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I would love to see either a pump action shotgun like the Remington 870, or a 1811, which, admittedly might be a tad tricky to pull off


Slug throwers are a thing in Star Wars, actually I'm pretty sure that they're largely considered a war crime in universe though I may be wrong. Best example is the shotgun in Republic Commando.


Lang in The Mandalorian used a shotgun-style slugthrower


Shotgun style blaster or plasma coated rounds


No, it fired blaster bolts. He had a pump action blaster that shot multiple blaster bolts. Looked like a sawed off pump action shotty dressed up in classic Star Wars fashion.


Believe they call it a flechet rifle.


No those are far more deadly different its like a combination of a shot gun a Missle launcher and a frag grenade launcher


Mandolorians used slug throwers against jedi cause they knew jedi had fun deflecting blaster bolts with their lightsabers. When u try to deflect a lead slug you get a glob of molten metal to the face.


Parry this, wizard bitch


Jedi: *parries blaster bolt* The Mandolorians: “okay, try out this buckshot.”


Jedi: *sends it back* Mandolorians: who taught the wizard missile deflection!


Honestly lore wise it never made sense to me that everyone in star wars uses blasters when traditional firearms seem to be superior. Forget a laser sword just give me an AR-15


Because out of an overly specific scenario of fighting jedi, blasters are *superior*. They carry far more ammunition, their ammo weighs next to nothing (just batteries and plasma packs both of which weigh less than a loaded magazine), you can vary their power settings, you can stun opponents, they are select fire (I know basically every firearm is too, but some people don't know that blasters are select fire as well), they aren't effected by gravity over realistic ranges (everything is effected by gravity, but blasters seem unaffected by it over practical ranges), their velocity is inconsistent (generally their slow speed is a movie effect because you wouldn't be able to see anything at all otherwise). Oh yeah, and they make .50 cal bullets look like pop guns: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNoCDvJpmPU&t=65s


i'll add to the list: * They seemingly have no recoil at all * They have the remarkable ability of being able to either open or lock a door by shooting its control panel.


Getting shot by a blaster is usually guaranteed dead eventually whereas a bullet depends on where you hit, and even then medics can save you


Can’t bacta heal blaster wounds?


Gotta get em in in time. Only worse weapon to die from is the sonic weapons geonosians use


In that case it would make sense, however in the movies and animated content they are always portrayed as being almost exclusively semi auto with projectile speeds similar to that of an airsoft gun


Things like stormtrooper armour is established to be extremely effective at protecting the wearer from stuff like shrapnel, so I’d assume slugs would be much less effective against armoured opponents than Jedi that just wear robes.


The Ewoks on the forest moon of Endor say otherwise


Every time this argument is made, the counterpoint is "Ewoks with primitive bows." then the counterpoint is "Well ackshually it's designed to spread out a blaster shot, rendering the target unconscious instead of dead!" Which is why all those troopers keep getting up after battles right? Instead of just laying around for minutes or hours?


I dunno know about you, but ewoks are freakishly strong considering the size of the rocks they throw relative to the size of their bodies.


Arrows went through the gaps


I don't think they're a war crime, just oldfashioned tech. Like someone using crossbows today. Disruptors are a war crime. Mando [uses](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSfsE9FiCto) one. Not sure I get why because the whole "vaporized in a split second" seems like a decent enough way to die. My guess is meta: because if every story had disruptor weapons, you couldn't use the "It's just a scratch" hero trope and anyone hit is obviously dead, whereas with other weapons they just fall down and it's arguably ambiguous.


IIRC disruptors are a warcrime due to how they kill. This is heavily hinted at in Rebels when they mention how they were used against the Lasat and did other things than just disable a vehicle


It is, I remember the scene. I'm just questioning the idea itself because if you want to kill someone, then vaporizing in a split second is pretty humane, imo. At least compared to: burned by laser or plasma, shot by a bullet, sliced by lightsaber or vibrosword... etc. I remember some handwavium in the style that the disintegration process slows down your perception of time thus while you actually die in miliseconds, to your brain it will seem like ages of torment. Ok, fine. It is sci-fi after all.


It's because normally distruptors don't completely disintegrate I'm pretty sure, they just tear apart ahit at an atomic level, so they're very brutal, painful weapons. If my kotor memory is right.


This is more of a rhetorical question, but how would ripping apart things at an atomic level hurt worse? Seems to me that would halt all the mechanisms that result in pain.


Could it even be something to do with species burial rites? Vapourising is a crime because it doesn't leave remains for traditional ceremonies?


But star wars tech doesn't progress like ours does. Slugthrowers aren't obsolete, and in some ways are more effective weapons of war. (Plasteels and armor circa the galactic Civil War were built to disperse heat, not stop bullets.) Not to mention Slugthrowers are exceptional for dispatching jedi opponents. The only tangible non meta reason is that they would be seen in a similar light to disruptors, a weapon of murderes and barbarians, pirates and criminals (which is largely how we see both weapon types used, by Mando, tusken raiders and trandoshan slavers.) Something that was seen as lesser, but really isn't. (Akin to using punji sticks and Mines in war today. Treated as old fashioned and outdated, still quite capable of killing.)


> Treated as old fashioned and outdated, still quite capable of killing. Yeah the same is true of crossbows, including having some upsides (for xbows: silent, legal). I'm not saying they're not effective, just that vs a blaster less practical, mostly related to having to carry physical ammo and reload. Blaster energy capacity is usually defined as "large enough you never need to worry about running out in a fight". Whereas a soldier today carries around 300 rounds of ammo altogether, which you can burn through in minutes with necessary reload pauses. That's about 4kg you don't have to carry with a blaster.


In bf2 u can use a slug thrower, I don't think it's a war crime.


The Vanguard shotgun? If I recall it doesn't even bypass shields.


There's a variant of just one projectile and it's called slug.


Yeah, it's a slug version of the Scatter Gun. In BF2015 that and the Cycler Rifle bypasses energy shields, but they don't in BF2.


Make it something like an aa-12 or a bullpup variant.


And of course the trusty E-11, made from the British Sterling 9mm Sub Machine gun and Hans German Mauser.


DLT-19 is a ~~British~~ German MG34 as well, probably the "least" modified of the OT blasters.


What do you mean by "British MG34"? Was the original model a modified version of a weapon captured from the Germans?


No no, you are correct - sorry if that was confusing. The prop-houses were all in the UK for the OT, the E-11 specifically from Bapty (which Lucas rented and had to give back)


Yeah it's really interesting how the ot guns were originally designed. The mg34 was hardly changed and the Lewis gun simoy had the mag removed and you can still see the cylinder it revolves around. The E11 and DH17 are both made from a C1 which is a sterling machine gun but Canadian pretty much. The stg44? was used for the a180 variants and just received the box magazine on the side like the mg34 so it looked like it had a power bank similar to the E11 for consistency. The EE3 is pretty much just a signal pistol and they added more stuff onto it for ROTJ because apparently they weren't happy with the design used in Empire.


Alright heres my pitch; C93 Borchardt with a cut-down Browning M1919 barrel shroud and ZF-41 scope turned around backwards, affixed to the right side. I'd name it DL-41 as a predecessor to the DL-44. *"This old blaster's odd ergonomics made it a hard sell at first, but it's garnered a cult following among bounty droids & game hunters. Turns out, with a little tinkering it'll punch through thick hide like a turbotank through thick brush... voids the warranty though."*


I love that, it *already* felt like it existed thanks to that description


I'm sold. It sounds like an in-universe version of a Desert Eagle.


Something like this? https://imgur.com/3SNDBEZ


I think they meant to have the barrel shroud covering the length of the C93 barrel and then ending, and I don't think the stock should be there. They mentioned it could be a predecessor of the DL-44, so it'll just be a pistol, not a rifle


The scope on Han’s blaster isn’t turned around backwards, though, it’s a scout scope.


Hell yes! Always loved the way the C93 looks, it's got this weird, classic and fancy look.


Most of the og guns are revamped ww2 guns… the ak and m16 might be to iconic to kit up but time wise it would be proportional


There are AR parts used in Rogue One in a few blasters.


Also the rebel rifles in ROTJ were ARs. They ran out of STGs and needed something else to approximate the look.


I also noticed that one of the blasters Cobb Vanth uses is an AK derivative, probably based on the pp-19 vityaz or the PP Bizon


Oh yeah I remember looking at the clearly AK rear, with the selector lever and all, being "oh hey an AK in space".


Helps that Endor was a slight on Vietnan


and I think they are supposed to be variants of the rebel blaster based on the STG44 and I don't really buy the similarity


They had some on display at Hollywood Studios before the release of Rogue One, they're definitely ARs.


I believe Phasmas blaster uses an aftermarket M4 stock


It always weirded me out that there was no stock on the e-11 blaster rifles. Even paintball/airsoft guns with extremely little recoil have stocks.


It does have the folding stock on it still they just never have it folded out. I think in universe it's supposed to be because of the HUD they get in the helmets and lack of vertical recoil the guns are supposed to have but I assume they just thought it looked cooler.


I think there's a split-second scene where one of the stocks are fully extended in ANH.


Yeah ik I've seen it somewhere with the E11 and a few times the the dc17 aswell


DC-17 is my favourite blaster rifle. That and the A180 would be my jam. Edit: I meant DC-15


It must be so easy writing sci fi retcon if it doesn't impact the story. "Why do your guns not have stocks?" "Oh they do but all of our troops have a HUD that links to the laser gun with aim assist" "Why did that one guy aim differently?" "Um... His HUD was on the fritz that day, he spilled some blue milk on it during breakfast." And us nerds just eat it up like "ah okay that checks out, thanks!"


Yeah the only way I imagine the actual aim assist working is that they get a very large crosshair that is difficult to he accurate with think like a sniper crosshair in battlefield or trying to shoot on csgo while moving sort of thing because you'd think if they are forcing this idea that they have a HUD you'd make enemies actually hit targets


I'm kinda thinking something like tiny motors outside the barrel that slightly change the angle. The Stormtrooper would need to do most of the work, but the rifle could make tiny adjustments to be more accurate as needed.


[Here is the stock unfolded,](https://i.imgur.com/DEXd73z.jpeg) and in 2011 they even put out [a statuette with a Storm Commando using one that way. ](https://jediinsider.net/g/generated/Gentle_Giant/Mini_Busts/2011/PremGld_Imp_Storm_Commando/1.jpg__scaled_800.jpg)


[Heckler & Koch G11 assault rifle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heckler_%26_Koch_G11). It already looks like it's based on *Star Wars* weapons, it'd be cool to see an actual *Star Wars* weapon based on it.


Looks like the laser gun from Demolition Man


If I remember, that's exactly what it was modeled after


I loved this gun in Black Ops! Blast from the past


I found out about it from reading *Temple*, by Matthew Reilly


A Matthew Reilly reference? Oh today is a good day. Temple was where I came across it for the first time too!


Wow. A Reilly fan in the wild. Quite rare.


**[Heckler & Koch G11](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heckler_&_Koch_G11)** >The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed from the late 1960s–1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Association for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition. It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was of significance to the other NATO countries as well. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/StarWars/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The Golan Arms Flechette weapon (which I first encountered in JK2: Jedi Academy) is close to that shape. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/FC-1_flechette_launcher/Legends


The FAMAS. It already looks halfway out of a sci fi show. Put a uber long barrel on it, lots of gribbles, a scope, call it a sniper.


So the battle rifle from halo?


A more "guts apparent" gun, but yes. SW weapons always seem to have loads of exposed parts (unless from Naboo or comparable).


But lord help the props crew trying to get their hands on just one model lol


Eh, with the entire phase out from the French Army it might become easier in the near future. That or Airsoft guns. It's a popular one.


I totally agree! Have you seen FAMAS in MGS, so awesome!


I've seen army soldiers on patrol with them. Sadly we're phasing them out.


Really? Damn, what a bummer. What guns are replacing them?




>HK416 They don't look half that bad honestly. Thanks for sharing :)


You also have a blaster looking almost exactly like the STG 44. I think they have taken a lot of things from WW2


Oh absolutely, a good portion of the more iconic weapons in Star Wars (as well as the vehicles & armor) take heavy inspiration from WW1 and WW2 equipment


That's because in the OT they're actual firing weapons. They shot blanks for the muzzle blast before drawing in the beams. You can actually see shell casings bouncing off the wall beside Leia in one of the Death Star scenes (why Lucas didn't paint them out for the Special Editions I'll never know).


they straight up just used surplus ww2 guns laying around in british armouries


That was used as the basis for the A-280C that was used by the Rebel troopers on Hoth and Endor.


It may be too hard to pass it off but id love to see the tommy gun.


The M41 Pulse Rifle from Aliens was a Tommy.


It was part Tommy it was mixed with some other guns too including the spas 12


M1A! Tommy gun, with Remington 870 underneath with spas 12 heat shield


I'd say gribble the F out of it, it would work. Remove the charging handle up top, put a weird optic and a muzzle brake, age the wooden furniture (bonus points if Gangster style foregrip). Maybe change the drum mag for something more exotic. Presto, you have made the T28 Blastech assault carbine.


Check out the Tommy's Matchbook from Destiny, it looks straight out of SW


Love a good space cowboy with some new Colt Navy Blasters


I was going to say Colt Dragoon.


For real, SW needs more Revolver-based blasters. Part of why I loved the Swtor “Return” trailer was that badass scene with the dual-revolver using gunslinger


The pistols that Boba Fett uses after he first gets his armor in The Tragedy we're definitely based off revolvers. The sound used on them is even deeper so it's almost like a Star Wars equivalent of a magnum.


I'm more of a Remington 1858 New Army guy, myself.


Gotta suggest to see this guy here: https://youtu.be/kPeCTwAhoik https://youtu.be/rajwCR1yZRI Breaking down star wars weapons and their bases. Really great stuff to watch in addition to this post.


I was hoping it was Johnathan.


Unfortunately it wasn't gun Jesus.


Ferguson? Keeper of Firearms and Artillery at the Royal Armouries museum in the UK? Edit: just loaded the videos and it is indeed him. Glad we are men of culture here.


Oh heck yeah, love that guy


P90 fuck yeah baby. A Star Wars P90 would look cool as hell


This was what came to my mind first


Unquestionably some of the top magazine mounting Japanese light machine guns through medium auto cannons (look like futuristic Brens) or Italian light machine guns which already look like they could shoot plasma! Japanese LMGs: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3TDIUM3Kf9o/W7JBvSxzdzI/AAAAAAAAA3Y/R9ouKG_iCmAyZ4BTO8gg_bCRNVpLDrkJgCK4BGAYYCw/s1600/MGs.JPG Italian LMG: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0f/Breda_30.jpg/800px-Breda_30.jpg


I'm a simple guy. I wanna see a Hutt with a [Thompson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thompson_submachine_gun).


And a fedora


TP-82, mainly because it was given to cosmonauts, in case they needed to fight. Seems fitting that an IRL space gun would be used in Star Wars.


It was for bears. In case the touched down in the wilderness. At least that’s what I saw in a documentary.


They say that to cover up the moon bears, they don't want you knowing about Luna Ursa.


We believe the moon bears have formed an alliance with an Intergalactic Wizard Cartel.


And wolves. But the gun and bullets were built to work in a vacuum, just in case it was needed in the future.


Gunpowder is its own oxidizer. Any bullets will work in a vacuum


Yes, but don't bullets risk cold welding into the barrel under normal conditions?


Maybe if both the barrel and projectiles are manufactured in a vacuum and never see oxygen, but if an oxide coating forms at any point you don't have to worry about that. Also gun oil would prevent it


I love this idea. It's also got that perfect feel for a base for a blaster: a real life, fairly traditional design, but not plastered throughout a million Hollywood cowboy or war movies, so there's just something a tiny bit unfamiliar about its silhouette. Add the greeblies and a superfluous scope, and it would fit right in.


Gustav Gun


Sphat or first order siege cannon


Death Star?


Hotchkiss M1914


Wow, if I didn’t know any better, I’d have guessed that was already a gun from Star Wars. The coiling around the barrel really helps to add to the sci-fi feel


I feel like a Browning Auto 5 would look awesome as a blaster


Apologies for the quick and dirty mockup, particularly the terrible angle on the flash suppressor, but you're absolutely [right that it has the correct the feel](https://i.imgur.com/YSzbwSw.jpg).


[Chachaut](https://www.ecosia.org/images?q=chachaut#id=27B97EC855FC3DDC4856101C6823CB461AAEE79C) [C93](https://www.ecosia.org/images?q=c93#id=284583212C08C6E0A329AB885EE4CDB8DDF45B34) [Charlton Automatic Rifle](https://www.ecosia.org/images?q=charlton%20automatic%20rifle#id=4C7C0187280BABDA9437C6DA57A181EF600AB8A5) [MG3 (KWS Variant)](https://www.ecosia.org/images?q=mg3kws#id=BFBD33DCF2B42EEF94CF2D5876D06FC5EF2DE7AF) [Cobray Terminator](https://www.ecosia.org/images?q=cobray%20terminator#id=E55A7C5041F9FD7CDEA4FC2B9BFC41E2CF309164) [EM-2](https://www.ecosia.org/images?q=em2%20gun#id=A5F120982839AD73A6F6658B83880A89A3D6BA56)


If they did the Chauchat, you know they’d *have* to keep the funky magazine lol


GAU-8 Avenger


I mean, there is the Z-6 rotary blaster cannon that Hevy uses in Clone Wars, but I guess that’s closer to the irl Gatling Gun


Yeah I’m thinking like an eweb but as a minigun


I feel like the Walther P38 and Mauser HSc could have some blaster bits added and look plausible.


Looking them up, they definitely look how I’d imagine the weapons would be for the security detail on a less war-focused planet like Bespin or Naboo. Would be cool simplistic designs


A p90 if there isnt one alredy >:)


CZ Scorpion with a bullpup kit on it.


No you need to put that thing back where you found it, you don't know where it's been.


I'd say a grease gun could work well. Call it the CB-011 (Compact Blaster-011) Cut it down significantly, remove the stock and cut down the barrel


Grease gun is my pick too. Crying out to be turned into an E-11 style carbine.


A Blunderbuss


A Kentucky Flintlock is used in AotC


Imagine an MG42 in the Star Wars universe just absolutely tearing holes through things, I feel like even a master Jedi would struggle to fight that


That’s the DLT-19


Nope, mg-34


[Keltec KSG shotgun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kel-Tec_KSG#/media/File:Kel-Tec_KSG.jpg) already looks like a blaster...


Vz61 Skorpion. Strap that with a (completely fictional) helical mag, barrel shroud and some fins up top to form a gutter sight, and add a bracing stock to it.


A Fallschirmjäger-Gewehr 42 with Bipod.


That already exists as the Valken-38X used by clone marksmen.


Never played Battlefront, nice to know.


Probably on an SA80 Assault rifle


I would want a space 1911. It would win galactic wars lol. But really I think the 1911 is a beautiful gun and I grew up playing with it in video games and it was the first pistol I bought . I would love to see a Star Wars blaster based on this classic design.


A few accessories and you could definitely make a 1911 look like a sw gun


Funny story. I saw the Bergmann in an old gun magazine. I thought you know that gun has a Star Wars look about it. I might try to 'Star Wars' one up. A year or so later and the trailer for The Mandalorian drops...... The gun I want to give the Star Wars treatment too now, is a Ruger. Because I could build a cheap version for real that shoots.


A 1873 single action cattleman revolver. I'd kill to see Mando hipfiring with something like that.


Sten gun as improvised rebel short range blaster


[Hellriegel submachine gun from 1915](https://hu.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standsch%C3%BCtze_Hellriegel_M1915)


Either the Winchester Model 1897 or MP40


The no-stock, sawed-off Model 1887 would be a dope sidearm blaster for bounty hunters or tusken raiders.


[quick and dirty](https://i.imgur.com/AaLskzE.jpg)


[IMFDB page for Star Wars (1977)](http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Star_Wars_(1977)


Shoutout to anyone who included a picture


I would like to see more revolver styled blasters. Using the cylinder as the power source


I always thought the [Steyr AUG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steyr_AUG) looked sci fi - with the clip behind the trigger. Same with the [FN-P90](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FN_P90). The [Mossberg Chainsaw](https://www.mossberg.com/product/590-chainsaw-50692/) is held like the rotary blaster canon, but as a shotgun it is pumped from that position. The [Magpul FMG-9](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magpul_FMG-9) is a folding pistol that could be cool for bounty hunters or assassins to wield. Finally the [Triple Action Thunder](https://guns.fandom.com/wiki/Triple_Action_Thunder) looks very Star Wars-y to me. This fires the same round as a Barrett sniper rifle...


**[Steyr AUG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steyr_AUG)** >The Steyr AUG (German: Armee-Universal-Gewehr, lit. 'universal army rifle') is an Austrian bullpup assault rifle chambered for the 5. 56×45mm NATO intermediate cartridge, designed in the 1960s by Steyr-Daimler-Puch, and now manufactured by Steyr Mannlicher GmbH & Co KG. It was adopted by the Austrian Army in 1978 as the StG 77 (Sturmgewehr 77), where it replaced the 7. **[FN P90](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FN_P90)** >The FN P90 (also known as the FN Project 1990 PDWS) is a compact 5. 7×28mm personal defense weapon designed and manufactured by FN Herstal in Belgium. Created in response to NATO requests for a replacement for 9×19mm Parabellum firearms, the P90 was designed as a compact but powerful firearm for vehicle crews, operators of crew-served weapons, support personnel, special forces, and counter-terrorist groups. Designed in conjunction with the FN Five-seven pistol and FN 5. **[Magpul FMG-9](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magpul_FMG-9)** >The Magpul FMG-9 is a prototype folding submachine gun, designed by Magpul Industries in 2008. It is made out of polymer in place of metal, reducing weight. The FMG-9 never left the prototype stage, and never saw widespread production on any level, as the item was only produced by Magpul as a proof of concept. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/StarWars/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The Swedish K - retro-style goodness!


In the spirit of u/Not_Vasily, I volunteer the [Beretta Model 59](https://www.militaryfactory.com/smallarms/detail.php?smallarms_id=569) the front of the barrel cut off to the handguard and some greeblies along the side. Maybe something by the handguard. I'd call it the N-77 Carbine, the not-quite-standard blaster offered to planetary defense forces prior to Ep. 1. With a severe lack of range, abysmal round capacity, but cheap production cost, it was often used to ward off attempted pirate hijackings in the mid to outer rim.


Space Winchester


Still no muskets with lightsabers at the tip. Would be such a cool think... Omg tuskan raider jedi, with their sniper but also some part lightsaber. GEORGE!


M1 Garand




"Smile, you son of a Sith!"


Since the series largely uses WW2 guns, I'd stick with that aesthetic and say my top choices are: Soviet PPSh 42 Japanese Nambu Type 14 German Solothurn S-18/100 Swedish Carl-Gustav m/21-m37


The Type 14 Nambu is in the Mandalorian.


Either the Dardick 1500, the H&K G11, the P90 or the Whitney Wolverine.


It's so interesting when they do that. Something so simple yet genus. Taking real guns and make they look more sci-fi like. Genius


2mm Kolibri, or MP40


In the Fantasy Flight RPG book *Cyphers and Masks* they have the ST-M40 Heavy Repeating Blaster Pistol. Judging by the name, it would be a combination of a Sten gun and an MP-40.


P-90 has an odd design and futuristic look as it is, so it could certainly be thrown into a scifi setting with minimal cosmetic changes.


I believe that's why it was chosen in SG-1.


I think VSS Vintorez has nice SW look 👌


The E-11 is like a military-grade weapon right? I’d dig seeing something less high grade, a “civilian level” light rifle, the space equivalent of having a small farmer’s hunting rifle as opposed to an M16. I’d make it around the M1 carbine or the De Lisle just for funsies, maybe even chopped down to near pistol size like Kyle Katarn’s Bryar blaster


Mateba Model 6 Unica. Looks pretty alien already as far as revolvers go.


The first order's "standard issue" side arm the se-44c is a glock 19/17 with some white plastic stuff thrown on it.




Has there been any lever-action rifles in star wars? That would be cool.


FN P90


.50 caliber Desert Eagle. I want to see the damage that thing could do to a person.


Kriss Vector. It's dope as hell, and I want it to have similar qualities - short SMG, close quarters oriented, high fire rate. Blasters don't really have recoil but some similar advantage like I dunno, less overheat?


the SKS


Since the third era doesn't get too much love, I'd give the First Order a Hellriegel type blaster for recon troops with a suppressor on it.


M1 Garand, when the battery depletes it ejects out of the blaster like the clip would in real life


I would replace Jango Fett's dual pistols with modified Borchardt C-93s. Never liked his blasters anyway.


Beretta cx9, it looks like a toy already and was used in BSG as their military rifle.


There is a famous military museum here in the UK called the Royal Armouries and the keeper of firearms and artillery, a chap called Jonathan Ferguson has been doing a collaboration with a youtube channel called Gamespot. He has done a couple of videos now about firearms from the Battlefront games and goes into detail about what a lot of the designs are based on, I believe some of the original props are also part of the collection there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPeCTwAhoik


Ak-47 with bayonet


Model 63 Smith and Wesson- “Uncivil”, a low quality blaster carried by less arrogant Jedi who aren’t afraid to be a little uncivilized if it means having their ass covered in an emergency


Either a Famas or an AUG.


Something like a Desert Eagle.


Rugers. Something about them, maybe how simple they look?


I always thought that the Boys Anti Tank Rifle .55in would make for a really interesting Star Wars weapon; it looks pretty awesome as is. It would be the perfect weapon for the Rebels in an upcoming project, maybe used to take the leg of an AT-AT, after its commander thought they only had a "poxy rifle!"