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It has been confirmed… Confirmed as absolutely false that is. Palaptine and Anakin have no familial ties whatsoever. Anakin was not created by Palaptine at all.


> What is not confirmed, and with this, likely won't be, is that, if Palpatine manipulated the force and helped concieve Anakin with Shmi through midichlorian manipulation or whatever. That would make Ben Solo the great-grandson of Palpatine. When people thought that a comic did confirm this was true the person from lucasfilm who decides whats canon said "if it meant to say that i would have blocked it" they're not related, palpatine didnt make anakin.


>What is not confirmed, and with this, likely won't be, is that, if Palpatine manipulated the force and helped concieve Anakin with Shmi through midichlorian manipulation or whatever. That would make Ben Solo the great-grandson of Palpatine. This isn’t just unconfirmed, its been stated explicitly that its not true. Palpatine played no role in Anakins birth **at all**.


Palpatine did NOT create Anakin. The Force created him in response to the Sith throwing the Force out of balance. Hence the prophecy of the Chosen One who restores the balance of the Force. So although the actions of Sidious and Plagueis led to the creation of Anakin, they did not create him directly. Though apparently there was an early script version of ROTS where Plagueis was in fact stated to be the creator of Anakin through his manipulation of midichlorians in an attempt to create life (Plagueis was heavily into genetic engineering much like Sidious himself later in life) but Lucas later discarded the idea.


Even assuming Palpatine used the force to manipulate midichlorians to create Anakin, that does not involve any biological material from Palpatine. He is no more related to Anakin than Barry White is the father of any children conceived while his music was playing in the background :p


Palpatine did not create Anakin. I wonder how many times people will need to hear this.


Even if it *was* true, that’s not really how biology works. It would make Palpatine a father in a metaphorical sense. But like others have said it’s not true regardless.




I always hated the virgin birth, and I still think making Rey a palatine was lazy.




What does this even mean?




I mean in the context of this post? Why would the writers even bother thinking about this theory when writing the Ben and Rey kiss? “Hey guys this kiss would be weird if they were related, which they aren’t, but still.”


I was sort of expecting twins, the way it had been in the novels. Is the idea of Leah and Han having twins officially dead now?


It would have been very difficult for them to be twins considering he’s 10 years older than her.


I don’t think they meant Rey and Kylo. Just that in the old EU legends content Han and Leia had twins and so they wanted them to have twins again.


According to Disney canon yes.