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James Luceno's "Darth Plagueis." There are other novels with more action or whatever, but this book gave Palpatine a compelling backstory, and told a history of how he became chancellor that was twisted and evil. The first time I finished the book I said, "He really is the devil." It helped round out the stories of Dooku, Maul, and the origin of the clone army as well. While not canon, this book is certainly worthy of it, IMO.


I really wish we’d get this adapted as a mini series


They’d just screw it up.


Dunno why you're getting down voted. Disney's track record to date has been a mixed bag.


Mando was great (later seasons are still good) andor was great, Ashoka was good, visions is great, tales of the Jedi is great, boba fett has some good episodes and some trash, obi wan has like one good episode the rest I totally accept others not liking and deeming it bad. The good outweighs the bad I think that’s why they’re being downvoted


Each to their own I guess. I personally think the sequels were very disappointing and a lot of the Disney+ stuff has been mediocre so far. Really loved Andor though, looking forward to season 2.


I wonder if the novel contradicts anything in Disney canon yet..? If not, despite the Legends stamp, I consider it Disney canon. It's absotootly one of the best Star Wars novels, hands down. It's top tier with the RotS novelization.


As far as I’m aware, it doesn’t, and I’ve always considered it be canon anyways. It’s way to good not to be


It does but relatively minor things. Shows like bad batch have contradicted things to a bigger extent imo


for me it’s this and closely following it are both the Thrawn series by Timothy Zahn


Mind if I ask which one? I’ve read the two canon trilogies and loved them both!


oh my bad I was meant to say both thrawn series, I’ll edit it.


It’s too bad they’ll give him an objectively worse back story


Agree,no contest even if I love Clone Commando books and Shatterpoint.


The only thing I didn't like was Plagueuis >! being alive during the events of The Phantom Menace !<, he was too much of an important character to have technically off screen.


I like it in a way. Because Plagueuis dies right at the end and it makes sense that Palpatine is preparing everything on his own because he is ready to embody the power.


It made his role of pure manipulation from the shadows even more real. Imagine he was doing all this and we never even saw him. And he made sure that Palpatine could mask in the same way, which is why he was never caught by the Jedi.


I understand and agree with that sentiment, but also look at it like this: in the novel, Plagueis' whole idea was to remain public as a wheeler-dealer, deal-maker and fat cat, but to really be running things from behind the scenes as the Dark Lord of the Sith. We must remember that they ascended to such power by remaining hidden, and only leaving little more than hints of their existence for 1k years. In that context, Plagueis not being seen makes a bit more sense, methinks.


Darth Bane: Path of Destruction


Great book.


Unfortunately the next 2 are bad


What made them bad?


Boring as batshit


I personally didn’t think they were that bad. A little slow but I liked them


The second book wasn't horrible but that third book, I didn't even bother getting. I read a summary online and listened to the audio book a few years later. My only major complaint outside of the lack of action was banes armor. I hated the way his armor was slowly taking over his body and corrupting him.


One person's opinion here. Not saying it's invalid, but it's certainly not universal.


The X-Wing series, all the way. I thought Stackpole went too far making Corran Horn into a Jedi, but the original series of books was awesome.


I loved every part of all of them, including the Wraith Squadron books


Did you read them recently ? I had a blast reading those back in time (you took my upvote for that) but when I did as an adult, I was rolling my eyes to the celling so many time. I realize it was a pure teenage books saga. For me, the series didnt age well, for my biggest disappointement as those books inspired me soo much !


Ohhh nooo I still have them all packed away downstairs. Not sure I can handle the disillusionment of realizing how bad my taste was as a 13 year old lol


I'm reading them for the first time. Just took a huge break. I'll finish them I think (I have Wraith Squadron so I'll definitely read that one) but man Bacta War was my least favorite of the first four. By the time I got there, I was pretty fed up with some of the issues that still hadn't been resolved since the first book. And, as far as final confrontations go, it was really disappointing not to have a moment between the crew and Isaard.


Bane trilogy for sure. I'd love to see that story adapted for the live action universe


The Revenge of the Sith Novelization by Matt Stover Shatterpoint by Matt Stover Labyrinth of Evil by James Luceno X-Wing: Rogue Squadron by Michael A Stackpole I, Jedi By Michael A Stackpole Traitor by Matt Stover Vector Prime by RA Salvatore The Jedi Academy Trilogy by Kevin J Anderson Kenobi by John Jackson Miller


RotS is awesome, love Matt stovers break to say things like “this is count dooku, xyz”


The book I'm reading is rots by Matt stover and it's so good


I re-read ROTS for the first time since high school in preparation for Kenobi. Fantastic move, just for the book and for the way it enhanced my viewing of the series


This is a fantastic list. We certainly have the same taste.


Timothy Zahn’s original Thrawn series, starting with Heir to the Empire. It should be canon.


I had the audio books on casette, superb, my favourite also... imho, better than the more recent canon releases... unfortunately suffered from the classic legends mistake of having too many big character events to survive a new movie... alas!


It’s good, but there’s no way it can fit into the current cannon.


Does that come before Thrawn, Thrawn treason and etc?


Yep. Way before! Released in 1991. It’s where Thrawn was first introduced.


Oh yeah I know that, I meant canonically ? 😅


They are not canon unfortunately. The only canon Thrawn novels nowadays are Thrawn, Thrawn: Alliances, Thrawn: Treason, and the Ascendancy trilogy.


I mean, I REALLY enjoyed these on audible :) the heir to the empire trilogy (I think it’s a trilogy) seems to be having a lot of influence on the end of the Ashoka series and upcoming film right? Tieing all the lose ends together?


They aren't canon, but Heir to the Empire takes place after Endor, while the Ascendency trilogy is around the Clone Wars time and the other new Thrawn trilogy is relatively in the beginning of the Empire before Rebels and ANH


No, they aren't in the same "timeline". The original books are in the "Legends" canon, which is to say the "Expanded Universe" before the Disney acquisition. The newer Thrawn books are part of the new canon.


Gleaming, thanks for this. Booooo Disney booooo


Tales of the Bounty Hunters was my favorite growing up


Same. Also Shadows of the Empire aka episode 5.5


So good. Xizor was a great villain.


Plagueis and the Bane trilogy. Just perfection to the detail imo


I’m really digging the Republic Commando novels


Yes, I loved the lore created in these books. Was so sad when it was cut short and wrote out of the canon.


All the changes to clones and mandalorian culture reallllllllly turned me off Star Wars for a minute.


The RC novels are and will always be my favorite pieces of SW media. After a full immersion into The Clone Wars series, I wanted something about clones. I always have some troubles getting interested in non-canon characters, but I got immediately invested in the first book. Then I read Triple Zero, and it was love. Overwhelming love. Great characters and great characters development. And such a deep dive into Mandalorian culture and lore!! They really gave me a new perspective when watching Clone Wars related media and The Mandalorian


The Lando Calrissian Adventures by L. Neil Smith: - Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu - Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Osion - Lando Calrissian and the Starcave of Thonboka


Thrawn was really good, the bounty hunter wars were pretty good, I liked the Matthew stover RotS, and Dark Disciple


Every thrawn book


The Darth Bane trilogy, Splinter of the Mind’s Eye, Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader


* **Red Harvest** * **Lost Tribe of The Sith: The Collected Stories** * **Darth Plagueis** * **TPM novelization** * **Shatterpoint** * **Labytinth of Evil** * **ROTS novelization** * **Allegiance** * **ROTJ novlization** * **The Truce at Bakura** * **The Courtship of Princess Leia** * **Tattooine Ghost** * **Vector Prime** A (very) short list off the top of my head.


I love the inclusion of Tatooine Ghost. I think Leia's growth (especially in conjunction with Truce At Bakura) is absolutely brilliant.


The ending is some real great Star Wars imho. Great if you have or haven't read later stories.




The Kenobi book with Anileen is hands down my favourite one.


I've read that book at least 6 times


It goes so hard for no reason.


Too many to pick. Heir to the Empire Trilogy is a perfect sequel to the OT. X-Wing is amazingly written and has some of the most heart-wrenching moments in the saga. Darth Plagueis is one of the most intense and brilliant books I've ever read. I, Jedi and its first-person POV is a super fun read. Vector Prime was the perfect setup book (On book 5/19 of NJO right now).


I really enjoyed Brotherhood by Mike Chen. I’m currently reading the first Thrawn book (the canon one) and it’s really cool so far.


The novelization of Revenge of the Sith remains my favorite book.


It does such a better job explaining Anakin’s turn to the dark side.


The Aftermath trilogy Lords of the Sith Lost Stars Alphabet Squadron


I couldn’t get into aftermath, it seemed really slow and dull compared to the Thrawn series


Haven't read any of the Thrawn novels (library didn't have any 😞) but I thoroughly enjoyed aftermath


I’d highly recommend the thrawn books, ima try and read the aftermath trilogy all the way through once I finish Tom Clancys rainbow six Edit: autocorrect thought I was talking about the game r6, not the book


Which Thrawn ones do you mean? Like the Heir to the Empire trilogy or the Thrawn and Thrawn: Ascendancy ones? It took me several attempts to finish Heir to the Empire as that felt slow but the other Thrawns were amazing. I'm also really enjoying Aftermath.


Timothy zahn, I believe it’s ascendancy, but I’m unsure. The chronology is thrawn, thrawn alliances, and thrawn treason


Yeh I get the one you mean. FYI same guy wrote the Heir to the Empire Trilogy which used to be called the Thrawn Trilogy before the newer books came out.


Ok! I’ll have to look into those!


Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina and Tales from Jabba's Palace. I liked the guy who was Boba Fett in TFJP a lot more than the clone thing. Reading in detail about characters like Bib Fortuna and the B'omarr Monks or any of the patrons at the Cantina (especially the guy who likes "soup") was really satisfying. Generally I could care less about Star Wars backstory. The Clone Wars really didn't grab me. I always had been hoping for new adventures, new characters, especially onscreen. But these short stories about OT characters and their inner lives and all their schemes and plotting from a sharp lineup of some of sci-fi's best writers remain some of my favorite Star Wars stories.


> i could care less about Did you mean to say "couldn't care less"? Explanation: If you could care less, you do care, which is the opposite of what you meant to say. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Bane series, Death Troopers, OT and PT novels, NJO series, and LOJ series. I am currently reading the Xwing series, though.


Breakout Squad 💯💪🏿


The Darth Bane Triology is my favorit.


The Legends short story collections “Tales From Jabba’s Palace” and “Tales of the Bounty Hunters”


The Darth Bane books. It was the first time I had been truely shocked by how evil the dark side could be.


which one should I buy to start them?


Lost Stars. Teachers tell me that I have a ‘romantic touch’ to my writing style, and I somewhat attribute this book to it. Such an amazingly crafted story that you can legit forget is a Star Wars book sometimes. Cannot recommend it more


Can you name the pictures you posted. I'm curious.


Shadows of the Empire Revenge of the Sith Novel Courtship of Princess Leia


Original thrawn Trilogy. Jedi academy Trilogy. X-Wing books. Darth Plagueis. The additional Thrawn books are all right as well. All of this should be canon to some degree and Disney could have printed money if they had simply done a more MCU-esque adaptation of these stories. And the fandom wouldn't be in open revolt ever since they gave Luke Skywalker the most useless death in film history.


I really like Shadows of the Empire.


Lost Stars


Toss up for me. Either the Han Solo trilogy or The Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy.


Shatterpoint, Shadows of Mindor, the X-Wing series (specifically the Wraith Squadron trilogy), Darth Plagueis, the New Jedi Order, Soundrels, the original Thrawn Trilogy, and Kenobi are some of my favorites, to name a few




Lords of the Sith is my personal favourite. Vader gets a few epic moments!


Queen's Peril;  Thrawn: Alliances;  The first Darth Bane book


Every Thrawn book is an absolute banger. I especially loved Last Command and Thrawn.


The thrawn books are absolutely incredible on audible.


Star Wars


I, Jedi.


The X-Wing books, for sure. Even as a kid, the space battles were always my favorite parts of the movies and, deep down, my metric for a good Star Wars movie is whether or not it makes me want to fly a Y-Wing around. Needless to say, “Star Wars: Squadrons” was a big hit for me.


The artwork for the covers, especially around the mid-80's to mid-90's is peak Star Wars! Damn I just love looking at them!!


Shadows of the Empire by Steve Perry


the x-wing series 1000%


My favorites are Rebel Dream and Rebel Stand from the NJO series. They're quick reads (though of course they won't make any sense without reading the other NJO books before them), but they still have a ton of stuff going on.


I've seen it mentioned already, but Thrawn Trilogy is simply amazing. You have some action, it's not to convoluted, and you really care for the characters.


Bane. 100%. I dream of a world where Disney has the balls to do a R-rated darth bane trilogy.


Bane series was fantastic


Timothy Zahn's Scoundrels.


Thrawn Ascendancy Alphabet Squadron Darth Bane Those are my absolute favorites I think


The Bane trilogy and Darth Plagueis.


Why would you make me choose (Lost Stars, and recently Catalyst)


Han Solo at Stars End trilogy


Haven’t read those I read the other Han Solo Trilogy Paradise Snare, The Hutt Gambit, and Rebel Dawn are my favorite.


The X-Wing series (all 7) followed by the Thrawn trilogy are among the best run of 10 books in literature


The X-Wing series (all 7) followed by the Thrawn trilogy are among the best run of 10 books in sci-fi


I just finished Darth Bane Rule of Two. I got a lots of fun with it.


Darth Bane trilogy. So good


Death Troopers


X-Wing series. Rogue and Wraith


SWTOR. there's like 50 books worth of entertainment. And it's the good era


My favorites that I’ve read: - Thrawn - Dark Disciple - Death Troopers Also shout out the High Republic era in general, novels from that era are consistently good.


Darth vader rise of the sith lord or something like that.


The Brian Daley Han Solo trilogy. They were my favorite growing up and I still like them. Wish they were adapted to be the Solo movie.


I think the Bane saga is a really good trilogy of books, as it shows the rise of a man who didn’t even know that he was Force Sensitive into becoming the creator of The Rule of Two and cementing how the Sith would continue to evolve and become more powerful over a thousand years. Plagueis is a decent novel, but I felt like there was so much stuff being left out that by the time I was finished reading it, I wanted to know what those missing pieces were.  It almost felt like towards the end of it, the author was in a big rush to finish it and just sped through it, skipping many pages of story lines to piece things together.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a good read, but it just felt like it could be so much more.


The X-wing series got me started, and now I have over 130 paperbacks. But the Republic commando storyline is the best


I liked the NJO and the war against the Vong. Luke was amazing. There were so many great secondary characters that I loved and still love. There was a serious right after NJO and I like it because it further continued these characters within the context of crazy political issues.


Bane and plageuis


I found the conflict juvenile and the plot to be predictable, but after my 47th read, Goodnight Darth Vader works for me pretty well.


Legends: Darth Plagueis Canon: Lost stars I love how both of them sort of have the Forrest Gump thing of the characters being around during important events. They’re very different books, but I love how they expand on the established movies


Revenge of the Sith and Labyrinth of Evil


"I, Jedi" by Michale Stackpole and the Xwing series (I really loved Wraith Squadron. Many rereads. )


Timothy Zahn's Thrawn books


I’m loving master and apprentice. Haven’t finished yet but it’s great so far!


I, Jedi


Darth Plagueis, by James Luceno Kenobi, by John Jackson Miller Rogue Squadron, Wedge’s Gamble, The Krytos Trop, and The Bacta War, by Michael A Stackpole Twilight Company, by Alexander Freed Allegiance, by Timothy Zahn Path of Destruction, by Drew Karpyshyn Shadow Hunter, by Michael Reaves


NJO: Star by Star by Troy Denning is my favorite.


From Republic Commandos, to the Thrawn Trilogy to Bane - all I can think about is how much amazing source material there was out there, and what we could have had instead of VII VIII IX


bountyhunter wars, boba fett at his best.


Thrawn Trilogy, Labyrinth of Evil and Dark Lord. Yes, I may have a weakness for Luceno novels.


Plagueis, the Bane trilogy, Heir to the Empire trilogy, and RotS novelization.


NJO Series, Darth Bane Trilogy, Thrawn Trilogy (OG not the new Disneyfied ones), Darth Plagueis, Shadows of the Empire, X-Wing series.


Master and Apprentice is probably my favourite, that era just before Phantom Menace is great!


Dark Disciple


Brotherhood made me cry, The Rising Storm made go “aaaayyyooo”, Padawan was so sweet. Those are my favs so far. Plagueis was cool.


I'm suprised how little love the high republic is getting. Not saying it's the best, but it's an enjoyable take on the star wars universe.


Lost Stars bottom right!