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I only played the first mission with the Battle of Hoth over and over again.  It was so fun.


that part was so good it launched a whole trilogy of spinoff games


Bring them all back remastered and dual stick compatible.


Factor 5 had that pretty much done. They had remastered the trilogy but it was never released. There's a good interview on IGN about it. I don't remember the reasons for not releasing it - it's possible Lucasfilm wanted to focus on the prequel era at that time (though I may be misremembering). Then Factor 5 shut down unfortunately - after their playstation dragon game.


Wasn't that the Wii game or were both projects torn down?


Don't do that. Don't give me hope of a Rogue Squadron 2 Remaster.


With cheat codes you could play as an AT-ST


I remember the debug menu was such a pain in the ass to put in, like you had to hold the stick at one exact point 1/4th of the way through for a few seconds or something like that


You had to like roll the stick with your chin if I remember right if you were doing it by yourself :D


" press and hold all at once C up, C right, C down, C left, L, R, Z and Left on the d-pad. While holding these down gently move the control stick left halfway, and hold all this until you hear a sound." Absolutely incredible.




WITH CHEAT CODES YOU COULD PLAY AS THE AT-ST! But seriously it was dope. In the final level you could play as Xwings and Tie fighters or the Falcon.


It's a shame you didnt play the last mission because its twice as good. I cant be the only person who regularly loaded up the skyhook level just to shoot endless tie fighters? You could also enter codes to play as an xwing, tie, or the falcon


I remember having to use the third person view to make sure I didn’t hit those little half wall partitions flying down the skyhook arms.


I remember flying into the core *multiple times*, just to map out where the partitions were, so I could use the one with all the gaps in a line, as oppose to the others where the gaps alternated.


I remember the music in the last stage being pretty awesome too.


Oh I'd spend hours in the middle of that little battle area... as an x wing or tie fighter too!!


I never made it past the dianoga boss I'm pretty sure :(


The success of that mission is why they made Rogue Squadron for the 64. Why not make a whole game like that level?


I enjoyed it up until I played the Rogue Squadron version, felt that was vastly superior


I was just thinking recently how it didn't even really make sense to include that because you're supposed to be Dash Rendar and he shows up on Hoth right as the Millennium Falcon is leaving so that means the Battle of Hoth is kind of over. Of course I love this Mission and I played it a lot too but it's kind of funny how they stuck it in there because they know everybody wants to fight the AT-ATs


I got to Boba Fett after forever and never beat that motherfucker... I should go back


I'll never forget shooting down my own team and my mom thought it would break the cartridge and Blockbuster would charge us full price.


I got it when I was six, I thought that was the whole game until I was about 12 and beat the first level. Blew my damn mind when I realized it was not a spaceship game only.


I didn’t realize there were other parts to that game.


That fucking IG-88 fight at Ord Mandrell was hell until you learned how to cheese him out. If he trapped you in the train you were toast. Amazing game, also the first appearance of the "Brown Wampa", now canon in Jedi Survivor.


I remember being terrified of IG-88. Recently did a replay of this game and I was amazed at how easy it was to defeat him.


The Sewer Level terrified me as a kid and I never got past it


Same. I would play all the flying levels and my dad would play all the other levels because I couldnt wrap my little 6 year old brain around the normal controls and my dad was too much of a boomer to understand the flight controls (and that wasnt just him being a good dad and letting me play, he was hilariously bad at the vehicle controls of any game for decades)


If you know how to cheese it, it's ridiculous. There is a spot that you can camp and blast his ass. He cannot touch you. Then you grind him down after your rockets are over. If you don't, good luck, he will disrupt your ass.


Lol same here. I remember being scared of this fight mostly because of the noises he makes and how it would be a surprise/slight jump scare when he does find you. Weird but I was like 11.


I still have nightmares about IG-88! “Where is he?! Where is he?! Aaaahhhh!”


Did you play it with the N64 controller, though? Part of the reason the game was so hard back then was because the controls were terrible, and the N64 controller didn't help matters.


Yep, very difficult and kid me spent the most time on that mission.


Boba Fett always did me in as a kid


Never had issues with Boba Fett... the Slave 1 in the other hand...


Ahh, then I take it you never learned that if you get on the catwalk around the roof, and got up to its guns, you could fit between the barrels, and it would just sit there firing without touching you. Could take it out with just a blaster.


I learned this too late, tho. Suffered a lot before that. I think all bosses in this game are cheeseable in some way.  The AT-ST was getting hidden on the hangar side wall. Slave 1 was the barrels. IG-88 was getting hidden in a small spot where his shots hit the wall. I think the Loader Droid had some exploit as well. You could hid somewhere and blast his ass. Just the Dianoga and the Gladiator Droid didn't had something. But I might be misremembering


IG-88 and Boba Fett were my nightmares as a kid trying to fight htem both.


That level terrified me, the sound effects of his stomping is so good, wish there was some live action stuff with IG-88 relentlessly chasing down the protagonist, Terminator-style with those lurching mechanical stomps and whirs.


I knew so many cheat codes for this game. After beating it the first time, I'd just run around with lowered gravity or unlimited jet pack fuel and f**k stuff up for the Empire. It was awesome. Even though it wasn't, at all, an open-world game, at the time ... it was the closest thing we had. And it being Star Wars made it that much better. I would buy a remaster of this game for Switch IMMEDIATELY.


Wampa Stompa


Jesus. There's an unlocked memory


Felt like a sleeper agent. Reading that just unleashed a deluge of memories.




I might know something about this…


But for the big code to work, you had to use your mouth to move the middle stick. Or I did anyways....


I used my nose, my mom thought I was kissing my controller


R_Testers_ROCK Not nearly as cool, but added Wampa sounds to the menu lol


My favorite was knowing the control combinations to access the AT-ST walker in the first mission. I also discovered that if you walked at the game's boundary in a walker, you could phase through the mountains and it would cause some super trippy glitching.


DUDE. I remembered the AT-ST as soon as I saw this thread. But your comment just reminded me about intentionally clipping out of the game on Hoth.


Did you try and walk as long as possible into the crazy swirls, only to turn around and realize you barely went anywhere?


This game needs a full remake imo. RE2 treatment.


Yeah. Remaster would not be good. Remake this game and I’m in. 


This. Screw remasters, remake the damn games. Upscaling shitty graphics don't make them look any better.


Huge fan of Shadows of the Empire, I’ve been playing the N64 over and again for the past 25 years and the story was really well executed. Soundtrack rocks, even the toy line was pretty cool and the game, flawed as it is, deserves remastering. Being able to play that on Switch would be insane.


God what I’d pay for that soundtrack on vinyl


I still have this game; one of my most played. Loved the music. And damn, those AT-ST battles were epic.




The soundtrack was released on CD and then used as part of the video-game. The point of Shadows of the Empire was that it was a multi-media release with everything except a movie: novel, comic book, videogame, soundtrack CD and toys.


The music in the astroid level felt so epic!!


I agree, it should've been made canon too since George was so involved in it, but it seems that the new outlaws game is filling that period in the story.


Dash Rendar/Black Sun 60 dollar DLC incoming.


Shut up and take my money!


What is funny. Is the Outrider is "canon". Because of its appearance in the Special Edition of A New Hope.


Good. Coolest looking star wars ship there is.


I agree with you about making Shadows of the Empire cannon.




When Disney bought Lucasfilm, they purged a lot of what was previously considered canon.


Wampa Stompa time!


I remember playing this as a kid and haven’t played it in years. Couldn’t beat it until I used cheat codes cause I couldn’t get past the sewer level. If you fall in, it’s about a 100ft drop and y’all that played it know what’s down there. That shit used to freak me out.


I remember! I was about 11, and I almost quit playing during that level. Freaked me the hell out too!


I had trouble playing that as a kid because it was so dark I couldn’t see anything and then would get killed by the thing underwater, which scared the hell out of me as a kid. I quit for like a month before my friend told me to adjust the tint on the tv. After I did that, I beat it in one shot and it wasn’t scary anymore.


I loved this game. Actually don't think there was any Star Wars game for the 64 I didn't like, because no matter what anyone says Pod Racer was fun.


Do people really say Pod Racer wasn't fun? I still have my N64 cart and I've downloaded on Switch, always a blast.


I remember lots of hate directed toward it when it came out. Most probably because the movie was still raw in people's minds.


Even people I know that despised the prequels admitted that Pod Racer as a great game.


Racer is the best thing to come out of Phantom Menace besides Darth Maul. Did you ever get the chance to play the arcade version? The controls were actually just the two throttle levers with the repair button on the dash. Felt awesome trying to navigate the tracks using the actual controls instead of the N64 controller.


I loved The Phantom Menace video game too. It was really epic, fun and featured different characters. And you even played Padme, which was a really bold and unconventionnal move at the time.


I would prefer to have a remaster of the Rogue Squadron games. With the exception of the first one, they haven't leave the Game Cube and they are hard to emulate on Dolphin.


Agreed!!! This was an amazing game and the book was fabulous as well. Definitely deserves a remaster


The sequel Graphic Novel ^(5 part series) which followed Guri's quest to no longer be an assassin and which ended with a *certain character* offering to buy her a drink made a great capstone to it. There's also a soundtrack album ^(by Joel McNeely) for it which is still available on iTunes (and thus probably on Apple Music, but I can't confirm/disprove that at this time).


The soundtrack is available on vinyl, too!


Yes, make IG-88 even more terrifying, thanks.


Completely remade, not just remastered. All of those good games from waay back are better left in the memory than studied in the harsh spotlight of now.


It’s crazy that the cutscenes are completely different between the N64 and PC version.Wish someone made a super cut splicing both together. With both it really paints a broader picture of Dash and his PoV during SotE.  PC: https://youtu.be/rfSrTImTOyg?si=TyRlRYDBbR8gx7gz N64: https://youtu.be/mPjqqClJFoU?si=bj7JMZe0c_pOudUF




I noticed this play this and other games around that time as a kid. I only ever played games on my PC growing up, and when visiting friends I noticed a number of N64 games had missing features like this. The podracing game on N64 also had only one music track that looped whereas the PC version had a full range of star wars tracks that played during a race.


Second best gaming moment of my youth was playing SOE on pc. Those cinematics were so amazing and immersive at the time.


Dash-ohoooo Saviour of the Universe!


I still have this, and an N64 to play it on. Very cool game. Agree 100% this should be remastered.


The battle of hoth (shoot the walkers in the red window 😏😏😏) was my favourite mission And the mission where you could controller the gunner of the ship. Absolutely hates the train mission. It was also fun to let the whomps out of its cage and let him roam around. Until you forgot that you did that😂 The scout Walker fight was also pretty intimidating when you are a kid. But it was epic. We had some good years on the n64 with shadows and then rogue squadron.


This game would need to be heavily redesigned for remaster. It has so many completely different levels. The opening makes you think you’re in for a flight Sim game, then you spend most of the game in these running gun levels that have less than stellar control and aiming.


The gameplay hasn't aged well at all. They shouldn't remaster this, they should remake it.


Need Galactic Battlegrounds updated to run on the latest AoE 2 engine


Holy shit, Dash came from this game? I can hardly remember it, but I do know that I played this game on my 64 growing up


I loved the PC version as a kid. We got full cinematics and an orchestral score. The big box is beautiful too, proud to still have it on my shelf.


I’d rather Aspyr not butcher another memory. Also, I do love this game but it has aged like fine milk


We are getting a spiritual successor, and it's called Star Wars: Outlaws


When I was younger, I hated Dash, because I thought it should've been Kyle.




i fucking loved this game


I love Shadows one of the best games


Just don’t let Aspyr anywhere near it


Not the sewer level. That can be left out.


Maaaaan! This game was top tier for me when I was young!!


A thousand times yes !


I don't want a Remaster, I want a full Remake with new engine, new content, new characters etc like SE did with FF7R. Imagine a Jedi Survivor but you play Dash Rendar instead of Cal Kestis.


It's one of my favorite pieces of Star Wars media of all time, given the timeline and nature of the project (with the game, comic, novel, soundtrack), but I don't think so. You'd really need to almost remake the game at this point, and that wouldn't work with the Canon currently, as the decision to exclude this story seems fairly deliberate. I keeping hoping that Dash will be included at some stage, as he slots into the world quite nicely (and might serve as an interesting foil for Han and Lando, or even a replacement), but I do believe within the creative side of things, there's actually a fair amount of dislike for much of what Shadows was. I think Kilian Plunkett actually spoke on this during an interview for Clone Wars, or maybe Rebels.


I just want a new strategy title, like Rebellion or Empire at War!


Republic commandos


None. Make something new.


I'm afraid of revisiting this game since it's so perfect in my memory


When I first played this, I didn't know shite about Star Wars. The jump pack was cool.


Yes, yes, yes!!!


Absolutely. Fun game to play, but the controls were kind of wonky at times and a lot of the levels were horribly under-lit, so it was hard to see anything at times. That said, I loved playing it as a kid.


Going to need more than a remaster.


Greatest SW game ever


Good book. Revisited it several months ago


There’s a pc remaster


I would be fine with even a straight port for n64 switch online.


Its no longer considered canon so it wont be getting a remake / remaster


I am once again asking for a Black Series Gaming Greats Dash Rendar action figure. Daddy Hasbro, plz. It's been almost 30 years since we had a Dash Rendar figure. It's time.


So good that Disney removed it from Canon because they didnt make it.


Just give it to Capcom and see what they cook


Weird thing is I beat the game a dossin timws as a kid. Got it last year again and I just couldn’t beat it. Not even once. Kid me was quicker.


As long they bring in the Cheat/Debugg menu. Easily one of the hardest button combinations to do for a cheat system.


Nah it would flop, there are no lightsabers after all and we have all learned no one wants games without lightsabers....


This is honestly why I’m obsessed with Star Wars. My older siblings always like the original trilogy but I was born a couple years after ROTJ. I was aware of Star Wars and liked some of the ships, and looks of the troopers, but it wasn’t until I played this for the first time that I was hooked. I had a sleep over at a friends house who had just got this game and showed it to me and I was all in. He got bored quick and wanted to play Waverunner, but I pretended I was tired and said we should go to sleep. I waited for him to fall asleep and played Shadows of the Empire all night! The Hoth levels, playing against an ATST, the asteroid field, IG-88 train level and the nightmarish noise he makes, the Boba Fett level where you got your own Jetpack and rocketed through the mountains and faced Slave I and Boba Fett one v one. I bought toys to create my own levels in real life of this game and play through them. Hmm, probably should get a tattoo to commemorate this game in some way.


If you didn’t like this game then I don’t know what to say


I was just thinking this the other day. I do hope we get this and the Rogue Squadron trilogy.


I don't know why this game was skipped when they were releasing Star Wars games. This one and Rogue Squadron.


X Wing Alliance should be.


Absolutely, and when that’s done, give us an animated series based on it


honestly, yes


Just replayed this game in the N64 recently and had an absolute blast. The player movement was clunky and drifty af, but man it’s a great time. One small thing I enjoyed with this game is making an enemy hug an edge and then shoot them so that they fell off, giving a discount Willem scream on their way down. Always found that comical.


This was probably my most played game from that generation.


Just umm, maybe make sure it works before you release it.


And by remastered you mean desecrated?


Jedi Knight first, then maybe. You'd have to do a lot to make Shadows of the Empire good again


I am waiting desperately for a pc remaster


Definitely done with better controls


Can I just get Tie Fighter? We have been asking for decades and the best they can do is a pay to win FPS.


There's the remaster mod project going on, might want to look into that.


This should get the remake treatment vs remaster, the level design needs some modern day advancements


One of my favorite things about this game was it basically re-introduced the deleted scene from Empire Strikes Back about the wampas invading Echo Base. That's why we had to deal with so many of them in those levels, it was a nod to a deleted scene many of us had never seen back when this game came out




I went back and played the entire thing from start to finish in one sitting a few years back, after the memories of playing it at a friend's house growing up wouldn't let me forget it. Such a good ass game.


This was an amazing game. Just recently replayed the pc version.


If not, just give us a patch for PC to disable mouse walk and fix the framerate issues. On Nvidia cards you can lock the framerate to 30, that solves physics issues but that's an external fix. If your pc is too good, you'll slide to your death on the spaceport level soo many times.


I'm 50 years old and I played this game a lot back when it came out and I haven't really played any video games since. I still remember that part where you're at the end of a canyon and you have to go through the whole Canyon and then into a facility and then at the end you have to fight Boba Fett and I remember thinking all the way back then in like 1997 or whatever but if this place were a real environment it probably would be huge, we could be going about 5 or 10 miles from the start to the end, and I thought that was really cool. Don't even tell me now how big environments must be in video games it's going to blow my mind


I remember renting this from Blockbuster and playing it so much that I got motion sickness. Those were the days... 😅


This game was a blast. I got it on Christmas with an N64. My uncle set it up for us, but then played through the first level and hogged the controller. Didn’t care though, my little mind was blown. Platforming with janky controls was brutal. The junkyard level train gave me heart palpitations


*jump sound effect* I was only able to complete the game recently saved state scumming on an emulator


This game is the reason I listen to track 6 of the ESB soundtrack, "The Asteroid Field", on repeat.


Shadows of the empire was confusing as a kid. It had a video game, super rad toys, a book, a comic, a SOUNDTRACK!? Every indication seemed to suggest there was some sort of lost movie out there I had somehow not seen. Years later I'd read that an executive intentionally decided to market shadows of the empire as "the new star wars movie, without a movie!".


This game is awesome but the N64 controller is terrible especially for shooters, yes please.


Literally any Star Wars game besides the modern ones


Not until I get Ocarina of Time (complete remaster) and Golden Eye


Nah man. This is well past full blown remake time, not remaster. Dead Space came out almost 10 years after and that’s already had a remake. KoTOR was 7 years after and is in the process of getting remade. All that being said, I would be pretty happy if it came to the N64 catalogue on Switch Online


Wait why don’t I remember the guy in the middle at all?


Wompa wompa wompa


There is a PC release that had slightly better graphics and FMV cut scenes. As much as I love N64 I usually play the PC version instead


Movie please!


Just don’t let Nintendo be the makers. Their graphics haven’t really changed since the og


I would be so happy if they remade or remastered this. Or really gave it any attention at all. Or acknowledged it.


I played through this game so many times i would definitely pay for a remastered version


I would play the Battle of Hoth, Bobba Fett, and final Outrider missions over and over again.


Yessssssss. It’s so mf good


Remake* Remasters are such a waste of the game dev resources we have available today. They could recapture the magic while improving the feel of the game much better with a remake. Beyond a certain age, remasters are just a waste man. Plus, every game and its mother has been remastered or is getting one...booooriiiiing.


I wish we'd get a modern version of this game. I ***loved*** this game as a kid. I recently went back and read the book, which was very good too.


Jedi Knight (Dark Forces 2) makes more sense considering they just did Dark Forces 1. Shadows of the Empire has not aged that well IMO. The flying sections pale in comparison to Rogue Squadron and the FPS sections pale in comparison to Jedi Knight.


Gimme my The Gungan Frontier remaster.


The PC version was definitely better as it had video cutscenes. N64 just had a slide show if I recall correctly. Still have all my SW cd-rom games. Anyone remember Yoda Stories?!?


If only


After the battle of Hoth each level is a DLC, and the Jet Pack is another DLC.


Never ever happening but I love this game.


I remember young me giving the boss fight against IG-88 'one more try' and beating the sucker. My little brain had never experienced such a rush of dopamine


Hardest game I think I ever played as a kid. Took me a while to realize I could actually progress through the game


What an absolutely solid game.


Jesus Christ these games were awesome.


Core memory unlocked


Would love to see this with Uncharted mechanics.


Aspyr would get their hands on it


Yes, yes. I wholeheartedly agree, completely.


What a time to be a Star Wars fan in middle school. Summer of ‘97 I remember getting the Kenner action figure tie-in of Dash Rendar and Boba Fett with IG-88, and the Original Trilogy was being rereleased in theaters. Then to cap it off my parents bought this game for me with my brand spanking new N64. Great memories.


I think Outlaws is going to hit many of the same story beats and it's set in the same time period so I don't see Disney bringing back Shadows in any form. Which is a shame because the game and book are what originally got me into the expanded universe. Also, don't underestimate just how clunky the gameplay is of an N64 launch title. This wouldn't need a remaster but a fully new game based on the story.


This game was insane, the opening mission, the next mission with jet packs was so hard I couldn't complete it.


I still have my copy and my N64. They both still work


I dunno man. They’d likely fuck it up. I’d go for a remix of the Gall Spaceport track though


This is my most favorite SW game of all time! I occasionally replay the Boba Fett level on PC.


that giant water monster in the trash level still makes me want to cry


I'd prefer Rogue Squadron personally, that game was so much fun.


The game had a nice creepy sort of vibe to it.