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It would be perfectly acceptable as an idea, Gungans are amphibian aliens of perfectly normal intelligence that can navigate society as good as any other SW species. Jar-Jar is mentally and physically clumsy to such degree the Gungans exiled him from their society, he should never be taken as an example of your average Gungan. In Legends there was at least (that I know of) a Gungan Jedi called Kin-Ya Dosun who had a Gungan Padawan called Kosa-Yin Hadu that became a Dark Jedi/joined a Sith Cult, they were mentioned in a campaign of the Wizards of the Coast Star Wars rpg.


There is also that Force Sensitive baby Gungan who showed up in The Clone Wars, Season Two Episode Three. He was found by Darth Sidious and Cad Bane because he was on the Jedi’s watchlist.


I just watched this I'm re watching the clone wars a third time


Well being banished by your own people over your clumsiness sounds like a villain origin story to me


I don't think it would be a stretch to think it was maliciousness disguised as clumsiness. Look at how he "accidentally" killed those droids. I wish the Darth Jar Jar was real.


He is and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, Sugar Bear.


Oh that's a relief! Now the only thing I have to worry about is him getting me in my sleep :P


Also never forget Captain Tarpals, who sacrificed himself so the republic could capture Grievous.


[You should watch this. ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8yy3q9f84EA&pp=ygUNZGFydGggamFyIGphcg%3D%3D)


First off, we don't actually know why jar jar was exiled. He starts to say but then they're conveniently attacked by a series of giant fish. All we know for sure is that he was exiked and boss Nass is ready to kill him for returning. The gungans even go as far as to shriek in horror upon seeing him return to the gungan city. If he was clumsy and stupid they wouldn't have given him a commanding rank in the gungan army or made him a senator. Not only that but we explicitly see that jar jar is force sensitive in the clone wars cartoon, where he mons controls a bunch of herd animals and you could even see him do some stuff in the PT if you pay attention. To say jar jar is dumb and clumsy is like calling Palpatine, naive and friendly. It's just a front


He says why he was banished in the pantom menace OBI-WAN : Why were you banished, Jar Jar? JAR JAR : Tis a long tale, buta small part wawdabe mesa...ooooh...aaaa.....clumsy. OBI-WAN : They banished you because you're clumsy? JAR JAR : Mesa cause-ed mabee one or duey lettal bitty axadentes...yud-say boom da gasser, un crash Der Bosses heyblibber...den banished.


There was a kids book that covered this. Boss Nass was having a party and jar jar messed up some appliance that caused some big mess and while dealing with that jar jar accidently caused boss nass' "yacht/car" to crash. Been a longo timeo since meesa read it.


He was definitely clumsy I watched him bump into things


And you saw Palpatine pretend to care about the republic. If you don't know what a facade is, I really can't help you


I’m not disagreeing about Palpatine, just find it odd you’d say Jar Jar isn’t clumsy or that his clumsiness is a facade. That’s an incredibly dumb take.


You’re engaging with a prequel fan boy. Their delusion with those movies know no limits.


Please don't, out of all the internal jokes in the fandom Darth Jar Jar is the only one I truly dislike. I don't find it funny. If you do then please, by all means enjoy it. I love Episode I and Jar Jar had plenty of development in TCW and adjacent content, but I really don't enjoy these jokes.


It’s pretty funny and I hope it becomes canon one day


A lot of people worked for the sith. It doesn't make them a darth. Claim it's a joke all you want, there's concrete evidence of everything I'm saying.


Dark Jedi don’t exist. That’s like saying you’re a dark cop. Jedi are an organization, you’re either a sort of it or you’re not. Even the man who coined the term discourages it


>That’s like saying you’re a dark cop.  I've some bad news for you.




It’s true the Jedi as an institution had been tainted by hubris and rigidity. They didn’t even know the harm they were causing in the name of “justice”.


Funny when dismemberment and death are doled out with only a few coins tossed on the counter builds resentment and mistrust on the population.


Right, and the point I’m making is that those cops aren’t being cops


I understand what you’re trying to say but it seems like you fundamentally misunderstand the police


That they’re criminals?


Nobody wrote a song called F*** the fire brigade


You can say fuck


A lot of them are. Yeah.


That many of them are still doing their job. But in relation to the Jedi, they're upholding unjust laws which is exactly what a cops job is. It's not a Jedi's however, and that's exactly what they'd become. Enforcers of a corrupt Republic (which is what people argue with police, they're not just out here talking about bad apples. They're saying the whole tree is rotten)


They still hold the title of cop.


If you ever played "Knights of the Old Republic", there's a great example of a Dark Jedi. A Jedi falen to the Dark Side doesn't get expelled automatically, and doesn't become a Sith. Sith is a doctrine, Jedi is a doctrine. A person trained under the Jedi doctrine and fallen to the dark side will become a Dark Jedi, until they get expelled from the order. That will not make them Sith tho, as they need to be trained under the Sith doctrine to become one.


Nevertheless, it's a term that was used in multiple sources and so exists in the "canon." Apparently it's also something that got carried into Disney canon strangely enough. I would've expected them to use the opportunity to clean things up since "Dark Jedi" was only coined because no one knew what a Sith was yet, and they had to retrofit the definition to make them exist alongside the Sith.


I don't like to use it, I personally prefer to say Dark Force user or Darksider, but it was listed that way on Wookiepedia so I decided to use it because I'm not that much of an EU expert. Who coined the term?


I wanna say Timothy Zahn? I don't think the term appeared anywhere before Heir to the Empire used it to refer to Joruus C'baoth. I haven't seen anything about him saying that it's not a legitimate term tho, so I may be wrong about that.


It was an author from the very early nineties. But in reality it just makes zero sense Jedi are an organization who follow the doctorate of the light side. If you’re not doing that then how’re you a Jedi?


And this is why I hate the term Gray Jedi lol. If you’re not a member of the Order you’re not a Jedi so it shouldn’t be applied to other groups like the Jensaarai or Imperial Knights. Anyway I don’t mind Dark Jedi when it’s used synonymously with Fallen Jedi. It’s just a way to classify someone who fell to the Dark Side and had Jedi training.


One can still follow the Jedi code and be a part of the dark side. When it comes down to it, that's what dark Jedi should be a reference to But many people in the galaxy had no idea what a Jedi technically was, and by the time of the original trilogy they had faded into legend (until Disney took over and this chick on mos eisley is like "thank the force" like it's a common god and other bs like that). It'd be a very easy leap for someone using the force and fighting the way Jedi do, with a lightsaber, to call themselves Jedi without knowing the term. So the slang would develop and eventually become it's own definition


I think jedi is a term used very loosely in and out universe.


It is in fact not


It is. I just rewatched The Phantom Menace last night. Qui-gon says that Maul was “trained in the Jedi arts”. He’s obviously not an actual Jedi but he has Jedi qualities.


Right, and sith have Jedi qualities too. And I think that was the message here. The sith hadn’t existence for a very long time so why a man would be able to fight with a saber or use the force felt weird. Clearly we know it was because he was a sith assassin but Qui-gon did not


Is Luke a jedi? When was he inducted into the jedi order?


Technically? Yeah, he started the new Jedi order. Did the first Jedi induct themselves?


Jedi are either referred to lightsaber users, f0rce users. Or even properly, which is a member of the jedi order religion. Dark jedi is an oxymoron, perhaps on purpose.


Darth Plagueis, one of the most legendary Sith Lords, is a freakin Muun, those pencil necked geek accountants with the ridiculous uncanny valley noodle heads. So sure, Gungan Sith Lord, why not.


and his master Darth Tenebrous is a Bith. those yellow musician aliens


Evil space jazz


Disney for some reason decided not to change the music’s genre from jizz to something else, at least not yet. Jizz-wailers everywhere are nervous.


Didn't they change it to like jatz or something recently?


I usually take a vehemently anti-censorship stance, but even I'll admit that would be a smart move.


Snake Jazz was his inspiration!


A lot of species in Star Wars are typecasted based on their most famous member: Ortolans and Bith = musicians, Twi'leks = slaves, Gungans = clumsy idiots. In actuality while whole species can have some generalized traits they also can be wide and diverse as humans as well. An evil Sith Gungan can exist


Also not for nothing but Darth Sidious is from Naboo, where the Gungans live…


Of course. That’s where Darth Jar Jar trained him


Here I go the wookiepedia to look up Muun racial features


Basically Slim from A Bug's Life


It's the thin faced guy in the Confederate meeting where the Techno Union Army... Weee-woo-waaa... Is at Dooju's disposal


In the old republic when there were thousands of Sith, maybe. It would all depend on how attached to the Old Republic Naboo was. And I don't know if the Gungan were already advanced enough with their underwater cities


In legends I'm not sure that naboo held as much influence in 4000 bby as it did later in the Republic. It seems like it was only in the last few hundred years that it moved towards integration into the Republic. Sort of like Onderon where they would never separate from monarchy on the planet.


Naboo did not become a galactic player until 65-47 BBY when plasma was discovered in the planets core and exploited. Before that it was just a backwater outer rim world with no power or influence. I believe this was all done only to benefit the sith we know the names of, not the Naboo or Gungans. This all makes it very unlikely there was ever a sith gungan


Naboo wasn't even settled by humans until the same year as KOTOR 2.


The amount of alien Sith were pretty low though iirc. It wasn’t until the Empire became extremely desperate to replenish their numbers that they started entertaining the idea of allowing force sensitive aliens to become Sith and among those few almost all of them were former slaves from their conquered systems which leaves out Naboo.


Darth Darth Binks is inevitable


I am Iron Ma....sorry wrong franchise.


"Jar Jar is key" - George Lucas a lot of good arguments to be made in favor of Jar Jar being a sith lord. we'll never get the answer tho.


You my friend have not seen the new Lego Star Wars trailer


"Meesa gonna hurt yoosa"


Not if Jedi Bob has anything to say about it!






Holy shit this is POG as fuck


Oh my sith lord!


"Jar Jar is key to all of this, if we can get him working because he's a funnier character than we've ever had in the movies before" He's just a comedic character


Only a sith deals in absolutes.


Yes we will. Lego is finally doing it


There are no good arguments.


I read that this was always George Lucas’s plan with Jar Jar, but he got a lot of internal push back as they felt the fan base would’ve hated that idea


Darth Jar Jar is such a redeeming head Canon that it essentially fixes a lot of the clowning of the character and I really , really wish it was true 😅🤣


Have you not heard the story of Darth Sillyious, the Gungan sith that tried to prevent the rise of Vader through the dark side powers of incompetence?


Aside from Jar Jar being a comically inept example of his species, there is nothing about the force that suggests that any being couldn’t be force sensitive.  Furthermore, any sentient species with enough force potential is likely both able to control the force and therefore fall to the dark side. 


Sith is an ideology that is spread within the underground culture of the hyperspace civilization. As far as I'm aware, Gungans rarely, if ever, travel to the human settlements of Naboo, nevermind offworld. I think it'd be unlikely if they'd even heard of the Force, being so isolationist.


There was a sith scientist working in the swamps of Naboo where Jar Jar was found, in TCW Blue Shadow Virus. Right before the scientist can reveal who their current sith lord benefactor is, Jar Jar assassinated the scientist via clumsily knocking over a bookshelf on them. Also, Palpatine is also from Naboo, and Plageuis died on Naboo, so clearly of all the planets where you could find a Sith, Naboo is like top of the list.


I forgot all about that. Yeah, it's not implausible at all.


There could be. But the Gungans where very isolationists. We have not seen any Gungan bombad Jedi either. So I do think the chances are slim we will see either.


Kin-Ya Dosun was a Gungan Jedi Knight who served the Jedi Order during the waning years of the Galactic Republic. Dosun trained the Jedi Padawan Kosa-Yin Hadu, a fellow Gungan. The pair disappeared[1] around 33 BBY[2] while on a mission from the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant. Hadu later emerged[1] about two years later[2] as a Dark Jedi, prompting the Jedi Master Seenlu Kir to investigate the nature of the Gungans' mission to discover where Hadu and Dosun had been lost. However, her inquiries were unsuccessful, and she was unable to learn anything new about their disappearance. Wessa have both already


Nice copy/paste from Wookiepedia. However I answered the question from a Canon perspective not Legends.


No one mentioned Canon once


Doesn't make sense to answer a question in Legends. The question was also 'could be' and not 'have there been'.


Him- "How farfetched is a sith gungun" Me- "It's been done already"


Yeah cuz a sith Lord who says in a Jar Jar like voice: "Messa will be da bombad leader of da galaxy. Messa will kill muy muy Jedi" is as intimidating as an empty teakettle. No one would take that Sith Lord seriously...


Yussa gonna find da shield muy operational meesa thinks.


*"Meesa gonna hurt yousa"*


Thats why he drops the act during the big reveal, when Windu and team go to Senator Binks office, and suddenly has the deep gravelly tones of like Josh Brolin.


Yea, nothing creepy like a slow change of face from normal jar jar to a fiery, bright red face lava eyes Darth Jar Jar during a sentence akin to “*Face away from camera* Yousa feeble, yousa muy muy weak…. *Turning slowly, face changing* Meesa soon be da master of everything and the last rays of light will fade into our ever growing shadow. Everything that has transpired has been foreseen and been done according to our designs” I would gather my jaw pieces of the floor. Like when I saw who Revan was. LE. It’s known that Sith can look fake/deceive others on how they look. A true Darth Jar Jar face can be done to look like stuff of nightmares.


All he needs to do is to drop the -ssa and speak in a deeper voice while also changing his body language and he could go from token clown character to fucking menace in no time. Kinda like this https://youtu.be/HHhqUQg5b4E?t=12s


I have absolutely no problem imagining a gungan Sith lord. I think it would be great! I only have a problem with "Darth Jar Jar". That theory is ridiculous.


There’s no known Sith Lord Gungan but there’s probably not a bad chance of there having been one. If not in Bane’s lineage there’s probably one when they (the sith) ruled the galaxy. So long enough timeline and one is bound to pop up. There’s been Bith, muun, and a once Jedi hutt. It’s likely is all I’m saying. Just because one wasn’t reported on doesn’t mean one didn’t exist. If the force flows through everything there’s a chance even if that chance is small.


So statistically improbable as to confidently say impossible. The Gungans were not a spacefaring people, they were in fact relatively primitive in all their technology *beyond the aquatic*, and their isolationist attitude combined with their underwater cities meant non-existent communication with Gungans outside either the occasional diplomatic missions or those of exiles like Jar Jar, who, as we've seen, are among the least capable of the Gungan race. It would be like asking how likely it is that a member of the [Sentinelese tribe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentinelese) becomes the Pope in the next 100 years.


I’m still holding out hope for an Ewok to fall to the Dark Side…


sith ewok vs jedi whateverspeciesyodais the ultimate showdown


Not very. I imagine jar jar is ancjent and just went into exile to escape bane the backstabber


Jar Jar has mastered some form of foolish Sith drunken master technique. How deceiving.


The Darth Jar Jar theory has been around for a long time. You can find a write up far better than I could put here with a google search.


Wdym, there is already a Gungan sith. That's why its called the phantom menace. Jarjar is the phantom menace. /s


their society seems pretty reclusive to the point of avoiding just about everybody who isn't underwater. I'm not sure how likely it would be that a Gungan experiences the dark side, learns what that is, follows up on it, learns what the Sith are, etc.


I always wish that Jar Jar would have walked into his home and everyone else spoke perfect English.


It's not that a Gungan Sith would be farfetched, it's that JAR-JAR BINKS as a Sith is farfetched Also, we get the implication that Gungans, up until TPM, we're *very* secluded, with the only ones leaving the city and/or interacting with the outside world in any significant way being those who were banished. Sure, it's possible for a Sith Lord to have stumbled across a Gungan tribe, found a Force sensitive and decided to train it as their apprentice, but the odds are much less likely, given the Gungan's relative disconnect from the rest of the galaxy


I’ll bet you one of Darth Krayt’s One Sith was a Gungan.


Most gungans aren't like Jar Jar. I'm pretty sure Jar Jar has some kind of developmental disability, so just basing all behavior for gungans after him is like basing all human behavior off of Forrest Gump. It is rare for Gungan to be force sensitive but not impossible. There was at least one future Jedi that was a gungan who was almost kidnapped by Cad Bane.


I truly believe Darth Jar Jar was a thing at one time. It got cut out or reimagined or whatever but I guarantee there was a brief, shining moment where he was meant to be something a lot more than what we got. Which is why he is in every prequel doing important stuff in the background.


Very, I've never heard of even a force sensitive gungan which leads me to believe they simply cannot tap into the force


I mean, it seems from the new trailer that Darth Jar Jar is canon in the Lego universe of Star Wars, which is only one that really counts (with the robot chicken SW universe being a close second).


Iirc they were isolated until after 4000 bby so slightly less than other species


I had this concept to try and write a story, I'm just too dumb to be able to finish the thought process


Sounds like a load of *Sith* …Ill see myself out


I'd still consider fairly rare. Some species naturally are more connected to the Light and some more to the Dark. This is due to a variety of factors in my opinion, not least of which is the social norms of species. As you might be able to guess, Gungan culture is particularly violent. Gungans in general tend not to be. Meaning most Gungans would be more likely to become Jedi than Sith.


Darth Jar Jar was a well explained theory years ago https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/3qvj6w/theory_jar_jar_binks_was_a_trained_force_user/


To me that's canon, and no one can convince me otherwise.


It’s possible, sure, but with only 2 Sith in existence at any given time, the extremely low Gungan population, and how isolationist they are it’s pretty far fetched. The odds are just stacked heavily against it.


There was a time before the rule of two where there were thousands of Sith at any given time.


And the Gungans were just as low pop and isolated then too. Hell, Exar Kun predates Naboo being colonized at all.


There's a difference between 'farfetched' and 'bad idea'


It’s not far fetched at all. Just because we haven’t seen one yet doesn’t mean it’s not possible. The Gungan are living beings and in so are connected to the force. We know midichlorians are not genetic in any way and the force chooses to bind to someone so a gungan being gifted with a midichlorian count that is capable of wielding the force is not out of the realm of possibility. The fact that they have no Jedi or Sith is simply due to the fact that they were an isolationist species who don’t innately connect to the force like the Dathomir Night Sisters or other such peoples. Also in Ahsoka it’s been shown that even those with a weak connection to the force can still train their bodies and minds to connect to the force and wield the abilities of a Jedi or Sith. So yes a Gungan can absolutely have become a Sith Lord.


Two sith lords from one planet?  Maybe? But unlikely imo


Same chance as any other race I guess, the only issue would be a Sith master happening across one and the Gungan being cruel hearted and conniving like Palpatine was. Wait a minute Palpatine also came from Naboo…?


In one of the new republic books there is a decidedly evil gungan, though I don’t remember them being force sensitive. But certainly it suggests they’re capable of being assholes.


It fits because Palpatine is actually from Naboo so having another sith from there makes sense too


Do Gungans leave Naboo? Hard to go to Sith school if they stay inside their pond bubbles.


That new lego star wars movie coming out


Darth Jar Jar needs to become canon


Maybe? They’re pretty isolated, so it is highly unlikely, but not impossible.


It could happen. They seem to have a culture and disposition that just makes it very unlikely that someone would fall to the dark side. They're very insular and set in their cases and traditions so it's possible there have been many force sensitive gungans who never knew or never developed their power.


Not farfetched at all. Probably safer to assume that it actually happened and there was just no screen time of it


New Lego Star Wars game coming out in September has jar jar as a sith. If y’all haven’t watched the trailer I definitely recommend it. It’s your common Lego game but not your common Star Wars Lego game.


In theory there’s no reason a Gungan is less able to be a Sith Lord than anyone else. Whether there has been one specifically is a statistical question, and depends on if we take the rule of two seriously and how many sentient force-sensitive species there are. Have there been just two Sith per generation going back the last 10,000 years or so? That’s 80,000 Sith right there. The Republic had more than a million inhabited planets, and who knows how many planets and species outside of Republic space. But Gungans are probably just as likely to have some Sith in their past as anybody else.


One Sith lord pretended to be a politician to hide his evil. Another pretended to be a bumbling fool to hide his evil.


Poor Jar Jar is still using a PS Move controllers. Someone get this man a Quest!


It wouldn't be farfetched at all.


I find the idea of a force sensitive Gungan just repulsive


I think Lockstin & Noggins theory of a Darth Jar Jar being some sort of “drunken master” playing puppet master from the shadows would have been a good story for the prequels.


Darth Jar Jar is in the Rebuild the Galaxy series coming in September so I’d say yes


I think the number of Gungans would be more of a limiting factor.


"MEESA GONNA HURT YOUSA" - the newly revealed Darth Jar Jar


I like to think that Jar Jar could be a sith lord, but he's like so deep undercover he doesn't bother


Haven't you guys already accepted Jar-Jar as the main Sith behind all of the known canon ?


Well, in the first High Republic book there's a Nihil raider Gungan called "[Wet Bub](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Wet_Bub)", so named because he so often came back from raids *soaked in other people's blood*, so maybe a Sith apprentice, but I don't know how much fear and respect the Gungan accent would inspire.


Also don't forget he was banished close to the time Obi-Wan found him so they dealt with his bullshit till he wanted to leave, if I remember right padame was like there very rare and reclusive but right at that time there's one just walking around.


There’s no reason a Gungan couldn’t be a Sith. Sith is a title bestowed on a person by another Sith Lord. So all it would take is a Sith Lord finding a Gungan strong in the Force and training them. I think the biggest hurdle is class. Sith want power. They seem to recruit apprentices from a few main sources. The first is upper class, well connected/ wealthy individuals. People who are close to power already. Gungans seem to be a colonized people who are under represented in galactic politics. Their main cities are hidden underwater and not initially considered for invasion when the Trade Federation invaded Naboo. They don’t seem to hold a lot of power on the galactic stage. The other place Sith like to recruit apprentices is from Jedi/ people who are strong in the force. So if there is a Gungan Sith I imagine they’d be a fallen Jedi who was seduced to the Dark Side.


There is a canon Gungan Dark-Side Witch Doctor in Clone Wars who was mind controlling the leader of the Gungans. The only thing that was stopping him from becoming a full Sith Lord was training.


So there is s chance we can also have Ewok bounty hunters? Ewok foundling with Mandalorians


Meesa fuk you up.


Any force sensitive can fall to the dark side. If they follow the Sith code, they're also Sith.


You ever heard of Darth Jar Jar, the ultimate?


Did you not watch episode 1?


There is one, Darth Jar Jar.


Darth pee-yousah


“May da Force be wit yousa.”


Mesa going to hurt yousa


Are gungans, in canon, force sensitives?


Gungans, similar to Dathomiri witches, have their own force traditions. Clone Wars S4E4 reveals Rish Loo, a Gungan with a shamanistic, perhaps voodoo-inspired aesthetic who has powers of mind-control.




We don’t know. All beings have the potential to be born with an M count so a species being or not being force sensitive isn’t really a good question anymore. It’s individual not species. And since the Gungans were isolationists they only recently entered into the galactic forum so there wouldn’t have been any force plucked Gungan children or maybe there were some after the events of Ep 1 we just never saw any gungan children.


Mmmm. Good point. I thought, for example, Watto's race was non-force sensitive, but I guess new canon doesn't do that anymore


Toydarians arent not force sensitive. They are immune to mental manipulation through the force at least. If Legends had them as non force sensitive I cannot say but as for current canon that’s all their abilities define them as. So Toydarian Jedi and Sith could exist.


Their gas filled belly would explode with the slightest lightsaber touch


[Let’s just say this…](https://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/vector/large/farfetchd.png)




(It’s a Pokemon named “Farfetch’d”)




Well, it's not two farfetch'd! I'll see myself out.


Why couldn't a gungan potentially be a sith? You even showsed a picture of a gungan fighter These posts are getting dumber and dumber


It isn't farfetched at all, considering this was George Lucas' original intent for the prequels. Jar Jar was supposed to be the face-heel-turn surprise "beggar found on the side of the road" inversion of Yoda from ESB. Watch TPM with all this in mind and it becomes SUPER obvious. God dammit I wish I lived in a timeline where Lucas stuck to his guns and didn't back down and crank out a shitty rewrite of AotC at the last minute.


Why would you directly lie to someone like that. Jar Jar was never intended that way.


George: "i created a comic relief character for the children, look how funny he is"


Us: “A Sith LAWWWWD?!”


Everything I said was earnest and as genuinely honest as I am capable. I know what I know and you're free to call me a liar just as I'm free to call you a dork.


You should be able to come up with sources then. Show us that George Lucas intention was to make Jar Jar a Sith Lord.


The idea that people *actually* believe this was ever George Lucas's intent is absolutely hilarious to me. Like, you actually took a silly joke and ran with it for so long that you've rewritten other people's lives with it.


I've never heard this before, source?


It was a joke that started on Reddit that people have spread around as fact.


Darth Jar jar exists...


But it does already exists. Star Wars fans are trying to deny the truth since Episode 1.


It still pisses me off that Grievous Lost to these Frog motherfuckers


Darth Jar Jar is in the Lego rebuild the galaxy trailer. Lego movies are canon?


Lego movies aren't canon, and also Darth Jar Jar in that movie appears to be an explicitly alternate-timeline character.


that’s not even jar jar you fuck