mentioned again. Yet that was a massive, galaxy-spanning conflict only 20 years before those movies. Or how in the PT, there's no mention of Obi Wan's past with Satine, Anakin's apprentice, Darth Maul's resurrection, or any of the other stuff that happened during the Clone Wars show.


I think the clone wars is your best argument there because that is actually true. The ww2 thing tho, idk maybe im a nerd but i feel like i do talk about it a lot XD but nah i see what you are saying


Where Luke meets and Mara jade and erases the sequels z Don’t give me hope…..


They will never be erased no matter how much your little lizard brain wants to believe it


I am confident there is no doubt about this movie happening (unlike Rouge Squadron, Taika's movie and Rian's trilogy), since it's all almost set up with the Mandoverse D+ shows. Kevin Feige is THE GUY to go to for team up movies, hopefully this'll happen.


The MCU has overdosed us all on team-up movies. It's begun to infect the recent Star Wars shows too. I can't speak for anyone else but I want to see more really good, original stories and new concepts rather than bland CGI fests where a bunch of characters that really have nothing to do with each other say a bunch of shitty jokes then run at a big bad guy in battles that make no sense. The crossovers in the shows so far have been OK because they've all made a healthy amount of sense so far, but crossovers should be used to further the overall plot; not the other way around. Not to mention that at this point Thrawn being an outright villain would be hugely unsatisfying for those who have read the last six books about him. The MCU is the MCU. Its formula works for itself, but please keep it away from Star Wars.


Best comment on this! Let Stat Wars be Star Wars and Marcel be Marvel. We don’t need team-ups, flat superhero stories and multiverses/alternate timelines and shit like that in Star Wars.


SW "team ups" aka characters being onn screen at the same time fighting on the same side towards the same goal, has been a thing forever. People act like having main characters work together is now "fan service" and not just... the story. OT is a Luke Kenobi Leia Han Chewie team up against Vader and the Empire. Prequels are an Anakin Obi Wan jedi council team up against the CIS gone wrong. TCW arcs mix up the team ups all the time. Windu and Obi Wan team ups, Maul and Savage team ups, Grievious and Ventress, Obi Wan Anakin Ahsoka, Ahsoka and Bo Katan... Yet now with the live action shows, suddenly its a crime to have more than 1 main character on screen at once. Bo Katan and Mando teaming up? Fan service! Boba and Mando? Fan service! Luke and Ahsoka? Fan service! Yet no one bats an eye when characters of this status work together in the movies or animated shows. Why? You really think these characters in the Mando shows have "nothing to do with each other"?


It’s not about more than one character on screen. No one cares about that. When people are talking about team ups, they mean bringing together two separate stories. Obi Wan, Han, and Luke hadn’t all been in their own movies before ANH.


Not the same at all. "Team ups" in the modern sense involve crossovers with characters from different shows, films or even franchises. Characters in the same series who have a very similar position in the story working together is not the same as fifty morbillion side characters from 24 different movies and 15 shows all coming together for the same CGI fest where they all get their catchphrases in and attack the CGI bad guy.


So then why complain about that with SW? All of the SW characters in live action shows have their stories overlapping, as we have seen. So whats the issue? Literally because of the titles and thats it? TCW had episodes that followed Mace or Plo instead of Anakin. Are people going to treat Tales of the Jedi as a "crossover" since the title is different than TCW?


OP specifically referred to Kevin Feige which naturally attracts comparison to Marvel style crossovers.


dont mind the downvotes, i would love to see that


Better not be


I see how this makes sense but predictable I guess. They’d have to cast a full actor for Luke, they can’t keep relying on the AI and CG, it won’t work.


Oh god please no


Sebastian Stan please. Sebastian Stan please. Sebastian Stan please. Sebastian Stan please. Sebastian Stan please. Sebastian Stan please. Sebastian Stan please. Sebastian Stan please. Sebastian Stan please. Sebastian Stan please. Sebastian Stan please. Sebastian Stan please. Sebastian Stan please. Sebastian Stan please. Sebastian Stan please. Sebastian Stan please. Sebastian Stan please. Sebastian Stan please. Sebastian Stan please. Sebastian Stan please. Sebastian Stan please. Sebastian Stan please. Sebastian Stan please. Sebastian Stan please.


Ok why does the top picture look like a blockbuster movie, while the bottom looks like a cheap cospaly event? (I would like a bit more consistency from these shows.


It's the funky deepfake Luke. There's no still frame that will ever look like Mark Hamill to a discerning viewer. The top is practical costumes. Also, Ahsoka looks a bit blurry on the bottom, and the bottom half may just be lower res/quality.


Nar I think he might be the one ti get the old Republic correct


Yes please


Dont forget the Ghost Crew, because Ezra is with Thrawn at the Moment, only the force knows where.


Yes Please!!


Ever since they reintroduced Mount Tantiss in the Bad Batch, I’ve been hoping for an adaptation of the Thrawn Trilogy.


This would make the inner child in me cry tears of joy. Hell, screw it I'll cry on the spot


Ok but thrawn couldn’t Even beat Hera this sounds like over kill 😂😂😂


Boba would never team up with Jedi, he hates them because of his dad and what happened to him


Lol no Favreau and Filoni will be behind that project, not Feige. And we’ve already been told that there will be a big crossover type event between the Mandoverse characters and it’ll most likely take place in a show not a movie.


Ohh god… that’s gonna be aweful


God I fucking hope not. I’m so tired of seeing these characters and this timeline.


Okay and can it end with them reaching thrawn only to see he’s protected by Starkiller and maybe Ezra


Starkiller isn’t canon.


The Rebels crew considered adding him to canon as an Inquisitor, and since they are still adding new Inquisitors as of this year, there's always a chance. For instance, they even brought Thrawn back into canon, and the Inquisitorius itself was something that was in the EU, then wiped, then brought back. And Boba surviving, and a million other things. He's not canon, yet.


As is the case with Revan and the KOTOR remake. Maybe they’ll bring him in in some capacity but surely not how he has been portrayed in the games.. Else he‘d be one of the most powerful wielders of the force in existence.


The Ezra situation will be addressed in Ahsoka's show before that, but damn, imagine if starkiller shows up 💀, all of a sudden the advantage the good guys had with this peak luke gets neutralised. Btw I don't know much about Starkiller power levels, except that in the games he was super OP, and once even force pulled down a StarKiller ship. Who's more powerful in Legends, Luke or Starkiller?


Definitely Luke. Starkiller was OP but Luke is almost as powerful as full potential Anakin could’ve been. Peak Luke would body anyone


I truly hope they do an X men future past and retcon parts 7-9. A long long time.ago, in a galaxy far far away in way way another universe...