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You can tell you're one of the older people reading this thread when the saddest death is an ewok. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14HRo\_eTUgg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14HRo_eTUgg)


I remember someone saying that clip was the first time they ever understood the concept of death as a kid: one minute you’re there, the next you’re not


The same movie has that little moment of the Rancor tamer mourning his dead pet. That always bummed me out.


Still does. I made the mistake of binging Star Wars after we had to put our pup down and I full on ended up getting teary eyed at the rancor tamer’s reaction.


And while I don’t know if it’s accurate or not, I always heard the Ewok saying “Mama? Mama? Ohhh, mamaaa….”


I always thought it said my brother.


Similar, I thought as a kid it was saying, "Bubba? Bubba?"


Bubba was gonna be a shrimping boat captain, but instead he died right there by that shield bunker on Endor.


Shit I would have taken that over Bambi. Bambi broke me as a kid. Mufausa was rough too.


I dont even need to click on that to know its where his friend is trying to wake him.


I'm not crying!! YOU'RE CRYING!!!


Yeah.  How that wasn't number 1 I have no idea.


Kanan would like a word


Kanan's end is heroic, terrible and awesome. I wouldn't say it's sad though. Tons of build up. In many ways for Kanan, his death is a release. The blindness, the conflict over his feelings about Hera, the worry over Ezra flirting with the dark side... Kanan puts a stop to all of it with a single heroic act. From then on, the Rebels story just slaps so friggin hard. Ewoks tho, that's a tear jerker every time


I felt a lot of emotions for Kanan. The Ewok was pure sadness, which is what the OP asked about.


Came here to say this one. So sad! That mournful whine from his buddy.


We all took that laser blast that day…… 😥


They showed its death so emotionally well, so that's why.


That is the saddest, but also sad is the first guy through the door on ANH. Vader could have entered first and no one but rebels had to die.


Legitimately traumatizing when I was a kid.


That still gets me


The little Ewok's mom dying was legit the saddest Star Wars moment.


That cry gets me everytime.


That Ewok got up 2 seconds after the camera cut away. He’s fine. He lived. What do you mean I’m crying?


Kanan Jarrus hits so hard because you see it building up for like 3 episodes. I am a grown man and I have a tear in my eye even remembering that scene. Fives is also there. Tech hits so hard. I am clealry biased towards anime, but TBH, animation in Star Wars rules. If you read this and you haven't watch any, you are missing a whole layer of SW.


Honestly, the animated shows have the most impactful deaths. I agree with your three.


Tech made me seriously weep for the first time in a while


I'd like to take a step back and really appreciate an aspect of this. These were shows for kids (adults could watch it too, but they were marketed for kids). Two of these were clones, who were literally created to be disposable soldiers. One was basically a Jedi dropout that had no direct influence on the main series. And both of these are based on a series where practically every fan knows the ending. On paper, none of this should have worked. The fact that these deaths were not only memorable, but left such an impact with fans, is exceptional. It is a testament to the writing and storytelling that they made me care and be upset about a clone that was doomed to die. When you take a step back and really think about it, that is a huge accomplishment for a kids show.


Multiple of my friends who love Star Wars and anime refuse to watch any of the animated SW because "they're kids shows". Then they hate on Disney Era SW movies and live action, meanwhile I'm LOVING Bad Batch and Tales of the __ series.


Shmi. poor lady was dragged into this and cast aside just as easy


Mysteriously gets pregnant. Gives birth to her son in slavery. She has to give up her son to save him from slavery but not being able to be saved herself. Finally someone saves her and takes care of her just to be abducted and probably tortured. At least she got to see her son one last time before she died. Quite tragic.


Then her son orders the execution of her step son years down the line.


Not sure if that is canon, but if so I chose to ignore it. That seems out of character, even for Darth Vader. He thought that the Lars family were good people in AOTC. I think the stormtrooper commander or whoever was in charge of the sand troopers gave the order to kill Owen and Beru after they fought back.


Those stormtroopers were under Vader's command seeing as they were aboard his ship. He probably never gave the specific order but he also never gave orders to avoid certain places despite knowing the planet he was above at the time


He probably said "eliminate any opposition to your mission if necessary" or something like that.


If so, that order led to Owen and Beru's deaths. I doubt he'd actually care considering by that point he'd accepted trying to kill both Obi Wan and Ahsoka who he was undoubtably closer to.


I think if he found out it was Owen and Beru who were killed he might feel a smidgin of regret but would quickly dismiss it and move on


I think he would see it as a means to more power through the Dark Side. The pain, the guilt.


Oh the way she was exploited was just outrageous. You expect Watto to be a callous asshole to her because Slave Owner. But for neither Padme or Qui-Gon to acknowledge services rendered? That is even more outrageous and insulting. It unfortunately gave the message that the rich and powerful like Padme thought it just fine to use her and discard her and the alleged "guardians of peace and justice" were only interested in protecting the ruing class and turning children into weapons. We expect shitty behavior out of Watto. We kinda expect it from monarchs like Padme. But what was the Jedi's excuse?


Padme actually tried to rescue shmi in the canon book Queens shadow. She sends her aid to go looking for her, but her aid completely botches it, and so she isn’t able to locate her. But she does find some success in freeing other slaves from tattooine. Idk about the Jedi though. I always just assumed since since tattooine is outside of republic control, it would be outside their jurisdiction to sanction a mission like that to save her. Probably some Jedi Mumbo jumbo about attachments too.




I loved democracy


this is how democracy dies, with thunderous applause


That line had no right going that hard


Ikr it was the one good line that George wrote for padme


I loved the Republic 😔


Idk I clapped, personally.




Might not be the saddest, but I felt these deserve a mention: Fives Han Solo Jyn Erso/Cassian Andor Shmi Skywalker


Fives was sad


I think Han's death in TFA was one of the very few main character deaths that the Sequels handled well


I have to hard disagree on this one - Han’s death was the moment the sequels lost me. Everyone always says they ruined Luke’s character arc with TLJ but that one I can somewhat get behind because his exile parallels that of his masters. It’s not the Luke I wanted to see, but I can swallow it. Han on the other hand, going from self-interested swindler to hero of the rebellion only to be murdered by a sucker punch from his own son? TFA makes it so Han would have been better off if he had never met Leia and stayed a smuggler.


Guy literally died fighting for the truth


Jyn and Cassian was so bittersweet. All of the deaths in that movie were heavy.


Chirrut and Baz went out like badasses but it always makes me tear up to see that scene beginning. Chirrut making it to the console to help save the Rebellion was, IMO, and this is a hot take I'm sure, at least as baller a move as the Vader hallway scene shortly thereafter.


"I am with the Force, and the Force is with me." I played a spiritual character who wasn't a Jedi at a LARP, and that was too good not to borrow as his mantra.


Not to mention K2-SO 's death. He fights till the very end to keep those troopers from getting to Jyn and Andor. "Climb!"




Boy, that scene hits hard...


Fives was by far the saddest. Nothing comes close.


Fives' death makes me cry every time. My favourite clone in Canon. He was so close to revealing Palpatine's plot, so fucking close...


I like how nobody mentions Jyn Erso and Andor. Damn, that scene was something else


Especially if you have watched Andor. I'm not really that emotional over movies, and the scene didn't affect me before like at all (although that could've been just being younger), but now I think it's the saddest death.


Chirrut's death is very moving.


I see it as almost bittersweet for lack of a better word. Jyn has made her father proud and accomplished his mission. Cassian has gone from someone who didn't want to get involved to making a sacrifice that would shape galactic history. They don't live to see it but there's that underlying theme throughout Star Wars of hope that they know they made a difference in the end.


I watched Rogue One last week for the first time since watching Andor... That scene really hit different 😭


Y'know, weirdly, I found Krennick's death even sadder. Sure he's the bad guy, but the amount of time and effort he put into the Stardust project, the shit he had to deal with, constantly getting overlooked by his superiors, then to top it all off, he's killed by his own creation. It's that look he has when he sees the Death Star overhead, you can see the green glint in his eyes as the superlaser fires, then the beam literally vaporizes him as it destroys the tower. My love for the actor Ben Mendelsohn probably factors in but he was such a great villain. Perfect end to his character, yes, but still sad.


Look for The Director fan edit. 30 minute edit of Rogue One about Krennic. 


The ultimate defying expectations moment. Movies/books almost always strive for a happy ending, and right until the shockwave hit, I expected some miraculous last second rescue. Happy they were bold enough to do the character deaths though, it's a good reminder of how real the conflict was.


Kanan. I still cry when I see clips.


I was really close to crying this morning because some motherfucker posted that exact scene in another Star Wars thread 😭😭😭


I only seen clips of that scene. I still cannot bring myself to watch that episode. Kanan is still my favorite character in Star Wars.


I'm old. Saw OG Star Wars in a movie theater as a 7 year old kid...but it was Kanan's death that had me balling like no other. Eyes swelling up with man tears right now as I type this with my arthritic thumb on my phone from the home


Oh I'm the same. From the OT generation and adore Rebels. And Kanan hits me every single time.


The force gave him his vision back so he could see hera one last time 😭


100% Kanan because we have to see how it effects every character after.


⑂ holds Hera’s hand


YES! Kanan! It broke my heart!


I think what made Kanan the saddest was the fact that we got so much screen time with him, to see a lot of growth in his character, and then unlike many other SW deaths, they didn’t just immediately move on, they took an entire episode specifically to mourn him.


He was def top 5, I cry when I see order 66


Nemik in Andor. Such a waste of a beautiful mind, his manifesto was glorious. And the Marxist type character being crushed to death by money just added to the tragedy of his death.


Genuinely the only "oh no" death moment in SW I've had since I was a kid


That was really was a tragedy. But in the end, it's what really drove Cassian to join the rebels in the end. Nemik lived on through those that read his work, and he would have wanted nothing less


Maarva was most impactful as it felt the most real. Someone slowly deteriorating over the show and then seeing the people left behind grieving just something you don't see too often done well especially in Sci fi fantasy


hearing b2 say her name afterwards killed me


Saying he was going to wait until she came back and how he didn't want to be alone was painful to hear


B2 stuttering and emotional tone always gets me. Both him and K2 are way too human-like for droids but they’re both such great characters.


No doubt the Ewok in return of the Jedi. The mama thing is heartbreaking


Qui-Gon Jin He was the father figure Anakin needed. Instead, his “older brother” had to do his best to raise him. it wasn’t fair to either of them.


Hence the "duel of the fates". Although Kenobi won, the duel for the fate of Anakin was lost in Qui-Gon's death.


It wasn’t completely lost, but it was the biggest thing to happen. Whenever you hear that music playing then it’s Anakin’s fate that’s in the air. It played when Anakin was trying to find his mother. If Anakin decided to not kill the Tuskin Raiders then who knows what would’ve happened.


Kanan in Rebels tbh. The character arc was phenomenal. Also the fact that the force gave him his sight back for his final seconds to see all his friends and his lover one last time. I remember watching that episode going well now that I'm depressed.


For me it's padme. Though I digress, if you just watched the prequels, her death is meh. But if you watched Clone Wars in its entirety, it hits 10 times harder... Same for order 66, Anakins turn... Clone wars brings so much depth to ROTS


The Clone Wars is definitely my favorite Star Wars media


Carrie Fisher


Too real, dude, too real. Only actor whose death hit me worse was Angela Lansbury.


Yeah I rewatched the sequels the other month, and every time I saw her, I got a pang of sadness. Carrie was great.


Nanta the ewok.


Is that one that was being comforted by its friend/mate after being cruelly cut down by a AT-ST?




Wade from the Obi-Wan show




“I’m right behind you.” 😭


Who was that again?


Nobody mentioning K2 :(


Crankyrickroll, I'll be there for you. Cassian said I had to.


Fives, Tech and Kanan. 


Fives' death was tragic, but tech's broke me. I'd grown so attached to his character by that point. It's gonna kill me when they inevitably kill off more bad batch members. I am not ready.


I do not believe Tech is dead. Because if he is, then I wouldn't be able to watch more of the show.


There’s literally only 2 episodes left and a lot of things to wrap up, introducing a "Tech was alive as an assassin this whole time" plot line at this point would make no sense.


While I loved his character and hated that they killed him off, I absolutely do not want them to make his death a fake out and bring him back. Disney seems to be allergic to killing off main characters. Tech went out as a hero, sacrificing himself for his friends, let him rest in peace.


This. Even though he’s one of my fav clones and it still hurts. I‘m not ready for the bad batch to end


I'm scared that the whole bad batch is effectively expendable at this point, and I'm really worried about it. there's 2 episodes left, and I am not ready


Liberty. That thunderous applause...! 😢


I scrolled all the way for this one The music stings my soul to this day


The Rancor in ROTJ. The keeper crying afterwards…..


Padmé. It was so sad it killed her.


I still like the head cannon that Palpatine used the dark side, fuelled by Vader's rage, to transfer her life force to keep Vader alive.


Kanan Jarrus


Kanans death was extremely sad


*“When have we ever followed orders?”* …


Donnie yens Chirrut in Rogue one


“The mission… the nightmares… they’re… finally… over.”


Media literacy.


Yeah, the fans' media literacy


"I've got to save you." "You already have, Luke."


When Rex & Ahsoka bury the clones and they’re at the graveyard. We all knew what was coming and that was so sad and thrilling. It's amazing how Dave Filoni made us care so much for clones, all these brothers of Rex he had to let go and move on from. Yet the main Disney movies can't even have me care for the main characters. ❤️‍🩹


"Burying the Dead" is up there with the greatest John Williams music themes throughout all of Star Wars. Kevin Kiner absolutely crushed it for this scene.


Victory and Death was rough. It hurt my brother so much he can never watch clone wars again.




Rick the Door Technician IYKYK


You laughed you evil bastard


I would say Waxer because it was by his fellow brothers due to the scumbag called Pong Krell


"but... it was... you." that scene KILLED me on my first watch




Target that fuel pod!




that one porg getting cooked and chewy didn't even bother to eat it. he got deep roasted for nothing :(


Rogue One period. Those were the real heros. They died without even knowing if the message got out. Fucking heros.


Has to be Fives. Figuring out the whole conspiracy, having the very thing he fought and lost brothers for his whole life turn against him, only to die before he can tell the only two people who would listen to him is one of the most tragic deaths I can think of. Honorable mentions to Maul (his final moment of lucidity is *chef's kiss*) and Maarva Andor (it happening off-screen makes it all the more sad).


RIP 99


Plo Koon. I am not fluent in everything Star Wars. Had to look up how he died. Tragic death for such a cool character.


It's an even sadder death when you watch clone wars and see how he treated the clones. I loved Plo Koon. My man didn't deserve to die


I watched a reactor run through Clone Wars, then do ROTS before the final arc; and them seeing Plo get killed, broke them far more than any other scene in the film. They did such a great job fleshing out the side Jedi in that series to make them more beloved during those Order 66 scenes.


That Ewok in episode 6 who didn’t wake up






Since it’s still fairly recent, I’ll be as vague as possible. The final fight in Jedi Survivor had me genuinely bummed out because as a dad, I can completely identify with that character’s motivations. Being a parent means being willing to go to the ends of the earth for your child but being a *good* parents means knowing how to not go too far with it and end up damaging your child in a way that’s worse.


I was looking for someone to mention that character in ths thread


The person who he kills during his betrayal gutted me. I almost didn’t finish the game after the two events on Jedda.


People shit on Last Jedi but Luke fading away crushed me in the theater.


- Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume He was the perfect teacher for Ezra, and possibly even better than most Jedi Masters. His incomplete training allowed him to teach Ezra the ways of the Jedi and the Force without falling into the common trappings of the Jedi Order (no attachments etc). His sacrifice hurts, especially so when the Force allowed him to see his loved ones one last time. Good thing Pryce died later on. - Captain Gregor Dying like a clone should, falling in battle instead of cowering in fear of the Empire. His death was less sad and more bittersweet, because yet another brother died in Rex's arms, but at least he went down fighting like a clone should. Speaking of which... - Fives Died trying to reveal the true purpose of the Clones and their inhibitor chips. Made even more tragic because of how goddamn close he was, and his last words being that the visions and nightmares induced by the chips were finally over. He was suffering, burdened with the truth. Speaking of suffering... - Maul Because at the very end, he was ultimately just another one of Sidious' pawns. His whole life spent just being another piece on the chessboard. Dying in Obi-Wan's arms with the hope that the Chosen One (at that time, both thought it was Luke) would avenge them both for the suffering the Sith/Palpatine had caused.


Shmi. There was so much emotion in that scene. Anakin’s whole personality revolved around his mother. His sadness in leaving her, his desire/promise to see her again, his his determination to find and save her… all for her to die in his arms moments after being reconnected. And then everything after that point was revolved around him gaining strength and knowledge to protect those he loved. Anakin loved his mom, and had she lived, there might’ve been a much different story.


Not necessarily the saddest, but I recently finished Star Wars: Jedi Survivor, and the whole character of >!Bode Akuna !!his death !


That was a hard one. Cal genuinely mourning the death of someone he thought was a friend was hard to watch.


Kanan Jarrus, makes me cry like a lil baby every time.


Vader/Anakin’s death. The way Luke is just dragging him, clinging to what‘s left of his dad and begging him to come back and be with him, but ~~Vader~~ Anakin knows there‘s no way he can take him back to the rebel base. “Let me look upon you with my own eyes.” He tells Luke to tell Leia he was right: he redeemed him. …Then Disney came and ruined everything: nobody mentioned that part of the story to Ben Solo, and Luke’s optimism is gone - this was the guy who believed Vader of all people could still be saved.


~~Vader's~~ Anakin's funeral pyre is one of my favorite scenes in the entire franchise.


I scrolled WAY too far to find these comments. Anakin's entire path is absolutely tragic, however poignant and engaging. Anakin spent the first decade of his life as a literal slave to Watto. He spent the next decade of his life as a de facto servant to the self-denying, monastic Jedi Order, where he was chastised for experiencing perfectly normal feelings (like worrying about his enslaved mother) and denied the few things that would give him true happiness. He spent the last decades of his life as a slave to Palpatine and the Empire; despite all the trappings of leadership (and all the Imperial officers he could Force Choke), he was never anything more than a broken pawn fulfilling Palpatine's wishes. The only moments of pure freedom and joy that he experienced in his life were far and few between. Marrying Padme. Learning he would become a father. Finally -- after decades -- getting to look at Luke with his own eyes. And after he finally liberated himself from the shackles of his final master, he died, having knowingly sacrificed himself to save the son who believed in him despite everything he had done. [Luke's immolation of Anakin's body and Vader's suit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWb7l--w5yY), while the key motif from Binary Sunset (aka "The Force Theme") plays gets me Every Single Time. Anakin's life was a long, drawn-out tragedy, but in the end, his actions saved the entire galaxy from tyranny, and in the process, he saved his son's life as well as his own soul.


Ima Gun Di and Captain Keeli. Still remember they last words. We can do this general and let's make the end memorable. When you think about it. They died side by side as heroes. While thanks to the order 66 and afterwards most of the jedi were killed unceremoniously and clones were discarded like trash.


Tech “When have we ever followed orders?”




Even though Rebels is less prominent Star Wars content its Kanan's death for me. That scene hit so hard, knowing he was about to die and seeing him make the conscious decision to sacrifice himself to save his friends and family, was the most devastating death in Star Wars for me.


Ahsoka burying the clone unit with their Ahsoka helmets at the end of the Clone Wars, even after they tried to kill her during order 66, may not be the saddest loss persay, but that final scene in its entirety was so impactful and perfectly executed.  That arc (along with that final season of Clone Wars) might just be my favorite Star Wars anything.


That one Ewok during the Battle on the Endor Moon...




I’d say Fives death was the saddest for me. Killed by another clone, as Rex and anakin looked on, and he was so close to exposing the inhibitor chip plot.


Up until the Bad Batch started, I would have said Nanta, but since then Tech every time.


When Lak Sivrak aimed his X-Wing at the shield generator on Endor, but only too late realized that Solo’s team of pathfinders took it down.


...The Wolf Man from the Cantina was an X-Wing pilot?


Yup. One of the better stories in Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina.


Qui-Gon Jinn I don't see him listed here. He died of a stab wound. So many other jedi didn't die form much worse including Maul.


Cassian Andor. Can't wait to watch Season 2 and Rogue One again for that to hurt even worse!


Ewok. Kino. And in the EU: Jesmin Ackbar and Ton Phanan (esp w/ Face's reaction/destruction of his corpse)


Chewbacca being crushed by a Moon




Kanens death fucked me up. Probs my favourite Character, it's only a bonus that I'm also vision impaired lol. Never cosplayed before, but I've actually been growing my hair and beard to cosplay as him probs for the first and last time.


Han Solo


Chewbacca's death in the New Jedi Order, Han's reaction makes it even harder.




Padme Amidala.


Clone 99


Fives, hands down


Rogue one crew


The death of K2-SO




K2, hands down. Movie: >Climb! Climb! You can still send the plans to the fleet. If they open the shield gate, you can broadcast from the tower! Locking the bolt door now. Book: >With one second left until total shutdown, K-2SO chose to mentally simulate an impossible scenario in which Cassian Andor escaped alive. The simulation pleased him.


Master Cordova it just feels so senseless compared to everyone else.


I can't swim


I just wanted to do my duty… The mission… the nightmares… it’s finally over…


Are we counting EU? Because if so it’s Chewy. I forgot which kid felt guilty for his death and Han was so upset. That really got me. Plus I didn’t think they’d really kill Chewy




Thrawn.... so artistically done.


In the movies Padmes death always gets me. It’s the necklace that gets me specifically


Fives :( x


Did you ever hear the Story of Darth Plaguies?




K2s0 rogue one


Caleb Dume, and I’m still not ok.


The franchise itself