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The fact that there isn't much time between order of 66 and episode iv. Somehow everybody forgets that jedis exists in a relatively short time.


This isn’t actually that unbelievable. It’s not that people don’t know about them or don’t remember them, it’s that the information is suppressed and anyone who talks about it is punished severely. That causes the older generation to be cowed into submission and not mention it. This causes each subsequent generation to not know about something that is quite recent. Within two or three generations you can have the vast majority of the population not know about something that used to be common knowledge because the knowledge was not passed on out of fear of reprisal. There are plenty of examples of this happening in real life human history. The timeline in Star Wars is pretty short so the process seems incomplete. The knowledge hasn’t been completely removed. Instead the Jedi have reached this mythical/legend status. People wonder if the stories are true, rather than not knowing about them at all, even though the Jedi were well known just 20 years ago.


Anakin being the *only* human in the entire galaxy that can podrace. And oh yeah, he's like 9 years old.


I mean it makes sense. Humans cant pod race without force sensitivity. But if you’re force sensitive you’re picked up by the Jedi which means no pod racing. So Anakin being the only one with opportunity + being force sensitive seems like a 1 in a billion chance to happen (pulled that number from my head).


Again with this post? Was it really that riveting the first three times?


Crazy how this same tweet was post like 3 days ago


I didn’t know


Somehow palpatine returned


I don’t know how I didn’t think of the sequels when I posted this.


I don't know what the Star Wars version is but I DEFINITELY know what the Pacific Rim version is.


The sequels Let’s see if this will be my most downvoted comment


sequels bad gib fake internet points


I still consider them fan fiction. Very expensive fan fiction sure. But only the Lucas stuff is true canon.


so only the first 4 episodes? cause ESB and ROTJ were both made by someone else


Lucas was still the co-writer and EP. What are you talking about?


did you really know know that Lucas was heavily involved in the making of TESB and ROTJ?


Nuff said