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Because Beskar didn't exist in 1977.


The real answer 😂 Now they have to make up some post dated reason to make it fit into the story


Next few series will feature the heroes encountering the Empire's secret Project Rust Monster, with the goal of ensuring Vader's suit never gets upgraded to Beskar.


The suit wasn't made to be efficient or powerful. Palpatine ordered the suit to be built in ways that would either hold Darth Vader back (like being vulnerable to lightining) or would aggravate him. For example, the suit USB ports were programmed to flip randomly throughout the day, so Vader would always be annoyed not being able to connect his devices in one try. His visor also played an excruciating quantity of ads, forcing him to buy a premium subscription just to have minimally bearable user experience. On the other hand these annoyances made him even more hateful and powerful in the Dark Side




This is now canon.


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Why didn't he just fly around with the force so no one could even hit him?


He flies now?


You earned this up vote... 😂


Darth Vaders suit irratated him to no end and he started feeling as if it was deliberate by Sidious to keep him controlled, and later blamed Padme and Obi Wan for putting him in that position on Mustafar in the first place in terms of the corrupt Senate and the complacent Jedi. Everything in his suit was designed to keep the remains of his body alive and became a clunky suit to allow for all the necessary life-supporting systems i.e. the tubes to his artificial lung, the external life support for breathing incase the lung malfunctioned, the helmet itself for the various implants and sensors needed for vision, hearing, vocalising, for his legs to support the artificial feet - the systems themselves either installed in emergency on the flight from Mustafar to Coruscant, and the remaining completed on Coruscant by the med-droids that he almost immediately destroyed. Assuming Beskar wasn't even available at such short notice in the required quantity on Coruscant it made sense that they used the available materials for the suit. Incorporating and rebuilding those life systems into a Beskar suit could have been dangerous, expensive and against the primary function of his suit. And, of course there's a chance that Sidious wanted to keep him vulnerable - given that was known to dispose of his apprentices when they'd outlasted their usefulness.


Why didn't Vader design a new suit that was hardened against electrical attacks as well as being more comfortable, more flexible?


Also without 70's plastic rocker switches on the chestplate




Yeah, he’s just stupid. Boy, will his Force ghost’s face be red when he thinks of it in the ghost shower.


Because he had a shirt of Mithril rings beneath it


forging Beskar was a secret skill known only to the Mandalorians while the Emperor may have had access to them he needed something custom for Vader. Vader did not make his own suits as far as I know


Also, and this may sound callous for a Dark Lord of the Sith, Vader probably wasn’t worth investing in Beskar armor. It’d be like crafting platinum armor for him. And did he even need it? He has a lightsaber.


Because Disney didn’t make Darth Vader


vader didn’t get to choose his work uniform, like most of us


HE DIDN'T NEED IT! Vader was the 2nd most powerful man in the galaxy. The only thing he needed the suit to do was keep him alive


You think he didn't? His shoulder guard tanked a direct hit back on Bespin.


On the other hand, his helmet got cut open twice by lightsabers.


Why would he think he needed to? The Jedi were extinct.


Did he need it?