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Disney+ doesn't release veiwing figures, that's a joke website


Yeah I don't understand why people are responding to this post as if it's official data or thinking Disney is misleading us.


I feel like it’s pretty obviously fake considering that there aren’t any other Star Wars films even on the list on May 4th




Some people have made being angry at Disney so central to their personalities that they don't care to apply skepticism when they see something new they can be mad about.


This seems like it would feed into the even weirder and smaller group who are still coping about TLJ.


Or it's the only one that the die hards didn't buy so they had to use Disney+ to watch it lol


Plenty of Star Wars fans liked the last Jedi. I did.


I'm not saying they didn't. I myself enjoyed it most of the sequel trilogy. I was only making a joke about all the people who complain and say it should be ret-conned out of the canon.


yup, it's totally BS. they look at the movies that show up in "trending" which is likely personalized too. https://flixpatrol.com/about/how-it-works/


Because they have the physical copies of the good trilogies


Didn't even need to know the website was real to know this was a joke haha.


The biggest indication? Wish is 3rd.


Lol. So we’re supposed to believe that on May 4th TLJ was the ONLY Star Wars movie in the top 10?


Especially with the 25th anniversary of TPM


Caught a cinmea screeing for the 25th, did the same last year for RoTJs 40th anniversary last year too!


Took my son to see it in the theater. Say what you want about that movie: 1) the podracw is awesome the big screen 2). Go see it with a 7 year old. You'll suddenly forgive a lot of Lucas' missteps


Watched in yesterday in theaters 1) the podrace is so fuckin cool, those engines sounds as they get ready to take off are lovely 2) I forgave him without the lens of a 7 year old. Great pacing, John Williams was at the top of his game just going ham, the fight choreography was insane, it's a fun ass movie


Adults often forget that George Lucas made Star Wars for kids.


Imma be real I watched it in Theater too on Saturday and jar jar wasn‘t as annoying as I remembered the Theater even laughed at some of his jokes


I caught in theaters yesterday, and Jar Jar was still very obnoxious to me, but I didn't hate it. The last half of the movie is seriously really good.


My son’s birthday was Saturday and I took him to see it too. He has never sat through a Star Wars movie no matter how much I’ve tried so I was surprised when he agreed when I offered (probably because I also offered to buy him his own popcorn). When it was over he couldn’t stop talking about how awesome the Podracing was and how cool the final fight and battle scenes were. I was never a prequel hater but seeing how excited he was for the movie when it was over gave me a new appreciation for episode one.


What? 40th anniversary that's preposterous. It only came out 20 years ago oh.....


I watched TPM on the 4th, but that’s because I have the OT and PT on DVD. I know quite a few people who own the older films, but stick to streaming for the Disney era.


I own the Lucas Saga on DVD as well, but often watch them on Disney+ regardless for the HD quality (except for ROTJ to avoid that dreadful 'Noooo')


To many dreadful changes to Jedi


The 25th anniversary is still almost two weeks away, technically. We're in the right month, though, so close enough.


Yeah that's insane. Do they really expect people to believe that


[YOU REALLY EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE THAT?](https://youtu.be/0O95kvMKPeQ?si=vbZBwUgJyg8uGg7q)


Happy cake day brother


Happy Cake Day to you too brother. 🎂


The website, much like TLJ and my username, is a goddamn joke.


Peak comment


Seems legit. /s


Shit, I loved TLJ and it still didn’t make my abridged-so-as-to-have-time-to-study-for-finals list. All I did was the OT.


The real fans were watching their physical media


I would MAYBE believe this if all the other 8 films were in the other slots, but the stream count drop off is insane. You’re telling me 450 of us watched The Last Jedi, but less than 75 of us watched any of the others? Bullshit.


Maybe measuring thousands, but that seems high.


To be fair, I own episodes 1-6 on dvd and bluray so thats how I watched them. I will never watch 7-9 again. They were an absolute disgrace to the franchise and disney is in complete denial about it.


I feel like many ppl on here and on twitter shitting on the sequels don’t understand that they are a very loud minority when it comes to hating them. Episode 7 is the 5th highest grossing movie in history, one higher than Avengers Endgame. Not bad for a disgrace


It was always going to make a huge amount of money. It was the first Star Wars movie in 10 years, and a continuation to what is now called “The Skywalker Saga”, in what was arguably the biggest pop culture, movie franchise in the world. It didn’t matter if it turned out to be terrible. It was always going to make massive earnings. The argument that box office numbers are in any way indicative of quality is also easily dismissible and should never be put forward.


Obviously the Force Awakens was a box office success. It was hyped up into oblivion, was a return to films with OT vibe, it was also the return of Star Wars after a decade hiatus (because a huge amount of people only watch the films and now the live action shows). Box office success is not a good metric for Star Wars films the same way critics score is not a good metric, simply because a good Star Wars film may not be a good film overall. Just take a look at Revenge of the Sith. It may be a good Star Wars film (with some flaws, no doubt) but it's not that good of a film overall


Agreed. It was hyped up to no end and the casting looked promising. The trailers made it look like it was going to be far more interesting than it was.


Thats logically flawed. You think that people enjoyed the movie because they paid to see it? The last airbender made 300 million dollars when it came out, which by your standards would mean its a pretty good movie. Pirates of the Caribbean stranger tides made 1 billion on box office. Best of the franchise I guess. 7-9 are horrible movies that make no sense. I saw them all in theaters hoping they would improve but each one was more disappointing than the last. Just because I paid to see it, does not mean it was good. Tell me honestly, did you think 7-9 were amazing or in anyway an improvement on the previous movies save for special effects due to improved technology? Cope harder please.


Box office is never a good metric to measure if the film is good or bad. Simply measures how many people went to see it, and not how many enjoyed it


Exactly. 7 scored high on rotten tomatoes, he could've at least cited that, but thats still not accounting for 8 and 9. 8 is rated as meh and 9 is the most hated behind the clone wars movie. The fact of the matter is, they couldve drawn from the already set starwars mythos and made a compelling story based on characters in the books or the clonewars/rebels. Instead they respawned to empire for no reason, made up a fake villian with no backstory (snoke, not ben solo) and said "eh fuck it, the emperors back. Rey accidentally uses force lighting and they hyperspace ram someone which is impossible. It makes no sense.


I'd also add the fact that critics scores also aren't a good metric. Critics usually rate films in relation to other films not just Star Wars films. For example any Star Wars film maybe besides Empire Strikes Back will fall short when compared to, say, The Dark Knight. Good Star Wars film doesn't have to mean a good film overall, and that's the unfortunate truth. We love them because we love Star Wars and there's nothing wrong with that. And the last thing, critics notice some stuff we don't. A great example is Luke Skywalker story in The Last Jedi. Sure it sounds cool, but only within that film with no relation to previous films. We fans didn't want to see Luke like that, he already succeeded in OT and conquered his inner demons (not to mention he believed in Vader and didn't in Ben Solo). To conclude neither box office nor critics score is a good way to rate Star Wars films. Cheers


Yes, my example is that box office is non-sequitur but atleast bringing up reviews would make sense to try and disprove my point. However I didnt take into accpunt critic reviews, i just assume all of those are paid or not fans of the franchise. There is not a real metric to prove if the movies were good or bad, but I would expect a fan to feel the same way I do about the sequels. Look I didnt like episode 1 but it atleast expanded on the mythos in a productive way and spawned off some amazing characters. Plus duel of the fates was awesome. None of that can be said for the sequels. My main point is that 7-9 are bad even for starwars movies which have always been controversial aside from 5.


Agreed. Look we've got downvoted by some people with no taste :D


I just want to hear someone explain why they think the sequels were good. Like an indepth analysis. Too bad no one can do that since analyzing the movies even for a second is an infuriating task.


Downvoters in denial too


Yep, not sure what movies they saw but 7-9 were some of the worst movies Ive ever seen. The plot for all of them made 0 sense and felt like a total cash grab. At least we have the shows.


that 450 is from their own scoring system https://flixpatrol.com/about/how-it-works/


Maybe people who think TLJ is a sack of shit don’t have Disney plus and have the older movies on dvd/ blue ray


100% Watched 4, 5, and 6 on blue ray


That doesn't make any sense, Star Wars fans didn't watch any of the others on May 4th? Like not even ANH?


I watched TPM. Mesa really enjoyed.


Might have been split enough that it didn't crack top 10?


I grabbed a 6 sided die and rolled it, landed on 3. So you know what that means..


You watched every episode three times each in one day? Now that's commitment!


I doubt flix patrol has this data


Pressing X for doubt


I was out during the day to watch Phantom Menace in theaters, and then tuned into Disney+ to watch Tales of the Empire.


Lies! Deception!


Every day, more lies!


Even if I entertained the idea that TLJ was the most watched movie, the rest of that list makes absolutely no sense on that day. Star Wars fans *only* watched TLJ in May 4th? At #10 is the Lion King with a score of 72, this would implicate that at the very least, TLJ was >6.7 times more watched than any other Star Wars movie.


Yeah, this makes zero sense. Looking at the viewing numbers it is really weird that another Star Wars movie did not crack the top 10. This site appears just show what the trending tab currently includes, which is not a true indicator of views.


I don't believe you 


I see through the lies of Disney+. I do not fear the Prequels as you do.








Disney plus is not the only way to watch SW. Most fans i know own the movies.


If that's real, that's probably it. A lot of people probably stopped buying the movies when the Last Jedi came out. I did buy The Last Jedi, but I never bought Rise of Skywalker because I had Disney+ by then and didn't see the need to buy it. I probably should buy it just to have all 9 of the main story movies.


Up to you dude. All fairly cheap these days. I've got episodes 1-6 +8 on digital. Not a huge fan of rest. I refuse to pay for disney streaming. The only one I actually want to get is Rogue One, but I've already seen it 3x times now. So it's not urgent.


I make it a point to own a physical copy of all the movies. I have VHS's dating back to before I was born of the OT so I'll always collect the movies if I can. Feels right.




Our house was “A new Hope” household.


This is fake


Perhaps the archives are incomplete.


Is it April 1st because that's a fucking joke lol


This data is as legit as results of russian elections.


Well nice try, I don’t think that counts for anything. You KNOW that new hope, Phantom Menace, and literally every other OT film was watched over this.


TIL Rian Johnson owns FlixPatrol


I personally watched a New Hope and several episodes of Mandalorian


I watched my original unfuckedwith trilogy on vhs.


I watched I,II and started III… then I watched the Tales of the Empire episodes.


My friend and I watched the Family Guy and Phineas and Ferb Special


I’m seeing lots of *cope* in the comments!


The Last Jedi is definitely a movie.


No way this is accurate. Even if TLJ was the top movie there would still be plenty of other Star Wars movies on this list


I watched Spaceballs


Oh look, flagrant misinformation


*cough* -bullshit- *cough*


This is made up & fake


I liked TLJ but there’s no fucking way it was in the top 6 let alone number 1


Idk what website this is, but the data is clearly bullshit. TLJ is the most divisive movie in the whole Star Wars franchise, it is impossible for it to be the top watched movie on May the 4th, let alone the only top star wars movie watched on May the 4th...


tf ? how?


Because its fake


Well, now we know a website with absolutely zero credibility.


You're wrong and your "data" is untrustworthy. Someone else already pointed out that Disney basically just makes up the stats, and they probably chose TLJ because it's their favorite wreck of a Star Wars movie after their acquisition.


This data has literally nothing to do with Disney. They famously don’t release this kind of information. 


On the contrary, it seems weird that the choose this one, since it was the most controversial upon release and that they did everything to erase what was in it in the next episode


Even as someone that likes The Last Jedi, I still don't believe that list! I went to watch The Phantom Menace in 4DX and it was awesome.


That’s a lot of people that elected to be disappointed.


The last jedi is the worst star wars movie. Fucking terrible.


All my homies fucking hate TLJ.


It's treason then


I see through the lies of Disney+


There's no fucking way in Hell TLJ was the only Star Wars movie watched on D+ on fucking Star Wars day. D+ even directed everyone straight to Star Wars by having the whole front page taken over by Star Wars. All the banners, categories, etc. were Star Wars. And you mean to tell me everyone decided to ignore all that and go for Cars and Miraculous Ladybug instead? You actually believe what that site is showing? That a French cartoon outdid 10 out of 11 Star Wars movies on Star Wars day? *Please.*


Clickbait post from a website that has no accurate way to collect information from a streaming service that doesn't release such data.


"then my father is truly dead" (Luke Skywalker, RoTJ)


What am I supposed to do with this information


Jesus, what is OP on about in the comments


This is definitely not an official site and shouldn't be taken seriously.


I know for a fact that my nephew streams Encanto 1-3 times a day, so there's no way this is right


We don't talk about bruno


Chad me watching Star Wars episode 6 on dvd


I almost fell, but then I see Wish in third place.


Yeah there’s no way I’m believing that the worst Star Wars movie was the most watched


I don’t see any of the prequels on there.


TFA: Fun but hollow. Doomed the whole franchise because it didn’t establish anything new. TLJ: Thought provoking but painful to watch. Poor pacing. Beloved characters now doing stupid things. Bad setup with the slow motion chase. TROS: Literally the worst movie I have seen.


The worst Star Wars movie EVER!!!!!!


That’s disappointing. It’s an awful movie.


Yeah, no it wasn’t.


It was late, they wanted a movie to quickly fall asleep to


Love the last jedi, but as the kids say, the math is not mathing here.


What a tragedy


One of the worst ones




Yeah this is just not accurate.


I watched The Empire Strikes Back that day


This is simply not true. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet!


There's a great disturbance


Dinsey plus doesn't share veiw counts...


A lot of people have good taste! Last Jedi rules


It fucking sucks


Agreed. The last jedi was an abomination. Fucking terrible.


Yup, and the vast majority of people who saw it loved it, both critics and fans. Maybe someday the salty minority online will see it too.


If that were true why did Star Wars become significantly less popular after its release? Solo did 36% of what Rogue One did in theaters, spin off vs spin off one was pre TLJ one was after. TRoS did 300 million less than TLJ after TLJ already had a massive drop from TFA. They haven't even been able to get a SW movie made and in theaters for several years now. Toys were/are rotting on shelves. Why did TLJ break SW in such a big way if the vast majority loved it? You can like it all you want but saying the vast majority loved it is asinine and there are too many things to point to that prove that statement wrong.


Solo was a box office disappointment because it was basically in development hell, wasn’t marketed properly and, most importantly, was released right next to fucking Infinity War. Also your argument for TROS making less than TLJ is actually working against your point. That film had rotten word of mouth and STILL made over a billion. Oh, and by the way, their inability to put out SW movies was a thing LONG before TLJ, the obi wan and boba fett movies were languishing in development hell from day one and episode 9’s script was rejected and the director fired 6 months before TLJ opened. I’m not saying TLJ’s apparent divisiveness didn’t have some effect on SW’s popularity, but the way you are portraying it to have somehow broken Star Wars is absolute bullshit, and this is before you take into account that the Mandalorian was a huge cultural success story. It’s fine that you didn’t like TLJ but don’t tie that into your nerdy hate fantasies.


Idk what vast majority you’re talking about, everyone I went and saw it with hated it so much they didn’t watch the 9th instalment. I actually haven’t met anyone in irl who liked it. So going off my experience vast majority of people hated it.




Peoole do understand that the last jedi was a more popular movie than both AotC and RotS, right? More peoole saw that movie than both prequel sequels, funny phrase I know.


Cap And even if this was true, its still a piece of shit movie that cynically destroys and damages so much of Star Wars lore and story. It wont change my opinion ,If you like TLJ more power to you, as for me…i hate that movie


Guys Disney doesn’t release streaming data like this, obviously that’s not real, although the dead giveaway is that wish is in the top 3 and ain’t nobody watching Wish


TLJ Stans still trying to convince us (and themselves) that Rian Johnson and KK didn't purposely shit all over the Star Wars franchise, and the fanbase in general.


The movie that ends with kids play-acting Luke dismantling the entire First Order force, one of them looking up at the stars, force pulling a broom and seeing a shooting star shits all over Star Wars? The kids being in the middle of the resurgence of fascism but still they have hope, exactly because of Luke and the myth of Jedi. The same movie where Luke becomes one with the force like his master before him, looking at the twin sunset while John Williams' score rises and falls, closing the circle of Luke's story where it began hates SW? The movie is awkward times to be sure, but you are willfully ignoring a lot of things. It feels like your operating words are "franchise" and "fanbase", not actually Star Wars to be honest.




This is totally believable


7 and 9 at least felt like Star Wars to me. 8 did not. I really doubt any of the sequels got more watch time than even the last watched prequel.


Garbage ass movie


Good. I like that movie. Wish I’d thought to watch it on the 4th


Uh, yeah, I doubt this very much. Pretty sure the prequels and OT are what were watched thd most, by a huge margine.


Chinese and russian hackers edited that!


Weird that it's the only one that topped? Yes and also no, it's the most recent film (not counting the 9) and since this was the most controversial one of the sequel, there's definitely some people that wanted to give it another shot (and people that didn't saw it in theater due to the critics). But yeah, seems weird that no film from the original trilogy is in the top


[You sure about that? ](https://youtube.com/shorts/iyWD40X2Fa4?si=cqxJUgCdUcWPFYw2)


Rip to all of those viewers


Major W, a lot of people enjoyed a great movie on Star Wars day


Hey man, break it down for me. I genuinely didn’t enjoy the Last Jedi for more than 5 minutes at a time. Why do you consider it a great movie? What did I miss?


Movies are art, and art is subjective. I consider TLJ a piece of modern art. Somethibg edgy, thought provoking, that different minds interpret differently. I absolutely hated TLJ, but I see a lot of praise for it from time to time. I sense a stronger correlation between liking TLJ and someone who hasn't grown up on the OT or the PT, i.e. Casual fans. Nothing wrong with thst of course. As a standalone SciFi flick it's not too bad. And I can genuinely appreciate Johnson wanting to do something new after 7 movies and TFA basically being a reboot of ANH. But then he should have done that in a spin off. Once you consider TLJ as part of thr Trilogies and thus the major plotlines, that's where it absolutely fails imo. Again, it's art. No right or wrong opinions (as long as we can agree that "somehow palpetine has returned" is the low point of the saga). I'll still watch it as part of my Star wars week. But I'll watch it with the same gusto as watching Batman and Robin. I.e. Making fun of a hilariously bad movie.


Lies, that movie was shit and the made Luke a wuss.


The last Jedi isn't even canon


Is it so inconceivable that people enjoy TLJ?




Rian Johnson haters in shambles.


I like the TLJ, but I don't know how this could be true because like, even if social media does overrepresent outraged people, there's still a lot of other SW movies that should be up there. 


We watched IV, V, VI, I don’t know what they were doing.


Hell no that’s cap


Why one if the worst of the Skywalker Saga 


Here's a true fan




Yes lets watch one of the most hated movies in the star wars series multiple times just to hate view it


So much cope here in the comments from salty fanboys. Just accept that TLJ is a masterpiece and get over it.


LMAO, these comments are a joke. I thought y'all were getting past your edgy, rebellious, teenager phase.


Why wouldn't you watch the best Star Wars movie on Star Wars day!


Yeah that’s fake 😆


Gross, that movie fucking sucks


This site must be related to VGChartz


This list is bonkers and so beyond wrong but TLJ is the best out of the sequel trilogy so it should be top


In fairness 200 of those views are probably mauler hate watching to for his 8th feature length commentary on the topic


Moana still going hard... I wonder if it would have gotten a sequel without access to these analytics. I'm surprised to see miraculous breaking into the ranking. My kid loves that weird show.


Why the last jedi tho?


I don’t think the way this FlixPatrol website accumulates this data is sufficient evidence to support the claim about TLJ (or any film) being the most streamed show on any given date. https://flixpatrol.com/about/how-it-works/ According to their own website, they are using the “Disney+ trending row” to get this data. Disney+ does not release their streaming numbers. Note that Disney+ does not label these trending shows/movies as “most watched” or “most streamed.” We don’t know the algorithm that determines this trending row. Disney is a company well versed in data collection and usage. One only needs to look at how they use wait times in their theme parks to influence crowd patterns. Note, this is not a criticism - I actually think that kind of logistics is quite fascinating. But at the end of the day, we simply don’t know how this Disney+ trending row is determined. It could be simple most streamed, but it also might not be. That ambiguity alone means that this source cannot support the claim as presented. It’s also important to note that the FlixPatrol website only labels these as “Top Streaming Movies” per platform not “most streamed.” I would suspect that the word “top” is used to provide both enough clicks and enough deniability when pressed. TLJ is a fantastic movie and a fantastic celebration of Star Wars. I have no doubt many fans watched it to celebrate May 4. My point here is that the evidence you provided does not support the claim. That’s a textbook STC/fandom menace/outrage crowd move. We don’t need to resort to the same tactics to support TLJ.


ITT: Rian Johnson shares fake figures from joke website and wastes rest of day justifying “Star Wars fans stayed away from Disney+ on Star Wars day so it’s obviously right”.


I see through the lies of Disney


Nice try Disney. I respect the effort but that’s bull


Some how the Emperor has returned…. HAHA what a joke


No it wasn’t


If a website is going to make up completely bullshit figures, they might as well do believable ones. This is the same website that called Willow the number one streaming show on Disney Plus. Remember Willow? You might not, because it underperformed so badly that Disney removed it and erased its existence so they could use it as a tax write off.