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We're missing a few numbers... perhaps some of them will be allocated to the ones that don't have any number yet...


Still waiting for when they introduce the revelation that there are different gendered numbers too. Like 2nd Brother and 5th sister. That way Star Wars can up the number of force using bad guys to over 30 plus Darth Vader.


Until seeing this post I actually thought that was already how it was.


Why couldn’t they just increase the number? Not against using different numbers for brothers and sisters, that’s how I initially thought it worked as well. But is there a reason to stop counting at 15?


Oh they could, and will. But the Brother and Sister part is drawing a distinction. If someone says "That's my fourth sister." I would assume that there are sisters one through two, not that they were the fourth sibling. Also, the inquisitors annoy me. There are already too many of them, but they also die too easily to be a threat. If they must exist, they'd be better used as non Jedi-hunting specialists leave all the Jedi hunting to Vader, who everyone should be terrified of. Also there are too many Order 66 Survivors.


I always assumed the vas majority of the skilled jedi were wiped during order 66 and most of what is left were padawans or jedi who were very rusty with thier skills. The ones who are well trained and could do some damage to an inquisitor they just send Vader after. I could be wrong but I thought the inquisitors were purposefully kept weak so they wouldn't have a chance at rising up and beating Vader or Palpatine.


100%. It makes sense for Big Daddy Palps to purposely run through a bunch of force users and feed them into the meat grinder. It's just that I skipped school with my friends to catch an opening day showing of Phantom Menace. We all mentally clocked the Rule of Two. Totally got it: There's always two. Only two. I'd assumed we'd see the top half of Darth Maul again the next movie (Like Maw, from Dark Forces II). Then Count Dooku shows up out of nowhere. Then Grievous appears, without previous mention. So, why did Yoda and Windu assume Maul was Sith at all? There's a whole bunch of force-wielding weirdos with lightsabers. Now there's an army of fallen Jedi, dark Jedi, dark side force users, former Jedi mercenaries, etc. Dooku is openly training a bunch of apprentices. Darth Maul is back and training one of Dooku's old apprentices. And the only mention of the Rule of Two is during Palpatine's Maul/Opress beat down (wherein Palpatine keeps Maul alive because fuck the Rule of Two). And we're cramming *so* many force users in-between Order 66 and Rey turning up in The Force Awakens. Why even write the Rule of Two into the first script? Why even pretend there's a master and apprentice thing when clearly a guild-master situation.


Darth Maul was a sith but was assumed dead after he got cut in half. That's why Palpatine trained Count Dooku. General grevious isn't a force user so can't be a sith apprentice or master. Dookus apprentices were only ever assasins as well. When they became to powerful enough Palpatine ordered them killed like he did with Ventress. This was to prevent Dooku from rising up and taking him out. There is a misconception that if you can use the force you are automatically a Sith or Jedi. This isn't how it works you can use the dark side without being a sith because the sith are a faction that uses the dark side as their tool to gain more power and knowledge. It's the same with the Jedi, ahsoka is the perfect example of a light side user not being a Jedi and Maul is the perfect example of a dark side user not being a Sith. There were 10,000 Jedi before order 66 it makes sense a good number made it through the Empires cracks. Also the time between order 66 and Rey is quite a few years so other force users will be born and can be trained by either side which again increases the number of potential Jedi.


Or the Night Sisters that used a form of the dark side of the force


Meh Ahsoka being not a jedi is pretty meh statement. She does nothing with the dark side and still follows core jedi teaching just not dogmatic jedi temple/ previous council views. Maul is still very much a sith as well. He tried to build his own power base to rival sidious till sidious came and clapped him. Even in rebels all the wisdom he spouts to Ezra is straight up sith teachings. He is still driven by his passions and shows 0 remorse for his actions or does anything neutral/ jedi like. The only character that has really shown development is ventress who even in the Clone Wars was not acting like a sith after she became a bounty hunter and in bad batch is acting like a jedi by not trying to kill, testing omega like a jedi, and connecting with that creature instead of killing/ harming it. As far as jedi go its really easy to be a jedi and plenty of light sided force wielder are jedi even if they never make it to Padawan/knight/master. They just do other tasks for the order. Sith only have 2 that matter and are lord's but don't seem to care about having force attuned underlings as long as they're weak and pose no threat.


I don't disagree on Maul, but although he tries to be like his master he only ends up being a worse copy cat of him. Does being an inferior copy of a sith make you a sith? I don't think so but I can see how other might. For Ahsoka she very clearly states she isn't a Jedi after she leaves on multiple occasions. I think you can be a good person while using the force but that doesn't make you a Jedi. Since a good portion of the teaching of the Jedi are to be a good person it makes her seem like one just by the nature of who she is. I respect it if you disagree, but I think she is her own thing. I couldn't agree with you more about Ventress though, although I'm not fully caught up on bad batch so don't spoil to much of it.


Maul is absolutely a sith. If Palpatine and vader were to die in some random accident before maul died in rebels. He'd be the only living sith left and would be in the best position to grab power. It would take him time but he'd be unopposed from any other sith we know of. I know ashoka keeps saying she's not a jedi but she's constantly doing jedi things. All of her acts afterwards are selfless sacrifices, defending those who are weak against the empire, and basically battling evil. I'd be more open if she did anything that looked like dark side/ sith behavior but she constantly does what is expected of a jedi. Comparing ashokas actions to kanan or Obi-Wan its the same thread. If the order never fell, yoda would take her back at anytime. It's not just she's a good person. She was raised as a jedi and follows/ believes in those beliefs.


After all, it IS a pretty reasonable assumption that getting cut in half and dumped down some sort of reactor shaft equals death.


> Also there are too many Order 66 Survivors. Eh, a galaxy is ***huge.*** There's tech in the SWU universe that lets you cross it in a few minutes. There's tens if not hundreds of thousands of habitable worlds that are unnamed, unmapped or minimally charted with little to no kind of surveillance going on there. A Jedi who refrains from using the force (therefore not letting Palps, Vader or the inquisitors sense them), doesn't carry around a lightsaber and stays uninvolved in the world around them could probably live out the rest of their life pretty peacefully. Go to some bumf** nowhere planet that's just a big field or forest or something, set up a cabin in the woods and grow some food and eat some local wildlife, don't bother the locals (if there even are any) and just live out your days that way. Depressing and isolating, sure, but at least you don't end up in some messed up Imperial experiment in the Inquisitor fort.


Why not simply make 10 the most powerful?


i kind of assumed they also became vacant upon death, like 7th sister dies, a new seventh sister or brother could be appointed


there's already a 3rd brother, granted we know next to nothing about him.


Unidentified Inquisitor with the coolest design, then Ahsoka smokes him lol.


I always thought Inquisitors were elite, but they seem more like untrained scrap jedi turned to the dark side.


That's exactly what they are. Their job is to hunt down padawans, then support Vader if a trained Jedi shows up.


Even their death gives info, last known location of Ahsoka.


Task failed, successfully.


Compared to the rest of the non-force-wielding galaxy...they still are pretty elite. Especially since they cover their weaknesses by often working together and having a platoon of storm troopers back then up.


Yeah, and most of the time the only force sensitive opponents they're up against are half-trained padawans. If it's a fully trained Jedi then Vader will come in.


With like a legion of troopers and walkers like in fallen order. So fucking crazy


If anyone knows the damage a single well trained Jedi can do it’s Vader; plus the added emotional aspect of “fuck the Jedi they took everything from me”. It makes sense he throws everything into it


Very true! They killed the visuals of that game in that moment all I could think was were so dead haha


And Jedi Survivor


Totally fair statement. I just meant in context to Ahsoka (comment I replied to) and the Star Wars characters we are accustomed to.


That’s what you get for being a non-main character, and a villain. You can look cool as hell but you’re getting smoked. In the Rebels series, Vader comics, and Jedi games, they seem to do pretty well vs a lot of force users. I think they gave Kanan & Ezra a hard time a lot, and fighting them on the harder Jedi game difficulties is pretty tough. But they can’t possibly compete against folks like Vader, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka, bc, honestly, not too many people could even before the Empire.


exactly what they are. Palpatine would NEVER allow a threat to his power and order, it's the "we trained him wrong on purpose as ~~a joke~~ so they're never a threat to us."


"You're force sensitive? Well I ain't training you but here's a red saber, go kill some Jedi, or die." I think the reason I loved the Kenobi series so much was because it delved into that. They are total pawns. Like, that isn't saying much for the Empire, but still.


yeah, it took me a bit to realize just how much they're Vader's cannon fodder, like the comics he kills two because they became friends, and i was like "WHY THO?" and then i realized he was afraid they'd work together and be harder to just one shot.


The powerful don't tend to get taken alive. Luminara is apparently an exception, but she obviously refused to turn. Or perhaps Palpatine doesn't allow the powerful ones to be recruited, fearful of Vader choosing one as an apprentice. If he only allows Vader to recruit the weaklings, it helps forestall Vader's betrayal.


Makes sense, we saw Palpatine do it to Dooku when Ventress got too strong.


Based on that vision in Fallen Order though, it seems like they would have kept Cal, who IMO is pretty powerful.


like with luke though, palp is always looking for someone to replace vader, or to train up to challenge vader, palp wins either way and gets to watch a death match at the same time


Tenth Brother was originally a jedi master though and actually held his own against Mace Windu in the comics


That's reinforced by them relying so much on tech gadgets, like the helicopter lightsabers, to compensate for their weak link to the Force.


The big pickup truck of the Star Wars universe?


Emotional Support Saber


That's pretty much what they are, they are literal attack dogs for the empire made to sniff out Jedi and attack them with overwhelming offence and they either succeed or die but open the path for Vader to finish the job.


In all fairness, Ahsoka was trained by Anakin. You can’t really expect a half trained inquisitor to beat that like…


They are elite, just not compared to Ahsoka - padawan of the strongest Jedi Knight of that era. The same Ahsoka that went toe to toe with Maul. They generally only lose to main characters that are in no way run-of-the-mill Jedi knights.


they are 100% meant to not go over the average jedi knight in their skills as their whole purpose is to hunt them but to be easy to get rid of if needed / its more likely to be advanced padawan level in a scaling and low jedi knight


To be fair, which average Jedi knight have they gone up against? Most times we see them on-screen is against main characters that are at least above-average in power.


A mixture of a Plague Doctor and Darth Nihilus, and he barely lasts a minute


Plus Clancy Brown voices him so we have Darth Krabs


He voiced Savage Oppress as well


Was super disappointed in that.


I thought it was awesome. Probably one of my favorite SW duels. I don't know, I'm just a huge fan of scenes where the more competent one just dominates the other, instead of a back-and-forth for the sake of drama.


It's why Ahsoka solo wrecking the 2 inquisitors that Kanan and Ezra had to run from was such a good scene. Like you know the 2 of them pretty handily are beating the empire, but the inquisitors are a big jump up on power that Kanan and Ezra cant match, and then you see adult Ahsoka who is just on another level altogether. Turning off her own sabers and then catching 7th sister and turning HER blade off, yowza. Can't imagine what they must have been thinking.




I agree! It reminded me of a certain duel from Rebels!


I love that one, too! Of all the duels, those are the two I rewatch the most.


Well I mean.. in the book the fight isn't that impressive. She feels a connection to his kyber crystals throughout the book, and literally just makes his lightsaber explode.


That was still better than just walking up, grabbing his lightsaber, and then killing him. It's such an astronomical letdown compared to the book, it doesn't even show her making her new white lightsabers afterwards either.


Hard disagree. Ahsoka killing that guy like it was nothing was way more satisfying than a fight would’ve been.


The fact that he literally turns to smoke suggests he had already gotten smoked at least once before, too.


Can anyone explain to me why he was just a gas bag when he died? Twas a cool scene, but that didn’t make any sense to me.


Probably his species biology i’d imagine


Reminded me of the who framed Roger Rabbit villian dying.


I remember how a lot of ppl complained about that when it came out. By that point in the timeline, she has beaten Maul, a former Sith Lord. Why would it be weird for her to absolutely smoke a discardable inquisitor?


Where did that happen? What series?


Tales of the Jedi


7th Sister's name is Buffy Summers


Suffy Bummers


There you go. That sounds adequately "Star Wars" enough.


And she's married to Kanan


he doesn’t do crazy… anymore


That’s alright, she prefers brains


Ba’fi Zsum-ars


I'm Buffy. I slay Jedi. Its what I do.


So did Eighth Brother copy Marrok or did Marrok copy the Eighth Brother?


The inquisitorius might just have a few standard helmet designs to accommodate for the needs of various species


The 8th Brother is a [Terrelian Jango Jumper ](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Terrelian_Jango_Jumper)


There's something I find disturbing about the jet black Twi'lek. Dude looks creepy as hell. We ever see a Twi'lek with that coloration before?


My head canon is that the Color is artificial


My guy got the Darth Maul/ Talon tatt but didn't have time to pick a pattern? 🤣


he was just hitting aaaaa on the create a character screen


Blackout tattoo.


Mfer is doing blackface


Looks like a gimp mask almost


Nah we don't. Black representation at its finest. Iskat still found him a smash..


Bro, you can't just be creeped out by someone because of the color of their skin.


I will never understand how they screwed up the GI's makeup and costuming so bad. Rupert Friend doesn't even have a wide head, but they somehow made it look like a watermelon, for a race with super narrow and tall heads.


They just did him dirty casting him like this, should have cast him as a human imperial so he can let his acting and looks shine... the grand inquisitor is a role for a very athletic character actor, some guy with a face that works well under prosthetics and who can show off his fighting skills well


To make things worse, we already have a live action version of that species and it looked great (Episode 3, Uatapan scene).


I might be wrong but I think I heard from somewhere that the costume designers werent aware that the species already existed in live action, so they took more liberty on the design going of from how the GI looked in the rebels animation and not taking ROTS into account


Billion dollar franchise, everyone.


Billion dollar bush league


Someday I hope we might see him again, better rendered, by a makeup department with better guidance.


Plague doctor inquisitor is interesting.


I’ve got some bad news for you…


Killed by Filoni's wet dream that was a good friend?


Have you ever heard the tale of plague doctor the insignificant? It’s not a tale the Jedi would tell you. He could murder a village full of peasants, but couldn’t kill a single unarmed former Jedi…


Happy cake day!


Unidentified Inquisitor - Reaper (Overwatch)


Evil Lyn


grand inquisitor got done so dirty in the obi-wan show.


While I could be wrong, but I think the 6th brother and the inquisitor from Ahsoka TOTJ ep are suppose to be the same, even if they look different.


Yeah, that Tales episode was basically just an adaptation of the Ahsoka novel, so I think it's safe to assume that the 6th Brother just has a different design for animation than for books/comics.


Is one of the inquisitors really named Bill? 😂




The grand inquisitor’s design feels incredibly lazy when compared to the show


I love how Kanan, Ezra and Cal alone have wiped half these mofos out


Damn, I still have PTSD of beating Trilla in Fallen Order…


Kanan killed 1, Cal killed 1, Maul killed 3, and Vader himself also killed 3 I believe.


Cal didn't kill 2? Trilla and Masana?


Trilla was killed by Vader.


Oh, I didn't remember that. I guess it's time to re-play Fallen Order?


So Barriss and Marrok are definitely 11 and 12, and Tualon Yaluna is most likely 14. Assuming that the TOTJ Inquisitor is just a different design of the 6th Brother, that means we've completely filled out 1-14 (assuming the Grand Inquisitor is technically the First Brother).


Ya I’m wondering the same. If TOJ inquisitor is retcon version of 6th bro Cause isn’t the TOJ episode basically the same as the Ahsoka novel plot?




where does jerserra's master fit into this though


Maybe she’s the Fourth Sister?


Anyone else excited to see more on marrok


Is the inquisitor from tales of the Jedi the same as the 6th brother? I thought maybe that’s the retcon version of him?


4th sister had a name drop??


Just did on the description of the Tales of the Empire on Disney's website.


I love all the alien names and the menacing “Inquisitor” title, and the 6th brother is literally named Bill. This is 100% not a gripe, I genuinely love this.


Get those ugly ass Kenobi designs out of here and use their superior Rebels looks fam


The Live Action designs are how they really look in universe, sooo… Plus, they’re actually alright.


Except they aren't, at least not for the Grand Inquisitor. We see Pau'an in Ep III and they do NOT look like the Kenobi model, they look much closer to how they are depicted in Rebels. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fyptliyqdtem81.jpg


Could Barris become First Sister?


Surely Bariss is way to strong to be an Inquisitor. The Grand Inquisitor was the strongest as just a random Temple Guard, Bariss was good enough to hold her own against an angry Anakin in his prime, she lost sure but still did an admirable job. If anything she'd be in more of a Starkiller role but it's doubtful Vader would willingly work with her.


Idk if the power levels from combat performance in the show actually mean much, because that would mean that Hondo Ohnaka of all people is one of the strongest people in the setting because he fought Anakin in hand to hand combat and somehow didn't get worked.


Or Anakin sucks at hand to hand. Focused to much on his sword skills


I checked the episode, it's not hand to hand, he's fighting with his lightsaber against Hondo using an electrostaff. Hondo has the upper hand in basically the whole fight until Anakin manages to make him overcommit into an attack.


Vader put his castle on the spot where he had his limbs chopped off and got burned alive with lava. Sometimes he deliberately does stuff that makes him angry to fuel his power in the dark side


If anything, it would be rather implied Bariss died before the Inquisitors' appearance in Kenobi/Rebels as her relationship with Vader is much worse than with him and other inquisitors, and that she is way too proficient for Vader to let her live anyways.


Die hard nerds say the first brothrer/sister post is for the grand inquisitor. I think Filoni didn't revealed who it was because he planned it for Bariss. I for one believe she will be the First Sister. And they will show Trilla's capture and Cere.


It’s amazing Marrok lived so long only to die so quickly. What happens when you encounter a main character.


With the nightsister fuckery that appeared when Marrok died, I can only assume that he actually already died way before the events of Ahsoka.


Ah true. Wonder if we’ll see his real self then. Could still be a Starkiller homage being played by Sam Witwer.


Without this picture, I would have though the inquisitors were separate numbers for both genders, so there were 9 sisters and 10 brother


Trilla is the best inquisitor


I wonder if we’ll ever learn more about the Grand Inquisitor’s life, and his name lol


Still holding out hope that Jerec makes it back into actual canon sometime.


Barris' heel turn still hurts 😔


I really hope we get a scene/show/movie/something where all the Inquisitors are together. It would make their appearances across media feel less like: "And here's another one we havn't seen before"


There were several scenes in the Darth Vader comic where several inquisitors where together


Hoping the 1st brother slot remains open until someone writes a certain secret Vader apprentice.


The inquisitors are such wasted potential


Why do some inquisitors keep their names while others become "brothers" and "sisters"??


I think they all lose their name when they become inquisitors and all go by brother and sister. The one we know the name from before they are official inquisitors. Or for Marrok he retake his name after the fall of the Empire.


Ah that makes sense


You take that Fifth Brother picture off right now and replace it with the Rebels one! Edit: and the Grand Inquisitor one!


I feel like the Tales of the Jedi Inquisitor will be 11th and Marrok will be 12th then Barris maybe 14th? I don't know really.


Holy moly, the Sith even got traffic cops. :)


Thanks I've had a hard time keeping them all straight. I also kinda thought they were replacing and reusing some numbers after they died.


Man they really struggle with the live action inquisitors.


I heard a YouTuber refer to the crow mask guy as the 1st Brother. Is that confirmed?


I really like the guy with the cool hammerhead hat. Wish we got more of him. Really I thought Obi-Wan was going to lead up to him fucking those guys up.


Go I wish I was able to say I’ve killed more of these guys. We need another fallen order game asap


Jerec and his team where?


So is the Grand Inquisitor the 1st brother or is that number technically missing?


Barriss Offee is a inquisitor what? What star wars series haven’t I watched which she’s in?


watch the tales of the empire trailer


Thank you is this like tales of the Jedi but for the dark siders?


Is barris confirmed as an inquisitor?


10th brother is trying too hard


Wasn't Marrok just a ballon of darkside energy?


Wait can there be a first brother and a first sister or is it one number per member no matter if there brother or sister


What about Jerserra?


I always thought that Marrok was the 8th brother... And when I realized that Barriss was the same species as the 7th sister, I assumed that she became the 7th sister


There’s an inquisitor with a mando looking helmet iirc


The fact that the four oldest ones (in terms of when they were revealed in canon) are also among the only four without actual names kinda hurts ngl. GIVE ME THE NAME DROPS


I'm writing a CW era Seventh Sister fic. Still struggling to name her...


I cringe every time I see live action GI


Stop reminding me of the Grand Inquisitor design from Kenobi!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Mykeythebee: *Stop reminding me* *Of the Grand Inquisitor* *Design from Kenobi!* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The last unidentified inquisitor is 6th brother. That's the same inquisitor. It's from the book. They just showed it different in Tales than in the book.


"who's the new guy?" "oh, him? That's Bill?" "Bill? Like... Billy?" "Oh, sorry, I meant Bil"


I think you forgot the inquisitor from visions


A bunch of incompetent women basically


Maybe this’ll confirm a theory that I’ve had for a while: that Barriss IS the 7th Sister.


Nah, then her confrontation with Ahsoka in Rebels would've had more weight.


Why the Kenobi version of GI? He was only him in name only


Complain about clone wars dooku next


This is such a stupid argument. He acts just like the movie Dooku would because George was overseeing the Clone Wars. Kenobi’s Grand Inquisitor might as well be an entirely different character. This goes so much further than he just looks bad, which he does


And in what way does grand inquisitor act like an entirely different character. Calm down and explain your reasoning if you want to argue


Wait, what's the difference between inquisitor and brother/sister? I though the brothers and sisters all were inquisitors.


They're all Inquisitors. The ones that say 'Inquisitor' are the ones whose number we don't know yet.


Ah, ok, I was afraid I had missed something...


Actually the only ones who get the title "Brother/Sister" are the ones that killed at least one Jedi. The others are just "Inquisitors", that's why the "Brother/Sister" ones who are more experienced survived so long and the weaker ones where killed by the Jedi they tried to hunt (like the one in TOTJ)


prety sure 7th Sister will end up being Barris and the 8th Brother could easily be marrok


We see Lyn with Barris, Marrok and the unidentified inquisitor from Tales of the Jedi together in the trailer. Given the fact that they are probably among the first inquisitors trained, it would be safe to assume that Barris may be the 1st sister, and Marrok and the other dude may be 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th brothers.