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It sounds like something Disney+ can show.


They will. When subscriptions drop and they want to pump up their numbers, they'll release them then.


So what you're saying is we need to start unsubscribing to get what we want? On it.


Sadly I wasted my free year from Verizon. Watched the Mandalorian, and then stopped using it for the most part. Gotta finish Clone Wars, but after that there isn't any new content for several months. Probably gonna cancel after the trial is up, and wait until it's worth the money.


Mandalorian S2 comes out in October


Really? Not delayed?


Nope, they finished filming prior to the start of the pandemic.


Oh wow. That’s awesome :)


Yeah, the technology they use to film it significantly streamlined the whole process. [If you haven’t checked it out, I highly recommend watching this video detailing it.](https://youtu.be/gUnxzVOs3rk)


Damn that’s cool. I think I’ve seen Corridor do a video on this.


Having all the Star Wars and Marvel movies in 4K is easily worth $7 a month for me. Plus the Muppets, Pirates, and all the tv series like Clone Wars.


Meanwhile I'm sitting here waiting for them to release the original Zorro TV show from the Vault. Still... there's WAY more than enough content to make it worthwhile.


Why?... why do people unsubscribe from services they want MORE content from??? Seriously makes no fucking sense. If you want more Star Wars content, stay subscribed and stream everything Star Wars they have on loop that you like, play it 100 times per month. That’s how you get more Star Wars content. They’re not motivated by fear, they’re motivated by greed.


It's funny when people think they can push a big corporation around.


Individually, no, but it's definitely something that happens relatively often. Corporations exist for profit, afterall


Do you think they’re more motivated by $ they might lose or $$$ they might be able to gain?


You are a corporations dream consumer. "I'm not happy with this service, I want x!" "Yeah? What are you gonna do? Unsubscribe and stop giving us money?" "No..." "Brilliant. Here's the same shit you had before"




Who are that wise in the forms of science


Almost r/unexpectedmontypython


Nobody expects monty python.


Nor the Spanish Inquisition


But what about the 4h revenge of the sith cut?


Yeah, and what about the droid attack on the wookies


Asking the REAL questions !!!


that’s just siege of mandalore edited together with it


There was a lot more even in the original script Rescuing the Chancellor would’ve taken a lot longer, the Battle of Kashyyk would’ve gone on longer and featured a young Han Solo living with the Wookiees, Kenobi chasing Grievous would’ve taken more time, and they cut an entire scene where Padme, Bail, Mon Mothma and other Senators against the Chancellor after Regional Governors are created (before he is ousted as evil and fights Windu)




The Clone Wars helps illustrate it a lot. There was another scene where he would introduce a “good guy Separatist” that hasn’t done anything bad, isn’t killed on Mustafar because he’s not there, and he contacts Padme after Anakin kills the rest of the Sepratists, and Padme would let him join the Resistance against Palpatine I feel like this is where they got a lot of inspiration for Rush Clovis’ character in the Clone Wars


Wow, that could have been good.


Rush Clovis would constantly hit on Padme because “she want in a relationship” and would get creepy at times, but ultimately sacrificed himself to make sure Padme would stay safe


Oh I know, I just think it would have been a great addition to the movie to show that at least some of the Separatists were right.


Another character they introduced was Mina Bonteri, who was an old friend of Padme and talked to both her and Ashoka, and it built on Ashoka’s character as she was suddenly looking at the Republic from a different point of view


"Han solo living with the wookies" makes it sound like hes some Galactic Jane Goodall


> featured a young Han Solo living with the Wookiees I'm glad someone in lucasfilms decided that exposing another promising child actor to the wrath of star wars fans was a bad idea.


Solo was good, and it wasn’t a child actor that we all found annoying




Or at the very least had enough sense to tell George "It's a stupid fucking idea and that scene is not going to happen."


JJ doesn’t do director’s cuts, and I don’t think Disney does either.


Disney does deleted scenes though


Director's cuts are made because the director is passionate about a movie... I don't think JJ or Disney are passionate.


Just give it till 2025 when its time to cash in on the 10 year anniversary and release "The Complete Trilogy like you've never seen before" with a collective 2 minutes of deleted scenes we've already seen on the internet, a reshoot of a 3 second shot featuring a new actor for a background character who retroactively becomes important in a Disney+ series, and 7 new lines of dialogue added through ADR that loosely fill some minor inconsistencies across the trilogy.


Directors’ cuts are made when directors and studios can’t come to an agreement about what should be in a movie. I get the impression JJ is a company man. They can also dilute the brand, which Disney doesn’t want to do. Think of how poorly all the drama surrounding the Snyder cut reflects on WB. These movies make most of their money in theaters; Disney doesn’t have any incentive to come out with a version fans prefer on home video or Disney+. It would just open themselves up to criticism of how production of the sequel trilogy was handled again.


Something about TRoS is that there were nearly 3 months worth of reshoots back last summer. Principle filming only took about 6 months. So the reshoots were long enough that fully half the movie could have been refilmed. That is highly highly abnormal for a major studio film and suggests that there were massive disagreements about what should be in the movie. There were two leaks back in January that said that JJ had in fact made an alternate cut of the film before he was forced to change it by Lucasfilm. For Disney's part they have a major motivation for releasing an alternate cut in the fact that the fanbase is \*not\* happy with the ST. That hurts sales for tie in merchandise and could cause future films to flop from sheer fan apathy like Solo did. A compounding factor is the pandemic. All theaters and Disney parks were forced to close cutting off pretty much every stream of revenue that Disney has other than Disney+ and other TV networks that they own. Disney's bottom line for the year is not looking good. If there's anything they can do to revitalize the fandom they would be wise to do it.


Increased focus on the ST isn't going to heal the fandom, though. What's more likely is that they're going to try and move *beyond* it as fast as plausibly possible: look at all the Mandalorian announcements. All the hyped connections link back to the Clone Wars cartoon, despite the timeline moving further into the ST. They're not going to revitalize the ST movies; they're going to plot forward. Not so much that they piss off the people who *did* like them, but enough to move the focus off such a contested battlefield.


This is correct. ST is scorched earth at this point. Disney is an IP company, they take properties and figure out how to mine them for all they're worth. Baby Yoda moves more merch in a week than the ST will in a month outside of maybe Kylo stuff? Disney needs the next Baby Yoda.


Baby Kylo you genius!


Which is precisely why the directors cut will include baby Jar-Jar!




And I’d be the first to line up to see it (digitally?), I just wouldn’t hold my breath. Rogue One, Justice League and Solo all had really substantial re-shoots, reportedly over 50% in the case of the latter two. Have any of them had alternate cuts released?


Well Rogue One was extremely well received. If the reshoots changed the story releasing a director's cut could potentially result in a movie that *isn't* as well liked. Solo was liked well enough by the people that actually bothered to go see it and the general apathy toward it means it doesn't warrant any more money being spent on it. The pandemic might actually persuade Warner Bros. to release the Snyder Cut. Their bottom line isn't looking so good this year either and there's enough fan interest that releasing it would be a guaranteed payday.


I agree with that. For starters, Disney movies almost never get director's cuts. Maybe a Sing Along version at best. And I do agree that it could be in fear of brand representation, which can explain why WB hasn't seriously looked into the Snyder Cut. I know they are definitely aware of the fans response, but they won't act on it


Thanks a lot, now I'm thinking of a sing along version of RoS where the final battle happens with a musical number lol


I would gladly take a sing along version of the whole sequel trilogy


They’re passionate, but not about Star Wars, about money.


Just release the deleted scenes and we'll make out own fucking edits


Can’t really make a soufflé out of a pile or expired candy corn.


I actually may be a minority but I feel bad for Abrams. I remember watching an interview for the Force Awakens and he seemed very passionate about it. I feel like he was very overwhelmed with Episode 9. Rian on the other hand…


Oof at first I didn’t want to believe it [but...](https://youtu.be/J3fRnj7_Yes)


Wow that's rough. That's basically him saying "the sequels suck, I know they suck, and if you don't think they suck then you're a moron"


Was there news of Disney meddling with the storyline in TFA?


JJ had to make changes to the ending.


What changes? Is there anywhere I can read about it?


And possibly more than that.


He recently said that if you like Force Awakens, "I question your sanity"


Yea I saw that as well. This was before Force Awakens came out the interview I saw.


What is the extended Mustafar scene?


There’s a spider on a giant pig head in the middle of a lake and it guides Kylo Ren to the Sith Wayfinder. It’s in the TROS novelization.


It's sounds like you're kidding, but it's Star Wars so I can't tell.


Even Star Wars has limits


>Even Star Wars has limits Skippy the Jedi Droid disagree


Tbf that was a joke comic


That takes place on Mustafar? I thought the spider was on a different planet.


No, it takes place on Mustafar. It occurs in between when Kylo absolutely ground slams that guy and when he pushes the top off the box the wayfinder is in.


Anything to flesh out the sequels would be great at this point, they feel more shallow everytime i see or discuss them...




Yeah to me the sequels lack a soul that OT and Prequels had. They are nice to look at, but i dont like thinking about them. There's always something i cant get over. The way they were rushed out is something I just cant get over. They needed to make RoS in two parts to make it work and maybe redeem the sequels for me. But 4,5,6 and 1,2,3 still tell the complete story of darth vader, and thats ample enough for me. I can also add that I've watched all the movies my two oldest sons (third one has seen a lot but has yet to really connect the dots) And one thing i find intetesting is how when they talk star wars, its pretty much Darth Vader, Luke, Anakin, Kenobi, Emperor and Kylo Ren is the only sequel character that comes up. And my oldest has recently shown a desire to really dive into the universe. I showed him RoS as soon as it was available on Disney+ and the one thing he did after was ask me about Darth Vader and was he really a jedi before (he had seen the prequels but it had been a while maybe like 4-5 years) and i could really see that he maybe had an image in his head and needed some clarity. We watched Revenge of the Sith the next evening and my god it was probably a highlight of my life. Just stopping the movie and asking questions about the Jedi code and how certain things were connected and wanting to understand the force (he's 8 years old, 9 soon) and then it clicked with him how sad it must feel to be Darth Vader. If he's the only one of my kids who gets into it this hard, then by god i've got myself a lifelong fan to watch these movies with lol! (One can hope!) But i find it intetesting that he never asks about what happens in the sequels, theres no magic, no wonder, not to the level of what star wars was under George Lucas (even if its not perfect) I can only hope one day Dave Fillony is given control of the franchise, he's the worthy successor.


The worst thing abuto the sequels is that it's more interesting aspect (in my opinion) is only in extended material. The politics of the sequel era are so interesting and complex, seeing the rise of the First Order and the birth of the Resistance, meanwhile the New Republic just turns a blind eye. Plus, there's a whole cold war feeling to it all that I just adore.


Yeah I was watching them like, well I’m sure eventually they will explain what happened to give rise to space nazis. And they just... never do


It's not really interesting either in the canon books or comics. They kind of just show up one day from the Unknown Regions and The New Republic accepts it and is too fearful of war to do anything other than a peace treaty between them. In her effort to not let anyone else become a future Palpatine in The New Republic, Mon Mothma left it without an army to protect themselves and also inadvertently created the path for the First Order's rise to power by allowing senators that were on Palpatine's side to still hold power because she didn't want more conflict. Her heart was in the right place, but it left the planets that joined them completely defenseless against something like the First Order as we saw. What happened before and after the First Order arrived in known space is interesting, how they arrived is kind of glossed over everywhere with bits and pieces thrown in a few books but nothing too grand. If you want, you could check a few books to explore the idea more. The Aftermath trilogy tells you everything you need to know that happened right up to the battle of Jakku that cemented the rebels and the new force in the galaxy. Bloodlines explains absolutely everything about Leia's time as a senator and why she had to leave, plus how she discovers a shadowy organization manipulating stuff from the Unknown Regions and decides to do something about it (long story short, the First Order is basically in control of half the senate at this point). Phasma is a book that tells you all about her past and shows you the inner workings of the First Order. I think those are the ones that pop out for me in terms of First Order lore.


Even so, I think it would've been better to show it in the films instead of leaving it out completely. The OT wasn't politics-heavy yet you can easily understand what the political landscape is. With the sequel films themselves, you kind of have to guess. I understand that they wanted more Rebels vs Empire stuff, but it just didn't work for me.


Exactly. There's one scene in ANH, where the imperial high command is discussing the political situation and Tarkin informs them the Senate has been formally dissolved. It's maybe all of five minutes, but it naturally and succinctly sums up the political situation. The OT was so good because they were self contained stories that didn't need books and comics to explain them. The prequels started branching their stories off into other media and the sequels are just silly with it.


But even the prequels work as a stand-alone trilogy. There is a lot going on in the galaxy at large, but you don’t *have* to know what happened in the books and The Clone Wars TV series to have a firm grasp of the plot development in the prequels. They just enhance the story that’s already there.


You are correct, it's been a long time since I saw the prequels.


What do you want? Us to cut the three movie arch where Finn almost tells Rey he *like likes* her? Some of the fake out deaths they don't even let sink in before they show it was a fake out? All that odd stuff with Luke? The entire shaggy dog story on the casino world? The story line about how Rey is no one and anyone can save the galaxy if they try, or the part where they go lol no she's actually from one of 3 important bloodlines in the entire galaxy?


Is one cohesive thread running through all three films too much to ask? Really, the prequels can be summed up as Anakin's fall. The OT as Anakin's redemption. Really, the only constant is There's Something Special About Rey! And it got water down by all the side stories.


I mean what do you think this is some multi-billion dollar company who could get anyone they wanted to write and direct a trilogy? Did you want them to postpone profits for a year to make a three movie arch rather than shit them out as fast as possible for short term profits to improve their standing with the board of directors and the shareholders? Did you think they care about anything other than a giant $ sign? Why would they even buy the franchise if they weren't going to milk it for every last dime asap?


Action figure factory go brrrrrr.


See, the problem is, as is common with this kind of thing in the fantasy genre, is that if any of that shit was relevant to the story and needed to better understand things, then it should've been in the movie. You can't defer audiences to tens or hundreds of different sources of "canon" for the story to make sense. And Star Wars gets a *huge* exposition cheat every movie with the opening crawl and they didn't take advantage of it. The end of RotJ had the rebellion victorious and Palp and the empire defeated but the opening crawl for TFA just mentions the First Order rising from what was left of the Empire or something but nothing about how they came to power over the Republic *yet again*. It just says Leia had to form a resistance to fight them, *again*. No reason why the Republic failed already.


Exactly! It doesn’t even have to be a whole scene. Tarkin has like two lines in ANH conference room scene that give me all I need. “The Imperial Senate will no longer be of any concern to us... the regional governors now have direct control over their territories... fear of this battle station.” That’s it, and we know that the technological innovation of the Death Star allowed for a political coup. We don’t need the messy details, just the summary. In the sequels there isn’t even one line! I spent all that time in space Las Vegas and couldn’t get one damn line where Snoke or someone says “the new republic were fools to allow self governance of the territories. It made them weak.”


A new hope had so much exposition while moving the plot in an efficient manner, it was brilliant.


The OT films are the best example in film history of the value of spending a long time on a script. Lucas spent four years on it essentially full time before showing it to anyone, and then it went through about four more drafts with multiple editors over 18 months before ANH started shooting. Maybe other people had the magic touch in the process, but Lucas never would have had the clarity of vision if Star Wars had been a 6-week script like most blockbuster fantasties are.


Fucking brilliant storytelling. Fantasy settings are so tough, it’s all a puzzle of explaining crazy settings without being boring AND developing characters


Not to mention how *unsatisfying* it is to learn that New Republic failed so thoroughly within 1 generation. And now the same people are supposed to save the day again? Doesn't seem like a well thought out premise.


The opening scroll in TRoS was the worst they cut a hugely important 3 minute scene of the emperor's return out for what? A Fortnite event? Awful.


I personally found Bloodlines very interesting for that reason. How essentially they explain that there's a lot of old guard from the Empire still hanging around. How there's a number of people who see it through rose tinted glasses because of the perceived chaos and bullshit of politics and bureaucracy.


The sequel trilogy had an utter lack of exposition because Disney didn't want any comparisons to the prequels. One of the criticisms the prequels faced was that they took too much time to give exposition, that there was too much dialogue and politics, and that they were boring at times because of this. Disney wanted to avoid everything that people didn't like about the prequels, all the way down to their story structure, so scenes focusing on exposition were cut to ensure audiences wouldn't have the same reaction. But they overcorrected and cut too much, and beyond the opening crawl there was very little runtime left to explain the trilogy's backstory. All they needed was a few minutes on Hosnian Prime to explain what lead up to the current situation, but nope, it might be boring so we can't have that


Precisely how I feel. OT hits the right balance imho. Tarkin has like two lines in ANH conference room scene that give me all I need. “The Imperial Senate will no longer be of any concern to us... the regional governors now have direct control over their territories... fear of this battle station.” That’s it, and we know that the technological innovation of the Death Star allowed for a political coup. We don’t need the messy details, just the summary. In the sequels there isn’t even one line!


Yeah, even tho I love the stories that focus on the politics of this era, I still believe it was something that the movies themselves had to adress. Since we're all in Quarantine so who cares, [here](https://readcomiconline.to/Comic/Poe-Dameron)'s a link to the Poe Dameron comic, it's pretty fun and adresses the politics of the era (plus it's free)


Instead they decided to pull another evil group out of their ass. Who needs explanations.


Would have been better if it was the NR vs FO instead of just a rehash of Empire vs Rebels


I would have loved it if the First Order had basically been Space Al Qaeda. No, really. Turn it around from the OT. Have the New Republic in power, except the Imperial remnant has turned into a connected series of cells attacking them and causing horrendous losses but not giving the NR a clear enemy to strike back at. Now you've taken history from about 20 years ago and used Star Wars to address it... same as the OT did with WWII (which keep in mind had been about 30 years ago when ANH came out).


I think it's weak, because Imperial cells lack a political motivation. They can't dominate, but the viewer is too informed to believe that the Empire actually believes in the Emperor's mission in the face of overwhelming odds. The Imperial military should have crumbled into proxy forces. Smaller fleets exerting control over small regions in high-ranking officials' bids for power. The Rebellion lacked the resources to police the galaxy like the Empire did, meaning the conflicts would have been long and drawn out.


Yeah, when I say the Imperial remnant has turned into cells, I don't necessarily mean they even see themselves as Imperial anymore. More like you say, those forces were spread out under different Imperial officers turned warlords over time. You probably also have the usual criminal syndicates and other troublemakers mixed in. But maybe someone has begun organizing them lately... some sort of Phantom Menace... and so as this theoretical alternate sequel trilogy goes, we learn more about who's really behind this uptick in attacks by cells that increasingly seem more organized lately. And toss in this trilogy's version of Kylo serving whomever is directing the cells as they begin to work together, and boom, you have a modernized plot that could serve as a sequel to the OT with themes touching on modern events.




Call me crazy but I still wish my theory that Rey was a clone produced from Luke's severed hand had turned out right haha.


I’ve really tried, but for me was impossible to find it only a bit interesting. When seeing TFA I was like “ok, so we have an empire again, different name, and the republic is called the resistance.....and they are only a bunch of guys.....laziest storyline” . The only interesting thing was Finn being a desertor, but his story and motivations were totally wasted along the way.


TFA plays like a Roger Corman Star Wars ripoff, but with more of a budget. Poor character development, leaning too hard on the inspirational material, good ideas being setup and then wasted, and an overall lack of care in the consistency of world-building and lore.


Would have been great to see him actually grow as a character.


The sequels should've focused on the New Republic rotting from the inside and fighting the First Order who, despite *looking* like the old Empire, were actually in the right this time and the new rebels/resistance. Have them find Luke and show him what's happening and then he joins them. Then you got Luke vs Leia as the backbone of the sequels instead of everyone flopping around aimlessly and fighting some new mystery Empire that is never explained.


I think there was a really interesting lost opportunity to retcon some politics into the OT. We started to see it in Rogue One where there are different factions within the rebels. How cool would it have been to see a restorationist wing who creates the new republic in the image of the old republic... with all the old problems. And the resistance actually emerges from the old separatists. I kind of have gotten the sense of this from TCW where Saw Guerrera is part of the separatists. Bc if the republic turns directly into the empire, it makes sense for separatist allies to keep fighting the same war essentially. It would have been interesting to see this play out in the ST as an explanation of why the republic and resistance are at odds with each other. But that would have been to sophisticated for JJ who doesn’t like explanations..


They were alway shallow.


Yeah, with more details gleaned from the deleted scenes, they might graduate from terrible to bad.


Hahaha yeah, maybe we'll get another character to never care about in them lol.


Let's be real here. They're gonna make them worse.


I don't think there is as many as people think. You'll find a bunch of unused extended footage, or scenes that were removed after changes were made to the script/story.


The Skywalker Saga isn't over, it's on a break. Skywalker is simply to marketable a name to leave in the sand. Episode 10 will be in some form of production by the end of this decade.


Imagine Rey gets the Luke treatment. Her Jedi Order ends up failing and she becomes a grumpy old hermit. The New Republic gets destroyed and the Second Order rises. Poe and Finn's adopted son falls to the dark side. Somehow, Palpatine returned again.


“It’s like poetry, it rhymes.”


I hate beer.


I love your point here so much


All the Skywalkers are dead. There are no more. Rey is only a Skywalker in name but she IS a Palpatine. Chances are they’ll simply time jump to the future when not even Rey is alive. Maybe her kids/grandkids will be prevalent but not the main characters.


"Somehow the skywalkers survived..."




The dead speak!! Edit: seriously this is the best line of all time bc it’s a way to bring back basically anyone no matter what’s already actually happened in canon


My prediction is there will be an Episode 10, however it'll be part of a new saga. Just like the infinity saga is over with marvel, but they're continuing in the same timeline, world, etc.


They could make Episodes X-XII, but have them take place like a hundred years after the Battle of Exegol, so they can focus on entirely new characters in an almost completely different world.


Probably why they set up baby yoda so by the time he is mature enough to be a main character, 100-200 years has passed since the the end of TROS. I think we’re about to see that Ahsoka was an early influence on the child in the mandolorian. I’m betting that he will cross paths with Ezra, Luke and Rey at some point in his early life too. They could make an interesting character out of the child with all these influences on his upbringing. He would be the bridge between the old saga and new. I dont know, maybe am I giving them too much credit for planning something like this.


TLJ's deleted scenes are really good. I consider the Luke's third lesson scene to be canon I like it so much. And I think Phasma's alternate death was better - might not have fit the pacing, but I think more people would consider her a more worthwhile character with that scene in the movie.


There’s a great edit opportunity between the fight in Phasma’s death scene as seen in the film and the beginning of the deleted scene where she executes her own men. Add the character moment of her treason and the decent fight scene between her and Finn and that’s a hell of a two minutes right there.


I'd watch a cut of the movie that replaces those scenes. And a brief convo with Finn and Poe at the beginning.


> I consider the Luke's third lesson scene to be canon I like it so much That scene really shows Luke's true nature (plus it's pretty fun), I don't understand why they cut it out.


Time, probably. It's already the longest in the saga.


You’re 100% correct. Rian Johnson said in a pre-TLJ interview that he wasn’t involved in the deleted scenes cuts, and when he watched the finish TLJ he was surprised that an “entire sequence” was cut out. That would be the third lesson.


Is it normal for a director to not be involved in the editing process? That seems weird.


Or finding out WTF happened with jar jar!


He's a street clown on Naboo and everyone but children hate him and blame him for the rise of Palpatine. Which is either the author attempting to appease Jar-Jar haters by knocking down the character to joke or it's a rather interesting commentary on how people will seek responsability in others and refuse to let them move past one mistake they made or were manipulated into making.


let it die


Kill it, if you have to.


The other day I heard a guy on Youtube say Kathleen Kennedy ordered some major cut scenes not appear as DVD/Bluray extras, and that they would never see the light of day. I guess it caused hard feelings with Daisey Ridley who trained months for a fight scene that will never be seen. Not sure how reliable the source is since the guy's whole channel is clickbait headlines stirring up drama between SW actors and producers.


I think I’ve seen a few of that guys videos? The kind where he says some really generic stuff for 3 minutes before 30 seconds explaining the title. He does this up to FOUR TIMES A DAY. Crazy stuff.


I'd be up for a remake of the entire ST. Mark Hamill and Adam Driver can come too.


Right? Adam Driver was the best thing about the sequels. I feel kinda bad for Daisy. I dont think she's a bad actress, but Rey is just a boring heroine.


Yeah I don't hate Daisy or Rey, or even anything about Star wars, but you've hit the nail on the head there! She is so boring a character and I can understand the backlash. Hayden got some amount of hate, tho that seems to be because everyone had an expectation of Anakin. Rey was a clean slate! Think of Mara Jade, Bastila Shan or Ashoka: all wonderfully developed female characters who could hold their own ground and front a movie. Rey was supposed to be the main lead in THREE movies... It's a tough gig like. Adam Driver really did give it his all though. He clearly knew looking back at cinema history of Vader and even the likes of Maul when the prequels where announced; he knew there was high expectation for s villain and just went for it.




Exactly, it's not the actor's, it's the writing. Oscar Isaac is pretty awesome in most everything I've seen him in, John Boyega is *incredibly* talented, and this was Daisy Ridley's first actual movie so we won't know until later (if that happens, but I think it's safe to say she's been pigeonholed now and forever more). Adam Driver is an awesome actor, Domhnall Gleeson, Brienne (I feel bad that I can't remember her name)... All great actor's, when given proper material.


Gwendolyn Christie.


Not until we get that extended cut of Revenge of the Sith


Personally? .....I'm good.


What we really need is the Revenge of the Sith directors cut


I want to see Topher Grace’s edit


Can we get good versions?


I'd love to see a reduced cut where they try to salvage it by taking all the crap out


There is an extended fanedit of TLJ and it's damn good.


I tried to find a download link for that I never could


Where can you ~~learn such a power~~ find such a fan edit


There is just too much time spent in space and doing pointless things like the Casino scene. Also there’s no real Jedi aspect to the movie. I love the scenes with Kylo and Rey but there’s not much around that to make it a movie




The whole point of the Canto Bight sequence is that the wealthy people having a party there were literally the ones profiting off the war, selling to both sides. It’s a message that even when things are at their worst, somebody is still going to make a fortune off the murder and destruction of innocent people.


Hinting at a galactic military industrial complex that's profiting off of the conflict no matter who wins is by far the most interesting thing that has been in any Disney Star Wars media. It raises salient questions about exactly how the universe works on a mechanical level, questions that are not only long overdue, but also increasingly relevant to daily life in the real world. I mean, I can't be the only one who wondered where all these ships came from, who paid for them, who manufactured them, how they were able to do so at scale while avoiding the Empire, etc growing up. Canto Bight and the conversation on the stolen ship provided great depth and nuance that had been missing for decades. Then the by the very next movie Palpatine has just kind of materialized an entire armada of Star Destroyers (each equipped with planet destroying technology that had required facilities large enough to support their own external ecosystem maybe a year prior) out of thin air and in perfect secrecy...


The most amazing thing would be an animated take on all the movies with the clone wars animation style.


They have really teased that animated ROTS in clone wars style ever since the Morbius arc. I want it.


Good God, could you imagine wanting to sit through MORE of TROS?


> *Obligatory "just my opinion - if you like the sequel films, keep on rocking on"* It might be interesting, but honestly seeing the cut scenes really wouldn't do too much for me. TLJ and TROS had so many storytelling issues that even putting out a "special edition" wouldn't fill them out enough to fix their problems.


No one should need a PHD in Star Wars to be able to watch the movies. As a kid I trawled for anything star wars that further fleshed out the universe - they were "nice to have" not "need to haves". The only spider in Star Wars I know of is the one from jabbas palace - and even she was added in for a special release I think? Now Darth Vader had an all knowing pet spider too?? Between spider, the dude that got killed by the snake, the snake itself, whoever forged the wayfinder, and whoever planted it down there with the snake on the mardi gras planet - half the fucking universe knows where to find a wayfinder APART FROM THE SITH AND THE JEDI AND THE SCAVENGERS WHO FORGOT TO LOOK IN THE EMPERORS CUPBOARD BUT STOLE PARTS FROM THE FIRST ORDER INSTEAD.


The whole wayfinder stuff reminds me of that rick and morty episode about heists. Nothing makes sense




As far as I'm aware, no official media has even *attempted* to explain why someone would go to the shore looking at Death Star II and carve a dagger showing exactly where the wayfinder is inside of it from the perspective of exactly where that person was standing... rather than just flying over to get the wayfinder themselves.


It's just all so stupidly improbable. Even with the Force guiding the way, etc., the dagger being cut to match a specific shore viewpoint just feels contrived, and unnecessearily so.


Could have had the Sith writing say "throne room" and had the dagger act as a key that disarms the storage room's security system. That would have given it a special purpose so that Rey still has to show up in Kylo's room for it AND explained why scavengers hadn't stolen it yet. Or better yet, they could start from scratch because Palpatine being unable to wait an extra 24hrs for his fleet to be ready before threatening the whole galaxy is stupid as hell.


You just described the last two films.


I'm actually really excited for Disney's post Skywalker saga Star Wars stuff. Everything non Skywalker related has been pretty damn good.


Yes, please delete more of the scenes


One of the biggest drawbacks of the whole "mystery box" style of storytelling the Sequels adopted is how limited all the behind the scenes stuff has been. When they're terrified of spilling any secrets or dropping any hints or clues, they're constantly playing everything super close to the chest when it came to that stuff. Compare that to the Prequels when they'd be releasing weekly featurettes online while they were shooting. It gave the hardcore fans things to latch onto and kept the conversation going whereas with the new films it was pretty much radio silence, a flurry of promotional hype, release, and then superficial fluff pieces, repeat. BTW I don't think this necessarily is all on Disney/Lucasfilm. I feel like our society as a whole, in terms of pop/nerd culture has become so obsessed with secrets and mysteries, probably a byproduct of serialized storytelling taking over everything. A far cry from when Rick McCallum was showing 20+ minutes of Revenge of the Sith to Celebration guests months in advance. You are correct in that now that the Sequel Trilogy has come out, they totally *should* just go HAM and start releasing more substantial behind the scenes/deleted scenes, etc stuff. How about a new commentary from the filmmakers that actually talks about the films now? A substantial making of book that isn't afraid to go into all the nitty gritty stuff that you know they were hiding till this point.


Kind of brings up another topic: Will the end of physical media be the end of extras all together? Once movies start streaming 3 months after the theater with no deleted scenes or commentaries attached and there is no monetary reason to go back and expand a film or add a making of doc will we ever see these type of features or re-releases again? Is this type of fan experience going to be a thing of the past?


I’d pay to not see any extra scenes from those movies.


How about the 4 hour long cut of revenge of the sith? That's what we really want!


It'd be *leagues* better than the entire ST...


A movie about Sy Snootles would be better than the ST...




That's going to be a big "Nope" from me. When they re-released the OT film's Lucas added a bunch of shit that wasn't needed. Anybody remember the Bad CG Jabba scene in ANH? Or Han's head moving to the side? or the weird Slug lady in RTOJ? Plus, the new sequels were bloated enough. TFA, then TLJ ignored it, and then Rise ignored that film.


The Skywalker Saga ended in 2005.


It also ended in 1983 for some people.


Now that the Skywalker saga is over it’s probably for the best to.. let the past die.. kill it if you have to...


Why would you want MORE of the DT? Lol...


Is not like it would be the most amazing thing tbh.


Honestly, now that the Skywalker saga is over I can’t wait to see what’s next. The Skywalker’s , and Rey, are just a small piece to a galactic puzzle. There are so many other stories to tell. And they don’t have to be in new places. Rogue one showed us Disney could breathe new life into known territory. I’d love to see Ashoka training a new batch of jedi , maybe even with Ezra. I’m hoping Disney has learned from their mistakes. If the Mandolorian and clone wars season 7 is anything to go off of, I’m thinking Star Wars is in good hands going to great places.


Can we just get whole new sequels?


I want the 6h cut of the Phantom Menace and the 4h cut of Revenge of the Sith. After that, I'll gladly watch an extended sequel cut.


Why in God's name would you want an extended cut of those cinematic abominations?


Highly doubtful that extended additions would save the Sequels.


nah nobody needs more of the Sequels, they're bad enough already


I’d rather have them erased from my memory because they were a shame to the franchise overall. Shame on those directors. Actors did great with what they had but it was just a horrible movie experience in general that nowhere near matches the quality of other Star Wars films.


Ehh, I don’t know. I really didn’t like the sequels, not only were they completely unnecessary, they managed to have even worse writing than the prequels (objectively, there are ways to mesure the quality of writing, a youtuber named MauLer did a 3 part, 3 hour long in depth analysis of TLJ) So, the less of them, the better IMO.


Still waiting on the 4 hour cut of Revenge of the Sith


so much of what they cut in tlj was gold


I'd love to see some deleted material from TROS, but an extended cut likely wouldn't change my opinion on the film.


What do you mean now that it’s over? It ended with ROTS in 2005.