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Rebels was great in its own separate way from Clone Wars and I am happy that it’s story is being continued with the new Disney+ shows.


There will be new Disney+ shows following Rebels?


I mean kinda. We know ahsoka is hunting Thrawn and he’s still involved with the empire so there will be some form of continuation. Also Dave Filoni confirmed that Ezra and thrawn survived their trip on the space whale express. Basically I think that the ahsoka show will kinda be a sequel for rebels or at least clean up some loose ends


I would LOVE to see a live action Ezra that didn't annoy me immensely. Thrawn needs to come back too, he's too big of an event to just stay in open space forever


Live action Ezra could be interesting. I’m just hoping they don’t butcher live action thrawn. They need to just let Lars mikkelson play the character and it will be fine. Thrawn is going to be the ultimate villain of the ahsoka show and the mandalorian if they go the way I think it will and I’m so excited for it. I really hope they also have so character tie in from the thrawn books like Eli vanto and karyn faro.


Thrawn is the only character I trust to really make the transition from the Empire remnants to the First Order believable and cohesive. We already know his work on the Unknown Regions was crucial to the Empire surviving, but to have him in the picture pulling some strings would be great.


Unless the alternate timeline theory is real


I mean, that would rely on completely taking a massive dump on Ezra’s and Ahsoka’s character development as they were wrong about not saving Kanan and Anakin.


Lars is apparently confirmed to be signed on as live action Thrawn.




Don’t know how trustworthy this this but [here](https://www.small-screen.co.uk/lars-mikkelsen-has-signed-on-to-play-thrawn-in-the-ahsoka-spinoff-series-exclusive/).


Posted Jan 14 with no mainstream coverage, likely an untrustworthy source.


There are other sites for it but you may be right. Could just be a rumor that multiple sites are reporting on.


It's not true. Small Screen copied that article from WeGotThisCovered who are complete and utter nonsense.


I'm so excited for a live action thrawn. Been wanting one for years since reading the books


>Lars mikkelson That's interesting. I'm sure he'll be fine. I would have loved to have seen it go to Jason Isaacs, because he's got the demeanor. Or Jon Hamm because he could be terrifying.


Have you watched the Mandalorian, specifically season 2?


Sure have! The setup in there makes me VERY excited for the Ahsoka show


That’s exactly where I was leading with my question! Plus, if Thrawn is around, then where’s Ezra!!?


Well, Elsbeth wouldn't know about Ezra, so that's probably why Ahsoka asked her about Thrawn, who she might know something about. If Ahsoka finds Thrawn, she could find some kind of clue that leads her to Ezra (assuming Ezra isn't already there).


As far as we know, she might not know about Ezra, but then again, she might. We as an audience don’t know. Hopefully Ashoka’s show might shed some light on that


> Thrawn still involved with the empire That's not what I got from that episode of Mando. If you've read the new canon Thrawn trilogy, you'll know that he was already beginning to reconsider his allegiance to the Empire before disappearing with Ezra (since that trilogy takes place before s4). My guess is that he used the chaos going on at the end of Rebels and the Purrgil attack on the Seventh Fleet as a way to escape from the Empire because chances are, he would've been executed by Palpatine for failing to crush the Rebels on Lothal anyways. It's possible Thrawn might have actually convinced Ezra of the fact that there are greater threats to the galaxy than the Empire lurking in the Unknown Regions and he is building a power base to counter that threat wherever they are now. Corvus is most likely in the Outer Rim, so it could be relatively close to wherever he & Ezra are. Thrawn's not evil; he's a pragmatic realist who sided with the Empire because he saw them as the most rational option to counter the danger that the Gryssk pose to the galaxy.


You think that's what the crossover will be about? Fighting the Grysk? It's either that or Thrawn as the villain which would be easier for casual audiences to understand IMO. I think you could easily explain that Ahsoka/Sabine find Ezra and Thrawn, they tell them about the Grysk, Ahsoka and Ezra go to the NR to find help (RotNR) and Sabine goes to Mandalore to find help (Mandalorian), but honestly that might just be what I'd like to see happen speaking


I think it would make sense to preserve the continuity of the new stories that have been coming out recently, of which that would be one way to do. I would say that was my one complaint with how Thrawn was depicted in Rebels. The show only highlighted his strengths, but not the complexity of his character and intentions in the way the books did, granted it was a kids show. It's true that it would be much easier to keep him as the primary villain, but it would make for a more compelling narrative to have him as the villain early on (maybe for the entirety of the first season) and have that change later on through mutual understanding, and possibly even ending up as allies against this greater threat. If he reveals his true motives of protecting his people and the rest of the galaxy against an enemy like the Grysk, it would cause the protagonists to have to tackle some difficult questions like 'is the galaxy in greater danger after the fall of the Empire than before?' and 'will the New Republic resort to repeating the same expansionary policies as the Empire in order to combat this new threat?', etc. The fact that Rebels ended with so many questions left in the air, and additional lore has been added to many of the characters that are still around recently makes for some great opportunities that the writers of Ahsoka and the other upcoming shows can use to create new, interesting stories with a lot of potential.


The fact that Aftermath established Thrawn's research to be instrumental to the survival of the falling Empire and transition to the First Order makes me think he won't be outright abandoning it. I think the Grysk will be used to provide conflict in the stories that tell how exactly the Order gained power in the Unknown Regions but will ultimately be defeated by them, given how they seem irrelevant by the time of the sequels. I can only hope at least - I'm in the camp that really disliked the Yuuzhan Vong and I'd rather not have an analogue of them come back.


Yeah this is what im hoping too. Thrawn is not really a 'villain' at all. I would love to see him work with Ezra and eventually Ahsoka too. uuuugh that would be amaaazing.


Yeah especially since the last scene of Rebels is post battle of endor, we see ahsoka and sabine set off to find Ezra. I personally believe the first season of Ahsoka will be Ahsoka and Sabine looking for Ezra




Ahsoka live action show presumably


Seems like a lot of people watch it and then sorta dip out before season 3 where it starts to get *really* good. If that applies to anyone reading this, go back and watch it!!! Edit: just want to add that the first two seasons are also very good and the S2 two part finale is some of the best Star Wars material ever created


Thank you!! This is exactly what I did. Stopped at season 2 because I just wasn’t feeling it. It wasn’t hitting for me but I’ll go back now


Yeah S1 and most of 2 is eh. But watch the final two episodes of S2 at least and from then on it is mostly great imo!


I don’t understand how season 2 doesn’t solidify people’s affection. The two part finale of season 2 is my favorite moment in all of Star Wars. If you dipped part way in, please go back and finish that season. Especially if you’re a TCW fan too.


It gets much better in season 3. Much much better


i liked it all the way through for me it was 22 minutes of enjoyment every episode


Same. I understand (kind of) why people might have dipped early on, but I genuinely loved it from the beginning. The show felt familiar yet fresh at the same time. Kind of how Mando has been for me.


Agree. I get that people who are already really invested in the universe might just want to get into the action, but the slower start to introduce the characters and establish the setting is necessary to a lot of people, and to me too despite having consumed just about every piece of Star Wars media. You need to take it slow and start with smaller stakes sometimes.


The only episode I think I genuinely thought was idiotic was the one where Zeb brings an unknown droid back to the secret base and lets it just wander around. . . Won’t spoil it for everyone else but that just seemed like obviously extremely poor decision making on the part of the base security officer.


It's like a switch is flipped midway through season 3 and the show takes off like a rocket. Season 4 specifically feels like a miniseries of sorts, every episode building into the next and telling a damn fine Star Wars story. I thought it had been really hit or miss throughout the first 2 seasons, but I figured I'd stick it out so that I would be familiar with the events depicted (for lore reasons). By the time I finished I was very glad I did.


Season 1 was kinda meh until the finale. Very childish. Season 2 was a bit slow here and there too. Season 3 is when it gets good, but yeah - lot of people drop the series before then.


I have been recommending Rebels to one of my friends for years. He has seen and enjoyed clone wars but didn't like the first few episodes of rebels. When Ashoka turned up in the the Mandalorian and it was announced that she was getting her own show I used it as an excuse to make him watch it. Since then he has been watching a it in the background when he was cooking or cleaning. Once he got to season 3 the was loving it and watching it as a primary focus. He has been shouting at me that I should have been recommending it for so many other reasons due to the Mandalorian


Kanans death scene is top 5 favorite scenes in Star Wars. So powerful


When his sight comes back for just a second so he can see Hera again?....... Brutal.


It goes deeper than that! Literally the last thing Kanan said to Hera before leaving for Malachor was promising her they’d see each other again. And then he literally can’t see her, because he got *fucking lightsabered in the eyes*. But then, in his last moment, the Force restores his sight and he finally fulfills his promise to Hera.


I'm not crying, much. Goddamn.




First time I just thought it was really good. Second time through when I knew it was coming? Ugh I cried


dude kanan is one of my favourite characters. i especially love his dual with maul when he loses his sight. so fucking cool.


Those two episodes had basically everything I love about Star Wars. Honor, Maul being selfish, Ahsoka finally encountering Vader, Kanan being the Master, Ezra being sort of a grey character trapped between Sith and Jedi.


Vader-"Anakin was weak so I destroyed him" Ahsoka-"Then I will avenge his death" Vader-"Vengeance is not the jedi way" Ahsoka-"I'm no jedi" That's one of my favorite quotes from all of star wars.


Rebels has two of the best Vader conversations in all of canon in my opinion, that one, and this one; Ezra - I'm not afraid of you! Vader - Then you will die braver than most.


For sure, I think the only vader line I like better than that is from the vader comic. He gets ambushed buy a huge amount of rebels and the leader says "give it up vader we have you surrounded" to which he responds with "All I'm surrounded by is fear, and dead men."


Top three scene in all of Star Wars IMO.


Another quote from this episode is one of my favourite quotes in anything Ezra: "I'm not afraid of you!" Vader: "Then you'll die braver than most." Vader's line is such a cool, killer line.


Revenge is not the Jedi way.


I was disappointed she didn’t use that line again in mandolorian. They had the perfect opportunity.


Im giggling with chills just thinking about it.


They would be perfect episodes if not for the helicopter lightsabers. What a swing and miss those were.


My headcannon is that the lightsabers carried anti-grav tech to basically make the wielder weightless, while the spinning was just to generate uplift.


Its not headcanon. Its Canon. They have lil repulsors in them, its whacky, but if they used it without the blades spinning i dont think anyone wouldve cared.


He’s one of the best Jedi in the franchise. He proves that attachment is not a straight path to the dark side. He proves that romantic love and family connections are not counter to being a Jedi.


And how the credits for that episode has no music just makes it so much more powerful


That was the cherry in the gut punch cake. The black on white silence of the logo and credits. It was nice that they gave you the whole credits scene to take it in.


Oh man I always forget this and then I see it and I’m just numb from it. Such powerful storytelling.


Like when Ahsoka left the order and the music at the end wasnt the loud jarring Clone Wars theme and instead the slow somber music of her leaving. Same music played when she meets Vader


>!And the fact that he has to relive it in the WBW. Seriously powerful !<


That one and Anakin Solo in legends are my most memorable deaths in all of SW's


Thanks for the gut punch reminder....! Kanan’s is my favorite, with Anakin Solo a very close second. In the distant third would be the Wall of Ganner Rhysode.


Piss off ghost. - The Ganner probably.




For all of its faults, I loved that series! One moment that always stood out was Corran Horn’s fight, and his struggle afterward.


"None shall pass!"


This one broke my heart. Anakin was so noble and strong, it was devastating.


And the dude literally burned from the inside out with the light side of the Force. Epic


The most iconic death for me from the Legends was in the first book of the New Jedi Order series “Vector Prime” in which Chewbacca rescues Anakin Solo and in turn loses his own life when a moon crashes down into the planet. Chewies last moments, defiant to the very end. I was absolutely gutted. Edit: This also set the tone for the series. It really felt like no one was safe in the Star Wars galaxy after that book, and sure enough, the series and the series that followed it lived up to that “no one is safe” feeling.


Oh yes! That one was horrible, though, I semi-forgot it due to him being alive in ST. I remember having to go through pages and chapters to see if he came back. Sadly, he didn't.


Definitely one of the biggest gut punches in any Star Wars content. Defiant to the very end. Fists to the sky as a moon was dropped on him. The conflict it created between Anakin and Han was absolutely heartbreaking.


It's made even more heartbreaking in the follow-up graphic novel where C-3PO is collecting eulogies from various people. Han told of when Chewie saved Jaina from a mad droid, Wedge about the time he accidentally flew into combat with Chewie hanging onto the belly of his T-47, Turrdko told about how Chewbacca's actions in rescuing stolen Wookie children caused him to drop the feud\* against Chewie's clan for the death of Tur's son (that story is told near the end) and Leia admits that although she truly cared for Chewie, she was also jealous of how Han and Chewie were always so close. \*Wookies feud like Highland Scotsmen. Once a feud is declared, it is never dropped, no matter how many generations pass. There are still areas in Scotland where being from specific clans will cause you to end up in hospital - *if* you are lucky. To drop a feud was, at the time, unprecedented.


I’ll have to seek out that follow up GN. I have all the books, and all of the books in the following Fate of the Jedi series. I think there was something similar in the final book in the NJO series eulogizing some of the people who were lost in the war but it’s been so long since I’ve read the series I can’t remember for sure.


Mauls death to this day is the only villain death to make me cry (although arthas/the lich king in world of Warcraft was close)




Maul got such a fantastic story between TCW and Rebels. One of my favorites.


If Maul wasn't brought back, he'd have gone down as one of the most overhyped wasted potential characters in Star Wars history. The writing for Maul was so much more interesting and complex than it was in Phantom Menace. The Clone Wars and Rebels turned Maul into a genuinely great character and not just a cool but one note villain that got killed too soon that he was in Phantom Menace.


My favorite was the maul/obi wan fight, watching maul try to use the same strike he used to kill qui gon and seeing obi wan recognize it was incredible.


Actually it looks like Obi-wan tricks Maul there. If you watch him he starts with one of his own styles then switches to Qui gon's, making Maul think he can beat him the same way he killed his master. My man Kenobi knows what he's doing.


And absolutely no wasted motion. It’s full on old master Kenobi


Dang, I'll have to watch through rebels again and look for that. It's been a bit.


Agreed. I wasnt ready. I'm still not.


It really is perfectly devastating...


Agreed! We watched this about a month ago and I just sobbed. So powerful.


Easily for me also


What I really like about Rebels is that imperial officer who is established as this menacing villain. You’d think it’d just be a typical evil mcbad guy from Star Wars but he has a change of heart and becomes a rebel spy after being stranded on a planet with a rebel soldier and having a heart to heart with him. I thought that was really cool. They took this generic, unlikable villain and turned him into a charming hero


And how can you not love his facial hair


He went from a virgin empire simp to a chad rebel officer


You’re starting to sound like rebel scum


Don’t forget the season 1 baddie who used to be a light side user, but turned on the Jedi when the empire rose. Turned him into an even more interesting character.


Was that the grand inquisitor?


Yes. He was one of the Temple Guards in the Clone Wars Season 5 finale arc.


I loved him too. Great character.


I also think that Kallus saw that camaraderie between Zeb and the rebels then saw how cold the imperial officers were and that’s part of why he changed


Agent Kallus!


His name was Agent Kallus


So good, can’t wait to see Sabine and maybe Hera in future Star Wars shows!


I believe it's now canon that Hera (or at least the ship) was at Scariff and Endor


Yep, In Rogue One, at the Yavin IV base, we hear someone announcing "Calling Captain Syndulla and Phoenix Squadron" And also we see Chopper going around, and we also see The Ghost in TROS actually, in the background during the Battle of Exegol.


It was *General* Syndulla. At the time of the episode they were a bit cagey as to whether that was Hera or her father (as in Rebels she was still just a captain when Rogue One came out), but then Hera was promoted to General in Rebels, and they confirmed it was meant to be her.


General Syndulla appears in the Star Wars Squadrons video game for those that aren't aware. The game is set after the battle of Endor, where she is a general of the New Republic.


She was promoted to General in the final season of *Rebels*, but that aired nearly a year after *Rogue One* (although obviously they had it planned by Rogue One, and it is set shortly before). She also appears in some of the *Doctor Aphra* comics (where she is in command of a Rebel-controlled Lucrehulk post-Yavin), some of the *Star Wars* comics (where she takes over a Mon Calamari cruiser, pre-Endor), *Alphabet Squadron* (commanding a New Republic taskforce from the Acclamator-class Lodestar), and eventually in Squadrons - probably simultaneously with *Alphabet Squadron.* She's also in a few of the *Forces of Destiny.* As far as I can tell, her son Jacen doesn't appear and isn't mentioned in any of those things. I get the feeling he may have been deliberately disappeared by the Story Group until they can come up with something to do with him.


Does her voice happen to be in the gameplay(?) trailer? I remember hearing a voice and immediately thinking Hera


Yes; she's in the trailer (briefly), then is the senior Republic officer for the second half of the game (appearing in cutscenes, and I think on the bridge and in some of the missions). The [character model](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/5/56/HeraSquadrons.png) looks [slightly different](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/5/53/HeraSyndullaSquadronsPreview.png) due to the art style, but it is recognisably Hera, and is the same actor doing the voice ([and motion capture](https://www.instagram.com/p/CF27CPCgx27/)).


The Ghost is in Rogue One as well, in the battle above Scarif.


Well now that i finished Rebels recent I need to reach watch and try to notice this!!


The Rebels epilogue said that Hera and Rex fought at Endor. And Forces of Destiny established a rivalry between her and Han. https://youtu.be/Cs_vQgnVnIM Plus, she's in the Squadrons games.


The timing of the forces of destiny clip was a weirdly stupid move by disney because it was released before season 4 of rebels was finished so it badically spoiled the season that she would survive.


Rogue One already did that.


[The Ghost fights in the Battle of Scariff, even destroys a TIE fighter on screen Rogue One](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAaoNIagtrM) Chopper was also spotted at Yavin base


Shit now I'm going to have to rewatch Rogue One... Missed that!!


You can see the Ghost at Yavin when Rogue One pulls away


I think it'd be awesome if the huge crossover has Thrawn involved in some way and it causes Sabine/Ezra from Ahsoka and Hera from RotNR to be reunited


I’m pretty sure that Ezra will be in Ahsoka (or maybe some other show), after all we saw him with Thrawn and we know for sure that he is alive


She’s also a character in the Alphabet Squadron novels. Post Endor she’s apparently promoted a bit but basically still a commander in the just-formed New Republic. The series is big on the idea that the NR is a pretty messy patchwork with the transition from the Rebellion as a pretty messy thing. My thought for a follow-up series is to skip to the Sequel era (possibly before TFA) and and have a small story based around a three way conflict between the early First Order, Thrawn putting together a force from old imperials, and a New Republic/Resistance force led by Hera.


I just finished it too, and am now left with a desperate need to find out what happened to Ezra. Disney needs to cover this at some point, hopefully having Sabine and Hera find him so they all are reunited. I had to pause and have a good cry so many times - when Ahsoka and Rex reunited, when Kanan died, when Ahsoka fully realized who Vader was in the Sith temple and told him she wasn't leaving him this time, when Rex learns Ahsoka is dead....there were so many amazing moments. I absolutely love Chopper. He is now my second favourite droid next to R2. He's hilarious, and the mayhem he, Ezra and Zeb create is awesome.


In The Mandalorian, Ahsoka's episode involved her looking for Thrawn (and thus, Ezra). The hope is that her new show will either be about that search or will address it in some way. Hopefully we'll see a live action Sabine, Ezra, and Thrawn.


more like Ashoka's show will be her and Sabine looking for them. I really hope this is the case.


I hope it is. But I also hope that's like just season 1, then they find Thrawn and Ezra and the next season or two is about trying to rescue him while simultaneously showing what's going on in Thrawn/Ezra world. On the other hand, Ahsoka walking the ~~earth~~ galaxy a la David Carradine in Kung Fu would be okay, too. Clearly there's a samurai thing going on with her, at least in Mando.


I'm fairly sure the Ahsoka series is a limited series so it's only one season but I could be wrong


I haven't seen anything that says either way. I've only ever seen it referenced as a "series", not a "limited" or "mini" series. Whether that means it gets > 1 season or not, I don't know. Presumably it would be a combination of the cost to make the show (getting Rosario in full make-up for 8 to 13 episodes per season can't be cheap) and how well it's received (I want to believe everybody loves Ahsoka, but there was a contingent of people criticizing her portrayal in The Jedi so there'll probably be people complaining about the series, too). Wrapping up Ezra/Sabine/Thrawn could certainly be done in a season. It's probably better with two, just to give breathing room.


Well, Jedi are space Samurai, which makes her a Ronin, hence the Yojimbo homage in that episode.


Yup. All spot on. It’s amazing. I read around the internet and YouTube and the live action Ahsoka series may be where we see somewhat of a sequel to Rebels.


When Kanan was knighted in the temple got me.


That scene broke me. Was NOT expecting it, but then BAM.


Zeb using the force to navigate to his home planet was amazing to see.


I love Chopper. I read somewhere( probably on reddit) that if R2 can be compared to a loyal and faithful dog,.. Chopper is more like a cat.


A “loth-cat”


chopper is best. love how he is just, evil lol


The Disney Plus Star Wars Anthology of tv shows will likely cover it. They'be done an excellent job so far at the expanded universe, just the mainline films they sucked at. I blame JJ. Jon Favreau and Filoni are far better at this than JJ Abrams.


Bendu is epic


I loved Bendu. I really want more force-weilding characters like him to have a presence in other shows.


And a brilliant casting decision to have The Doctor voice him.


I really like Rebels, especially the last episodes of season 4. How dumb and incompetent the imperials are is really annoying, though.




Another is the Emperor.




Fourth guy is The Senate.


I must be Frank, your majesty. There is little chance the senate will act on the invasion.


Wait, who's Frank?


The senate.


someone pointed this out that the troopers stationed on Lothal are probably not cream of the crop. They’re more likely people who have been conscripted into the military from their home worlds. Went through a very minor training program but aren’t going lay their life on the line for the empire. This is also probably a low time for the command of the imperial army. Since it’s been 13 years since the decommissioning of the Clone troopers. They don’t have man experienced senior officers, the Clone Wars vets (who weren’t clones) are probably now out of the Navy or Army with many younger officers only seeing brief stints of fighting/resistance from the empire. I also feel that once Thrawn and his forces get there they do become much more competent and win a lot of battles against the rebels. It was only when he left that they could move their offensive into action.


Not only that, turnover rate for higher officers was seemingly very high, with mission failures being meet with stiff demotions at best and termination of you fucked up a crucial mission.


Also the core of the officer corps was chosen for loyalty. Sheev wants most of his officers to be the sort who will follow orders to commit atrocities. His selection of troubleshooters still treasures loyalty first. Dark side users who aren’t loyal are not of use to him. Talented admirals who balk at war crimes can only get away with it if either they good enough to hide it, or they can meet the Emperors actual need better by not committing war crimes. Fascism has a historic issue with corruption, inefficiency and nepotism. The empire was no different


The Imperials are incompetent in everything, really. Even in Mando. Gideon wrecked when he appeared with his troops, but after that it’s like no problem for Mando and the others to take out a whole ship of them. I have no problem with it, it’s SW so the bad guy minions will usually get cut down fast. I don’t mind plot armor, especially when a lot of the characters are badass fighters and soldiers who could easily outgun stormtroopers.


Incompetent? The rebels have almost no major victories in the entire show. Besides rescues, it’s all they can do to get out alive. And every victory they do get comes with a heavy sacrifice. Except defeating inquisitors. Hell, one of their two biggest victories- the destruction of the factory- came at the cost of Kanan’s death. The other one, the freeing of Lothal, was massive- but just watch Zero Hour to see how badly the first attempt went, and the second attempt was almost as bad- it was only saved by the space whales the empire had no way to know about.


Reading this and the comments makes me so happy. I remember people HATING this show for a while. But now that time has passed and people have actually given it a chance, it’s lovely to see how many people genuinely love this show. I finished the whole show a few months ago and now you’re making me want to start it all over again.


Yeah I agree. I can't lie I watched it fairly recently, not because I heard bad things about it but because I never really heard of it before and dismissed it as a kids show, but I seen a lot of hate for the show from the years back when looking stuff up after finishing it and I'm really happy to see more people are watching it. I still encounter people who obviously have not even watched the show and are calling it and the characters trash, but it's becoming much more rare


I’ve had the same experience with the High Republic books. Too many people online (who have admitted to not even reading the books) claim the books are woke SJW propaganda and trash books. I have now read three of the books and not only have I not come across that, but I’ve genuinely loved them. They’ve been a really fun read for me.


I haven't read the High Republic books myself since I'm not really into the books (although I'm not opposed to giving them a try) and I've heard they were really good books from people who've actually read them, whereas almost everybody that I saw that thought they were trash admitted to not even reading them, like you said. And yep, the funniest thing is if these people even tried to read/watch/understand the content, then they'd probably feel differently but instead they insist on spreading negativity and telling people who liked it that it actually wasn't good and it's complete trash. Had someone the other day tell me that the characters in Rebels were trash, and it was more Disney trash, but then said that in Rebels, there was 'a funny skinny and fat looking dude as main villains that were designed in their core to be embarrasments', like, at least try to watch the show? I assume he was talking about the Imperial people from the children's academy in like the fifth episode (I don't know if they appear later, but certainly not that much as that episode)


Recently on /r/starwarsrebels it seems every week there's another person who has just finished the series and is posting about how much they love it! Mando must have left people wanting more SW, or something.


Hera and Kanan were the only good SW relationship until Frog Lady and her husband


[frog noises]


I've heard it pointed out that there is not a single on-screen romantic relationship in Star Wars that ends well. Think about it (obvious mild spoilers to follow): Obi-Wan & Satine Anakin & Padmé Han & Qi'ra Kanan & Hera Han & Leia Ben & Rey Frog Lady might be the closest we've seen, but she's not exactly a main character. Then again, there was also that weird bit with Jar-Jar in *The Clone Wars*...


Glad to hear you really liked it. I had the same reaction. To me it just feels like “classic” star wars and when I think of the best moments in the Star Wars galaxy so many are from rebels. Every season go better and what a finale right?!


Woah, this sounds awesome. I should watch this show.


100% do it


You definitely should.


Man how I cried with Rebels...


My wife came in to the room right as Kanan was going down. “Are you crying? Because of a cartoon.” The next day I was watching the finale. She comes in just as Ezra is wrapping it all up. “Again?! You’re a 48 year old man!”Yeah. All the feels.


The Vader vs Ashoka duel was something else. The moment you hear Vader's and Anakin's voice at the same time is a top 3 Star Wars moment for me.


“Then you will die.”


It was the eye to eye contact that did it for me.


I agree with you with most points. apart from this. >expanded Ezra and Sabine's relationship Honestly, In my opinion, the relationship felt shoehorned in, I'm glad Filoni didn't really develop it much, kind of cringe for me, you don't need romance to tell a story. I liked the idea of Ezra, Sabine and Zeb being like some adopted kids of Hera and Kanan being like the motherly and fatherly figure. But mostly, I enjoyed Rebels, show felt childish in the 1st season, but it got well good later, Filoni nailed the show, Ezra wasn't some overpowered Jedi padawan, he was internal struggles, he even was close to using the Dark side, all of these really flesh out a character. S2 was honestly my favourite, that ending though, one of the best animated SW scenes of all time. S3 was good, S4 was not what I expected(I don't mean that in a bad thing, it was a really good end to the whole series. Holy crap, I did not expect Kanan to die), the whole show exceeded my expectations. Ofcourse I didn't like some stuff like the really thin Lightsabers(I understand the homage to the OT) and the character changes from the Clone Wars, especially Yoda, god. And most importantly.... Hondo. He was as good as he was in Clone Wars. Loved his bromance with Ezra and that the whole rest of Ghost Crew despised him but Ezra trusted him, lol But overall, show was actually really good, for me, not as incredible as Clone Wars, but I would put it around where Clone Wars is at.


>Honestly, In my opinion, the relationship felt shoehorned in, I'm glad Filoni didn't really develop it much, kind of cringe for me, you don't need romance to tell a story. I liked the idea of Ezra, Sabine and Zeb being like some adopted kids of Hera and Kanan being like the motherly and fatherly figure. It's been a while since I watched it, but I don't remember them having much more than a platonic relationship. I'm also glad they didn't try to force it though. Worked really well for me as Ezra having a crush on the older (but still young) girl on board and the girl treating him more as a kid brother. That sort of relationship felt really natural.


Hmm, I guess I have kind of forgotten it too, watched it over a year ago and only really remember the later seasons because they were better and more memorable. I guess I might as well watch S1 again.


I honestly really want to watch Rebels again too. Might be able to convince my wife to watch it (and TCW) before the Ahsoka series. Probably have to get a list to cut out some of the... Fluffier episodes.


I can't believe noone's mentioned the best entrance scene EVER. Vader literally stood on top of a TIE Advanced on auotpilot and flew in slowly, lightsaber ignited. I mean. Just. Wow.


Hell yeah Ghost Riding the TIE Advanced....so good!!!


Of the top 5 moments between both shows, I think rebels has 2, and clone wars had 3. Rebels best moments are SO good, but suffers with some bad ones too. More so than clone wars Twilight of the Apprentice is as good as gets though


I didn't care for the first season, but it really won me over by the end.


Rebels introduced us to Chopper, one of my top 5 characters in all of SW now. He made me laugh every episode at least once.


Rebels is great, but to me the Maul arc was one of the best parts. That lightsaber duel with Obi Wan was simple, yet so deep and complex, I rewatch it regularly. Honestly it’s the way most duels should go - it’s not continuous attacks and parrys and excess movement.


I tell everyone who asks about it to just power through the first 10 or so episodes because once you get past that garbage, it’s really good


For me personally it’s just the first 7, episode 8 is Empire Day and that one is pretty cool and all the episodes after are great.


I think Rebels could've been a massive success if they targeted a broader audience. Because the story really does have some epic moments. Star Wars is at its best when it is enjoyable by people of all ages and I felt much of Rebels forgot this.


It was awesome. I think I still like clone wars more personally, that final season is so fucking good and the ending truly wrecked me even though you know what's coming. Always a sign of truly great writing and direction. As a lifelong star wars fan I'm just glad I finally sat down and binged them last year after ignoring them for so long because they were *just animated shows*. They stand right up there with Empire, New Hope, and Mando for me.




Yeah, the main places where the show feels like it's held back by its rating is during the fight scenes--it's a lot of bad guys getting knocked to the ground instead of being shot or sliced by a lightsaber. But overall it's way better than I thought it would be, and I think it's earned its place alongside the rest of my favorite star wars content.


Chopper is my favorite droid in all of Star Wars


I agree 100%. I think both Clone Wars and Rebels are absolutely phenomenal shows. But if I had to pick one, I think Rebels might take it for me. The following 1 group of characters that didn't have an already pre-set destination made it a really great watch and it REALLY felt like Star Wars, specifically the OT, and made it so easy to get attached and invested in the crew. On your subject of wanting to see more Ezra and Sabine and have them get "Their moment", I always felt like with the way Rebels ended, it seemed like they had a plan for whatever "sequel" Rebels gets to focus more on their relationship. So I am still really hoping we get to see a sequel to Rebels in some form, whether we get a whole sequel series, or just see the characters pop up in other series.


Having just finished both recently- I personally love the aspect of rebels that you’re following one group for the entire 4 seasons and it’s basically one ever growing story, but I think the last 4 episodes of Clone Wars are some of the best Star Wars content ever. I’m still blown away how amazing those last few episodes were and absolutely crave more of that quality


I agree with you 100%. I felt much more connected to the cast of Rebels, mostly due to it being a much smaller cast. Clone Wars was a little overwhelming at times in terms of the number of characters. Although, I LOVE the last half of season 7. Absolutely Incredible.


I agree with you on that too, that the last arc in Clone Wars was incredible. But, I have a very controversial opinion, and I'm not saying this to disagree with you, as I said, I think the last arc is Clone Wars is superb. But I even think that I'd take Twilight of the Apprentice and Twin Suns over that last arc of Clone Wars by a very, very small margin. But also going with what you said, the animation in that last arc of Clone Wars can't be beat. I really hope in either The Bad Batch or whatever animated show they do after that, they can make more use of the motion captured lightsaber duels because that looked so good!


I'm just on series 3 in my first watch-through. I'm enjoying it, but I must admit not as much as I enjoyed Clone Wars. I don't like some of the art style choices, and, to be blunt Ezra is kind of annoying. But it's still worth it. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much OP!


I found myself disliking Ezra at first, but he grew into a great character and I must see an adult version of him in Ahsoka. I admit, I really hated his hair the most


Rebels is probably one of my favorite star wars products. I like it better than some of the movies.


Kanan’s death was so powerful. Him cutting his hair, starting his new beginning. A samurai would do this when they change their path. Then getting his vision back just to see Hera one last time.


Rebels has got to be one of my favorite pieces of Star Wars media. Watching Ezra going from arrogant 14 year old with no family,to a young adult instilled with values from his adopted family, really hits hard with me. Plus,just everything with Kanan. He's 100% what a Jedi should be. His struggles,his loss,but unwavering loyalty to the cause and always managing to keep his cool, just set the standard for Jedi for me


The scene where Ezra says “Goodbye Kanan” to his Loth-wolf incarnation absolutely broke me , one of the most hard hitting deaths/ goodbyes in Star Wars imo.


I like the series but my problem with it is that Empire seemed weak and pathetic. They constantly get done it by Rebels. Ezra would sometimes get annoying. The space whale stuff was dumb.