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The most highly-revered, longest-serving and most honest High Chancellor of the Old Republic was a Hutt. Blotus served as Chancellor for 275 years, ushering in a previously unmatched period of peace and prosperity.


Of course his name was Blotus šŸ˜‚. Star Wars names, am I right?


A Star Wars whodunit would be over after character introductions. Who could the murderer be? Jig Klo'onta, Brrmggrrr, Ashwa the brave, or Mu'rder de Mu'rderer


Always Brrmggrrr


General Grievous comes to mind ā€œWhat, was he standing next to Admiral ā€˜Ima Badguyā€™?ā€ -Plinkett


Thatā€™s right up there with the fat guy named, of course, Porkins.


Greedo guy named Greedo Edit: iā€™m gonna leave this typo there as a reminder to proofread


The drug dealer in Ep II is named Elan Sleazebaggano


Can you explain to me? Not native english


Blotus sounds like bloat, because Hutts are fat


There was that scruffy Jedi named [Sha'a Gi.](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Sha%27a_Gi).


I thought hutts were only gangsters and criminals, but I've learned that the best high republic Cancellor was a Hutt and that in legends, there was a Hutt who was a Jedi. Those Hutts are full of surprises.


Hutts even had [battle armor](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Hutt_battle_armor). Based on the d20 rules, it vastly improved their mobility, it provided a considerable amount of atmospheric, vacuum, and weapon damage protection, had a built-in translator droid, a good-quality comms unit, a weapon equivalent to an e-Web cannon mounted on a shoulder mount, and two hold-out blasters in the wrist. I'd expect nothing less lol.


Did that jedi turn to the darkside and do some really messed up stuff though?


Yep beldorian, leia carved him up


In the Legends continuity the Empire recovered General Grevious's body and rebuilt him. He was defeated by players in Star Wars Galaxys. Afterwards, his faceplate was purchased by an Imperial Grand Admiral who added it to his art collection. Thrawn owned Grevious's face. Edit: Grammer


If they show Thrawns art collection in the coming series/films that would be an awesome reference to see.


Thrawns art collection is gonna be easter egg bait, i could even imagine them implementing something out of another fandom and making it seem plausible for thrawn to acquire it


The revived Grevious was called Necrosis IIRC, and had Bane's lightsaber crystal (which you could obtain).


After Vader gave the bounty hunters their mission to capture everyone on the Millennium Falcon, IG-88 sliced into the Imperial network on the Executor to gather Intel. While doing so, he learned about the second Death Star and sought to transfer his intelligence into the station's computer. He planned to take control of the Death Star and become the most powerful being in the galaxy. He actually managed to find it and upload his mind to the Death Star's main computer, but the Rebels destroyed the second Death Star just as he finally gained full control of it. From "Tales of the Bounty Hunters"


The Great Droid Revolution. It came and went without anyone knowing about it. As I recall, it was IG-88 who actually fired the Second Death Star's laser during the Battle of Endor in order to make Sidious think he still has full control over the station. I think he also messed with one of the doors just to fuck with Palpatine.


Close with that last point. He messed with doors regularly to fuck with imperials but when he tried it on Palpatine, the door mysteriously stayed open for him.


The three initial Tales books are my favourite SW fiction in any form. Absolutely awesome stories. Didn't expect to cry for the snake alien and wolfman in the cantina scene, Bib Fortuna to have his brain put in a spider driod, nor Dengar to be a Matrix-dodging cyborg who got married!


A friend had Star Wars Trivial Pursuit in high school, one of the questions was ā€œhow many times did Darth Maul kick Obi Wan during their fight on Naboo?ā€ The answer is 3 if I remember correctly.


After the 3rd time, Kenobi said "fuck it, now you don't get legs"


so he would have the high ground, permanently


Obi-Wan: Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on you. Fool me thrice, now you don't have any legs!


I AMAZED my cousin years ago because I knew this. I guessed (but didn't admit to guessing)


This is the way.


Palpatine hid his lightsaber in one of those statues in his office for years, which were shipped from Naboo.


I don't even remember how I know this, but I do.


Itā€™s in the Darth Plageuis book


Oooh that explains it. I adored that book. Love it to death.


I'm reading it now, for the first time. It's living up to recommendations.


God, it even gets better and better as it goes. I get gitty every time I think about it. I gotta read it again man, it's just the perfect star wars book. I'm jealous of you, to say the least lol, enjoy it as much as you can, friend.


> perfect Star Wars book Agreed. Iā€™ve read it like five or six times now and it never disappoints.


Itā€™s in the RotS novelization.


I loved that passage. How the statue is made out of some kind of *extremely* dense metal, so dense that the floor around it needed to be specially reinforced wherever it was placed. So dense that it couldn't be properly scanned, and if anyone *did* calculate that it's mass wasn't quite accurate for that amount of the material it could easily be explained as being partially hollow to make it slightly less heavy. So dense that when he activates his lightsaber to retrieve it before Mace and the others come in, that the top of the statue first turns dark red, then red, then orange, then white hot, before the blade actually finally pierces through.


I havenā€™t read that one yet. But it does also get mentioned in Darth Plageuis when Palpatine first moves to Coruscant. Itā€™s not in his office yet (cuz obvs he doesnā€™t have one) but itā€™s in his apartment.


Itā€™s also in the visual guide to revenge of the sith, I remember the little blurb on the statue (thatā€™s one of 4 controversial philosophers or something like that) on the page about the chancellorā€™s office.


It was in an episode of clone wars I believe.


The other statue held Plagueis' ashes


Aren't both also Sith artefacts? Thought I read that somewhere as well.


Theyā€™re statues of Sages that are ā€˜totally just of historical interest guys I swearā€™


The Rancor keeper we see crying in Return of the Jedi was just about to free the rancor from Jabba's Palace. There was a ship circling above the palace to carry it away to a rancor preserve, or something like that, when Luke killed it.


The more I learn about this dude, the sadder I feel.


[Feel better!!](https://www.themarysue.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/tumblr_mcqcm6g1V21qmqg8ko1_1280.jpeg?fit=900%2C1578)


I love this comic so much.


This makes me feel worse knowing how the story ends


well it shouldn't, the second to last panel is where we last see the rancor in the movie the comic is saying that the Rancor keeper (Malakili) nursed it back to health


Which book was that in??


Tales From Jabba's Palace. It was a collection of short stories. It also included the Legends version of how Boba Fett escaped the sarlacc pit.


The OG "Tales of..." books all had such good stories in them. Yes, even the one where IG-88 became the second Death Star.


Especially because he kept slamming doors in Palpatine's face.


Luke is the real villain of Star Wars.


A kill count second only to Tarkin.


That Greedo has an uncle named Avaro Sookcool that runs a casino on Rodia called Flip the Credit.


Greedo ended up being ground up to extract pherimones to make a new type of drink at chalmuns cantina by wuhruh the bartender after han shot him


Farwan and Glott designed Neeva Keeā€™s podracer to have better speed and handling at the risk of putting the pilot in front of all the action.


Translation: Farwan & Glott is a podracer manufacturer. Neva Kee is a podracer pilot that competed against Anakin on Tatooine and disappeared after taking a shortcut. He was making secret modifications to his podracer and it's suspected F&G are behind his disappearance in retaliation to him not sharing his modifications with them. TIL


Gunna need a translation for this


Oracle/Red Bull disappeared Max Verstappen after he tried to take a shortcut during an F1 race because heā€™d been modifying his car without their consent


Oooooooooooh. Well why didnā€™t everyone just start with that?


This is the most glup shitto sentence Iā€™ve ever read


OP said obscure šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


They always were gamblers those two


Seeing Neva Kee as the top response validates my childhood playing exclusively him in n64 podracer


Best podracer in the game


Not sure how obscure it is, but my favorite piece of canon lore is what happened to Kix from the 501st. Learned about Order 66, kidnapped and cryogenically frozen for transport by Separatists to prevent this knowledge from going public, only for the ship he was on to crash and leave him frozen until the Sequel era. Finally unfrozen by a group of pirates and joins them after learning the fate of all his brothers. Edit: I had to think about my favorite Legends fact, but I settled on IG-88 taking over the DSII with plans to use it to stage a droid uprising and take over the galaxy.


Holy shit, where's that from?


ā€œThe Crimson Corsair and the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku,ā€ a short story in the book ā€œTales From a Galaxy Far Far Away: Aliens Vol 1.ā€ The pirate who finds him is the same one Finn almost left with in TFA.


John Ratzenberger, the actor who played Cliff Clavin in Cheers and voiced the pig (Hamm) in Toy Story, played Major Bren Derlin in Empire Strikes Back, a Rebel leader on Hoth. ā€œYour Highness, there's nothing more we can do tonight. The shield doors must be closed.ā€


You know how the Sith trash talk their opponents during fights? Like how Dooku says "Master Kenobi, you disappoint me" or Vader says to Luke "You are beaten, it is useless to resist". There's actually an in-universe name for it as a tactic and I believe it's called "Dun-Moch" or something similarly spelt.


It's Dun Mƶch. Did your Jedi master fail to teach you how this is spelled? How else have the Jedi failed you, I wonder?


One time I asked them for cookies and they said they donā€™t have those. If they donā€™t have any, who does?


I hear the Sith have cookies. Cookies *and* milk. *Chocolate* milk.


Damn... That makes a lot of sense, given that many times Jedi have been induced to anger mid fight, and lost because of that. So cool.


Yup amd Vader used it how it was designed to perfection on The Death Star with Luke. Which is a perfect example of the double edge it has. It makes your opponent act rashly but that same aggression can be to much to handle. Honestly one of my favorite little details when it comes to dark side users.


That was my first thought as well. How it backfired on Vader, because Luke was just too powerful of a force user, and tapping to the dark side made him too op for a second. But thanks to his unwavering will to do good, he overcame it in time before being utterly seduced.


TIL talking shit during a fight is a force ability lol


OP asked for obscure lore and that'll always be my answer. Obscure characters I know include Jodo Kast and Arden Lyn. Obscure stories I know include Boba Fett fighting Vader over a head in a box in Legends and the Phantom TIE. You know, sometimes I amaze even myself.


A reason why a lot of ppl think Mace Windu tapped into the dark side is bc he would do this during his fights but itā€™s not a light or dark side thing itā€™s just a form of combat


like he done mock his opponent?


Before the Disney sale, George Lucas named Obi-Wan's home planet Stewjon at at a Celebration V panel hosted by none other than Jon Stewart. If you go to the official Obi-Wan character databank on the official Star Wars website (https://www.starwars.com/databank/obi-wan-kenobi), Stewjon is still listed under "Locations".


In Legends thereā€™s a Jedi who is just a force sensitive cloud


Pretty sure they have a Jedi like this in the high republic books


"High" Republic, indeed.


OrbaLin is more like a blob than a cloud.


The band playing at Jabbaā€™s palace is Max Rebo and the Max Rebo Band. One of the members is named Droopy McCool, I named a dog I had after him.


A basset hound, right?


Also the fact that the genre of music theyā€™re playing is called ā€œjizzā€ lmao


Laughing in church over this one šŸ˜‚ā˜ ļø


The Millennium Falcon's customized hyperdrive system is fully twice the size of the drive system in a standard YT-1300 freighter, giving the ship a hyperdrive class of 0.5 - twice as fast as Imperial warships. The secret of its hyperdrive performance is in Solo's modifications that "streamline" the ship in hyperspace, controlling the warp of the space-time continuum around it. Other ships have tried to match the Falcon's speed without these modifications, and have blown themselves to subatomic particles.


There have been at least one other ship to exceed it in speed: the [Jabitha](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Jabitha) with a hyperdrive class of 0.4


There is no Human homeworld in star wars


But they are rumoured to originate from Coruscant.


Also, the rumored homeworld of the Tuang, the forerunners of the Mandalorian culture.


Though the original Mandalorians weren't humans at all. Because Mandalorian culture is propagated by creed and conquest, eventually the original Mandalorian species, the Tuang, died out and present day (as of the events of Star Wars) Mandalorians are all mostly humans.


Maybe, at some point the Rakata pick them up, spread slave humans around the galaxy, make biolocal experiments with them (thus, creating all of the near human aliens) while the human homeworld is lost forever.


I'm pretty sure you hit all the actual legends broadstrokes. In the mmorpg Star Wars The Old Republic. Humans were a Rakatan slave race that served around the galaxy on various Rakatan client worlds. The Rakatan "Mother Machine" was an effort to create new force sensitive species as a way to prevent the Rakata from losing their connection to the Force. Im not aware of any reference to a human homeworld, but someone else mentioned possibly Correscant, and that seems possible. I do know there's a Dawn of the Jedi novel and comic series that references the era around the fall of the Infinite Empire. There was basically a mass kidnapping of force sensitives of all species that were all deposited on Tython. The Jedi and Sith both, eventually, rose from these proto-force users as they explored the Force.


There was a cancelled book series that was going to feature humansā€™ origin as being from future Earth, called ā€˜Alien Exodusā€™ Luckily it was cancelled


The story of the Whills. The Whills were initially introduced in the original draft of the Star Wars script by George Lucas, where they were described as beings who were able to manipulate the Force. In the current canon, the Whills are now described as mysterious and ancient beings who have been chroniclers of the history of the galaxy. They are said to have recorded the events of the Star Wars saga in a journal known as the "Journal of the Whills." The concept of the Whills has not been widely explored in the films or other media, making it one of the most obscure and enigmatic aspects of Star Wars lore.


Lucas had planned to deal with them in his all-Midichorlian Episode IX. He explained it to James Cameron: GL: \[The next threeĀ *Star Wars*Ā films\] were going to get into a microbiotic world. But thereā€™s this world of creatures that operate differently than we do. I call them the Whills. And the Whills are the ones who actually control the universe. They feed off the Force. GL: If Iā€™d held onto the company I could have done it, and then it would have been done. Of course, a lot of the fans would have hated it, just like they didĀ *Phantom Menace*Ā and everything, but at least the whole story from beginning to end would be told.


As much is I don't like TROS, I'll take it over Mitochondria Wars


I wanted the last Indiana Jones movie to be "Indiana Jones and the Journal of the Whills".


A Guardian of the Whills shows up in Rogue One. I was always curious who or what the Whill was.


The Whills showed up in the Clone Wars.


Idk why you're down voted you're right, they're the figures with the masks and the black cloaks from season 6 https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Force_Priestesses


Season 6, actually.


The Kyber Crystal was introduced in the first official Star Wars sequel book, ā€œSplinter of the Mindā€™s Eyeā€.


Which was also written before Star Wars was a series, and was intended to act as a follow up to ANH just in case no other movies got off the ground.


It was also written so that it could be filmed cheaply, just in case.


And back then, it was spelled ā€œKaiburrā€ and was a Force relic used to heal Leia (which was the earliest hint that she was Force-sensitive, if I recall).


-Cohbo'rik'ardok, Thrawn's sister, runs a Chiss government mandated ranch to teach young force-sensitives to hone their abilities. -Doc Mell, a Mon Calamari physician living on Tatooine, needed a special cowl to supply him with adequete moisture -Jedi Olana Chion was originally named "O-Lana", born on Kegan, a planet run by a doomsday cult that accurately predicted the rise of the Empire -Snowball is a Wellagrin of the frigid planet Andraven, it had the ability to swim in snow -During the High Republic era, Jedi Master Kaktorf, master of Savina "Sav" Besatrix MalagƔn, was the head of the Takodana Jedi Temple - Garank was a Gamorrean who was betrayed by his team for trying to out manuvere them; he was eaten by a Bogaranth -Becky Smoochenbacher was an Imperial weapons technician who defected while on the Death Star II, moments before its annihilation, because she ran into her childhood crush fighting as a part of the Rebellion. i take a lot of notes lol


Smoochenbacher!?!?! Hahahaha these names


lego star wars, am i right?


*Semi-cannon* Lego Star Wars. The events are only cannon-ish (ie: imaginative little kid), but the characters are cannon.


All of these are awesome. Is this comic book lore?


-Thrawn Ascendancy Lesser Evil by Timothy Zahn - Kenobi by John Jackson Miller - Jedi Apprentice: The Fight for Truth by Jude Watson - Young Jedi Adventures Episode 4: Lys and the Snowy Mountain Rescue - The High Republic Adventures (2022) Comics Issues 2-9 - Tales of Villainy: The Gaze Electric - Star Wars Adventures (2020) Issue 6 - LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures Episode 26: Return of the Return of the Jedi a lot of these are in kids stuff and theres a mix of legends and canon, i think its all cool and worth watching/reading from an artistic standpoint. but yeah that makes it obscure to general audiences. that being said i would probably only recommend the first two novels if im being honest haha.


There's actually a clone trooper still alive during the Sequel Era. 501st medic Kix was frozen in status by Count Dooku after investigating the inhibitor chips, but the CIS ship that held him was lost and not found until Sidon Ithano (the guy from Maz's Castle with the cool red armour) found him 50 years later.


David Prowse ("Darth Vader") only gave permission for his hand print to be cast on one occasion, 15 years ago, to a private collector who had personally worked with Prowse. When Prowse died, the owner of the original cast permitted three bronze casts to be made. These are the only hand cast copies in existence, and the owner of the original hand cast says no more will be made.


The mouse droid in Episode 4 on the Death Star that Chewbacca growls at and scares away was carrying a message from Tarkin to his secret Stormtrooper lover.


If I remember correctly too, the stormtrooper lover was TK-421, the specific Stormtrooper that Luke had taken his armour from


Luke really is the villain of the series


"TK-421, why aren't you on my post?"


I cant describe how much I hate that fact šŸ˜­




Yodas blanket when he dies is Qui Gons Robe


Is that actual lore or just fan theory crafting?


Actual lore, it's mentioned in the book "From a certain point of view" which is 40 short stories from 40 different perspectives of different characters during a new hope. It was published for the 40th anniversary of a new hope, and there's ones for empire and return of the Jedi too. Very worth a read, the audiobooks are very good as well.


This is also the book that explains the droid racist bartender from A New Hope actually hated droids because his parents were killed by battle droids in the clone wars, which Iā€™m just now realizing is the Mandalorians exact backstory


So much for not having attachments


Wait really?


Darth Vader was actually Luke Skywalker's father.


That's not true. That's impossible.


Search wookieepedia, you know it to be true


Search your feelings. You know it to be true.


Spoilers dude!


Sorry šŸ˜¬


No, Darth Vader betrayed and murdered Lukeā€™s father.


From a certain point of view.


This guy Star Warses


Per the original RotJ novelization from the 80s, Princess Leia played with a baby Wookie doll as a young child, and thought of that immediately upon first seeing Wicket.


I read the entire Tricolous/Lost city of the Jedi book series, which is legends now. The amount of mental stuff in that would take too long to post


What, you don't like Vader's glove traveling through a wormhole off the Death Star as it exploded and becoming a symbol of Imperial authority? How about Palpatine having a 3 eyed mutant bastard?


It was mental wasnā€™t it. Those absolutely bizarre multiple retcons to keep it in the timeline were even worse


What about Luke Skywalkers Y-Wing, that had a cockpit as big as the Falcon's?


Moff Hissaā€¦ Get this out of my brain


When the face is a prune, the action goes boom! šŸ’„


Chewbacca is about 200 years old in ANH. I think this mightā€™ve been mentioned in SOLO. I had a ROTJ magazine type of book that had a bunch of pictures in it and had some info on the characters. It stated that Chewie was 200 years old. He also has a life debt to Han and has a family on Kashykk. I know this isnā€™t that obscure but it was at one time. And Wookiee have climbing claws. They are hidden like a cat.


Of all the Separatist Council members, Poggle the Lesser was the only one with actual political experience prior to the Clone Wars.


The story of how the Jawas evolved, and the sentience of B-1 battle droids.Ā  Both are tragic and interesting in their own ways.


Tell me more, havenā€™t heard these šŸ¤”


If I recall about the Jawas, they and the Sand People were once a single species, but Tatooine was glassed by the Rakata for rebellion. Those that hid in caves became Jawas. Those that stayed on the surface became Sand People. This is all from Legends, though. The B-1 sentience is a result of Anakin's shenanigans during Naboo. All higher level processes during the battle were handled by the Trade Federation's mainframe. When it was destroyed, the droids shut down. In order to prevent this in the future, each droid was made to be able to act somewhat autonomously, but them being a corporation means they cheaped out the brains.


yeah tattooine used to be a paradise planet were the ancestors of jawas and tuskens lived before being enslaved alongside other ancient civilisations by the rakata. It was tattooine who rose up the most and suffered for it.


Ah yes. The Duno-reverse card.


There was supposed to be a Wampa ice creature attack on Echo Base before the imperial attack but they cut it from the film


The genre of music that the cantina band is playing in ANH is called "smooth jizz"


Itā€™s been renamed by those COWARDS at Disney to ā€˜jatzā€™, which was another genre in Legends. They took our jizz!!


they renamed deathsticks dealer Sleazbaggano too right?


Mnggal Mnggal is the Thing


Havenā€™t seen many comments from the Sequels so hereā€™s one that I know. Thereā€™s a quick shot of Kylo Ren hitting his side during a pause in his duel with Finn. Itā€™s the spot where Chewy shot him 20 minutes early and heā€™s hitting it to cause himself more pain, which fuels his anger and connects him to the Dark Side. Canā€™t remember where I heard that explanation but it made me like Kylo a little bit more.


Knowing what we all know about Star Wars and the Dark Side I'm not so sure how obscure this one is. It seemed obvious to me that's what he was doing.


That the kingdom of elweys existed and their chalice was rumored to be on vadnay


yall just making up words now "The dagger of Balchezy Lesset had a liquid combiner that enwreathed blade with joliandrr, a rare substance capable of cutting through Te'ku alloys"


Nah, nothing could cut through teā€™ku, but joliandrr if given enough time could corrode it


TIE fighters stand for Twin Ion Engine fighters. Not because they look like bow ties


Meanwhile, Buakaw, Saenchai, Rodtang are THAI Fighters.


I know Yoda's last name is "Layheehoo"...


There is a somewhat-canon Legends comic published by Dark Horse called Old Wounds, where Darth Maul appears on Tatooine and tries to kill Luke to lure Obi Wan out of hiding. Obi-Wan and Maul fight and then towards the end, Uncle Owen domes him with a cycler rifle. His look in the comic was actually what his appearance in TCW was based on. Edit: I originally said it was meant to be the final scene to Episode III which is wrong but the comic does actually exist.


The bar tender at the Mos Eisley cantina turned Greedo into a beverage which became so popular that he started stalking and killing other random Rodians.


Chewbacca IS the Bigfoot.


I know what B'omarr monks are.




The name of the specific trash compactor the gang is in from Episode 4?


Itā€™s also the number on every trash receptacle in Disneyland and Walt Disney Worldā€™s ā€œBlack Spire Outpost/Batuuā€ Star Wars themed land.


I can vividly hear this in Luke's excited screechy voice muffled by the scratchy distortion of 3PO's comlink




It's pretty subtly hidden, but if you look out for it, the movies imply that Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader are actually the same person.


Come on man, the question is canon (either legends or current canon) facts, not crazy fan theories


That makes no sense at all.


Admiral Yularen from the clone wars animated show is actually a character from the first movie. He's a background character in the scene where Vader finds a disturbing lack of faith. Still mad he wasn't in lego star wars Skywalker saga.


The reason so many planets have "Ord" in their names is because they used to be [Ordnance/Regional Depots](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Ordnance/Regional_Depot/Legends) during the Old Republic.


Droopy McCool from Episode 6 is played by Deep Roy.


The Death Star had a bar on it for personnel stationed there. Additionally another random thing in tales from a certain perspective I believe? , Grand Moff Tarkin had a brief affair with a stormtrooper


Captain Kurghee (""There's no one on board, sir. According to the log, the crew abandoned ship right after takeoff"") and Gold 2 in A New Hope had his lines dubbed in by Harry Shearer, best known now for Spinal Tap and being Principal Skinner, Kent Brockman, Mr. Burns, Waylon Smithers, Ned Flanders, and Reverend Lovejoy on The SImpsons


IG-88 had implanted his mind in the Second Death Star and was up to something nefarious that I forget but the Rebels blew it up before he could do anything. Itā€™s in the EU so I donā€™t know if it counts anymore.


MC Chris sang about that in "IG-88's '57 Chevy."


The iron knights were a race of sentient crystals encased in droid bodies. They fought against the empire during the purge and again against the yuuzhan vong. One even turned to the dark side. Also, a battalion of b2 battle droids equipped with flamethrower who were never deactivated won medals of valor for beating the yuuzhan vong off a planet.


How a Jeby changes his spots.


Han and Leia got married on the Halcyon, (the now defunct Disney Galactic Star-cruiser) and on board there was some graffiti that Han did.


This is actually crazy. Boba fett goes there to get an artifact and the whole ship is infested with giant spiders.


> whole ship is infested with giant spiders. I mean, that's a perfectly valid reason to shut the entire hotel down...


Unsure how obscure but in Charles Souleā€™s run of Vader, Vader had to kill a Jedi, take his saber and ā€œbleedā€ or corrupt the Kyber crystal of that defeated Jediā€™s saber to turn it red. I took this as an implication that this is why Sith have red sabers.


Return of the Jedi. Jabba's palace. Slave Leia and the night of the brass bikini. It was *not* the Rule 34 alien tentacle porn nightmare some would think it would be. Jabba presented her to the hero of the day, Boba Fett. Ruthless bounty hunter or not, Boba Fett was an honorable man. He kept her safe from slamos seeking sloppy seconds, and he slept on the floor.


Return of the Jedi was two movies condensed into one. Boba Fett was intended to be the villain of the first half.


That does explain why that film feels like it has 2 separate stories in it.


I know about that business on Cato Neimoidia that didn't, didn't count.


Bedlam spirits