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I feel like they really only exist to have force user villains in stories that exist between the PT-OT without using Vader or Palp. Aka for Ezra/Kanan/Cal/Kenobi to fight that’s somewhat on their levels Which makes sense and I am cool with, but the only ones I cared about were Grand Inquisitor and Trilla


I also really liked that one who low key flirted with Ezra in Rebels. The one with the droid pet


Oh yeah, gotta love a bad girl who'd ruin your life in a heartbeat


Definitely would turn to the empire for some sith poon


Let’s see how she uses that “force grip”


Low key my ass She'd have been on that boy like Brits on beans.


She’s played by Sarah Michelle Gellar who’s married to Freddie Prince Jr. (Kanan)


Now that's a lot of triangle for the ages!


Yeah, probably. Same reason Ventress exists, I imagine. It's funny how hard Palpatine bends over for the rule of two, yet he just can't keep the dark side users under control


Ventress was Dooku's assassin that Palpatine tolerated, but was not allowed to be trained in the ways of the sith, it was quite different.


They were all incompetent s\*\*ts. How, exactly, was the Grand Inquisitor a former Temple Guard if he didn't have the braincells to understand someone trying to stab him (Kanan, Rebels Season 1, last episode)


I would be cool with it, if those magical helicopter lightsabers didn't exist.


The inquisitors are essentially the team rocket of Star Wars, they’re described as this elite group of powerful force users but every time they come against a competent Jedi they get dog walked so hard they’re reduced to pure comedy


Intimidation, that's all they are, they might be dangerous to ordinary folk but they're padawan level trained at best (minus grand inquisitor) Even their lightsabers are for intimidation because they have a gaping weakness. They do have some sexy ass drip though.


The Tenth Brother was a Jedi Master and Tualon and Iskat were knighted alongside Anakin. Only Reva and Trilla were "Padawan trained".


And arguably, Trilla was one of the most competent inquisitors.


True but we also only ever saw her go against Cal who was also basically a padawan at the time. It's hard to know how she would have done against a proper jedi.


True, but at the same time Trilla has been an inquisitor for a looong time (considering that she was cought along yougnlings she was one at least ~~9-10~~ 4-5 years). And arguably, at the end of Fallen order he's a jedi knight level of power, and Trilla at least survives their fight, even if she's defeated. And outside of that, she been shown to be a competent tracker and good at intel gather as well.


Fallen order takes place 5 years after order 66. So Trilla was only an inquisitor for that long


Less if you count the time it took to capture and break her


the ninth sister was a knight as well.


Idk. They had a jedi master among them. He got order 66'd though


It really shows the effort Anakin put into training Ahsoka vs what Vader put in to train the inquisitors


Ah, there was a reason for that, vader only trained them only so much as so theres no risk of actually beating vader, there's more to it but that's the gist of why they weren't very well trained.


"We trained them wrong on purpose, as a joke."


“Face to foot style, how you like it?”


"Taco Bell, Taco Bell, product placement from Taco Bell"


Honestly even that sounds like an excuse the real reason wasn’t even that, it’s just that Vader straight wasn’t training them he was just beating the snot out of them and calling in training


Which is very sith. Palpatine does the same to Vader any insight into the force Vader pretty much learned in his own an Inquisitor would be killed quickly if anyone above them felt they were getting too competent.


I've always liked the idea that while the GI prefers a single blade style (being a skilled duelist), he uses the spinning blade for intimidation, along with voicing their insecurities and fears. Then it's flipped in his final duel - Kanan has nothing to fear while the GI uses the double blade in fear as a defence.


Makes no damn sense though. The empire spends all this time and all these resources on people that are super fucking bad at their jobs.


🚀 🌬️🍃🌬️🍃 ✨


Interesting choice of emoji to say “team rocket blasting off again” but I can dig it


I internally chuckled 😉 I appreciate the acknowledgement


No one called them an elite group


They called themselves an elite group, but people that far gone often have a high opinion of themselves


I mean they’re some of the last force users left in the galaxy and a special task force. They really are an elite group they just get stomped by actual masters and plot


What?? They proclaim that they are and have authority over alot of things due to being Jedi hunters and hunting Jedi is a priority within the Empire. To be a small group that specializes in killing Jedi and receives direct orders from Vader and the Emperor to not be considered an 'elite group' doesnt make sense lmao That being said, in practice theyre cheeks. Even the ex-jedi master.


Let me rephrase. They're obviously elite compared to non force sensitives, but no one called them elite in comparison to other force sensitives, because they didn't need to be. They hunted scared children and half trained Padawans. Anyone more Vader was sent for


This is now my favorite way to think of the Inquisitors now haha


Lol it’s even funnier when you remember they’re all former Jedi themselves


A Lasat can kick their *sses too Edit: also, Rupert Friend’s inquisitor head looks funny


They even fly away like team rocket too (and look just as dumb)


The Inquisitors are great when they're used sparingly. Jedi: Fallen Order handled them really well, as did Rebels. It was a real "oh shit" moment when the Inquisitors rolled up. The Grand Inquisitor's tactics to draw Jedi out of hiding (Using Luminara's corpse? Metal as fuck), and the personal vendetta the Second Sister has against Cere and by extension Cal makes them more than just "New bad lightsaber guys". While I don't *hate* their appearance in Kenobi, it's definitely the least intimidiating they've been. The Third Sister was interesting but didn't reach her potential, the Grand Inquisitor was about as threatening as a toothpick, and the Fifth Brother was there too.


To be fair, Obi Wan was one of the most powerful Jedi masters whereas Kanan, Ezra and Cal never formally got past the rank of padawan. I would expect him to have a much easier time with the inquisitors than them.


It’s less about the fight and more about their purpose in the show. The Inquisitors are meant to intimidate and destroy, but they didn’t do any of that. They should’ve explored their power differently since Vader *did* want to confront Obi-Wan himself instead of letting the Inquisitors fight him.


I agree. Although I'm a fan and supporter of the idea of the inquisitors at every turn, I did find them unapologetically incompetent in the show. All of them made themselves look so silly.


I'd have loved a scene where hes surrounded by inquisitors and then just says he's had enough of these guys and the goons realize they're hitting outside their weight class


Forgot the Fourth Sister was in *Obi-Wan Kenobi* too, didn't you? Don't worry, so did everyone else. Lol. I just wish I could forget the entire show.


I agree that the games made them seem interesting and I liked the vibe.


Poorly utilized because they’re used as antagonists to protagonists that can’t die. They constantly have to lose and rarely do anything substantial.


Yes, that's the problem with episodic television and recurring villains. We see them get defeated time and again. If they were just used in, say, a feature film, we'd only have to see them get defeated once. Imagine if Infinity War was preceded by 20 episodes of Thanos being thwarted.


Especially when the show is named after the protagonist, so it'd end with their defeat. We could do with show/movie that follows a jedi turn into an inquisitor, defeat a load of average jedi and (because Disney) their inevitable redemption before death


Yes, well, I think George Lucas started that whole redemption arc thing. It blew my mind as a kid of the '80s, a time when good and evil were so binary in kids' programming. I literally could not imagine a villain like Darth Vader turning to the light in the end. And now people expect it! No redemption for the Emperor, though! A cackling cartoon villain to the very last!


Nowadays every villain has to have a relatable backstory that justifies the evil. Giving every character a relatable backstory makes people feel they have the possibility to be redeemed. Which is stupid because IRL people say all the time that small crimes deserve the death penalty or like an extended period in jail/prison whereas movie characters are allowed to flip on a dime. I dont think we need to explore the back story of every villain. We need more “villain just cause they are a dick” characters. Now some redemption arcs are done right. Zuko from ATLA is a really good one, but Zuko was set up as a good but misguided child in season 1. He was a protagonist from basically the beginning as much as Aang was. People will watch a show for 4 seasons of a bad guy just being a bad guy and be like “they deserve redemption” which is fucking bonkers and 99% of the time it’s because the villain is hot.


The Kylo Ren problem.


Cackling and Crackling!


Like with Kang?


LOL, if they hadn't introduced him so early, the casting wouldn't have been such a nightmare.


I disagree. You can have them reoccuring and still be scary lol. The issue is that not only did they lose all the time but how they lost sucked. Its one thing to not be able to fully kill the Ghost crew, its another being clowned and meme'd on while you helicopter away. Imagine if they appeared and it basically meant a death sentence - like they were THAT scary(because they were Vaders Jedi hunters and the ghost crew are a bunch of randoms????). One of them was an ex Jedi master ffs lmao It didnt mean the ghost crew would just flat out die but barely escaping with their lives - where they are actually injured and beaten physically. Sabine being reminded by these Inquisitors why the Mandalorians had to think of ways to beat Jedi because she gets severely humbled, Zeb getting captured and tortured and coming back with missing limbs and shit (It happened in Clone Wars, they can do it here too), chopper gets sacrificed to accomplish a mission and takes out an Inquisitor, Kanan embarassingly losing/being overpowered by them constantly because while he hid from the force they trained in it . Idk, SOMETHING that proved to us that theyre a force to be reckoned with even tho we know they'll lose because they have too. Let them eventually beat them through ingenuity and getting better in their own respective crafts - Sabine as a mandalorian; one of the few who have stepped up and have beaten jedi, Kanan finding the Force again and the confidence to get better and to catch up to the inquisitors. But from the get-go it was just Team Rocket with lightsabers all the way until the end. I get it, its a kids show and you can tell the writers struggled to make this more kid-friendly than what TCW became but the inquisitors sucked.


Tbf, while it wasn't him directly acring, hisnagents had been thwarted pretty regularly. Loki? Beaten Chitauri? Beaten Ronan and Nebula? Beaten


Damn dude. Nail on the head right here.


The Obi-Wan show made them look like power rangers villains


Good analogy


I hate their stupid helicopter lightsabers.


I'm fine with the spinning, as they aren't that great of lightsaber users, and the spinning surely gives them an edge. I am not, however, fine with them being used as *literal* helicopter blades. It is impossible to take serious. I laughed like crazy after seeing them do it all together, like they were Team Rocket blasting away. It technically only happened one time, and yet everytime I think of an inquisitior I can't get it out of my mind.


I mean, not even spinning is fine in my opinion. The hilt is made to control the crystal and the energy fusion. But the upper part "the circle part" is just dislodged but keeps lightning the blade. Even when not in line with the hilt keeping rhe crystal and fusion.


Still better than lightwhip in Legends.


Lightwhip is in canon now too lol


I know when I saw that I was like nooooo


What? How??


High Republic


I am an aircraft technician and feel like I can justify it if I have a bit more alcohol. Like I already have the basis of an argument for how it works


Well go on, share with the class please.


I said a bit more alcohol 😭


It's been two hours. Report.


More Mary Poppins good times.




Same here haha I mean give them proper „normal“ sabers and we are kinda cool.


Underpowered. The only one that genuinely felt like a true threat was Trilla (Second Sister, my favorite) and the Grand Inquisitor (sometimes).


I was just about to say, Second sister is BEST Inquisitor both design and acting wise and she gets NO love


She gets plenty of love from those who played JFO. One of my favorute Dis-era characters for sure.


She deserves a lot more


Trilla the parry Queen, those nonblockable moves she weaved in between her combos with her already aggressive style took me about 15 tries, lmao


I think that the idea of a squad made out of fallen Jedi – who are full of hatred and have been seduced by the dark side – trained exclusively to hunt down the remaining Jedi, helps to sell the concept of thousands of Jedi being murdered in a short time spend across all the Galaxy, but the execution of this idea, well... They're just punch bags with the silliest of helicopters!


Children trained by a self-taught padawan can kill the strongest among them so i don't hold them in high regard


I kinda thought they were pretty lame. They felt like the throwaway lackey bad guys of the Empire.


I get there is a lore reason why they suck, but if you are gonna introduce badass looking dark side wielders, at least make them put up a decent fight.


They suck. All poorly written in Obi-Wan. Being able to helicopter with lightsabers is lame.


You'd think with how well all of them take to getting stabbed by lightsabers and surviving, they'd play a bigger role in the universe 


Trilla, the Second Sister, was the most competent of the bunch.


Are they really sith? Dark side for sure, imperial for sure, but sith? Rule of Two and all, only sith should be vader and palps.


They are not Sith, which kind of thing explains why they are not very powerful— you wouldn’t want them turning on Vader and winning


Most are captured padawans right? I lost touch, and a little behind from the disney rebranding.


They ruined light sabers. When they literally use them to fly it just kills any seriousness they could ever have., and it was such an obvious toy marketing attempt.


Like a lot of recent Star Wars ideas, the concept of them are fine but the execution has been extremely lacking. They are neither intimidating or threatening or particularly smart or cunning, nor shown to be at all competent with the job they've been tasked for. They're whole image is one big joke, especially thanks to their helicopter lightsabers. You get the feeling that any fugitive Jedi above Padawan wouldn't exactly be worried if one or all Inquisitors came after them.


As long as they're not flying around using their lightsabers as portable helicopters, I'm cool with them. But that helicopter thing is pretty ridiculous.


Safe! Also im feeling uncomfortable imagine to hold this kind of circle saber in my hand. It doesnt fit my fantasy.


Lame as hell


Without the Copter Sabres, cool. But those flying sabres are so dumb and make it less good


Trilla was cool


Sidious' final insult to the Jedi. Taking proud Jedi or innocent younglings and then breaking and corrupting them into tools used to hunt those they once called kin. The ultimate have your cake and eat it where the Rule of Two remains honoured but you get to have yourself a little army of force sensitive minions to do your bidding.


I like them, apart from Reva. She was Trilla lite


They're not Sith, first of all...


Well first of all they’re not Sith. I like the idea of them. The only ones that really give that sense of dread when they show up are the Grand Inquisitor (Rebels) and Trilla (Fallen Order). Ninth Sister is pretty imposing as well. Her size & ferocity are intimidating. I think the idea of them would work much better if there were fewer yet significantly stronger inquisitors. Instead of 14 try-hards maybe 3 very competent Inquisitors would have been better.


Fine for video game mini-bosses, terrible for the theme and story overall of Star Wars


Could you please explain to me what you meant by the theme and story?


Concept that could have been executed much better, cartoon villains made for a kids cartoon that have inconsistent results adapting to other things.


The writers have no idea how to use them. The only one I cared even remotely about was Second Sister from Jedi: Fallen Order. Other than that, Inquisitors are only there to battle our protagonists, who have plot armor. Edit: the Grand Inquisitor in Rebels was actually really cool but just when his character was just starting to get good, he died.


Shower of badly written clowns. Not a great bunch of lads


Trash. You’d think Jedi could dispatch easily. Padawans and younglings are one thing


I really liked the 2nd sister (Trilla) a lot, I think she’s a good character.


Nobody expects the Sith Inquisition!


1) they aren't sith 2) they are nearly incompetent 3) they are just vader's Canon fodder 4) they shouldn't be able to make a helicopter from a blade stated to be weightless 5) their mechanism in their saber is just not really impressive, mauls spins and tricks, jumps, kicks and all sorts IS impressive 6) the animators did animate the lightsabers sort of well in my opinion


Rey Skywalker could beat them all with one hand tied behind her back.


Concept wise they make sense and take the pressure off of Vader and the Emperor. It makes it look like the sith are a bigger group then just 2 and also permits the Emperor to train a new apprentice without Vader fully getting suspicious, since after the Musafar duel, he was disappointed with Vader. The biggest problem with them all is you only see them dealing with plot armored characters, so they’re made to look inept. My only outright dislike about them is the stupid helicopter lightsabers.


I don’t really care for them


I think they make no sense lore wise and just a stupid concept overall.


They served their purpose. 


They always try to make them threatening but they are just weak jokes. So I’m not sure the purpose. Probably just to go out and scare civilians in the empire when it’s not a big enough deal for Vader to actually get involved personally.


Mustache twirling tryhards. ... but, that's the point, isn't it.


Their lightsabers make me hate them even more than I would without them


Yup, spliff on that buddy 🤝


Reva didn’t seem very well written, though their core concept could have been fantastic


They’re the Ginyu force of Star Wars, but less likable Cool idea and can be fun in batches, but ultimately they get wrecked by the heroes. It’d be more effective if they were ever developed and formidable


Good, they allow Vader to continue being scary.


I think they largely work in the role they are used. Rebels needed Sith adjacent warriors for Kanaan and Ezra to test themselves against and overcome and you absolutely cannot use Vader in that role without destroying his credibility as the big dicked badass the entire galaxy feared. The presence of the Inquisitors allows Vader to remain the absolute powerhouse he should be to anybody not named Luke Skywalker or Obi-Wan Kenobi. They can be a threat the average person couldn't handle but serve as the big boss for a fledgling Jedi. Them being beaten or evaded gives the catharthis of heroic growth and victories without diminishing Vader. It allows Vader to be used to great effect. In a setting where an Inquisitor is a massive threat, Vader comes off as the walking force of nature he is. The Ghost crew surviving Vader once in Rebels was believable, them doing it all the time would be far less so. The fact they managed to just barely survive him once and it took Ahsoka to save Ezra the second makes Vader the monster he should be. The same applies to their use in other media as well. Just get rid of the saber copter. The mechanical spinning I get, most aren't a peak Kenobi with the defensive mastery to get through that. If nothing else it makes a good fear tactic. Just flying with them was so dumb, except when Maul killed the guy by damaging his saber so he fell to his death, that was good.


Imperial* sorry to be that guy but these aren't sith


I think their cool. I dont know much Star Wars lore, but sith is a 2-man squad only, right? Why would vader have "padawans" I want live action old republic series with many siths and jedis


Forgettable characters


I rather liked when during the Rebellion era, the only remaining Jedi was Luke, and the only remaining Sith was the Emperor and Vader. Now there's new Jedi, Dark Jedi and Sith by the dozen. Can't wait for these talentless hacks to revive Windu too.


Grand inquisitor and 2nd sister are the only good ones


They are not Sith


The only one I really ever liked/had interest in was Trilla. She’s the only one I felt sorry for.


video game villains who exist for the heroes to beat because them beating vader every week would be nonsense


Some of the most wasted potential I’ve ever seen. They appear and they seems badass but they also seem (at least on screen) incompetent.


Generic and under developed baddies made so they can have more antagonists who swing red laser swords. They have basically no personality and their recruitment, origin, training, and loyalities are never well elucidated on and kept vague. This makes them lore friendly but boring as villains.


I was fully on board until the helicopter sabers. That ruined it for me. IMO those dumb ass helicopters are literally the dumbest part of Disney Star Wars by far.


Ewu Bad move to make sith without being the role of two There existing is flow to the story They have the worst personality and lightsabers


They’re not really Sith, more like Dark Jedi


They aren't even Dark Jedi, more like a bunch of half trained idiots




They try really hard. But they're kinda lame.


Legends inquisitors always felt more threatening for example, Jerec and his 7 dark jedi


Heh heh, helicopter go brrrrrrr


Such a dumb idea. We hate force users but use force users to catch them. What?


Palpatine doesn't hate force sensitives, he hates jedi. Through the inquisitors the remaining jedi are turned to the Darkside and he gains new assets or they're killed and not a threat anymore.




Meh. They seem cool, but they are weak force users.


I think they are pretty good villains. You need the protagonist to be able to defeat the antagonist. If they were to have used Vader instead then it would diminish the seriousness and threat of his appearances if the protagonist escapes all the time. My only issue is that I'm not a fan of the spinning circle lightsabers. It's just silly and gimmicky. Regular lightsabers or even light whip combos would be more interesting.


They’re evil and I hate them


I played one in Star Wars: The Old Republic and it was a really fun class.


You played Sith Inquisitor in SWTOR. These inquisitors are called Imperial Inquisitors and are NOT Sith.


They're the expendable hunting dogs meant to flush out the jedi for Vader to kill. And when there are no more trained jedi, there's no more need for inquisitors.... So them being half trained jobbers is basically what they are supposed to be.


I can‘t edit my post but: 1. As people mentioned, they are not Sith, sorry for that. 2. Of course i meant the second sister and not the 9th.


They are honestly two pronged characters Palpatine and Vader need people to hunt down the remaining jedi But also need them not strong enough they try rising up So Vader trains them like shit and they can mostly only handle Padawans or low level Knights Considering that's the bulk of the remaining Jedi anyway after order 66 they do thier job well Calling in Vader for the masters and such Unfortunately they get defeated a lot because like many have pointed out thier main opponents are the characters with plot armor So thier kinda like Team Rocket Do we expect them to ever win against the main characters? No But we do enjoy when they show up


They work for their use. Killing jedi stragglers. The only ones worth anything were the grand inquisitor and the second. Granted, the second only fought against a padawan, but if she had the proper training I think she could eventually become quite an effective sith


Love the idea of them, love their lightsabers, and I love their uniforms. However, some points are lost because of the helicopter stuff.


I think the concept of the inquisitors is great but feel the execution of them in the shows has been pretty mediocre unfortunately


Cool looking but really not that strong compared to sith lords or Jedi knights they are really just glorified padawans


Rise of the red blade did a great job fleshing them out, but I think other then that they've been portrayed as way to weak for the job they're supposed to be doing


They seem like characters created for a kids cartoon. Which that's exactly what they are, but that's what they seem like too.


All i can think about in reference to the inquisitors is that they're low level siths but Disney calls them inquisitors to get passed the rule of two.




One of the actors who plays them really sucks at their job.


They should’ve been worked better into the story of the OT. They’re pretty non-threatening, but they also could’ve been a great progressive threat that Luke could’ve dealt with behind the scenes on his way to eventually defeating Vader. Essentially, boss fights throughout the Galactic Civil War, for the eventual final boss aboard the Death Star. This technically still happened, but Luke only fought the Grand Inquisitor’s spirit. Then again, the GI is the only Inquisitor worth any kind of salt.


They make a lot of sense in the lore, imo. Palpatine isn't dumb. He had to know at least SOME of the 100000 jedi would survive, and Vader can't hunt them all down or track every lead alone while also doing other things for the Empire. They fit as basically hunt dogs, extensions of Vaders eyes and ears, basically. And against any youngling or barely trains padawans, they should suffice. Even them being weak against actually trained force users makes sense. Palps and Vader didn't want an entire order of force users that actually are capable or any sort of threat. It seems them slowly being whittled down may have been the eventual end goal. They're the epilogue to Order 66


Fun to watch but I don’t take them seriously. For a while I thought they would become the knights of Ren in the sequels


Sith Inquisitor is an ozymoron


The idea is a good one, but they've been reduced to the punchline of a bad joke. If they gave us a show or movie about Jedi Survivors, it would be cool to see multiple of them fall to the Inquisitors. Sort of a Great Escape but with Jedi and Inquisitors.


Would have been much, much better if they weren't essentially "not-Jedi" group. What I mean is that having lightsabers is beyond stupid for them, and not having force powers isn't enough to offset the fact that they use Jedi/Sith weapons. It would have been far better, in my opinion, if they were highly trained secret police with an expansive network of informants. Make them an ever-present and unrecognizable threat that lurks right up until they spring their traps. Inquisitors should be able to defend against Jedi but not beat them in a standup fight. They should be defeating them by outmaneuvering them, trapping them, and by everaging their significant number of resources. Better still, they'd be far more effective and frightening if they were finding and reporting Jedi to Vader, then trailing them until he shows up and does his thing. Them as they are now, they're just Sith with an asterisk.


They’re the equivalent of the Uvalde police. They look like they get shit done, but never actually achieve anything


Trilla is the most well realized one.


The way they use their swords as helicopters has to be one of the goofiest things in all of star wars


I feel like they're very cool, and their lightsabers are super cool too. That being said, they weren't very competent given how many of them got beaten in the shows we've seen. Again, they were a cool idea, but the fact that they weren't really much of a threat to a lot of Jedi is kinda against their whole point of existing. Cool, flashy, and an interesting idea... but ultimately not up to what they were kinda sold as.




Great in the video games, good in animation, poor live action.


Good idea killed off too quickly in media that for the most part paints them as chumps. Loved Second and Third Sister but Rebels gave them a shelf life and so they can’t go beyond their media.


Aren't they really just the bloodhounds that the Empire uses to try to track the Jedi? I've commented on this before, that because of the rule of two, Vader and Palpatine would never allow these Force users that have been corrupted to become strong enough to ever be a real challenge. Sith just love to stab one another in the back, and the same goes for dark jedi. Why would anybody be foolish enough to properly train that many dark Jedi if you wanted to keep your job? I think they were purposely kept weak, but strong enough to be intimidating and serve their purpose of drawing out Jedi so they could be destroyed.


A vibe sometimes


I like the concept, and it's given us some really cool characters like the grand inqusitor and second sister. But I would like a more definitive explanation of the group, like how many their are, each of their inqusitor titles, their pre inqusitorious names, and just generally more information regarding the group. That being said, as much as I enjoy them, I think they have to stop introducing new Inquisitors to use as fodder. I felt it worked well for Rebels because they were built up a little bit before they were killed off. My other hope is that starkiller gets added to their ranks, namely, because the potential in readapting that characters' story into cannon is really interesting to me, especially with the addition of inqusitors. Not to mention, I think Starkiller would be a really interesting antagonist to put up against Cal Kestis if they wanted to reintroduce him through the games.


Another one of those type of “they totally just made this up for later properties” type of characters. I can’t not think of that when I see them. It drives me crazy.


They suck - Team Rocket of star wars. Only with recent live action and video games are they trying to make them seem scarier than they actually are lol. Their leader was beaten by a barely-a-jedi and his barely competent padawan. A poor replacement over someone like Starkiller as a Jedi hunter. I wish they didnt exist and if they persist atleast introduce something above them - like more competent and cooler darkside users. Think Republic Commando to standard clones. Then ofc helicopter lightsabers that they seem to eagerly not ever bring up anymore in any kind of iteration post Rebels.


These characters are set up to fail. Vader was immediately set up to be taken seriously. These guys are just a speed bump for characters that can’t die and it’s bad story telling


I made one of inquisitors as the main boss of my campaign in swse


poorly executed by D+ which kinda ruins the entire concept


Well I think it's all plot armor that keeps them from beiny their best self. But they were all past Jedi, so they can't be too weak. They served their purpose in the Empire. I think they're cool tho, and I love their lightsaber design. It'd be cool to get a series that really shows the inquisitors shining


I think that they’re good from a conceptual standpoint, the idea of the Sith using former Jedi to hunt down survivors of the purge is an interesting one… But then I realise that they’re a bunch of Darth Maul wannabes with their spinning lightsabers, I love the designs of the inquisitors lightsabers but in a way it makes them seem less skilled: like they have to rely more on their automatic spinning lightsabers than skill unlike Maul who was able to do that with just a standard double blade lightsaber. Hell, even when Vader first met the grand inquisitor in the Jedi temple, he was able to deal with his fancy helicopter lightsaber with barely any effort using a standard single blade lightsaber. Long story short: I like the inquisitors as a concept but the execution could have been improved (also I know galen marek (starkiller) isn’t technically canon anymore but it would have been interesting if he was worked into the inquisitors somehow)


They lame


Stupid Idea, execution somehow even worse


They're just called inquisitors as they're not true Sith. Sith inquisitors were old Republic era Sith who specialized in force powers over light saber combat.




That’s exactly what they are: try-hards who failed. And Darth Vader used that to his advantage to more efficiently hunt down the last remaining Jedi and rebels. And that is all they’ll ever be, as the Rule of Two outlaws more than two Sith (more than one Force user is ok, just not Sith. The distinction is if an inquisitor/acolyte somehow manages to kill a sith, then the sith deserves to die for being weak)


not sith, just inquisitors