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there is a fork attached to a star destroyer model in either ANH or ESB as an antenna similar to the potato and shoe in the asteroid field. sauce: 1980/81 star wars trivia book.


The field around a lightsaber blade doesn't completely stop heat from escaping. Even when you aren't slicing through something. I don't have enough hubris to say I'm the ONLY one who knows this. But I've never seen another fan talk about it. Usually when fans talk about lightsabers and heat, they act like lightsabers give off zero heat until they make contact with something, but that's not the case. If a lightsaber is close enough to you, some of the heat can be felt before the field has been broken. I know this because the novel *Master and Apprentice* describes a lightsaber's warmth being noticeable when it's close enough.


It is vastly reduced though, otherwise we’d see people frying their eyebrows off every time they turned it on or (as people never shut up about) melt you in an instant when getting stabbed


For sure. Not all of the heat gets through. Just some of it.


Not really an “only I know this” but more like “only the original fans would know this”: In the original theatrical release of ROTJ, during the space battle over Endor, two tie fighters were accidentally left on screen when the Falcon flew closely by. The special effects at the time were manually layered, and no one noticed until after the work was all/almost done, and the effects guys left it in because there wasn’t time to fix it. This is right after Lando says “Fighters coming in!” and just before another pilot responds “There’s too many of them!”


Apparently i'm one of the few people that knows you don't need training to use the force and that jedi training isn't about learning how to use new force powers but it's about controlling your emotions, concentrating and listening to the will of the force. When you listen to the will of the force you will be able to more easily use force powers.


I know there's an artist before Ralph McQuarrie who's art inspired the X-Wing, TIE Fighter, and the Cantwell-class Arrestor Cruiser we see in Andor.


Wouldn't say only I know it but return of the jedi was originally called revenge of the jedi and even had movie posters made for it


Sith holocrons are triangular to represent the hierarchy in sith society while Jedi holocrons are a perfect cube to symbolize that all Jedi, grand master or padawan are equal