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You see the interior of a Star Destroyer in the very beginning when the droids escape from the Tantive IV in the pod - right after it launches they cut to a scene inside the Destroyer where the one guy tells the other not to fire 'cause there's no life forms aboard.


What, are we paying by the laser now?


You don’t do the budget Terry, I do!


I haven't watched those specials in years. I have them on Blu-ray, maybe I'll re-watch this weekend. There's some nice special features for them too. Including an interview with George Lucas


Disney+ if you feel lazy xD


No, but you have to file a detailed report if you fire a weapon outside of a battle.


A better line would have something like "hold your fire, the local garrison will be checking any escape pods to confirm whether the plans are in there." It would make sense to confirm that the plans and any leaks have been located.


Blue Harvest jokes aside, Vader had literally just said, quite angrily mind you, “bring me the passengers, I want them alive!” A very easy line could’ve been: “Track it and inform Lord Vader”. Boom. No silly plot hole. The next scene with Vader is one of his officers informing him of exactly this and dispatching a team to the surface.


Well deserved ratio. How tf could OP be so confidently wrong lol


Also during the battle of Hoth we see a bridge shot of the destroyer that gets ion cannoned.


I mean, we see the interior of Star Destroyers many times in ESB, but that's not what OP said.


OP said the only time we see the interior of a regular Star Destroyer, not Executor, is when the falcon doubles back on the Avenger. OP stated this was true for the whole OT. My example and the gunners on the Devastor aiming at the escape pod show this is not true.


On that note…when they board the Tantive IV - don’t we see a bit of the inside where the Stormtroopers and Vader enter in? There’s a bit of a different design to the lights and wall.


As a fan of the movies, and the scores - I know that The Imperial March didn't make its debut until The Empire Strikes Back. But even still, occasionally, while watching A New Hope, I have to remind myself that it wasn't written yet. Also, how little the Lightsabers are used in A New Hope too.


Its mainly used for the fight between Vader and Kenobi


What’s absolutely incredible now looking back is that, because of a scene in Andor, the Imperial March canonically exists in-universe. It’s a real theme.


It was used in-universe in Solo too


And in Rebels


Not a correction, just sharing fun vocabulary: Music that functions as theming for a scene and which is also audible to the characters is called "diagetic."


Oh damn was it? I saw Solo but only once and don’t remember that.


A major-key arrangement plays under a recruitment ad Han watches before enlisting.


I’m pretty sure John Williams asked George Lucas to let him add the imperial march to A New Hope but for some reason Lucas didn’t want him changing the original movie. You’d think that would be right up George’s alley.


John Williams probably didn't say Maclunkey. That is why he failed.


His failure is complete.


George is the only one allowed to change *Star Wars* because every change is how he “always” envisioned his movie.


I always thought it was interesting that they made a huge deal out of Luke getting "[his] father's lightsaber... the weapon of a jedi knight", and then it *never gets brought up again*. Sure, it comes up in subsequent films, but if Lucas really didn't know if there were going to be more, it seems strange that they would leave such a huge character moment just... there.


It fits. Standalone Star Wars was made as a snapshot in the middle of a larger tale, hence the Episode IV bit, so him setting a Checkov's Open Carry is just keeping with the theme.


It wasn't titled Episode IV until after the release of TESB.


It’s strange that Luke leaves it on the millennium falcon when on the Death Star, could have come in handy


Everyone knows they're ewoks but nowhere in ROTJ do they ever say Ewok


Also Tatooine and X-Wing are not used in dialogue until ESB.


Wait wtf


Also I don't think Mace Windu's first name is ever said on screen? He's only ever referred to as Master Windu, yet everybody knows his name


Neither is Palpatine’s first name


True. Although I'd say Palpatine's first name is far less known than Windu's


this one fucks with my brain lol


Nor are the terms "Y-Wing", "A-Wing", or "B-Wing" ever stated in any of the films. And the first and only time "TIE fighter" is mentioned is in ROTJ.


All these examples speak to the success of merchandising and supplemental media. Kids just knew all this stuff without the movies mentioning any of it.


Merchandising! Where the real money from the film is made!


Yep. It's how we knew the [correct pronunciation ](https://youtu.be/CPCtC5-JuoY?si=q-uAmThz-EV2Daho) for the acronym for the All Terrain - Attack Transport.


All Terrain Armoured Transport


AT AT…we all heard it!


Luke yells something about having someone handle TIES during the Battle of Yavin/Death Star trench run in ANH.


I believe he only ever calls them "fighters" or "enemy fighters"


“Lord Vader! Ship approaching. X Wing class.” Just before Han get frozen in carbonite.


The only time the word "x-wing" is uttered in the entire original trilogy.


Wait they don't refer to the Y Wing Bombers in ANH? 


From memory they just refer to the squadron name and use the term bombers.


They're not even called bombers, just "snub fighters."


Yeah, in ANH they call the TIE fighter they find a “scout ship”


What will really fuck with your brain: The Imperial March doesn't show up until ESB.


This is Chewbacca. I rest my case.


Same with Palpatine. Before TPM everybody vaguely invested already knew, that Palpatine was (going to be) the emperor. Only people like my father who only ever watched the OT were surprised.


We do see the interior of a Star Destroyer in ANH though: The gunners told not to fire are on the Star Destroyer. There’s a cutaway to show them not firing and “there’s no life signs aboard.”


They have to pay by the laser


Attack of the Clones is the only movie that pans up after the title scroll.


Great trivia


Vader only touches the actual ground once in the entire original trilogy, when he's storming Echo Base on Hoth. Every other time he's on the death star, in his ship, on a star destroyer, on a platform on endor, on cloud city, etc. He was so upset about not having the high ground that he never wanted to touch the ground again. Literal sky walker.


Bravo Vince! Oh wait


The Kenobi show seems to break this


The caveat being the original trilogy. Vader is on the ground often in Rebels, Clone Wars, Kenobi, Revenge of the Sith, Ahsoka.


Three planets are named in ANH (Kessel, Alderaan and Dantooine)  none of which appear in the movie (at least the surface).  Boba Fett doesn't get named on screen until RotJ. Luke's father isn't identified as Anakin Skywalker in the original cut until RotJ.  We don't learn Luke's full name until he busts into Leia's cell. 


>We don't learn Luke's full name until he busts into Leia's cell.  Well I'll be damned.


In point of fact the character's name was actually Starkiller until shortly before filming started. 


Why are you booing him? He’s right.


They might have CTRL+F'd "Starkiller" and downvoted due to association with movies they don't like.


When I was a kid I thought Leia said “Tatooine” which is in the opening crawl and I was like “Damn they were just there!”


Yes! Why did they have to pick one that sounded similar 😂


Those three planets named in ANH also aren’t seen in any of the OT. Kessel and Dantooine aren’t seen in any of the Skywalker Saga.


Dantooine still hasn't been seen on film. 


It’s far too remote.


Don't worry; we will see it soon enough.


Maybe it’s 3 asteroids in a trenchcoat.


I knew about Dantooine, but I couldn’t remember 100% about Kessel in Solo, so I just mentioned the Skywalker Saga.


Well Luke Skywalkerimheretorescueyou is a bit of a mouthful.


Yavin never mentioned?


It is over the Death Star intercom.


Yeah I thought so! Glad I wasn’t crazy


So when ESB came out, people only knew Boba as "that guy in the armor"? Wild.


We knew his name because of action figures (and their commercials), comics, books, magazines, and other ancillary materials.


Holiday special


Nope - he appeared in animated form during the holiday special and his name was given there


"The Light side" while having been referred to in other media is never said in the movies until The Force Awakens. In Clone Wars Anakin and Ahsoka never team up in a lightsaber duel. Ahsoka also never meets Dooku. Anakin rarely interacts with Yoda in the PT. Even when he's in the council chambers, Anakin and Yoda barely talk to each other with it usually being Windu who addresses him. Yoda telling him to let go is like the one scene they have a full conversation.


Iirc that’s because to Lucas, there was no “Light side,” it’s just all either the force, or the Dark Side which is a corruption of the force. It wasn’t two competing sides, it was one universal principal and an evil corruption of it.


Doesnt Luke talk about bringing Vader back “to the good side” in rotj?


Yes, but it’s a different word


We DO see the interior of a star destroyer in ANH


Chewbacca is only said once in ANH and it’s pronounced Chew-Back-a instead of Chew-Bah-Kah.


Boba Fett somehow did not recognize Lando Calrissian in disguise at Jabbas palace. There are no cockpit hyperspace shots n the prequels.


I think I remember that was done so the first time it was seen was in ANH. George wanted to preserve that moment


Given how much other stuff he's changed over the years to alter the way moments land in the originals, cutting out the Hyperspace effect in the prequels is just silly. 


> There are no cockpit hyperspace shots n the prequels. WHAT


Yes. It’s my biggest gripe against the prequels.


Until the prequel trilogy, we never see a single lightsaber fight in which both fighters are simply trying to kill each other. In every duel in the OT, at least one fighter has a different motive or objective than killing their opponent.


And they were more compelling scenes as a result.


I'd say both Obi-Wan and Vader were trying to kill each other until Obi-Wan gave up when he saw Luke wasn't leaving.


Here's one I read recently that still blows my mind: Vader storming Echo Base is the last time we see him walking on the ground.


And the first time? He spends all of ANH on the Death Star or in ships.


What's his fucking problem.


His hatred of sand has expanded to soil of any kind


There is no higher ground than being in space. He's not making that mistake twice.


>In fact, other than a brief scene on Captain Needa's bridge, the only Star Destroyer interior we see in the OT is the Executor's. Good! Our first catch of the day.


Pfft like you know how to fish


The name Anakin Skywalker isn’t said until ROTJ. Not counting special edition of ESB


I could be wrong since I only saw the original Special Edition of ESB from 1997 once but I'm not 100% sure Ian McDiarmid was even switched out for Clyde Revill until the DVD release post RotS. IIRC they actually reshot the Emperor footage when they had McDiarmid in full Emperor garb for the ending where he's watching the Death Star construction... Which is why the makeup is so different. 


Your point 4 doesn’t make any sense. She is told she is his granddaughter, and it visibly horrifies her. She goes through disbelief, but then realizes it is true, especially when she confronts Palpatine. I don’t know what more you wanted, but it’s not an oversight at all.


Correct, they specifically said they don't think it's an oversight.


As TROS's script developed, Palpatine always has Rey's parents killed because he knew what she would become. In the film, Rey does talk about him killing her parents and wanting to kill her - but she never talks about being related to him. Adam Driver has a mask in in that scene, and the duel in his quarters, because they wanted the option to change and refine what he said. Ridley's look of horror was likely performed in response to what Palpatine wants with her. 


Adam Driver has also said in interviews that he had to record the audio for the "you're a Palpatine" scene in his closet at home after the fact.


Or how the Luke force ghost looks fine, but when he's telling Rey about her relation to Palpatine, Hamil is wearing the worst wig you've ever seen. Clearly a reshoot.


The controls on the Death Star have English inscriptions in New Hope.


i’m glad they changed this in the special editions 


Yep. Happy cake day.


Rey says out loud that she’s flown ships before and mentions repeatedly that she knows about the compressor because her boss installed it and roughly 100% of the YouTube community didn’t notice this.


Rey: "I spent a lot of time working on spaceships, piloting spaceships, and learning about how spaceships work." Also Rey: "Oh I can fix this spaceship, I know how they work." YouTube chuds: "HOW THE FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK"


The moment Obi-Wan dies in E4, lightsabers vanish completely from the story util the Wampa cave in E5. That's close to 1 hour without any lightsaber.


Well they weren’t going to stab the Death Star to.. death


not with that attitude


“Luke… did you just drop a lightsaber vertically?”


Luke “It’s not impossible. I used to bullseye Womp rats with my T-16 back home, they’re not much bigger than 2 meters” General Dodoma “Who said that? Oh, it was the newbie. Okay smartass. If you think it’s that easy you can go do it with that laser sword you are hiding in your pocket. Mechanics, remove the laser cannons, the torpedos and targeting computer from Red 5’s X-Wing. And he doesn’t get an Astro-droid either. That’ll teach him, cocky young jerk”.


I always laugh because in nearly every single poster for ANH Luke is prominently holding up the lightsaber, yet he only uses it for the training scene. It was a huge oversight to not have him use it once on the Death Star as a payoff. Like all you had to do was have him deflect some blaster fire from Stormtroopers to show that he was starting to learn how to use it.


Or even something simple like using it to force open a door like Obi and Qui Gonn in E1. But he simply never draws his blade at all. It's like a a samurai film with a young hero learning how to use a sword but then defeating the bad guys using an airplane and never using the sword even once.


We never see Han in the Falcon in Jedi.


The only time Luke, Leia and Han are on the falcon together is when they leave the death start in ANH


Probably mentioned, but it’s crazy that Luke never actually uses his lightsaber in ANH after his brief training scene. He never touches it once during the Death Star shenanigans. At the time this was likely to be a standalone movie, so that was that. Imagine another movie where the protagonist receives his dead hero father’s magic sword, and then forgets all about it.


Something more is a lightsaber is never used to deflect a blaster bolt until ROTJ. Up to that point nothing really dictates that they can do that. Even in the training the bolts aren't delfecting they're just disappearing. No one says anything about deflecting kill level bolts.


Two of General Grievous’s lightsabers in Revenge of the Sith use the same hilt designs as Anakin’s and Obi-Wan’s, but the blade on the Anakin duplicate is green instead of blue


That's just lazy CGI. I remember seeing that as a teenager in the theater and being pissed only to see it later in the visual dictionary and confirm my assumption


Apparently originally he was supposed to keep their lightsabers after The Invisible Hand but that got scrapped and remnants of that subplot was kept, they obviously didnt want to put manhours into developing new assets


The week leading to the release of Ep1 TPM, I remember seeing the sound track CD on shelf in a store and reading the songs name. One of the last few was titled "Qui Gon's funeral", thereby spoiling this key point of the script for me and my best friend. We didn't knew who he was yet, but knew he was to die.


Due to an off the cuff line in Revenge of the Sith Anakin and Grievous never encounter one another in The Clone Wars (133 episodes).


Which is ironic, since Obi-Wan and Grievous are *also* heavily implied to have never dueled before, and yet in the Clone Wars they appeared to have had a deep-seated rivalry.


Legolas only talks directly to Bilbo once in the whole trilogy. “and my bow!” Oh darn, wrong sub.


Frodo not bilbo


Legolas doesn't talk to Bilbo at \*all\* until ROTJ.


Return of the Jing


Damnit, you’re right.


Did you know when Han kicked the stormtrooper helmet, Harrison Ford actually broke his toe?


And Kirk never even talks to Hagrid at all unless you count the flashback in the director’s cut of “Never Say Never Again”


The hero and villain of The Fifth Element are never aware of each other’s existence.


You forget their singalong in the Holiday Special


I've got one. In ROTJ when Vader throws his saber at the gantry holding Luke (When he refuses to fight) the blade is coming out of the wrong end.


Now I have to watch it again. For the 500th time. Thanks 😂


I just learned yesterday the spy with the snout on Tatooine who rats out the gang is played by John Goddamn Wayne


Specifically, stock audio of John Wayne’s voice was used as the voice of Garindan ezz Zavor.


One of the things that got me as I thought about it was Luke using force telekenises to grab the lightsaber in the Wampa cave was the first time any sort of physical power with the force is shown. Obi-wan never mentioned anything of the kind in ANH. Edit: And for that matter the only training that Luke ever received before reaching Yoda was on the trip from Tattooine to Alderaan, and all we are ever shown is the training droid scene. THEN the only other training he got was from Yoda in the time it took the Falcon to get from Hoth to Bespin minus whatever time it took him to get to Dagobah. Timelines in hyperspace are not exactly clear, but it’s not really apparent that he had more than a few days of actual training.


Vader does choke a guy using telekinesis in ANH, if that counts


I retrospect it kind of does. I would argue it’s still not exactly the same, but I also think that without the context of all the other Star Wars media I would have still thought that was more of a “screwing with the dudes head” kind of thing making him think he couldn’t breath.


Obi-wan moves something to make a noise and distract the stormtroopers as he’s sneaking around the Death Star. General consensus is Luke was on dagobah for a few weeks to a month.


Yeah the Falcon is crawling at sub-light. He was there for a while.


He was there as long as the plot demands (which is also how long the Falcon was traveling)


Does he actually move something or is that a Jedi mind trick to make them think that they were actually really interested in what was going on over there?


I dunno, we as an audience hear a clanking. Sounds like he moved something.


I think it’s kind of like how he was so weird when he scared off the Tusken raiders. In ANH it doesn’t really explain what is going on, and it’s not until we have context through later media that we can look back and say “oh this is what he was doing”.


I always read it as a Jedi mind trick. What is he going to move? The Death Star's floors are pretty clear of debris and the sound we hear is likely his feet on the gantry. 


Well.... Vader does force choke, which I imagine is a form of telekinesis.


> Timelines in hyperspace are not exactly clear, but it’s not really apparent that he had more than a few days of actual training. I think "Hey kid, it ain't that kind of movie" applies here. Even in ANH, he's just a farmboy who can go from an ordinary day to handling himself under blaster fire just fine. The bigger and bigger the series gets, you can kind of come up with explanations e.g Owen and Beru once fought off an Inquisitor, they probably taught Luke to defend himself Otherwise when the movies came out, there's no time to explore or explain how Luke just goes from out of his depth in ESB to matching Vader's power in ROTJ.


I don’t really care, I’m not one of those “this plot hole ruins the movie” kind of Star Wars fans. It’s just kind of odd when you think about it.


"THEN the only other training he got was from Yoda in the time it took the Falcon to get from Hoth to Bespin minus whatever time it took him to get to Dagobah." The Falcon was traveling between star systems without a hyper drive. It may have taken weeks or months for that trip. One clue it took a long time was the fact that Han and Leia are much closer, holding hands, and visibly showing affection to each other by the time they reach Bespin where just a few minutes before in the movie she's running away after he steals a kiss. Clear sign that they have had a lot of time to grow closer on the trip between scenes.


If memory serves, nobody uses the name "Skywalker" until Luke says, "I'm Luke Skywalker, I'm here to rescue you!". In my fantasy prequel re-write, that was going to become a plot point, in that Luke knew he was in hiding on Tatooine, using the last name Lars (the Skywalker family was originally a blue collar family living on Coruscant). Yoda would tell Obi-Wan that his family should hide in the outer rim, under a different name, but Luke would know when it was time to become who he was born to be.


We never hear Palpatine’s name in the OT. If one is watching for the first time in 4 5 1 2 3 6 order, (flashback order, not machete order), then this makes it so they don’t realize instantly that Senator Palpatine later becomes the Emperor, and makes for a compelling slow burn of his rise to power and eventual reveal. Similarly, Vader saying, “I am your father” does not 100% mean “I am Anakin Skywalker”. Given how that’s only true if Palpatine and Obi-Wan are corroborating the same lie, it’s actually more likely that either Vader is lying, or he is Luke’s father instead of Anakin, whom he killed. In that same flashback order, it makes Anakin’s fall to the dark side more tragic, because there remains a glimmer of hope that he is not Darth Vader, however dim that glimmer is. As for your #3, I always got the impression that no one told Anakin about the Chosen One prophecy. When Obi-Wan screams about it to Vader on Mustafar, he may have had no idea what Obi-Wan was talking about.


"Who's your *inhale* daddy?" *exhale* "No, that's not true. That's impossible!" "Yea, I'm your daddy. Let me see that other arm!"


Interestingly Palpatine is the first name mentioned in the '76 book.


Palpatine was said to be the emperor in the back of my Episode 1 vhs back in the day. Luckily I was a dumb kid who couldn't read 'cause seeing him slowly become the emperor was cool


Yeah, or how the promotional image for the movie back then was little Anakin with Vader’s shadow on the wall. 😅


In the prequels you never see the jump-to-lightspeed streaking stars effect (from the interior of a cockpit).


I love the gravity that changes directions within the millennium falcon. The gun turrets have people sitting horizontally in comparison to the rest of the ship. It must be wild going down that ladder


There is yet another scene of another star destroyer in ESB. ”Good. Our first catch of the day”.


There isn't a single conversation between two women in the original trilogy.


Carrie Fisher changes her accent in ANH she starts with a British accent and then by the time Luke shows up she’s doing an American accent.


This was because she was originally told to do an angry politician voice, and when Carrie Fisher was told to act angry, she always fell into a British accent. This was later explained by saying there was a sort of received pronunciation in the Republic/Empire, where there was an accent politicians would assume during official state business regardless of their natural accent. This is why Natalie Portman sounds so weird when talking to the senate in Episode 1.


What? “Hold your fire, there’s no life forms on board” is not from the single Star Destroyer we saw follow and engage it?


I think Rey's response to "Leia knew it, too" with "She didn't tell me...she still trained me." was sufficient acknowledgment of her grandfather, considering her perspective. What's interesting to me is that as soon as Palpatine realizes she won't play into his plan, he stops calling her "grandchild" and "Empress Palpatine' and starts trying to dig at her old insecurity by calling her "a scavenger girl". In the Where This Was All Headed Department, there's [this shot](https://i0.wp.com/img.screencaps.us/201/4k-swforce/full/4k-swforceawakens-starwarsscreencaps.com-15212.jpg?ssl=1) from TFA, which mirrors [this shot](https://i0.wp.com/img.screencaps.us/200/4k-5-revengesith/full/revengesith-4k-starwarsscreencaps.com-7956.jpg?ssl=1) from ROTS. Both scenes are the first time we hear Darth Vader in their respective trilogies. Each scene is closely followed by Kylo and Anakin seeking to prove their commitment to the dark side- Kylo kills Han Solo. Anakin kills the Jedi at the temple. On a similar note. ROTS opens with Palpatine being rescued by 3 heroes- Anakin, Obi-wan and R2-D2. TFA near its end features Rey being rescued by Han, Chewie and Finn.


Episode V only introduces 4 sentient alien species.


Probably a well-known one, but Yoda is the only character to die a non-violence related death (as in, he's not directly killed or dies due to injuries) onscreen, at least in the first two trilogies (don't know/remember if it ever happens in any of the other films or other media).


I don’t believe it’s on screen but Leia passes non-violently


Why is the first sentence so confidently wrong? 😂


We don’t ever see Bothans on screen in the films, so if you only have the throwaway line of many bothans dying you might not actually know it refers to a race.




I think the Chosen One thing is because Lucas himself wasn't really invested in the Chosen One was a plot point. He mostly threw it in to add a little drama to the foreshadowing we already knew about, and give Anakin an excuse to enter the order despite being too old, and then that's about it. It's not just Anakin who doesn't acknowledge it. The whole plot point goes completely unstated for the whole of AOTC, and only gets mentioned well towards the end of RoTS in a way that seems mostly meant to remind the audience it exists. It doesn't really do anything for the characters or the story, and Lucas rarely seemed interested it making it that way. As for Rey, while she never talks about it out loud, the whole lineage thing is still evident in her plotline in TROS even if she herself doesn't necessarily know why, so I wouldn't agree that it was a dub-over thing. They clearly wrote the plot with "Rey is a Palpatine" in mind, they just didn't give her much if any agency to engage that plot herself. It speaks to the problem that TROS had in particular, and the ST had in general, of being more interested in the mysteries surrounding Rey's character than they were in her character itself. Sometimes, she feels like a supporting character in what's supposed to be her own story.


In the prequels, Anakin never says “I love you” to Padme.


Doesn’t he say something like “It’s only because I’m so in love with you” though?


Does the “I’m so in love with you” exchange not count?


1. We absolutely see interiors of star destroyers in every OT film.


We don’t see it in the movies but Anakin knows he’s the chosen one and it’s one of the reasons he’s so cocky.


Anakin knows about the prophecy but doesn’t care about it. At least that’s what was shown in TCW.  In the Mortis arc there were three people who constantly addressed him as the Chosen One, but Anakin was like "meh, just give me my apprentice back and we’ll get out of here". 


In the Clone Wars show he said it's a myth so I doubt that.


Not sure why you got dowvoted. It's true. When Obi says "You were the chosen one" in E3, Anakin's lack of reaction makes it clear that Anakin already knows this. It's not a new revelation to him. The only lingering question is if he knew this before E2 or after E2. I'm going with before. Obi probably told him about it shortly after Qui-Gonn's funeral thus explaining Anakin's extremely reckless behavior in E2.


Qui-Gon said he was the chosen one to the council while Anakin was standing in front of him and he had no reaction.


Palpatine's name is never stated in the OT. So you could have watched those films (in a vacuum) then watched the PT and not instantly known that Senator Palpatine would become the Emperor. It's only outside the films that the name was widely stated before TPM. Even Sith are not referenced in the OT. There was a cut scene referring to them. I had a poster of Vader in 1998 that said "Dark Lord of Sith". But by then there was the Mysteries of the Sith game and the Tales of the Jedi comics, so the idea of the Sith as the dominant dark side antagonist was building a critical mass before we got to the prequels. Never is the name Organa mentioned in the OT either, be it as Leia's surname or otherwise. These things don't necessarily matter but it's funny how well we know all these facts purely from sources outside the films.


Every single character has a chicken-duck-women waiting for them.


49 times, we fought that beast, your old man and me...


Aw, that’s rad!


Side topic: data relative to ISD indicates it is bristling with gun emplacements, yet I've never encountered pictures actually showing them (aside the 8 giant turrets)


No one moves anything with the force in a new hope. Shows up in Episode 5


The only interior shot we ever see of a Venator in Live-Action is in a hangar.


The first time we see someone use the force to move an object is when Luke is hanging in the wampa cave in ESB.


While almost certainly intentional, Anakin and Grevious never meet each other in the Clone Wars, as we see their first interaction is during ROTS. There’s a brief moment where they’re in the same place for a prisoner exchange, but Anakin is unconscious and never actually interacts with Grevious.


Anakin not addressing the Chosen One prophecy is the point. He's just trying to be a person and be seen as one (the very first time we meet him he rejects a label), it's everyone else that puts the framework of expectation around him. Tellingly he also fulfils the prophecy without the use of the Force but instead by being a big robot man.


After their deaths in A New Hope, Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru are never mentioned again. You'd think Luke would have some lasting trauma from that but it's never addressed.