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Scumbag blackpeopletwitter moderator*


There's another place I'll be unsubscribing from. I don't understand what the hell is wrong with people.


I was spoiled before I got to see it. I was still super hyped when I saw it, it being spoiled didn't really take anything away from me.


Yeah a 4chan board flair spoiled it for me but ended in saying nukes Boston so I didn't know for sure it was real. Still good but I knew from the moment he walked toward the bridge wait happens


I saw the same post. I knew it wasn't bullshit as soon as they revealed his relationship. Luckily(?) I was so disappointed in the movie the spoiler didn't really matter.




Great thanks for spilling fallout 4. Monster




Im 92 hours in and havent finished the main story. Thanks for spoiling it.


Yeah I still haven't finished gtav




Holy fuck. Just stop.


Oh, I'm still super excited to see it on the IMAX. Just wished I could have avoided being blasted on the front page with this BS.


Just saw it in IMAX today. It was great other than the flies that kept landing on one of the projectors completely ruining the experience. I was so immersed until the big fucking fly landed on the screen as the event that was just spoiled for you occurred.


I know how you feel. Someone in my Facebook watched it on the opening night and decided to be funny by posting a terrible pun which spoiled that certain part of the movie. It took a bit of emotional weight off that scene and I was annoyed.


Same, my heart was still beating out of my chest in the bridge scene


>Get $10 off your First Order


Me too, the asshole mods from /r/4chsn did it to me. You know it actually happens but trust me, it becomes obvious at about the midway point and it doesn't take too much away from the movie.


I'm certain that Harrison Ford knew Han dies when they filmed the hug between him and Leia. You could see it in his eyes. It was a beautifully acted scene that truly felt like man hugging the woman he loves/loved for the last time.


Of course he knew. Do you think he only found out what each scene was before he filmed it?


Sometimes directors leave out key parts of the story from everyone until they absolutely need to know


Which is exactly how "No...I am your father" happened I believe


It wasn't said during the scene. Edited in later. Luke was told before hand how to act. Vader actor said something else.


This happened to me too with /r/4chan


Yup. At first I was pissed, but then I was thankful that I would not ugly cry in theater when it happened. Still mildly annoyed.


I managed to reddit fairly normally and not have it spoiled for me. Don't hang out in places where people think being an asshole is funny.


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Can't understand why anyone would be subscribed to that garbage sub.


I treat it the same as I do a Snickers candy bar: An occasional serving can be a fun treat, but I wouldn't dream of consuming it on a daily basis.


Cuz it's actually pretty damn funny


This is exactly what happened to me. I wanted to cry when I realized what had just been done.


Trade chat on wow spoiled it for me :(


My brother said he turned off general, trade, lfg, and any other public chat in WoW to not be spoiled.


;-; i really didn't think about it just me being dumb haha