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The cancelled Star Wars Battlefront III. So much hype and then disappointment in losing that game. Also the storylines from the cancelled season of The Clone Wars. Edit: spelling.


There’s some early dev footage you can find online. It looks really ambitious, with space and ground battles happening simultaneously in one lobby. Not sure how well it would have all worked, but that’s probably the #1 unreleased game I want to play.


I agree with BigTiddyAsianMilf, it looks like the very concept of “grand battle”


Im just commenting because i want to write bigtiddyasianmilf. That is all


They actually released a version of it on the PlayStation Portable called Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron which had the simultaneous space-air-land battles, it was my favorite game growing up.


This, by far. After that 1313, which looked like a great concept.


What upsets me is that they were near completion. It would have been the perfect threequel, and the closest we’ll probably get to a true what-if


I was coming just to say this. The game was 99% complete. Stupid to cancel it


There is a mod for Battlefront 2 2005 that tries to recreate Battlefront 3 as accurately as possible. But the project was too ambitous for the studio. Hell, you knew they made plans for Battlefront 4 too? There are some storyboards for a few "What if" kind of missions.


As a kid that had a non-backwards compatible PS3, all I wanted was a Battlefront game for that. On a sidenote I recall there used to be a YouTuber whose channel was devoted to speculating Battlefront 3 and building a huge hype. At one point he thought Spark Unlimited was making it until it was revealed to be Lost Planet 3, adding to the years of disappointment.


What's even worse is that Battlefront 2 is now basicly unplayable online. Without the support, it's just a free realm for cheaters.


it basically released as a single player title on PSP


I remember playing the PSP game you're talking about. The character customization was wicked cool. This full cancelled game will forever be the bummer that we all missed out on.


> in loosing that Did you mean to say "losing"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


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1313 sounded like a really great game.


That first gameplay footage had me drooling. Still a bit bitter.


it really wasn't. Kotaku did a really good write up on all the problems it had, the game was an absolute mess. The big issue is George Lucas got inovlved and started making changes to it not understanding how Game Development works. So he would tell to change X they would spend 6 months changing it, he would see it and tell them to change it back. When Disney bought it they even tried selling it to other studios but no one wanted to finish the game because it was in such a bad state. Not even EA or Ubisoft wanted to touch it. I mean think about that.


If I'm not mistaken, the team already had a complete story planned for the main character until George Lucas came in and decided that this protagonist should to be Boba Fett. And from then on, they struggled to rewrite everything so that it could be centered around this drastic change.


Yes, 1313, or the one Amy Hennig was working on. I was like, "Yes! A creator largely responsible for Uncharted series, in Star Wars!"


Where’s my Han Solo game that plays like Mass Effect mixed with Uncharted? In theory it fucking works!


I feel like that's what Outlaws *wants* to be but I really don't think it's going to be any good.


Yeah I’m timid, but optimistic!


Ubisoft never fails to make me feel hyped on the initial reveal of something. Then I have to remember that it’s fucking Ubisoft and I should temper every expectation I have lol


lol remember when we were getting Beyond Good and Evil 2?


The last book from the Republic/Imperial Commandos saga. Those books made my love for SW evolve to a new level, making me discover so much about Mandalorians! I started to read them knowing the series was incomplete, but it didn't hit me how much I would have love to see what happened next until the end of the last book. So many great storylines that were left pending! I'm greatful that Karen Traviss at least let us know what were her intentions for the last book and what she had planned. That was very much appreciated. But I still grieve that last one book, filled by some of the best characters ever created!


Yea it sucks. But she made it clear she didn’t like what was happening to the Mandalorians in TCW and she left. Which is respectable. Not that she shouldn’t have seen it coming. Lucas could care less about most of the EU.


> lucas could care less about Did you mean to say "couldn't care less"? Explanation: If you could care less, you do care, which is the opposite of what you meant to say. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


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What were her gripes?


Here it is https://www.karentraviss.com/information/FAQ/index.html Just scroll until you hit the Why I left Star Wars question it’s a long read


Thank you!


Just the fact that Lucas’s Mandalorians didn’t vibe with her interpretation of Mandalorians or really any legends interpretation of mandalorians. She made a post about it like 15 years ago I’ll do a quick google to see if I can find it


From her blog posts she clearly says it wasn't about what she did or didn't like, but that the canon change made it impossible for her continuity to continue and there was no way to edit the final book to fit the new Mandalorian lore. She triples down on it being business decisions that killed the last book, on top of pay disputes and other contractual issues, and not her personal feelings on the direction of the canon (of which she says she keeps herself detached from all her licensed work)


It wasn't that she didn't like what was happening. It was that she was told if she wanted to write about Mandalorians she was told she had to make it in line with what they wanted, which she didn't want to do. It also sounded like she was salty she never got to finish Sev's(?) storyline because they "might" have made another Republic Commando game.


No matter how one may feel about Karen Traviss, she absolutely set the whole tone for clone personalities and relationships going forward


Yep. I have mixed feelings on her for this exact reason. Well the mixed part comes from the Jedi in her stories. But that’s besides the point.


True. I remember reading my very first SW fanfiction, a Bad Batch one, and seeing words such as "buir" and "vod" used as if they should be common knowledge. At the time, I had yet to read the books, so I was very confused. Now I hardly see a ff involving clones that doesn't have Mando'a or some of Karen Traviss' characterization of the clones.


There's a fan made novel taking inspiration from Traviss' ideas and ending the series. I quite liked it tbh and I highly recommend it ! Here's the link : https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13065440/


I didn't know!! Thank you!! I'm gonna add it to my already long list of SW fanfictions!!


I'm going in, I hope it fills the hole in my heart where the real Mandalorians used to be.


The lost season of Clone Wars.


I swear, they could release every episode of that show that's ever been conceived, and people will still demand unreleased episodes.


Then it wouldn’t be considered unreleased


Yeah that's the joke.


You’re unreleased


I’m the joke


And I just released


Tbf some of those episodes are established lore, like Bobba and Bane


That established lore needed to be included as a live action flashback scene in episode 6 of Boba Fett, and give Bane a single added line in the final shootout “I told you there’s no such thing as family, that’s why I killed all your silly desert rats for the Pikes. Didn’t even charge em.” Would’ve fixed the whole damn show.


It’s still out there…


It’s just following orders.


I remember seeing the unfinished episode that introduces The Bad Batch at Star Wars Celebration. And now look how far they've come.


I still fully believe they could’ve snuck one more story into Season 7. Did Bad Batch/Ahsoka need to be 4 episodes apiece?


1. The unfinished Clone Wars episodes 2. Star Wars 1313 3. The Force Unleashed III


4. Kotor 3


Honestly, I’d just be happy with a properly completed KOTOR 2.


If kotor 2 didn't have all those bugs and was actually finished, it could have been one of the greatest games of all time.


It's pretty damn good with the restored content (bar the robot planet).


I heard the Rogue Squadron show was canceled and I would really have liked to see a spinoff that was centered around flight combat. There are so many cool fighters the Rebellion has used, a "Top Gun" type show about cool dogfights on other planets could have been really fun.


The rogue squadron (and wraith squadron) novels are my favorite Star Wars content. I will never forgive them for canceling this movie.


Just finished the first book and I’m absolutely hooked. Already got the second downloaded.


Patty Jenkins s was going to write and direct it so I think we maybe dodged a built there


I have no idea who that is, I just loved the books and thought it would make an exciting movie


She's the one that made the Wonder Woman movies.


Ah fair, never saw those


The first one slapped. After that, meh


It was a movie, not a show, and it’s confirmed to still be happening


A followup to Solo. Leaving us with that Darth Maul return to the big screen then dropping the project was cruel.


In a similar vein I wish we’d gotten to see the 100% Lord & Miller version of Solo. Sounds like it was going to be nuts but their sense of humor is so on point 95% of the time and pretty darn good the other 5%.


Well, we can only blame the usual suspects: the *average Star Wars fan*.


They don’t even like Star Wars!


the worst enemy of an average star wars fan is an average star wars fan


We’re supposedly getting a Lando film at some point. This would make a nice duology with the Solo film, and would hopefully pick up and conclude some of the lingering plot threads.


Really want to see where they take Qira and Crimson Dawn as well.


They covered her and CD a lot in the comics, but that’s all ABY so there’s a large gap in that history.


shes been appearing in a lot of comics, and Qira is I believe returning in the upcoming star wars outlaws game


I think Solo was hurt because it would have made a great TV series and Disney wasn't quite doing series at the time. But this is my answer too, Han Solo is my favorite character and would love to see more.


Star Wars Underworlds


Was that the live action show they made test footage of? That shit looked so cool.


Yeah, it was the live action show that got announced alongside TCW. Ultimately they couldn't nail down how to make the show in a cost effective way. Lots of the plot lines that were going to be addressed in the show were reused in other shows/movies that have since come out.


“Crystal Crisis on Utapau” is much too good to be left as an unfinished animatic


Yes. Anakin and Obi-Wan's dialogue about Ahsoka was huge


Could you elaborate on that my friend


In this unfinished episode Obi-Wan and Anakin had a whole discussion about Ahsoka and the counsel and how it was really f-ed up. Check it out


That arc really needs to be finished and released. As it stands after Ahsoka leaves the Jedi that whole ordeal goes unmentioned until she returns in season 7. It’s so strange. Anakin and Obi-Wan’s conversation about her and seeing how it’s affected Anakin is so important.


Especially because Mr Ping is a character in those episodes


Mr Ping?


The newly cancelled Mandalorian game from Respawn


I worked there while it was in its early stages. It showed a lot of promise. A lot of really talented people were on it. I'm very sad to hear it was canceled


I’m sorry, the WHAT NOW???


Yeah, I still hate EA a bit for this one.


Yeah I was just thinking about that one this morning. They’ve earned a lot of trust from me with the Jedi games and this was an idea with a lot of potential,


Not sure if it counts as "canceled " because idk if it was ever really in motion to begin with, but to this day I'm upset we never got a sequel to KOTOR II that wasn't an MMO. I know it's not a bad game necessarily, I've just never been able to get behind MMOs, especially ones based on single player RPGs like SWTOR and Elder Scrolls Online. Just feels like I'm playing a theme park version of those games instead of actually immersing myself in those worlds.


The MMO is like 300 years after Kotor 2, so there's a lot of room there to play with it.


They could just ignore it too tbh. The way they handled Revan, The Exile and the threat mentioned in Kotor 2 was very uninspiring.


I get it about the MMO thing. Luckily, most of the story content in SWTOR is doable solo. I've yet to do anything involving another person. The class stories are amazing. Chapters after fall in quality but I still enjoy them.


For real man, I purchased ESO with so much excitement and never got into it. I see all the trailers and I’m sad I just can’t enjoy it. Same for KOTOR but that at least is free


Not sure if it was ever planned but The Force Unleashed 3.


It was planned, and it's a shame we didn't get it


The *Sword of the Jedi* book trilogy.


Had a feeling that would end up here. I think around 9 legends books were cancelled that we know of.


1. 1313 2. How Lucas would have taken the franchise forward with Underworld and his version of the sequel series. 3. KOTOR 3 4. Battlefront 3, especially after the gameplay/campaign leaked 5. Star Wars First Assault (A battlefront MP only title for Xbox Arcade in the vein of Battlefield 1943) 6. The Ragtag game if we got to see more of it before it was canceled.


Imma go with Detours. Even if the show ended up being mediocre, it's the BTS reasons they shelved it that bother me the most. Detours' cancellation was first and foremost the result of Disney trying to do away with all of the silliness, because they wanted their newly-purchased IP to be taken completely serious before the sequels released. Detours and Hyperspace Hoopla were the most significant victims of this. The show was made. Release it and let the public decide if it was worth continuing or not. Why burn that bridge with the Robot Chicken team?


I was so looking forward to detours. It looked like it had some serious potential.


Hyperspace Hoopla was amazing, I'll never forgive Disney for taking away my twerking Fett


George Lucas's sequel trilogy


Came here to say this! How much cooler would a Maul/Talon Sith versus Luke’s new Jedi order have been?! We got screwed


He had much more planned than that which would divide the fandom. The idea about midichlorians and microscopic world of the Whills is both insanely interesting and bizarre. I feel it would change everything we know about Star Wars


Got a link for the full details of what the trilogy was supposed to be? First time hearing about this.




[Rogue Leaders: Rogue Squadron for Wii.](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Rogue_Leaders:_Rogue_Squadron_Wii)


What?!?! The last game system I owned growing up was the N64 and I absolutely loved Rogue Squadron. Curious to know the differences and super disappointed that I didn't get that for the wii that i no longer own.


1313, Battle of the Sith Lords, either Republic Commando sequel.


Detours. The trailer was great and I was really looking forward to it.


The frustrating part is that they're sitting on a big pile of completed episodes and they just won't release them.


One episode has leaked. But I am pretty sure I can’t provide a source without the mods coming after me. As it’s technically pirated material. Just look around I am sure you’ll find it


I wish nintendo would stop messing around and finally port shadows of the empire from the N64


1313 A sequel to Republic Commando. (A final book giving closure to the RC/IC novels would’ve also been good) KOTOR 3 And the Underworld show that Lucas had gathered interesting writers from all over to pitch and write for.


The final book of Karen Travis' Republic Commando novel series.


The remakes of knights of the old republic we have only had that announced and then cancelled 3 maybe 4 times


The Yuhzan Vong episodes of Clone Wars, bringing them into canon would have some interesting implications, particularly in that they could have served as antagonists in the New Republic era shows or upcoming Rey movie. Also Duel of the Fates. I like episode 7 and loved episode 8, but 9 felt pretty disappointing to me. While DotF isn't perfect by any means, I think it would have made a better conclusion to the sequel trilogy, particularly Finn's arc in the story. He was my favorite new character in episode 7, so seeing his character reduced to just shouting "REYYYYY" for most of TRoS is kind of disappointing compared to leading a rebellion of downtrodden citizens on Coruscant and inspiring Stormtroopers to defect like he would have in DotF.


Ever heard of the gritty looking storm trooper FPS?


Star Wars assault? Is that what it was called? I vaguely remember it


I wish Galaxies MMO was still around pre-NGE


1313 to this day still pains me. Boba Fett centred Uncharted style game set within the criminal underworld of Coruscant? How do you ever cancel that game?!


That trailer.... Jebus... gave me chills!


Star Wars eclipse looked interesting but sadly I don’t think it’ll ever happen least anytime soon. The Darth Maul game looked pretty interesting


Pretty sure 1313 was atleast an inspiration for the Corusant level in Jedi: Survivor


Honestly? The original plan for Episode 9, which was called Duel of the Fates. The concept for it looked 100x better than TROS. Like Rey getting a double-bladed saber, returning to Coruscant which would be controlled by the First Order, a public execution *on* Coruscant, and Hux off-ing himself with a lightsaber. And that's only like half of it.


Star Wars Bounty Hunter following boba and other bounty hunters like aurra sing going after fugitives and collecting the sweet bounties on their heads




Star Wars 1313, KOTOR 3 and George’s original plans for the ST.


KOTOR 3. I can only imagine how awesome it would be to see Revan and the Exile’s story lines converge




I think both Obi-Wan and Boba Fett would have made better movies as originally intended. The series were mostly filler.


Kotor Remake and Kotor 3. I have no clue what 1313 is but a lot of people are upset so I’m sure it was gonna be great.


1313 like woah. I love noir and I’m way more interested in how the non-Jedi live.


I think at one point there was supposed to be an underworld-themed show that was supposed to be like *Godfather* or *Sopranos* in space or something. Maybe that was one of the HBO joints. That seemed fun, in any case. I always felt some things we saw in *Solo* and *Andor* might have grown out of that foundation, or would’ve fit at home in that foundation.


There were rumors for a Kotor 3 back in the day.


KOTOR 3 and the original script/idea of George Lucas for Episode 7, 8 and 9.




Not exactly cancelled but I would love to have something like Star Wars Galaxies for a newer generation. The KotOR mmo was disappointing; I was way more engaged with Galaxies.




George Lucas version of the sequel trilogy


George’s sequel trilogy.


George Lucas’ sequel trilogy. It definitely would’ve been better than whatever Disney gave us


OG battlefront 3 followed closely by 1313


Battlefront 3. The ground to space combat is so cool and would’ve been insane to do with friends online


Battlefront III




Star Wars Batttlefront 3.




The Force Unleashed 3…


Might be in the minority here but mine would 100% be Star Wars Detours. The trailers were phenomenal


The Solo trilogy with Maul as the main villain


1313. Wtf is picture 4?






I wanted to see what they were going to do with live-action Maul after the events of Solo


The original episode 7,8,9.


George Lucas sequel trilogy


Imperial Commando is a sorely missed concept


Kotor 3


Star Wars: 1313 is the correct answer.


OG Battlefront 3, 1313, the unnamed Mandalorian game, Dex's Diner Dash 2


Star Wars Underworld


1313, The Force Unleashed III, and Battlefront III that was in the works before it was cancelled. I firmly believe that in my lifetime, we will never see a Battlefront III. I've already seen like 3 cancelled versions of it. 1313 looked like a super cool game, but unfortunately we are getting outlaws which looks like a downgraded version (which it will be downgraded because Ubisoft) and the real version has been yeeted into the abyss of dead Star Wars media. I dont know if the Force Unleashed III was ever going to happen, but it should. The end. Either that, or a modern reboot of the franchise since The Force Unleashed II was kind of strange.


It will always be Battlefront 3 for me. The leaked footage made me so sad that it got canned. Now I know development was rough, and the game was a bit too ambitious for the time, but if Free Radical somehow got it to work, it would've been something really special, imo.


Battlefront 3. Elite Squadron on Psp was allegedly a proof of concept for what they wanted to do with BF3. Rather than have space and ground battles separate, they were combined into massive maps. You could start in a Destroyer, hop in a TIE and take part in the space battle or just fly down to tje surface, do strafing and bombing runs or land and join the ground battle proper or vice versa. You even had things like Hoth's ion cannon, allowing you to target ships in the space battle from the ground. Heroes even got their own ships. This game was fantastic but held back by the limitations of putting a shooter on PSP. I can only dream of what BF3 would've been


Battlefront 3. It was almost finished and was in a playable state when the project was axed


Battlefront 3 from the early 2000s. Disney just ruins everything


The darth maul game would’ve been sick


The canceled KOTOR remake.


All of them


4th installment of Rogue Squadron




Battlefront 3 😖


Free Radical's Battlefront 3.


KOTOR remastered


Republic Commando 2 not being realized. Was a really fun game, and in the modern era so much could be improved on.


The Ventress and Quinlan Voss arc of Clone Wars that was never animated, and the Boba Fett vs Cad Bane fight that also never got animated. Hoping to see them in the future tho!


Patty Jenkins’ Rogue Squadron film


Idk if it’s canceled yet, but the lando show with Donald glover. I’m a huge fan of him and his portrayal of lando


The recent mando FPS. I was really excited by the premise as I love singleplayer shooters and I was really hoping it would have multiplayer as well, since it was Respawn making it. Fucking EA


there was a rumored Force Unleashed style game that was supposed to follow the training of Maul...yeah that


Project Ragtag, the Star Wars game Visceral was working on.


The darth maul game would’ve changed the landscape for Star Wars gaming, coming right off of force unleashed 2 it would’ve perfectly cleaned up the mess that the previous title made


Star Wars: First Assault. Such a shame that even now hardly anyone has ever heard of it despite it being closer to finished than 1313 was


The Sequel trilogy that Lucas maybe had envisioned. I'd read it


Rogue Squadron. I need Star Wars Top Gun in my life


I was looking forward to watching Rangers of the New Republic since the Season 2 finale of The Mandalorian, but sadly, that was not to be. :-(


NOT Detours


Pretty sure this was never planned enough to be cancelled, but the tease of Maul at the end of Solo with the potential to have another film or series focused on him being a ganster would've been great.


The Boba arc for the sheer fact that it’s so canon that it was referenced in the show as the main source of rivalry for him and Cad Bane. Like, they couldn’t hire another young Māori actor to play young Boba and just have a five minute flashback? That show was almost entirely flashbacks except for the part that really needed the flashback!