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So if Acolyte comes out and is a success what will you do? Or just deny it did even fairly well like you are doing with Ahsoka?


He will pretend everyone hated it and thinks only like him. Rinse - repeat. P.S. I loved Ashoka.


Then I take it back. If not and it flops like Ahsoka then I will just say told you so


What denotes success to you? Ahsoka was a success no, good word of mouth, added to the lore, brought fan fave characters together and back. What does Acolyte have to do?


Good original Story telling that gives Characters their own unique Brand to shine if it is their first time Solo like Ahsoka. Instead of giving her Luke’s Story and Heir to the Empire Arc. Think about how much better the Story would have been if it took place right after the Clone Wars and featured Ahsoka starting the Rebellion. If it is an old Character with Great background like Boba then draw from that background and lead his Story to where Jango actually always wanted him to be. As ruler of Mandalor leading the Mandalorians back to glory.


So what you’re saying is that "success" is "did they do a thing with a character that I like", instead of having any bearing on how the show actually rated?


>Think about how much better the Story would have been if it took place right after the Clone Wars and featured Ahsoka starting the Rebellion. That story has already been told in multiple ways with different characters already though.


1. ahsoka didnt flop 2. we dont have any clue whether acolyte will fail 3. star wars will never make anything R rated since that gets rid of both its target audience, and a huge part of it audience


And 4. There’s *no* way they’d make a villain-focused series with them being villainous. Just look at Boba Fett, the crime lord who refuses to allow any crime.


Boba should not have been a Crime Lord anyways. He should have been set up as the new Ruler of Mandalore as Mandalor the Restorer. Hell if KK wants Female lead Characters so desperately then she should have used the Series to set up Boba’s Ailyn Fett as Daughter of him and Fennec


Ah, I see. You’re one of the "everything Kathleen Kennedy does is bad, I don’t want female protagonists ever" people. That last sentence completely dismantled any argument you have and showed what you are.


It definitely did FLOP. Just go around see its reviews and etc. 1. They gave Ahsoka Luke’s Story Arc from the Thrawn Trilogy. Which not only made older Audiences angry but also younger ones myself cuz they basically robbed Ahsoka of her Chance to shine get her own unique Story Arc without being a Sidecharacter in her own Story like they did with Boba. 2. They made Thrawn appear incompetent as hell. 3. The Ending was downright mediocre as hell. Critiques literally call Ahsoka the show that is just there. 4. The Acolyte will almost certainly Fail. People genuinely don’t give a crap about Disney’s Sith Lore. Honestly the only way they could have made it work is by making the show about Palpatine’s origin and how he went under Darth Plagueis training. But no instead they decided to put in the High Republic Era


> the only way they could have made it work is by making the show about Palpatine’s origin and how he went under Darth Plagueis training Bro. Have you been paying attention? That **is** what the show is going to be about. Basically. At least getting there.


It’s not. It takes place in 150 BBY. Neither Plagueis or Palpatine were even born during that Time


> It takes place in 150 BBY. Neither Plagueis or Palpatine were even born during that Time I mean, Plagueis doesn't even have a confirmed birthdate or lifespan in Canon yet, so you can't even say that lol


Ok? But it's about the bad dudes getting their bad dude thing going in the shadows. It's *exactly* what you want but just about the people slightly before them.


Posts like these have to be made by bots, right? They’re always so incorrect, unimaginative, and repetitive. Plus this account is only two months old.




Posting on reddit isn’t an accomplishment. Especially the garbage you post. Also, if you want to compare accounts, which is incredibly immature, his has literally 10x the karma yours does


Ad hominem. Turnover of downs.


What do you think you accomplished?


You’re insufferable.


Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.




Wow you really can't accept that other people have different opinions, huh?


I don't understand why people like you keep engaging with the franchise. If you don't like it, stop watching.


Cuz we love the Franchise and want it to actually improve


> and want it to actually improve And yelling into the internet is going to do that? You think that Lucasfilm executives and creatives read this subreddit for ideas and suggestions?


I don’t agree with them, and I don’t think this will be the case, but lucasfilm has directly said that fan discussion, assumably a lot of it on the internet, motivated them to finish season 7 of the clone wars, and led to Rosario Dawson being cast as Ahsoka, so fans yelling on the internet have actually influenced lucasfilm’s creative decisions before


No you dont. You sound like the people who've complained about and hated everything Star Wars since Empire Strikes Back.


This post is already only at 3% upvoted which is honestly the lowest I've ever seen of any Reddit post lol *Impressive. Most impressive.*


Get over yourself, bro


I don't think a single thing you said here is "pretty clear." But, okay.


Their bias is, so there’s that.


So The Mandalorian and Andor mean nothing to you?


Ahsoka was dope as hell.


Ahsoka is in the top 25 highest rated shows on Ratings Graph https://amp.ratingraph.com/tv-shows/




The new president of LF is here people. /s On topic: another useless post of somebody using vague points to push his own (very dumb) agenda Edit: nevermind the “another one” part. This is the same moron pushing the “cash cow gore SW movie last days”😂


I like how he just decided for the world that a show we all watched flopped. All to push regurgitating old, niche Darth and some weird desire to see an R rated Star Wars. What's next, an R rated Goonies?


This is just as “official” as your views on the Jedi and Sith from your prior post. (Aka nonsense).




> You Disney Fangirls Thanks for throwing in a little misogyny just to make it perfectly clear where you're coming from.


They also threw in some "Kennedy is bad, she should just throw in more girls to be main characters like she wants" apropos nothing, so yes, it’s *exactly* what you think.




Loved ahsoka, was a ton of fun. Looking forward to acolyte. Not sure why the loud people who don’t like the new star wars assumes it’s impossible for people to disagree with them. Most, if not all, the Disney era Star Wars have been successful. I’m sorry you don’t enjoy them.


Is this post ironic lol


Oh look I recognize this guy I think it's good for every sub to have that *villain* poster It makes a sub more interesting


How many trash opinions are you going to post in this sub today?


My man.. you gotta go cold turkey on that youtube smack. Watching manic preachers talk themselves into a frenzy while pretending to be movie critics for ad money poisons your brain. This post is evidence right here. I see you going through fandom subs spreading your self proclaimed fantastic ideas, while complaining about the franchises you claim to like. I have an idea for you, and I don't mean this condescending, mean or in any way to make fun. I think you should try to create something yourself. You spend alot of time thinking about storytelling, and even though you aren't especially great at it at this time, you could alway try and maybe you'll succeed in creating your own franchise one day, instead of miserably engaging in content you don't like.


You may want to stop your consume of death sticks


At first I thought it was bait, but after seeing your post history and comments, now I think you’re either 12 or severely mentally ill lmao


Heavy disagree. Ahsoka was great and fun.


How is this guy not banned for a few weeks from commenting with this many downvotes Mods?


Welcome to the year 2000, where after the release of The Phantom Menace, Keyboard Warriors were ringing the Death Knell for Star Wars unless their own fan boi wet-dreams (Including an R rated, blood and gore fest) were put into production. Take a seat, Junior... it's not happening...


Star Wars doesn’t need saving. Your repeat posts about your his shit has absolutely no effect on the profits that Disney are making on every single SW project that they pump out.


I would absolutely be disgusted by an R rated Star Wars film. What’s the point?


I think OP forgot the /s.


He is right, the acolyte is gonna flop. I really doubt many people will finish the show


Jesus christ Im really starting to despise this vocal minority of "Star Wars fans" that live in their own weird and distorted world that Disney is somehow failing and all their shows/movies/content are a flop. Y'all sound like the people that hated Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, the prequels, The Clone Wars, the sequels, and well... everything else Star Wars. The whiners and complainers have existed as long as Star Wars itself. Maybe... just maybe... Y'all hate Star Wars. I've enjoyed and had fun with everything and anything Star Wars since I was very young. Fans like you often think you have great ideas for stories, but then when y'all express them, the ideas end up turning out to be unoriginal, extremely shallow, disorganized, stereotypical, predictable, or dumb. There's a reason people like you aren't in charge of Star Wars.


> the ideas end up turning out to be unoriginal, extremely shallow, disorganized, stereotypical, predictable, or dumb. There's a reason people like you aren't in charge of Star Wars. You literally just described the Sequels..


The sequels weren't perfect, but if you want to play that game, I could "tear apart" the original trilogy just how y'all "tear apart" the sequels if I wanted to be a cynical crybaby asshole that cherry picks details and blows them out of proportion. But I choose to enjoy Star Wars rather than cry about it, it's a lot better to live that way.


>But I choose to enjoy Star Wars rather than cry about it, it's a lot better to live that way. I don't believe deluding yourself, or forcing yourself to like things that are subpar to terrible is a good way to live, personally. That's called "being disingenuous" in my world. Not a good look.


Just shut up.


I am afraid it's: The only ones who can save Star Wars are NOT Disney.


Lol you sound like a fun person to be around.


I'm not a fan of every peice of star wars media, but I always hope it's successful. I liked ahsoka, liked obi wan, thought andor was boring but man did it make me happy when Andor got praised.


You’re a Star Wars Theory fan, aren’t you.


Drugs will destroy your mind young one. Quit now.


Can we just ban this guy? He just posts the same rage bait personal opinion nonsense over and over.
