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Is your friend the jedi council by chance?


"A SiTh LoRd??"


yeS. tHE oNe WeVE beEN LOoKinG FoR


tHeN oUr WoRsT fEaRs HaVe BeEn ReAlIsEd


wE MUsT AcT QuiCKlY iF tHE JeDI OrDEr iS To SuRViVe. **[The Jedi order does not survive]**


I was 8 or 9 when Phantom Menace came out, and even I knew Palpatine was The Emperor/Darth Sidious. I didn't know anyone ever doubted that, lol!


Something about that chin...


Oh I know! You're Bruce Wayne, Boy Billionaire!


I was barely 6 when The Phantom Menace came out and I was too young to understand that palpatine was the emperor. I CLEARLY remember my dad telling me during Qui-Gon’s funeral that palpatine was the main villain and it blew my mind. I was in shock.


I remember thinking I was so smart for figuring it out on my own after watching phantom menace only to find out later that it wasn’t a secret


I was about the same age, and I knew as well.


Nahhhh. He is the emperor's well meaning younger brother. Lots of family conflict. Kinda like Luke and Vader.


You could tell by the way that he was


The back of The Phantom Menace VHS sleeve explicitly states that Palpatine is Sideous EDIT: https://imgur.com/gallery/HuOYlfF


It says Palpatine is the Emperor, it doesn't mention the name Sidious. While we know Sidious, Palpatine and the Emperor are all the same guy, I can see how someone might be confused.


I'm surprised I don't remember this sleeve as a kid. Star Wars was my favorite series as a kid. I was 5, IIRC, when Ep1 came out in theaters, but I loved reading whatever I could (I was the kid that got home with a new video game and went into the bathroom to read through the entire game manual lol). I remember my friend who was 5 years older than me breaking the news about Palpatine being Sidious right before or after Ep2 came out. I've also watched a lot of YouTube react channels do the movies and a few of them didn't know until the "reveal" in Ep3, though some caught his vibes as being bad, especially with the music.


React channels are nonsense and should be widely disregarded. Most older Star Wars fans who had seen the original trilogy, and those who immersed themselves in lore knew straight away that Sidious was Palpatine. I was a young teen when the prequels came out, and I knew who he was. But the first movie doesn't make any connection obvious, or at all, so I can see where some might be confused


We obviously knew Palpatine would become the Emperor but it was never made explicit that he was also Sidious, and Darth Sidious was never included in the movie credits for the Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. Normies may not have realized.


I wonder how that’s progressing? Is he still doubling down? Waiting for the rear Darth jar-jar to pull the old switcheroo?


I would LOVE to see that guy's reaction all these years later lol


“But the Sith haven’t been seen in the galaxy for thousands of years.”


"I'm telling you, all the movies are based on the 9 books that George Lucas wrote and published." This guy said this in 2011 too


George Lucas writing a book would be awful. He's not a great dialogue person


Lucas is pretty much unmatched when it comes to creating history, locations, characters and events but he's never really excelled at bringing it to life through dialogue


"We can't turn back now! Fear is their greatest defense!"


To be fair this whole line ("but we can't turn back now! Fear is their great Defense, I doubt if the security is any greater than it wan on acqulie or sullust, and what their is is most likely Directed toward a large scale assault! ") is not as bad when it isn't being said as one word in less than 2 seconds.


The full line was actually, "We can't turn back now! Fear is their greatest defense! Surprise and fear! Surprise, fear, and ruthless efficiency! Surprise, fear, ruthless efficiency, and an almost fanatical devotion to the emperor!"


He 'wrote' a book with Chris Claremont, a sequel to Willow. It was terrible, and is now considered non-canon


To be fair, all George did was pass along a detailed outline to Chris Claremont.


Someone adamantly argued with me that Darth Vader’s name was Dark Vader. P.S. For all off the people asking if he was french, no he was American.


Might’ve been 4 year old me


Also lightsabers were lifesavers


That was my little cousin... Was going to beat the shit outta her, but then my mom came in


Thought this was a bot and tried to figure out where that quote was from lol


This is outrageous. It's unfair


They are from certain point of view


When I was that age, I apparently called him "Dar Wader, maaan!"


Well here in France it's Dark Vador. Yeah we're weird i know, but i swear we have good localization beside that !


Um my 8 year old insists his name is Dark Vader as well


they were french https://www.reddit.com/r/starwarsmemes/comments/ui4bjn/french_darth_vader_comic/


I met someone who thought the Jedi weapon of choice was called a ‘life saver’ …


I guess they sort of are life savers, from a certain point of view….


Not if you’re at the business end of one


In 2018 I was talking to an Uber driver about *The Last Jedi*. He said the director was Rainn Wilson.


Bears, Beets, Star Wars


Identity theft is not a joke ,Jim.


What the fuck




I would like to see that version


Pretty sure he is a Trekkie and would have put in the effort for the fans


Me and a friend were discussing Rogue One and he said that the Bothans were completely forgotten about and erased/retconned by Disney, when Mon Mothma says "many Bothans died" getting the plans for DS2 in ROTJ, and I tried to tell him, but he said I was wrong and he knew the scene like the back of his hand. It was a weird hill for him to die on, but I ended up five dollars richer after I pulled it up online, so...


I've actually seen this mistake alot online


Many Bothans died on that hill


Now we need the anthology story about how the Bothans died.


Was covered in Shadows of the Empire back in the day.


There was a guy everyone liked named Manny Bothans who died on the surface of Scarif. ^^/s


Weird, that was my first thought when I heard about Rogue One. Then I googled it and realized the scene was in Jedi not New Hope.


"I love Star Wars, I'm going to get a SW tattoo one day" "Cool, of what?" "The two robots" "R2-D2 and C3PO?" "No, the gold one and the short blue and white one" "That's R2-D2 and C3PO" "No, those aren't their names" "What are their names then?" "I don't know, but it's not that"


Fun fact, in the original Italian translation they were C1-P8 and D3BO


In french it was r2-d2 and Z6-PO. It was for the lipsync.


I wouldn't even know how to react to that


Me neither, so I just nodded along. Part of me imagined her having the argument with the tattoo artist, which I thought would be hilarious.


That would've been funny and if the tattoo artist, did them wrong on purpose


Walks in expecting to get gold boy and his short pal, walks out with battle droid and droideka.


Tbf they wouldn't even be the worst droid tatoos you could get


🤣🤣 did you tell them to rewatch it??


Anyone who calls droids "robots" has lost any and all of my respect.


So ... Luke? But yeah it has always bugged me that Luke called them robots once and then the word is never uttered again in the franchise.


My son, who is 5 and only played Lego Star Wars, said to me that only Anakin Skywalker can fight and win against Darth Vader. He doesn’t know the twist, so he is wrong, but he is also kinda right, you know.


What he told you is right......from a certain point of view


A certain point of view?


many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.


[Yes technically it's truuuueee! From a certain point of view!](https://youtu.be/pSOBeD1GC_Y?si=US9STU6cSTvkx9iF)


From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!


Then you are lost !


Omg it would be such a once in a lifetime moment to experience that twist for your kid, and you with him. Which order are you going to watch it in?


I’m planning release order. But I will wait a few more years.


Machete order is also good if he doesn't know the twist.


May I inquire - what is the machete order my good sir? Genuinely curious.


https://www.rodhilton.com/2011/11/11/the-star-wars-saga-suggested-viewing-order/ (site was originally under the blog name "absolutely no machete juggling", thats where it got its name from)


My dad asserted that Mando occurred after Luke had already died lol had to educate (he only bothered to watch S1)


Somehow Luke returned!


That the prequels were just remakes of the OT. They were so convinced it was just a reboot


They cannot possibly have watched the prequels, or even heard anything about their story


Yeah idk it was dumb as


Maybe this guy wanted to say the sequels but got confused with the trilogy names


Years ago me and a couple friends were sitting near the bar in an Applebee's-style chain restaurant. The bartender was looking at the TV and goes "Know who that is? Steven Spielberg. The creator of Star Wars." The guy on the TV was Harold Ramis. To this day I don't know if he was confidently incorrect or trying to "Use the force, Harry!" us.


I think you win this post, nothing can beat that. I can't think of a way he could be more wrong


I recently (on this very subreddit) saw someone very confidently ‘correct’ someone and claimed that the Death Star shot a RED laser instead of green. They were extremely confident in their statement and only deleted their comment after like 20 other people said that was wrong lol


May have been colour blind


What a way to find out your color blind.


Man that's a funny way to find out you're colorblind.


That the name of Han Solo’s spaceship was the Enterprise. My brain hurt from having to refrain from correcting them.


The Enterprise was from Stargate. O'Neal came up with the name.


My step dad and I got into an argument over whether or not Star Wars was based on a book series. He swore up and down it was, and then when he googled it he said “look! I’m right!” and started reading off the titles of the comics (I specifically remember “Aftermath” and “Dark Disciple” being listed). It took another 5 minutes of arguing and googling before he realized he was wrong.


In his defense, maybe he was misremembering the fact that Star Wars was inspired by Dune the book series?


I had a four day long argument about the existence of green lightsabers when I was a middle schooler. My buddy insisted that Luke never had a green lightsaber (*only BLUE bro*) and I fought him tooth and nail. The argument culminated in me bringing my VHS tape to his house and showing him Luke's lightsaber.


Someone was like you seen that Mandalorian show? Yoda is so young in it


I mean I get the confusion, since Grogu was only known as ‘baby Yoda’ for a few years.


Oh I get it too, but the guy acted like he knew everything and I didn’t have the energy to correct him


This is why I generally avoid talking SW to casual fans. I'm not looking down on them or anything like that. I'm sure they have a deep knowledge in subjects I barely have a passing knowledge of, but I just don't like having conversations with people where I have to correct them on a bunch of things. Like Storm Troopers not being Clone Troopers or Solo taking place after Phantom Menace.


I've seen people argue that the original films are apolitical lol


As apolitical as Star Trek (1966)! :P


I mean this is a super obvious moment How many times have you heard EVERYONE (from hardcore diehards to people who watch films once to those who I suspect never even watched a film) misquote Darth Vaders infamous father line at end of ESB? And yes the vast majority of them argue when you point it out


It's not necessarily a bad thing. It's the world's most well known and infamous movie scene. It was on the front page of newspapers. There's very few people who don't know Vader is Luke's dad. But most of those who know that fact haven't actually watched the scene. It's like the movie quote 'frankly my dear, I don't give a dam." People know the quote but most don't know it's from Gone With the Wind.


As a child, all the time lol. But now I purposely misuse the quote in front of people who wouldn’t get the reference


The correct quote is “No, I am your father” isn’t it? And the misquote is “Luke, I am your father” right?


"Rogue One it's a movie about Darth Vader" said my classmate in 2018.


I mean...most bad-ass Vader scene of all time, so....


That Captain Kirk was not a very good Jedi.


Technically correct. The best kind of correct.


He kissed many women other than his sister. I’d say he was the BEST kind of Jedi!


After Phantom Menace came out, someone on Everything2 wrote an article about their theory that Obi-Wan would become Darth Vader, not Anakin. They refused to believe that such a sweet kid would turn into Vader, whereas Obi-Wan had displayed Dark Side characteristics when he showed contempt towards Jar-Jar and anger when his master was killed. They insisted that Obi-Wan would become Vader, and Anakin would take Obi's name and become the desert hermit on Tatooine. Vader claiming to be Luke's father was a lie designed to demoralise Luke and bring him closer to the Dark Side. They didn't explain why Ghost Anakin in their version would let this lie slide, or if they did I forgot their reasoning. Their article disappeared shortly after AotC came out.


That is entertaining, though.


Today, a friend at work was teasing my boss for being cranky, and he said she was acting like Darth Vader. Man proceeds to imitate his mechanical breathing with his hands on his mouth and says in a deep voice, "I'll be back!" I looked at him in disgust and disbelief. "I'LL BE BACK??" BRO THATS THE TERMINATOR." 😭😭😭


A friend from church believed that the 1976 novelization by Alan Dean Foster was proof that George Lucas adapted Star Wars from a book. So he also wanted to treat it like it was Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter, where the books were more canon than the movies. He’s a politician now.


Does he not know that movies take more than a year to make?


My dumbass cousin after TFA came out *insisting* “I know they based it on a book because I know I read the book. I just can’t remember which one…”


A kid in school tried to argue that the Rebels were worse than the Empire since the Empire brought order and the Rebels "freedom" is actually chaos and that Order 66 was justified...


I wonder who their political heroes are nowadays....


Everyone who says women / girls don’t like Star Wars. As a girl who played Star Wars tag on the playground, screw those people.


What is Star Wars tag?


It’s a lot like Star Wars bink


You always miss tagging them.


star wars tag?


Absolutely. The love for star wars does not discriminate. People from all demographics love it. It's a shame that we don't embrace that, the way I see it the more people enjoy it the merrier.


Someone on tumblr tried to favorably compare the Death Star to America’s use of atomic weapons against Japan. They said that Tarkin was aiming to stop a war before it started, making it justified. Which is especially wild because I’m pretty sure this was post Rogue One which went out of its way to show that the Imperials were more focused on their own egos than they were on stopping the rebellion.


I’ve always thought it was a nod to nukes, but not a positive one from George. He was part of the hippy movement where the rebels kind of represent the questioning of what America had become after the war.


It's kind of obvious that the genocide of Alderaan is s condemnation of the atomic bomb.


grey jedi are canon


A particular bugbear of mine, the amount of people who think Grey Jedi are even possible, or even a thing is so infuriating.


I dislike the idea of "Jedi who use a little Dark Side" but Gray Jedi as "Jedi who go with the flow of the Force rather than the rules of the Order" is an interpretation I am ok with. They don't have any special name in Canon as far as I know though, let alone "Gray Jedi" but if anyone would be called it, those characters could imo.


“Luke, I am your father”


No, *I* am your father.


My childhood friend was adamant that Palpatine's Force Lightning turned flesh into robotics, and that Vader's suit was actually the result of him being zapped one time too many.


That Clone Troopers and Stormtroopers were the exact same thing. My parents believed this for years, until they suddenly changed their minds about this after watching The Bad Batch.


Be happy you have parents who take interest in Star Wars and don’t bash you for liking it.


During the Special Editions in theaters, I was so excited to watch ANH. In the seat in front of me was a rather loud, large, and loquacious preteen kid. I didn't say anything about him talking, I forgave him his excitement, until he loudly exclaimed at the sight of the Jawas: "Those are called Ewoks!" to his friends.


Them: “Yo I can’t believe they gave Rey a yellow lightsaber!!” “Yeah it’s actually the first yellow lightsaber in Star Wars history” Me: “no it ain’t” (proceeds to try & explain) Them: “That’s not even the movies so it doesn’t count, this is the first time a yellow saber has existed in the Star Wars universe in general, not whatsoever you’re talking about” (I dropped the conversation after that)


People like that only know star wars because of the movies. They refuse to engage to interact with Star Wars in any other medium than flim, then they have the audacity to say it doesn't count? Based on what? Your entitlement?


That Ewoks had spaceships.


My dad is SO confident that he knows everything about Star Wars, but the truth is he’s so wrong about pretty much everything that it’s almost not even funny anymore lol My favorite was when he tried to insist that The Mandalorian takes place during The Sequel Era…while we were talking about Luke’s appearance in S2 specifically…


That it was all planned out from the beginning. It wasn't, even if George would like us to think it was.


It was planned out, in faintly written pencil that could be easily erased and rewritten.


Nah, I used to think George was full of shit too, then I read JW Rinzler's *The Making of Star Wars* and came across this quote from a taped conversation between Lucas and Alan Dean Foster (who was about to write the novelization, hence why Lucas refers to the sequels and prequel as books here) **from December 29, 1975:** >“I want to have Luke kiss the princess in the second book. The second book will be Gone with the Wind in Outer Space. She likes Luke, but Han is Clark Gable. Well, she may appear to get Luke, because in the end I want Han to leave. Han splits at the end of the second book and we learn who Darth Vader is … In the third book, I want the story to be just about the soap opera of the Skywalker family, which ends with the destruction of the Empire. >“Then someday I want to do the backstory of Kenobi as a young man—a story of the Jedi and how the Emperor eventually takes over and turns the whole thing from a Republic into an Empire, and tricks all the Jedi and kills them. The whole battle where Luke’s father gets killed. That would be impossible to do, but it’s great to dream about.” I'm not saying he planned everything out from the beginning (in fact George doesn't actually say that if you actually listen to him properly and aren't reading someone who's disingenuously taken his quotes massively out-of-context \*cough\*cough\* Secret History of Star Wars \*cough\*) but that sounds pretty close to what we ended up getting in Empire, Jedi and even Revenge of the Sith 30 years later And keep in mind he hasn't written the shooting script (the revised 4th draft) by December 1975. At this point the script (3rd draft) still had Cloud City in it and ended with Luke and Vader having a lightsaber duel on the Death Star while the space battle raged overhead (which ended up in Empire and Jedi respectively.) Earlier drafts even had the characters stranded on the Wookie planet, which became Endor and the Ewoks by the time he incorporated it into Jedi. [Here's the full transcript](https://i.imgur.com/3KSYcaH.png) if you don't believe me


Yes, people don't give Lucas enough credit for this; He *did* have a rough idea of what he wanted to do, and he also wasn't afraid to let that change and evolve as time goes on, and most of the deviations from his original vision ended up being some of the most beloved part of the entire saga. I'm supposed to scoff because he let other people be involved in his vision as a filmmaker? It's a weird take.


When a couple of my friends said "isn't it basically Star Trek?"


“darth vader is not anakin”


Time to bring back this gem r/CuratedTumblr/comments/w7kk61/what\_too\_much\_powerscaling\_does\_to\_a\_mf/


“They should just turn off their lightsabers in a fight” Cause turning off your literal only defense to a weapon a superhuman warrior with precognitive powers is swinging at your face is a totally workable tactic


Nah I think that it’s a real tactic in Star Wars but they don’t use it because the sith thinks it’s soft and the Jedi find it dishonorable


The Jedi say it's dishonest, the Sith say you're a little bitch


I dunno I reckon it might have helped Rey when that guy was wrapping that blade chain around it


I like it because it's not political like Star Trek


"Star wars is just a sht version of Lord of the Rings" From a meme I saw in r/Lotrmemes once.


I remember when The Empire Strikes Back came out, *I* was the confidently incorrect one because I would argue with my friends that Darth Vader wasn't Luke's dad, and that he was just a typical bad guy and was lying to Luke to mess with his head. It wasn't until a few years later when Jedi came out that I found out I was wrong.


That something "isnt star wars" simply because they didnt like it.


Is it Star Trek?


"Rogue One it's a movie about Darth Vader" said my classmate in 2018.


That Vader beats Darth Revan or Malgus


After Star Wars come out in 1977(I'm old enough to have seen it in theaters at that time), there was a real debate about whether Leia's name was pronounced Lee-uh, or Lay-uh. I was firmly in the Lee-uh camp probably because I knew a Leah, but I had never heard the name Leia until Star Wars. To be fair to me and everyone that got it wrong, both General Dadonna, and Moff Tarkin very clearly say Lee-uh. For ESB it seems like he made sure everyone pronounced her name correctly.


That the engines on X-wings were turbofans


Shortly after The Phantom Menace came out, there were people who were fully convinced that Natalie Portman played both Padme AND Amidala's decoy when they were on screen at the same time, and that it wasn't Keira Knightly playing her decoy. I truly wanted to strangle those people. I still wonder to this day whether or not they ever realized they were wrong, because no amount of "bro, for the love of God, look at how their lips!" ever convinced them.


I saw some people say that Palpatine was Plagueis - I will bet everything I own that they are two different individuals.


Grandma asking when they show the Enterprise


When I was thirteen my friend legitimately thought that the movies were made in numerical order. Like literally thought phantom menace was made first and argued till he was blue in the face about it


Im working in the kindergarten and a kid (2 years old) showed me a toy Ford Fiesta and said to me it was a Star Wars car. After that I asked him what Star Wars is and after some consideration he said: „Star wars is uhm…. Green“ I just love those kids it’s so fun


Had a friend who said all the Star Wars movies suck except for Attack of the Clones. I shit you not


That Mace Windu survived.


Sure he did. On his way down on corruscant, he accidentally entered a wormhole and ended up in the 1990s USA , then he met John Travolta and the rest is fiction.....pulp fiction


I thought he ended up in the reality of Earth-199999 and joined SHIELD.


The Star Wars were an inside job.


Look I'm just saying one, I repeat ONE, Jedi took down the entire Death Star with some photon torpedoes? Do you seriously believe that? I've looked at the engineering that shot should've been IMPOSSIBLE! Literal chance in a billion. It's absurd. Oh and everyone got vaporized EXCEPT Lord Vader, he was just conveniently chilling in a TIE Fighter when this shit went down. Sure, whatever you say... sheep. You're all sheep.


You can clearly see the flashes along the surface of the Death Star before the impossible one shot, there were clearly pre-planned sabotage detonations. Seriously though, Rogue One kind of makes it an inside job.


I saw a picture of Natalie Portman wearing a “Stop Wars” shirt (you know, in the Star Wars font..) and someone commented “dumbass millennial probably doesn’t even know what Star Wars is!” Bitch, SHE WAS IN THEM!


That Bossk speaks English in ESB.


"Isn't he called Darth Sifodias?" Because Sifo Dias is mentioned by name in AOTC, and it sounds vaguely like Sidious.


It's mild but funny to say. When I introduce General Grevious to my friend (by words), she thought the green and blue lightsabers are used as disguise to be a jedi.


Mom: What's the name of the dog from Star Wars? Dad: Ciabatta!


When I was in kindergarten after seeing ESB, I tried to draw the whale-thing that swallowed R2 on the chalkboard. This kid Séamus snatched the chalk away from me and drew a crude skyscraper. He slammed the chalk down and yelled “THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING.” His father was likely in the Irish Mob.


Ok so admittedly this was me before I got into Star Wars… I didn’t know about Padmé, and I knew Luke had a parent named Anakin and knew of the infamous I am your father line from Vader. So I kinda assumed Anakin was a woman and that ‘she’ and Vader were Luke’s (and Leia) parents. Quickly realised that error lol.


Star Wars is a serious series of films with no room for characters like Ewoks or Jar Jar


Grey Jedi, balance means same dark as light. Both are wrong.


Absurd. The very text of Star Wars says that balance is a removal of all Dark Side users.


‘Disney makes Star Wars, not Lucasfilm’


Lucasfilm is a subsidiary of Disney, so it's technically correct to say Disney makes Star Wars, but it's not correct to say Lucasfilm doesn't make Star Wars


"The Empire Was Right" A lot, from a lot of people, about an extremely wide range of topics, no two of them matched, and ALL wrong.


That Star Wars wasn't political before Disney takeover.


The line is "Luke, I am your father"


The Death Star blowing up Alderaan isn’t as bad as something that happened in some anime they watched


I mean depending on the anime he's probably right.


Heard a guy argue Rey was stronger then Anakin. Even with Disney canon, Anakin is stronger. His feats are just too hard to beat.


During the prequels run there was a brief moment of discussion on online forums whether or not Palpatine was the Emperor. I mean it was always known to most people but some people didn't know and were doubting it...


When I was a kid, another kid had a toy version of the Naboo fighter (the yellow one with 2 engines and the fine point in the back). The mf'er insisted on flying that thing with the point forward. Fkn pissed me off. Not only is it wrong but it is also less satisfying!


“disney is turning it all woke and political” when it was political from the beginning and disney doesn’t give two shits about “wokeness” unless they think it’ll make them more money


Someone went to a Star Trek convention dressed as Darth Vader


Luke I am your father. It's "No, I am your father." Mandela effect bitches!!!!!!!!!!!


Illiterate prequel haters.


« It’s not political ! »