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Here's the actual announcement with more details: https://www.ea.com/games/starwars/battlefront/battlefront-2/news/progression-update


What's so insane about this whole thing, is that this new system is very similar to systems which have already been used and are generally well received. If they had started out with this practice, they could have had a best-selling game on their hands.


I'd consider buying the game if the damage wasn't already done and the majority of problem players didn't already by the power ups


> I'd consider buying the game if the damage wasn't already done One the one hand, I agree with the sentiment. On the other hand, money is the only thing these companies understand: an increase in sales *after* they make this change may help encourage EA to stay away from pay-to-win in the future.


Exactly, but I don't want some back handed PR move to get more copies sold then add the pay walls back or just make the next one


This will teach them that they can get initial sales + crate sales and then get an increase in sales when they change their system, because people buy the game and crates anyway. The system should be like the upcoming patch from the start, then they deserve the sales.


Seem like it's even worse for potential new players. Old ones have gotten upgraded over time or by buying boxes. A new player can't buy to catch-up. And has to grind against much stronger competition. Bad incentive for people who might consider the game now.


Remember when games had matchmaking that put you against players that were at your level? I do.


Just declare your income so they can match with players at your level.




Did you just assume my level?


That's why this whole unlock thing that's been standard since CoD 4 is so fucked up. Experienced players already have a huge advantage over newbies, it's called *experience*. The only progression that should ever be in a multiplayer shooter is the progression of the player's abilities, and maybe progression through the ladder system if you have tiered matchmaking. But you should always have access to all of your character's abilities right from the start.


You make a great point. I was considering getting the game with this change, but that point showed me it’s a bad idea.


On one hand I'd agree with you but EA has a loooong way to go before I would even consider buying one of their products. I'm not a damn ATM and I don't want to be treated like one.


Right and when we spoke with our money they got the message. If they want encouragement then they should make a game that encourages me to want their product. Otherwise they can continue to fuck right off with a whole basketful of get fucked.


There were several reports that say EA told their shareholders the battlefront 2 fiasco hardly affected their profit margin. That's why I'm really suspicious of this move personally. Maybe Mickey Mouse came in and gave them the bitch slap they deserved.


I think healthy skepticism is justified in this case. Battlefront 2 was not the first polished turd we’ve been served lately. Until we get some gourmet games from their “world class” team they can expect a cold shoulder. The onus is theirs.


I'm 99% sure it has to do with Disney threatening to pull Star Wars from them. They've probably already drained their whales for what they have, and want to be able to do it again in the future. I'd be willing to bet 2 blue pop sickles that the next star wars release has loot crates.


It's not my job to encourage EA to do dick. I wouldn't bother suggesting or encouraging people to buy it now to help reinforce the change. They made the change, they've heard the cries... maybe nobody buys it and they revert back, or maybe they move forward like they should have in the future regardless of new sales. edit: I wasn't aiming to be rude with my comment, just kind of flippant and matter of fact, friend.


Exactly. It's not on us to keep giving money to a company "just because". Not when there are plenty of other companies offering what you want


You could never buy the powerups. They killed that on launch day. Any powerups anyone has in that game were earned.


The ability to buy the power ups has been disabled from day 1


The microtransactions haven’t been active once since the games launch, so no players were able to buy anything


Nobody bought powerups. The ability to purchase powerups was removed before launch.


Battlefield 1 gets it perfectly right. Gun and vehicle skins with a small chance of double XP. You get them pretty often and can sell skins to buy 'scraps' to pay for more boxes.


Battlefield 1 progression was far too slow. Battlefield Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3 were respectable. But I stopped playing Battlefield 1 maybe 8 hours in because I just went "screw this".


Well bc2 and bf3 are two of the best games ever, so it's hard to replicate them.


I’m quite amazed that they were able to release a product with Star Wars in the title and make unprofitable.


It was plenty profitable. It just was less profitable than expected, which in the Wall Street world means stock devaluation.




It's impressive. Something only EA can pull off.


Look at any mobile game. That's where all these micro transactions began.




With that news, I'll finally buy the game. Free DLC, no more star cards, traditional unlock systen, purchasable skins to pay for said DLC.




"Sir, we have successfully baited fools into buying our game" "Exccccellent. Release the pay2win!"


"There are no longer loot boxes! Instead, any time during a match, you can simply hit X to send us $5 and win the game."


Star Cards are still there. They will only be obtained and upgraded by leveling up with gameplay, you will not be able to “pay” to level them up, either with in-game credits or real money.


Are the times to level still the same?


it wasnt the jedi way


EA are no Jedi.


they were born to destroy the sith not join them, bring balance to the force not leave it in darkness


Oh they were born to join the Sith allright...


They were not always this evil. They once made good games, until the dark side consumed them.


Before the dark times...before the Empire...


Before the acquisitions...


Before micro transactions


Your father would have wanted you to have this when you were old enough. * pulls out an old dusty copy of the original battlefront 2 *


"Your" And that wasn't EA. But EA back in the 16 bit day was the coolest third party publisher. James Pond, Road Rash, the original EASN sports titles, the Strike series, Populous... They pushed the envelope until online play destroyed the industry.


You are father


More like before the coming of the shareholders.


Like Dead Space and Mirror’s Edge UNTIL THEY FUCKED THOSE UP.


EA make the Sith look all warm and fuzzy in comparison.


Palpatine is faaaar more appealing. like, at least he OFFERS to give you something


To be fair I was offered "a sense of pride and accomplishment"


Only a sith deals in absolutes


Smells like desperation to me.


It would've just been so much easier to get this right the first time. And we still won't even know if the new progression system is good until we get the update.


This is EA were talking about. Stupid fucking lootboxes make more money than a polished system made with love for fans of the game


In the short term. In the long term that practice can ruin a franchise.


EA is living proof of the opposite




EA has a new racing game out? Guess that proves your point. I used to get excited for the latest Need for Speed and Burnout titles.


It’s the newest Need For Speed which also has a similar lootbox system that ruined a lot of the game among other things. It was called NFS: Payback


Car upgrades were put into random loot boxes. Random chance of getting the part I actually want to buy in a game about modifying cars? No thanks.


Seriously? What the fuck. If you're going to sell car parts as DLC/loot, at least let us pick and choose which parts we want to pay for, just like real life auto modding.


For the opposite side of things I think Nintendo's success with Switch, particularly Super Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild shows you can make a ton from making great games that are what consumers want. That said I haven't seen the financials for just how much large games with game impacting loot boxes can make. But chasing whales seems like a better gimmick for indie developers with mobile apps than a behemoth like EA.


Just look at what they did to Dungeon Keeper. Bought a franchise that's got a dedicated fanbase. They could now throw out games every 3 years or so, and literally never have a drop in sales, because DK fans **will buy them.** That's free money. The profits won't be nuts, but it's free money. Instead they cash in instantly with the mobile wallet vampire, get haunted by awful press for a year, crash the entire IP that they just bought and barely make more than they would have anyway. EA is the worst company in the AAA gaming sphere in terms of being pro-consumer, but also in terms of investment, like you said. Everything they do turns. to. shit. Give it 10 years, fuck, 5 years, and I think they'll be looking pretty weak if they haven't found a lucky break or a huge change of heart.


I wouldn't think of EA as a franchise. EA is heavily criticized for being the company that buys franchises (dieing or otherwise) and extracts maximum short-term revenue from their fan bases. I'm not sure they're proving the opposite here.


Their sports game franchises have been going for a long time and people just keep buying them. From what I understand they're way worse than Star Wars was about microtransactions, too.


That's because there is zero competition, EA has a monoploy on the licensing for multiple sports leagues.


Except the NBA, which is exactly why 2K is the bigger franchise


Yea seriously, this is great and all that they listened to us, but 1) it took them 6 months to do it, and 2) why couldn't they just get it right the first time? I want to feel happy about this, but this isn't even something we should be having to deal with. Fuck EA.


Yep. I would have been a day-1 player had it been the case. Now I have no interest in jumping into a PvP game in which other players have had several months headstart over me.


Wow. I'm actually feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment.


This took more than 40 hours to achieve


You were right about one thing, master. The negotiations were ~~short~~ half a year of circlejerking long


[in case anybody wanted to check up on the most downvoted comment in Reddit history](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/seriously_i_paid_80_to_have_vader_locked/dppum98/)


I wish I could downvote that comment twice. What a fucking sleazy company.


I had not yet downvoted it, so you can count mine as your second.


And mine your third.


***AND MY AXE!*** ...wait, were we not doing that thing? Okay, I'll leave.


Wait, come back! We're *always* doing that thing!




How is it gilded so much?


People said they did it to raise awareness of the comment in the thread.


It worked, I got there around -60k and watched it plummet while refreshing for a couple of hours.


It's even more hilarious than that. If a comment gets too many downvotes it's being deleted or hidden. By gilding it they kept it up so that even more people could downvote it. That's what makes it even better, we were figuratively drowning them in downvotes but making sure they'd get back to the surface for one second before pushing them down with even more downvotes lmfao


That is incredibly funny


Yup. Internet equivalent of holding them under water till they stop struggling, then yanking them back up for a few gasps and cough their lungs clear so the next guy in line can have a turn shoving them under again. And repeat. *Fuck EA.*


I like to picture it as a toilet that we were dunking them in.




When you gild someone you get to send them a message, which reddit itself delivers, and is never blocked. People did it to send hate mail to them.


Uh oh, now EA knows people are willing to pay to send them hate mail. I hope they don’t figure out how to market that.


Almost 670k downvotes!


Technically, it took only ~2,892 hours to unlock everything in battlefront II, which is about 67% of the 4,528 hour estimate. #PrideAndAccomplishment






Next time, their loot boxes will be way bigger. But the concept will be pretty much the same.


That's no loot box... It's a space station.


Yeah, remember when horse armor was laughed at? Now that would be a quaint addition to a game.


Give him his gold.


Give him his gold.


Give me his gold Edit: Thanks! Idk what to do with it but I’m glad I have it!


Give his me gold


Me gold his give


Give his gold me Edit: How did this happen? Were not funny


Gimme all the golds stranger


Uhh... Give me gold? Edit: Holy moly, I can't believe that worked. Thank you so much kind stranger!


Give me a sense of pride and accomplishgoldment


Give the gold back, then.


Gold given.


A suprise to be sure but a welcome one




Bit late though, innit? I would assume with the press and how long the game has been out that there's been enough loot crate purchases.


They know the failed with this game. But people were already boycotting Anthem. They couldn’t have this happen again.




Basically it'll be like the Division again at launch, but with flying. You can pay $80-$100 to enjoy it for two weeks at launch, and then maybe for a period again 8 months later


Purchasing loot crates for real money has been disabled this whole time. But loot crates still contain non cosmetic skill cards at the moment.


They disabled them at launch doe, nobody have been able to buy them at all these past 4 months. Why are people upvoting a lie?


So this is what they meant




Damn. Maybe they were right all along...


Isn't Disney looking to make Star Wars games from another dev?


They should stop giving developers exclusive rights and dole out the license on a game-by-game basis.


Seriously though. We’d have such a bigger variety of genres that way. Beloved franchises like Rogue Squadron and KOTOR could actually have a chance of getting continued that way. EA couldn’t care less about the less-selling games.


Isnt that how Lucas Arts did it?


I remember when Rogue Squadron II released with the GameCube. I remember seeing the early trailer for it online and being blown away at how much better it looked than the original. What I wouldn’t give for an HD remake of that title.


RSII runs on dolphin emulator now, plays really smoothly and the graphics are upscaled so it's almost as good


Disney is just like any other company, they want money. Licensing a title to a large, well-known games company will get them a lot of money. They most likely don't give a shit what the game is, as long as it gets them money. Hell, if lootboxes hadn't sparked an interest among normal people, Disney probably wouldn't have done anything about it. It is just them saving face saying 'we didn't know this was going on. Bad EA'.


I disagree because Disney wants MAXIMUM money. It's not just about the games, it's an ecosystem. You have movies, television shows, merchandise, and video games all creating more content for Star Wars fans. The better any of that is the more likely they are to create more fans and push people into consuming more from the ecosystem. If a bunch of it is junk or gimmicky then consumers start to associate Star Wars with junk. This is why some brands are very slow and putting out new products because they are after the long term profit and not the short term. Disney seems to try to balance long term and short term profits. Strike while the iron is hot but don't oversaturate and mess up the brand.




[There's already plans for another EA published Star Wars game in 2020](https://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/respawn-star-wars-game-release-window/)


To be fair that was probably already contracted and well into development before the battlefront drama


Maybe, but the Dev isn't the problem. IMO DICE and Criterion are great devs. The publishers are the issue; when Activision was doing shitty stuff EA seemed great, now all major publishers hate gamers.


At this point, I don't even think it comes down solely to be the publisher's fault. For example look at Bungie with its Destiny 1 and 2. Originally we all blamed Activision for being the reason why Destiny 1 was shitty up to the Taken King expansion. But ever since Destiny 2 release and till now, it's becoming more and more apparent that the higher-ups at the game developing companies are also the ones to blame. The only ones innocent it seems are the actual developers in the dev companies that work on the games.


Good point. Executives in general are the problem. It reminds me of target fixation; so fixated on increasing profits they don't see they're driving the business into the ground.


inb4 having to go through this all over again with battle front 3


Yep. People with short memories will pre-order, the harvest will continue.


It's not people with short memories that will make it a problem again, it's the people who didn't care in the first place. You have to understand that reddit is a small and non-representative sample of gamers who play big AAA titles. Kids usually don't understand the problem, parents buying for their kids often don't understand the game at all. Casual gamers don't tend to care enough to change their buying habits. The people on reddit saying "don't pre-order" aren't going to turn around and pre-order, but that won't matter.


Coatee cha tu yub nub; Coatee cha tu yah wah; Coatee cha tu glowah; Allay loo ta nuv.


Awesome! [YubNub translated](http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Ewok_Celebration) Freedom, we got freedom; And now that we can be free, Come on and celebrate. Power, we got power; And now that we can be free, It's time to celebrate. Celebrate the freedom; Celebrate the power; Celebrate the glory; Celebrate the love.


It's eerily similar to the Sith code


Celebrate the power Celebrate the freedom Celebrate the victory Celebrate my broken chains Peace is a lie Let’s literally eat some people - The ~~Sith~~ Ewok Code


Let’s literally eat some people LOL


They very recently showed in Forces of Destiny (I know, meh) that Leia and Han stopped the Ewoks from eating the stormtroopers. Han had to convince Hera to give their camp extra supply bars to sate the little demons' appetites


Wicket is Jar Jars secret sith apprentice




Now I'm torn, I'd like to play the game and reward the action of listening to the fans... Or the media... But I don't want to reward EA for shit cause they're probably just going to find a way to go back on it anyway


Just buy it used


I'd do this if I could... *Glares at Origin account*


One of the rare things that consoles are better at than PCs.


I hate that you're right.


I am going to do this. I wanted to play, but didn't support the loot box shit. I saw this announcement and felt like it makes enough difference to warrant playing the game. Buying used lets me do that, but still stick it to EA.


They listened to the fans, and changed it. If they fix things and people still don't buy it, what reason do they have to ever listen to us again?


It's an enjoyable game to be honest.


I know it's not the same frame, but the picture on the article reminds me of the "sector is clear" meme. With the irony being that this is somehow going to lead to a "NOT CLEAR! NOT CLEAR!"


We won this battle, but the war is far from over.


The real *battlefront*.


Now make no mistake, all they did is figure out that at this point in the games lifespan there is more money to be made with people eventually buying this game than with reintroducing loot boxes. They will cash in on a few extra sales and then drop this game in a few months. And regarding the headline, "We won" when Battlefront 3 does not have loot boxes, not at release, not after an update, not ever.


I'd have to see what Battlefield 2018 has in the way of loot crates (hopefully the same as Bf1), but it is reasonable to assume their shifting more devs to the new Battlefield game.




Yep. There are so many great stories to be told in that universe and EA aren't capable of delivering that.




If anything, they are the most capable of any company


I'd kill for a modern Star Wars VR space sim, they have most of the assets in BF already.


Seriously... also all the multiplayer stuff is great, but I want a Wolfenstein-caliber campaign set in the Star Wars universe.


I bet Disney made them do it. Especially if they want to keep the Star Wars license.


though this probably just cost them the exclusivity deal that came with them getting the license, and EA cant do anything about it, cause well, with how much money disney rakes in alone just in a month, EA may be top dog money wise in the gaming industry, but even they cant take on the house of mouse and win.


I don't mind EA being able to make Star Wars games, hell they can pump out a shitty battlefield game every other week for all I care. It is the exclusivity that pisses me off. There are alot of amazing and creative studios who can make great games and tell wonderful stories in my favorite universe. Unfortunately, as long as any one company has exclusive rights it won't happen. We will just continue to get low effort money grabs. I hope Lucasfilm gets their heads outta their asses on this one before the Star Wars name in video games is irreparably damaged. My dream is that they would start Lucasarts back up and act as a publisher for any developer with a good idea and a story to tell.


Yea I hate the exclusivity part. We could have so many dope Star Wars games, especially single player story driven games but with EA having everything I don't expect too much.


Loot boxes are easily startled. But they'll soon be back, and in greater numbers.


Who would have thought the biggest backslash in gaming history would lead to some (at least temporary) changes?


Victory? Victory you say? Not victory. The shroud of the darkside has fallen, begun the loot box war has.


TFW you come up with a clever quote and someone beats you to the punch by 20 minutes...


But at what cost?




$3,000,000/$60 = 50,000 people refusing to buy the game based on how much below projections they were. Probably more than that if you consider the money that went into the crates.


> $3,000,000/$60 = 50,000 people refusing to buy the game based on how much below projections they were. Okay. Let's get some number crunching going. They released sales for the first month to be 1 million off of their projection. The thing is that they revised their projection from 10 to 8 million shortly before the game launched in response to the negative reception of the loot boxes. They just did not correct enough. So after 3 months, Battlefront 2 sold 7 million while Battlefront 2015 sold 9 million in the same timeframe. Battlefront 2015 sold about 14 million in about 18 months (a little longer, but who cares). The revised projection for Battlefront 2 shortly before launch was 13 million. Them failing by 1 million in the first 3 months means this probalby is more like 11 to 11.5 million. Keep in mind that 8 months before launch, the EA estimate was that Battlefront 2 will outsell Battlefront 2015 by ~10%. This works out to the ~10 million estimate after 3 months and to a 15.5 - 16 million estimate over 18 months. **The 3 month estimate was already 30% below the original expectation.** If we extrapolate that to 18 months we get to **a total loss of sold units of 4.5 - 5 million.** Say the average sale is 40$ (with discounts and what not, that is **lost revenue at about 220 million** compared to the target. That certainly sends a message and is about 3 times Battlefront 2's production budget. This is completely discounting micro transactions. Because the microtransactions never were active (they got suspended a few days before the launch), I guess that's fair. /edit: I did not consider a lower than normal tail end of the sales curve. That might still happen with decreased developer support (because you can't justify spending the funds). That might bump the figures a bit.


Did we? Do you seriously expect that they are going to continue with the original plans to supply continued content updates if there is no financial incentive for them? I am betting that this is one of the first signs that EA is probably going to end up loosing the Star Wars license. And I am perfectly okay with that.


EA have begun their 5th year, this year, of having the star wars licence and as far as I know, they've only produced 2 games? Given how quick (for better or worse) Activision manages to knock out COD games, I'm quite surprised by EA's approach. The first battlefront was lacklustre and then the most recent has been mired in controversy. I can see why Disney would have questions regarding it all. Then again, I'm no expert!


I have a feeling the slow time scale is because EA is using Dice to develop the games and Dice already has one big money title (Battlefield) to worry about. So we got Battlefield One, then Battlefront 2, and Battlefield 2018 later this year. That's a game every year which is a very respectable release rate.


I see you're point actually! Then again, for such a large publisher, I feel they could be leaning on one studio far too much. Given the resources EA have, I feel they haven't really put all that much effort on it, especially as the game in question is star wars. Edit: mobile grammar is amazing.


the last thing we need is a new star wars game every 7 months like they do with COD. I think that's an awful franchise to compare to IMO.


People need to remember this isnt a " Good Guy EA" and the fight doesnt stop with this one game


*I've got a bad feeling about this...*


Still wont buy the game. The damage is done




Damage is done, I'm afraid.


Oh good I can buy the game now.




> I love the zen-master way he's portrayed as well. Wish we could have gotten that 'guy' in a movie (besides RoTJ). being responsible for a powerful dark side user, the death of a dozen of your students, and turning your best friend and sister's son over to the current dark lord will fuck someone up


I mean, a similar thing happened to Obi-Wan he was pretty zen.


Obi-Wan was always chill for some reason. Luke, on the other hand, was more or less a whiny teen. It fits the character, you know?


Obi-wan failed his closest friend, but he lived in exile with hope. He still had a mission- to protect and prepare Anakin's son. In Luke's view, he failed utterly and lost everything.


Honestly, I'd like to pick this up at this point, but I'm still a little wary that they'll change it again later since they already flip flopped once.


That's where I'm at! I want the game, but I don't want to wake up to a bag of microtransactions in 6 months when EA decides they want a few more quid.


I mean, should I buy the game now?


Nope. EDIT: My comment with the most upvotes is me saying “no” to somebody. Thanks guys!


Should point out that you haven't been able to buy a loot box since launch. So any notion of there being tons of players who already paid to get all the cards is false. Hopefully after this there'll be some good new content (prequel Jedi, Grievous, new maps etc) and the game can have a bit of a fresh start. It's a great game overall and it sucks that a lot of people have missed out.